Chapter 325: The Girl in the Shadows Part 1

No human had stepped foot inside the Garden ever in history. Since the first fall of humanity, knowledge of the Garden was stripped away. Hidden from the people of Victoria by V.I.R.A.L. Over time, people simply forgot the horrid war and events that had played out hundreds of years ago. However, it wouldn't be until one fateful day when the Garden and its secrets would reveal themselves to one unfortunate girl on the verge of losing everything.

Bargaining descended from the Titan approaching Stella, who was sitting by herself admiring her own garden. Taking care of the flowers grown around, she stopped turning her head with a curious look. "Adam Berry. You don't come down here often; what can I be of service to you?"

"We have a problem, Stella…. A human has somehow wandered into this realm." Bargaining informed. "Depression discovered her a while ago. We were going to dispose of her, but there's something else…."

Stella gave a faint nod watering the plants sighing. "Do you like what I've done with the place, Adam?"

Bargaining, slightly confused, look around, shrugging it off. "I suppose so…. But."

"Yes, I understand." She spoke, standing up tightening the bow on her head. "Bring me to the girl."


Stella and Bargaining ascended into the hills just outside of the main town. There the two Depressions stood staring down on a single girl tied up, showing no sign of resistance. The two looked up, acknowledging Stella's presence. "Stella. I found this trout sniffing around the town. Luckily no one spotted her before we poached her."

The woman picked the girl up, nodding. "As Me was saying, this human has managed to sneak into our Garden; should we dispose of her?"

"Please remove her restraints."

"I beg your pardon?" The woman croaked, turning to the man. "Why?"

Stella kneeled down, making eye contact with her emotionless girl putting her hands onto her chin. "Because clearly, this girl means no harm. Please do as I say, Depression. That goes to both of you."

The man snarled, ripping her restraints off stepping away. Both the man and woman began talking to each other as Stella smiled. "Hello there, I'm sure all of this must be very overwhelming for you. All of this was just one big mistake. I'll be happy to take you back to wherever you came from."

"No." The girl whispered, staring down at the ground, trembling. "Please don't send me back…."

Stella looked lost, looking to Bargaining for guidance, but he was just as lost. "I'm sorry, but this world isn't suitable for a human-like you. Even now, just being here for a short time will affect you. You'll be driven to madness and consumed by it. I can't have you stay here."

"Then just kill me."

Her eyes widened slightly as Stella kept her ground, taking a long breath. Taking the girl's arm, she saw scars and bloody cuts. The girl had bruising all over her face and a black eye to match. Her blonde hair was torn and draggy, not being washed for clearly weeks. As Stella moved closer to the girl, she retracted in fear. Stella smiled faintly. "Did they do this to you?"

Only replying with a nod, Bargaining shook his head with a tut. "Humans, I don't understand them. What do they get doing this on their own? You would think after the first war, they would have learned to get along."

"Now, now. Adam, not all humans are as barbaric as you make out. I've seen what humanity is capable of; there are heroes out there who wish to do good too."

"They are expectations. Suicidal idiots who went way too far to save others."

"Regardless." Stella shrugged off, standing up. "How did you get here?"

"I ran. Ran as far away as possible from them. Please don't send me back."

Stella turned her attention to Bargaining, sighing. "We can't have her stay here, and we can't send her back. Help her."

"If that is what you wish."

"I'm sorry to do this to you, Adam. Make it quick for her." Stella waited, holding Bargaining's arm, stopping him. "Wait a moment. If given a chance, could you kill them? They hurt you badly and ruined your life. Don't they deserve it?"

The girl shook her head, shocking the two. "No."

"No? I don't understand; anyone would hate them for what they did. That only makes sense." Stella tried arguing, confused.

"The only person I hate is myself. For not fighting back or running away sooner. The only bit of anger I feel is to myself."

Bargaining went to do in the deed before Stella spoke. "Stop…. I've changed my mind." Crouching down facing the girl, she held out a purple bud, the Stage of Anger. "My name is Stella; if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

"Athena…. Athena Barks."

"Athena. I must say from the start, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you were treated this way and taken advantage of time and time again. But you don't have to worry about that ever again. In fact, no one will ever hurt you, I promise that. That anger and hatred you hold for yourself, I want you to use that. Grip it tight and never let go; you have that anger for a reason; never forget that. It what reminds you you're alive. Take it, take it and start your life anew as one of my Stages of Grief."

Athena stared at the purple light in awe. Shakily lifting her hand, she reached out for the bud. The moment contact was made, the area was consumed by the purple light. Athena stared on her whole world changed as one of her blue eyes faded into the Garden's yellow. Her wounds began to heal, covered in bloody bandages. Holding her hand up, Athena started laughing to herself over and over, reborn a new and finally free. "Thank you, Stella."

"You're very welcome, Athena."

"Anger…. Please, I'd like to be known simply as Anger now. Athena just died. There's nothing left for the weak girl who ran away from her troubles."

Stella smiled, nodding. "I understand; welcome to the family, Anger."

"I hope you know what you're doing, Stella. Having a human take on one of the Stages of Grief can't be a good sign."

"Don't worry about its Adam. I chose you after all, did I not? One of the Ten Judgements, I believe anyone can be redeemed. Even humanity."

Stella took Anger's hand walking off. Bargaining stepped back, turning to the Depression twins. They looked just as troubled by this giving him a faint nod. Bargaining returned it sighing. "If you keep pulling these stunts, Stella, someone is going to take notice…."


Alton was pushed to his very limits, constantly overpowered by Anger's unrelenting power. Now unable to even fight back, Alton had to use everything he had just to defend against the might of Anger. Constructing a wall of ice, Anger smashed through it like it was paper, blasted back Alton slammed against the wall coughing up blood. Bleeding from the head, Anger propelled herself at him with no chance of escape. Quickly activating his Frigid Bite, Anger was stopped in her tracks, giving Alton enough time to pull himself up.

Gritting his teeth, he twirled his hand, sending a barrage of icicles at Anger, each one stabbing through her. Before time ran out, he swung his arm up, blowing the area apart, killing Anger once more. As time resumed, Anger collapsed to the ground bleeding out her bandages, now entirely red. Limping back, Alton was struck again by Anger rising from the dead even quicker, breaking his arm in an instant. Trying to counter-attack, Anger gripped Alton's arm, throwing him across the room and getting into a stance. "Stance seven, Final Strike." Alton wasn't able to avoid the onslaught as he was caught in a two-hit blow knocking him down one last time, coughing, unable to move. With one eye opened, he watched Anger stand over him, snarling with hate. Screaming, she snapped down, barking. "Final Stance, Stage of Grief Anger!"

Charging up, Anger was ready to end it with Alton's death close at hand; standing up, Iris smacked her hands together. Crushing Anger between two cubes stopping the onslaught. Panting heavily, Iris wiped her face trying to keep her best heroic smile. "Keep away from my friend!"

Anger turned her head towards Iris, not hesitating for a single moment lunging at the girl. Calling on as many cubes as possible, each one slowed her assault, even if barely shattering with a single blow. Jumping back, Iris held her hands out, letting the cubes move her to safety. Anger crashed down, spinning around, breaking through everything Iris sent through. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, stance nine. Crashing Blast."

Punching the air, a shockwave knocked Iris off course, sending her tumbling back, losing her cube. Falling, her eyes widened as Anger was already there finishing up her attacks. "No…."

"Final Stance. Stage of Grief. Anger!"

Iris stared on, horrified, unable to stop Anger's killing blow. As it inched closer, a voice echoed in Iris' voice, sending shivers down her spine. "Iris, Iris. You can't give up Iris, you're stronger. I know you are. Iris, you have to save everyone. Your friends, your sister!"

"That voice…. It can't be? Mother?" Iris whispered, lost in thought for a short moment before it was too late. Anger had struck, blowing the area apart as purple energy rippled through the building tearing the whole thing apart destroying all in sight….

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