Chapter 322: Never Ending Rage Part 1

Charmeine had finally reached her destination after the long search. Through the wastelands of Victoria, the endless destruction left in the wake of the Garden, her goal was in reach. A destroyed Titan sitting on the edge of a village hidden deep in the woods. Walking through the village, she found the residents covered in the snow lost to time. As she passed the edge of the village, she glanced down, smirking to herself. "For the legendary hero you were made up to be; you simply died just like the rest of them. The Phantom, truly more bark and less bite. Although it wasn't like you ever stood much chance against her. Now then…. Shall we end this, Athena?" Looking up at the Titan, Charmeine placed her hands into her jean pockets, ascending into the lone Titan.

The hollow tree was barren and empty; the whispers resulting from the Garden were nothing more than a distant echo of the past. Its source withered away by the storm. The tree mainly was dead, with only a single source of Garden energy coming from the centre. Approaching said energy Charmeine came across her prize. The Stage of Grief Anger condensed and frozen just like the other countless victims. The young girl was curled up, her eyes staring onwards. She had bloody and loose bandages covering the rest of her body where the golden armour she wore had shattered. Placing her hand onto the crystal, Charmeine smirked. "After all the trouble you caused us, all the lives you snatched with that never-ending rage, look at you now. Tied down to this place frozen like anyone else. I almost feel sorry for you, but alas, the Garden holds no time for sorrow.  We're never going to get another opportunity like this again to take down quite possibly the most dangerous Stage of them all. While Depression has its puppets and Acceptance is tricky, you have the most basic yet powerful trait of them all. The willpower to never give up, even in death. I suppose that's why they always called you the warrior of the Garden. While our time together was fun, this is where it finally ends, Athena Barks."

Raising her hand, ready to strike, Charmeine was torn from her spot as the ground began to shake. Moved only back slightly, she looked around confused. "What was that all about? I've been noticing earthquakes more and more. I should get this over and done with quickly before Nine comes looking for her."

Charmeine turned back to the crystal, moving her hand forward only for Anger's vision to turn on her. Startled, she missed her attack as the crystal shattered and Anger burst out, choking Charmeine. Moving her head around, Anger stared down Charmeine with obedient eyes. "You. Four, you slimy bastard. How fitting you're the first person I see when I awake."

"Athena!" Charmeine coughed, trying to fight back. "You bitch, you had to wake up now of all times!"

"You came to kill me, but that's impossible. I cannot die by the likes of you; I can feel the anger building up inside you. Do you still blame me for the death of three?"

"I came to make sure nothing like that happens again!"

Anger clenched her fist tighter, hissing in Charmeine's face. "My hatred it swells…. Do you feel it, the never-ending rage? It's so much stronger than ever, eating away at my mind! It won't stop, never dying always sinful! You cannot kill me! No one can kill me; the Garden grows forever, as do I. You, however, take your final breath here!"

Charmeine lost all strength in her hands as she perished by the pure force of Anger falling to the ground. Anger took serval heavy breaths leaving her Titan looking out to the world beyond. "I can feel you. I can feel the other me. Zinnia Trost! Our paths crossed once, and like fate, they will cross time and time again until one of us falls. My hatred it swells…."


Zinnia awoke in a frenzy screaming in a cold sweat. The pain she felt from her death in the pocket world still lingered on briefly before fading away. She held her head, dazed, still coming to terms with what happened, dying seemly a second time. Feeling a strange sense whisper to her, it soon faded as she was brought back to her senses by Tempo. "So, he got you too, huh?"

Tempo stood staring up at Alton in his frozen prison, arms folded. "Tempo…. I mean Six. What happened?"

"What does it look like? We were forced out of that horrid world, bah! That Alton may have won the battle, but the war is far from over."

"Wait…. Tempo talks like that. Does that mean?"

"Yes, yes. Coming back here broke the connection with Six. I have control over myself for now. What a nightmare this has all become."

Zinnia looked around, troubled as she whispered. "Where's Adam?"

"Adam, oh, you mean Bargaining. I couldn't tell you him and that Henry boy was gone by the time I awoke. But enough on that. The real question remains. What do we do about him?"

Zinnia stood up, standing beside Tempo staring at Alton, now more conflicted. "He was completely lost to Ten. During our battle…. I couldn't even see a single echo of Alton in there. It was like he was…. Like he was dead."

"The others are hard at work fighting the boy, yes? The question remains, though, even if they win, who will come back to us? Alton or Ten? I think waiting for that moment and taking the risk is far too dangerous. I say we kill the boy while we have the chance."

Zinnia didn't say anything at first. She didn't even try and defend Alton like she used to do. She saw first hand just how far he fell, and now, she wasn't sure if he could ever come back. She knew deep down, as a hero, she would be the one to make the most significant sacrifice. "I…. Agree."

"You do? My, I did not expect you to agree to my terms so suddenly. Let us remind each other what we are about to do isn't out of hatred or our own self-interest but instead to save this boy from the torment and suffering by the hands of Ten."

Zinnia looked down at her hand, finding it constantly shaking. Gripping it tightly, she whispered to herself. "Isn't out of hatred?"

"Would you want me to do it for you, Zinnia?"

"No…. I'm the one who pushed this far from the very beginning. All of this began the moment we met. Monty, Team Rhapsody, The Garden and V.I.R.A.L., All of it began because I forced Alton to fight for his life…. It's time I take responsibility for my actions." Zinnia whispered, drawing her blade approaching Alton. Holding her sword tightly, she gave Alton one more stare, nodding. "You would do the same if it was me, wouldn't you, Alton?"

Readying herself to do in the deed, Zinnia tried finding any excuse not to. Anything to stall for time or hesitate, but alas, there was none. That was what Zinnia needed to do. Taking serval deep breaths, already feeling overwhelmed, Zinnia was ready to take the plunge when a hand held onto her arm, stopping her. Zinnia turned, stunned to see Sam standing there bleeding from the mouth, struggling to stand with a simple smile shaking her head. "He's still in there."

Zinnia turned her attention to Sam as she collapsed to the ground Zinnia held Sam in her arms, panicking as she kept bleeding. "Sam…. Sam, please hang in there. Don't die on me, please. Alton needs you!"

Sam gripped Zinnia's hand smiling. "Alton hasn't needed me for over six years. He's had you to make sure of that. I know he's still in there…. You can still save him. I know you can. I'm sorry we couldn't meet sooner, but Zinnia knows this. I was honoured to finally have the chance to meet the girl who stunned Alton Brantley. I'll…. I'll leave the rest to you, please. Don't give up on him."

Sam's hand trailed as it dropped to the floor. Zinnia stared on in shock, shaking Sam. "Sam…. Sam no. Stay with us. Please don't do this! Sam! Sam!"

Soon enough, the others too began to wake up from their slumber as Iris was the first to approach dazed, to say the least. She fell to her knees, staring at Sam, tearing up. "You liar…. Why did you always have to play the hero?"

Harmony approached Tempo shaking her head deflated while Destiny watched from a distance, devastated. The leader of Hero's Might, Sam Belling, was dead sacrificing herself aiming to be the best hero she could be right till the very end….

Tempo looked at Alton tutting. "I don't want to ruin the moment, but if everyone else is waking up, that means he will too. We have to finish this now!"

Zinnia jolted up, blocking off Tempo's assault, holding her blade up. "You keep away from him; you hear me! I'll fucking kill you if any of you try anything! You hear me?!"

"We don't have time for this! He will wake any moment and slaughter us all! Sam was the only one strong enough to stop him, and she's gone! He'll take us out one by one like it's nothing, and then Sam's sacrifice would be for nothing!"

"I don't care about that! Sam wouldn't want this; we can save him! We have to!" Zinnia roared, her anger and rage swelling up as her eyes flashed yellow for a short moment making everyone step back startled. "I'll fucking kill all of you before anyone can lay a finger on Alton!"

"What the hell?! She's one of them!" Harmony yelled as everyone stood their ground.

"Zinnia?" Iris whispered, horrified. "Zinnia, is that you?"

Zinnia clenched her fist, turning to Alton holding her head, feeling a constant rush of anger dig at her. She began panting, tearing up. "Please don't take him from me. He's all I've got left."

Jehovah stood by Zinnia's side, yelling. "No one is allowed to hurt Zinnia!"


"Zinnia, please, just calm down. Something isn't right. You're not in the right state of mind."

"I don't know what's happening to me…. Everyone, it hurts. I feel so much pain and sorrow. The anger, I can't control it!"

"Could she be?" Destiny whispered.

Before Zinnia could react anymore, the wall behind Alton shattered as dust blew everywhere and the crazed storm hailed in. Zinnia was pinned against the wall, held up strangled as everyone stood back dazed. Anger stood holding Zinnia up, grinding her teeth. "Zinnia Trost, can you hear it too? The never-ending rage?"

"YOU!" Zinnia screeched, squirming around at the sight of Anger. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"

"So much anger and rage it is you. It is you, after all. The other part of me missing."

Zinnia began coughing, holding Anger's arm, panting, losing her strength. "What are you talking about…."

"Haven't you figured it out by now, Zinnia Trost? Have you figured out how you are still alive after clearly dying? We are the same, two parts of the same Stage. You, Zinnia Trost, are one of the Stages of Grief better known as Anger."

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