Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 57: did she finally die

I had to stifle a laugh at this, this angry Marianne was just like a frisky cat whose milk was at stake. She was ready to show her nails at every spoken word.

After a long time I wished to irritate her more, since she had annoyed me for a year, why not return the favour.

Just then Ian came running to me and told me about the emperor's attendance. And here I thought I could have a minute for myself.

"Excuse me, I have to go," I said and turned back without waiting for their reply.

As I walked to the sitting room, I saw the man, who used to be my friend, the present emperor of Forchestire empire,

"Glory to your majesty" I greeted him bowing a bit.

He looked at me with a smile, but it could not hide his strained face. What could have been expected from a man who just had his second marriage?

"Cassius, how was the sword practice of Killian?" he asked, initiating the conversion.

"You would have called me, your majesty. Why did you bother to come to yourself? ``I replied as I sat on the sofa, as the head seat was occupied by him.

"Since I was in the need Cassius, it was only right for me to come." he replied then after taking a pause, he continued, " as you know, the trade which was stopped from past 100 years from the empire was started again, we need a group of members in both countries to see that their traders were treated well.

And as their representative, Katherine's cousin brother is coming after three days."

"Of course I know your majesty. I was the one who made all the reports. I was the one who informed all the details to the royal court.`` I scoffed. He was not changed a bit, he still beat around the bust rather than coming straight to the point.

He sighed, he must have guessed my inner thoughts. He knew me that much.

"Can you stop being sarcastic now Cassius! I am your emperor now." though he was complaining his voice was tired.

"I apologise, your majesty. But I am sure you have not covered such a long distance just for informing this," I replied, this time a bit more politely.

He nodded, "I want you to put Phillip under you. And if possible provide him logins too." he replied gravely.

"Your majesty, I can understand he would work here. But why would he live here?'' I asked, bewildered. The place had more than hundreds of luxurious rooms.

"You know I had recently married again, Roseland and Katherine are not on good terms. I never wanted to do this second marriage, but father used my promise that I would fulfil his one wish without any question to me.

In this period, if Philip lived there and saw both of them fighting, then it would not be good for this peace treaty." he explained but I was still not convinced.

"Your majesty, then you should make sure that both of them don't fight. Even if prince Philip lived here, what if the empress complained to him? It's not like they would not meet at all" I advised as this was a very sensitive topic.

"I know, but Katherine did not look like those women who complain about everything to their family.

And you know Rosalland is a bit short-tempered." he explained but all his excuses were ridiculous.

"A bit, your majesty."

"Alright, very short-tempered. But it is difficult for any woman to share her husband.

And at least I am treating Katherine better than you are treating Marianne," he smirked and I scowled.

"We both know that I don't love her.'' I defended myself.

"So do I, yet I am giving her the time and respect she deserved." he added, "now since the matter is discussed I will take my leave." he put down the cup of tea and stood up.

The matter was far from being finished. But I knew the decision was already taken. I sighed as I took my cup of tea, the maids came forward but I raised a hand to stop them. The tea was like my life cold and bitter, but I drank all in a gulp.

I walked out of the sitting room and sat to take the dinner when I heard the commotion. Just when I thought that life could not be any more troublesome, something happened to prove me wrong.

I looked at Ian, who scurried out and only came back when I finished dinner.

"Your highness, there was nothing," he replied hesitantly.

I raised a brow as I put my fork and knife down.


He bit his lip, "your majesty, it was Isabella's maid that was crying in front of the chamber."

My brows furrowed, were her maids also gone mad with her?

"What for"

"She was- was saying that her highness had tried to kill lady Isabella by mixing something in the food," he replied hesitantly.

"Leave" as the words left my mouth all the maids left the room.

I knew I should not but I laughed, I laughed hard.

"So, did she finally die?" I asked coldly.

All the colours of Ian's face disappeared as he looked left and right. He ran to close the door as I looked at him amused. This child easily gets worried.

"Your highness, you should not speak words this casually." he scolded me and I nodded, I knew but I did wish that it was the truth.

As if understanding my expressions, he sighed, "no more would want that than me your highness. But we knew it was not the right way. Otherwise I had done this a long time ago." he replied. His voice was urging me and I knew he was right.

This was not the right way to punish them. We have to finish their whole generation and remove their name from the history of the forchestire empire only then I would be satisfied.

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