Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 81: end of the case

"I would like to call the palace maids, my lord"

Norma and Kate walked to the centre, but unlike others, they kept standing. Servants don't have permission to sit in the court session. 

"You may kiss the book"

"Norma and Kate, is it, you both are the personal maids of the duchess Marianne?" asked sir Mathews.

"Yes, sir."

"Hmm, how much time has passed to you serving there."

"It will be a year on 12 August, ten days from now. Sir"

Only then did I remember, my first marriage anniversary was around the corner. And here it feels like, ages have already been passed, and now it's time for separation.

"What are your views about the behaviour of your master, Lady Marianne towards you?"

They both looked at me, and I wondered if the past would repeat itself and they would give their testament against me.

"You don't need to be afraid, if you think you will be punished later, I gave you my words that you will be transferred to another post after this case." said sir Mathews, and their faces turned horrified.

"Just look at their faces, my lord, they both are afraid of even speaking. Just imagine how much torture they had suffered in this past one year to be this afraid," he kept on blabbering and I shook my head, there is a limit to overestimate themselves.

"It's okay, I will guarantee your protection, you should not be afraid of speaking the truth"

"I am sorry, sir. But we are not afraid of speaking the truth, we are not even afraid of the terror or anger of our master, she is a very kind lady.

We are horrified at the statement that we will be transferred from the duchess chamber, we did not want to go. Her highness is like our mother."

Oh my, how old did these girls think of me, my soul may be old, but I am just 26 for now.

"What are you speaking, didn't I say, you don't need to be afraid, speak the truth, I said, speak the truth." he tried to pressure them but he didn't know that they were trained by my narrowed gazes and punishments in the past, his authoritative voice would not be of any use.

"We are speaking the truth, sir. Her highness had some problem in adjusting when she was new, but who doesn't! and now she is a caring mistress, she is even teaching us how to read in our free time, who does that for the servants.

We talk and laugh, she even let us crack jokes, and.."

"That's alright, but I had heard that she had punished you severely many times," he emphasised.

"Who had not punished his servants if they had made some mistakes. And if have been punished as severely as you are pointing, would we have been standing here this way, we are healthy and rosy, my mother said my complexion has been improved too" they kept on blabbering and the face of the lawyer kept turning red, if possible he would have shouted at both of them who were discussing their complexion and beauty tips by standing there.

I had to stifle a laugh many times to keep the image of an accused party.

"Alright, you both can go." sir Mathews said in a pitch higher tone.

"Any other witness, sir Mathew," asked Damien with a smirk.

"I want to call his highness again." and here goes the train downhill again.

Cassius walked back and sat on the chair. Wasn't he busy today!

"You may kiss the book" 

He kissed the book.

"Your highness, how is the behaviour of her highness, towards the servants of the palace."

Cassius looked at him like he had heard the biggest joke of the century.

"Do you think I am that free, that I will gossip with the servants about anything, let alone my wife's behaviour?" He had that same disdainful face that made others feel humiliated.

"I mean, have you ever seen lady Marianne abusing others or hurting them physically," he asked in a pleading voice and I wondered how much it would work.

His eyes met mine, there was something strange there but before I could delve further, he looked back at sir Mathews, "none that I heard of."

"Are you sure, your highness" he almost knelt down to get an affirmative answer.

"Why have you called me if you were the one who has to give the answer." his words immediately shut the lawyer.

"Do you want to call anyone else sir Mathews, sir Damien?" asked sir Halmington.

Both shook their head

"No my lord" with that they both bowed.

"Since there is no proof against her highness, the court dismissed the case, and the servant in question should be  found soon, and taken by the guards for further enquiry." With that, he stood up and went out and soon others followed.

How much difference I had created in the past no one took my side, but now even Cassius showed the conscience to speak the truth at the end.

Just when I stood up, Killian came and hugged my waist.

I smiled and held his hand, "come, Killian, we are going to meet your grandparents." with that I walked towards my parents it had been 1 year for them, but for me it was ages.

Every step felt heavy and hard, but soon I was hugging them with all my might.

"Killian this is your grandmother marchioness Diana Essendson And this is your grandfather marquees, George Essendson.

"It's nice to meet you grandmother, grandfather." he slightly bowed to give them respect, but my mother took him into the hug, leaving me, while my and father laughed from the sidelines looking at Killian's face, he was looking like a frightened bunny trapped suddenly.

"I know you can never change. You forgot me just when your case is done, huh!" came the disappointed voice of Damien from behind.

And I turned back and hugged him too.

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