Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 39: Forgetting the adults

"Are the gifts for the empress ready, Lina?" I could not afford to make more mistakes for now.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good, if I send a signal, please bring them over."

I calmly directed her as I looked down at the dress I was wearing. An extravagant and gorgeous white dress that could not be said to be modest. It has pearls in the middle and emeralds with goldwork, it was a symbol of purity and royalty. My head was adorned with all the possible pieces of jewellery and so was the necklace I was wearing.

I was by default a sociable character. I could talk to strangers and ask for dances, but after marriage I kept myself bound, to maintain the pride and image of the wife of Cassius. But this would not happen today.

As I walked out of the room I saw Killian entering the chamber.

"Good afternoon, your highness."

"Good afternoon, Killian. Ready to go."

"Yes, your highness."

"Good, you are looking good Killian." he was wearing the fitted tunic, which was cut into four sections that were seamed at the centre back and at the sides and fastened with buttons centre front. It has a heavy leather belt decorated with metal and jewelled brooches encircling the hips only a few inches above the hem. Sleeves were elbow-length. The undertunic, of similar cut, had long sleeves, buttoned to fit closely from elbow to wrist.

His dressing style was just like his father.

He smiled at my compliment as we started walking towards the carriage. We both sat together as the other side was taken by Rosella, our knight and escort for today.

As we settled ourselves he kept looking at me. When I eyed him, he hesitated, as he spoke "you are looking very pretty, your highness." his ears turned red as he complimented me.

I laughed, with an itch to ruffle his hairs, but I stopped as I knew his hairs that were combed back, will be ruined.

I know I could be stunning, alluring, beautiful, but not pretty. I did not have that innocence left in me. My features were also sharp, giving me the look of a Villain that I was. But still, my heart melted at his shy comment.

"Why would I not be? I had to compliment my son, otherwise, you would feel ashamed in giving me company.`` I teased him further.

"I would not, your highness.'' He spoke seriously. His eyes filled with determination.

Oh my, did he not even understand the jokes! What kind of adult life he was living.

I nodded my head, faking seriousness too, "alright then, I am depending on you."

"I will not disappoint you, your highness," he spoke again with the same grave voice.

I could even see Rosella biting her lips to stifle her laughter. she was looking at Killian with curiosity, as her eyes were twinkling.

"I am assured now, Killian, thank you," I replied with a smile as he swore to protect and to honour me.

But somewhere it felt that these words were not meant for a kid like him. If only Cassius would have ever said those words to me.

As the thought crossed my mind, my cheerful smile vanished and darkness filled my heart.

Rosella saw the changes in me as she changed the conversation to her,

"Your highness, you are forgetting something," she spoke to fill the silence.

Both i and Killian turned to her as she looked at me with her big bright eyes.

"Yes. Killian, did you remember? I have told you about a childhood friend who wanted to be a knight.`` I asked him with a smile.

When he nodded, I could see he had got the gist of the matter but I continued,

"This is my childhood friend, sir Rosella. She is serving me as my knight now." as I introduced Rosella bowed her head in front of us as she continued,

"It's my honour to serve your highness and lord Killian."

"There is no need to be so formal Rosella. There are only three of us in the carriage." As a woman, I invited her to protect me from the carriage.

While the other two knights were following us on their horses with a carriage for maids and gifts from behind.

"Ok then, Killian, tell me, how many sword techniques have you learnt," she asked with her twinkling eyes.

"Two, but I would learn the other two methods soon," he added as he did not want to sound weak.

"Oh, then tell me how much distance you can manage to hit the bull's eyes from the arrow. You know I am a master of archery." she boosted herself hitting her chest.

So unladylike but perfectly suiting her armour.

"I can hit bull's eye with closed eyes, much less distance," he replied with pride,

"Oh then I would like to see that." she challenged and he nodded.

And so as they continued. I was amazed to see how they jumped from archery to sword-wielding. Then they discussed combat techniques, which ended up in the types of daggers. Then they discussed horses like long lost friends.

They completely forgot about my presence as they continued. I did not know whether to laugh or cry looking at their faces. As they both were listening to each other's achievements with big bright eyes and total amazement.

They finally stopped talking, when the carriage stopped. Indicating that we had reached. Rosella coughed as she cleared her voice. Her expression turned blank. As she adjusted her back in a calm and collected knight's image, completely opposite of the way she was before.

Even Killian turned silent and sat straight like an adult, oh he was much better on the way. It looked like Rosella could help me in bringing his childishness back.

"Your highness, we are here." announced a maid as she knocked the door gently.


Rosella opened the door of the carriage as we all came out in front of a grand palace.

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