Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 78: His false statement

Lady Isabella had doubts that it was done by her highness, as lord Killian is just a kid to plot against her." appealed sir Mathews.

"My lord, just having blisters is not enough to claim that another person had tried to kill the applicant.

It could be the sign of some allergy too." defended Damien.

"Of course, it could be, but the point is, my client doesn't have an allergy to anything. And it's not only about blisters, she had food poisoning too." added sir Mathews.

Wasn't she in the palace, the next day? Roaming and chatting around, how could she have food poisoning then!

"These are the medical reports and other evidence, my lord. And this is the sample of dried flowers that were gifted to lady Isabella on her farewell." sir Mathews submitted everything to the clerk with a proud smirk.

"The reports do say that she had suffered a fatal disease due to eating poisonous food and allergy powder was used to create itching in her body, that resulted in blisters." the report was read for everyone to hear.

"But that did not prove that the food was part of the meal, lady Isabella had eaten in the palace. She had eaten food at other places also. Can the accusing party have any proof about that." asked Damien.

"My load, we have food samples of the dinner," he added proudly and Damien looked back at me, I shook my head and he closed his eyes.

We both knew that samples were false, I had not mixed any poison, even I won't do it now, that was not the way I wanted to get rid of her, I might be a villain but I was not a murderer for sure, not anymore.

"May I ask, sir, Mathews, how did they get the sample from the duke's palace?" asked Damien and Mathew smiled.

"We had taken the permission of his highness, to collect the sample the next day when lady Isabella was hospitalised, as a responsible man, his highness had not only accepted but even helped us in collecting them," he replied proudly and my eyes snapped to the man in question.

He was sitting there with a blank expression. First, he did not let me have a lawyer and now he even had helped Isabella in making false evidence against her so-called wife.

Did he not even care about his image now, or was it a way, to get rid of me completely. Whenever I thought that this was the last level of his stopping low, he always proved me wrong by doing it further.

Damien looked at me worriedly and I just shook my head, indicating that it was okay, I had stopped caring a long time ago anyway.

"My lord, the samples can be changed too," added Damien.

"Are you doubting his highness capability, sir Damien," asked Mathew rebuking and Damien shook his head.

"I am just saying that the same food had been served to her highness, and lord Killian too."

"It duchess Marianne or lady Marianne sir Damien, the person accused can not use the royal way of greeting, I thought you are well versed in basics of the law, sir Damien." he replied laughing, "it's alright, I guess new generation is always reckless and carefree." he taunted and I felt bad for Damien. He was one of the best lawyers in his class yet he was getting rebuked here because of me.

"And if it's about eating food together, things can be mixed in a particular plate too, sir Damien." he added "my lord, the poison was found in the soup and pie, both had sufficient liquid to get things minced easily." his stance was strong, I had never thought that Cassius would help them. 

If not because of him, the case would have already been ended.

"I agree with your point, sir, Matthew. But I want to know how the soup that gets stale so easily was kept in the lord chamber securely for taking samples the next day. Shouldn't it be discarded the same day if was left any, much less the leftover soup of Lady Isabella's bowl?" 

"Wouldn't the culprit get rid of it, the moment lady Isabella would leave the premises." he asked amused, "or was duchess Marianne waiting for lady Isabella to come to take proof so that she could get punished." many stifled a laugh at his statement and I shook my head. I should trust him more, it's just I was afraid of dragging him into my mess.

"That was the foolishness of duchess Marianne, what could we say in this." that bald man, stuck to his point, trying to prove me wrong.

"But there is no proof that this is the same soup." Damien too stuck to his point.

"We can ask his highness as a witness." added the bald man again.

And everyone's eyes turned to Cassius.

"But the one who was going to pass the judgement cannot be a witness" added Damien not letting Cassius come to the witness box.

"In that case, I will not pass the judgement, sir Halmington will'' he added as he descended the stairs.

A loud gasp and murmurs filled the room, everyone was surprised at his decision. He had given the right to make decisions just for confirming a proof was something no one had expected.

I bit my lip to stop myself from cursing him. Why was he so adamant to give his wordings against me, that he was ready to leave the right to preside over the case. There was something wrong with the whole scenario.

He walked to the centre of the room and sat on the chair, designated to the witnesses.

"Your highness, kiss the book."

He kissed the book. "Your highness, were you the one who helped lady Isabella in collecting the samples of soup from the lord's chamber?" asked Mathews and Cassius nodded.

"yes, I was the one who helped lady Isabella in collecting the shreds of evidence."

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