Chapter 337: The Third Garden War Part 5

From the rubble and dust, Zinnia began coughing, throwing up feeling sick to the core. Pulling herself up slowly, she began stumbling around, hearing the screams of innocent bystanders' edge into her mind. She wanted to help, but her body wouldn't budge as she fell to her knees, struggling. From the dust, Chloe flew out, crashing into a burrow as Alton was taking on both Sub Stages at the same time. Pushed back, he kicked his leg up as fire separated him from Eren.

All she could do was watch in pain falling to her stomach. Then, feeling someone help her, she expected to see Alice only to be shocked overseeing Lucas pulling her up. "Can you stand Zinnia?"

"You, why are you helping me?"

"I didn't want any of this…. But, you're right, Zinnia, there is always a choice. No one had to die today." He whispered, helping her away. "That can't be Alton…. I refuse to admit it."

Zinnia held her head, struggling to remember. "Alton? I can't quite remember. We had just stopped Hans? No wait, that was before…. My head!"

"Easy, easy. You're lucky to be alive after that worm got into your head…. Can you stop him?"

"What, but why would I?"

Lucas began tearing up, begging her. "Please, Zinnia! He's going to kill everyone I care about."

"Just like how the Garden did to us," Alice whispered, looking ahead watching. "What gives you the right to question what we do? You killed everyone I ever loved. An eye for an eye."

Eren was knocked back as he fell to the ground holding his stomach in pain. Looking up, he flinched, seeing Alton standing over him. Sending serval blades around him, Eren desperately struck. The moment he did, Alton's pocket watch fell from his pocket, hanging from his hand by the chain as it froze over. The blades froze on the spot alongside everyone else. Alice and Zinnia found themselves unable to move as Zinnia flinched. "What's going on?!"

"Why has Alton frozen us? He only freezes people he sees as an enemy!" Alice whispered in a daze. "No way…."

Eren kept staring, horrified as nothing could save him. Finally, raising his hand, Eren was lifted into the air with Alton's telekinesis holding him in place. Slowly crushing his hand, Eren struggled, feeling a built-up amount of pain rip through his body as his stage was being torn from his body. Lucas could only watch, glued to the scene, unable to look away whispering. "Stop it…. Please stop. No, don't take him from me. ALTON, STOP!"

Alton pivoted his head towards Lucas, staring him dead in the eye. This was the first time both saw each other directly in over 400 years. While it was hurting, Lucas Alton didn't seem to care or even acknowledge the boy. He turned back to Eren, squeezing his hand together pulling back. Before Lucas could scream out again in desperation, Alton tore the bud right from Eren's body, his eyes widening before he fell limp. Throwing him aside, the bud fell into Alton's palm as he absorbed it into his chest, allowing the power to overpower him. Roaring back, he fell to his knees as scars began appearing across his face. Taking serval deep breaths, his eyes flashed yellow as the Stage of Pain was finally his.

Time resumed as everyone was able to move. Lucas fell to his knees, giving up on helping Zinnia as he stared at Eren's body, crying out, running to him. Alton simply watched before turning to Alice and Zinnia. "We're leaving. Do you know where to meet Alice? Alice!"

Snapping from her trance, she nodded. "Yes! The trunk of the first Titan."

"Good, take Zinnia. I'll meet up with Gemini. I'll see you all flipside."

The three dispersed before Bargaining could come in. He looked around at the destroyed village, pissed off to lose. "Damn it, Alton, you bastard…."

Turning his gaze, he saw Lucas sobbing over Eren's body, his handshaking. "No, no, you can't leave me. You promised we would see the sky…. Please Eren…. Dad. Please."

"We played right into his hand…. That wasn't Alton. Not in the slightest." Bargaining muttered, dropping his sword. "Just how far will you go to achieve your own goal, Ten?"


Having made his escape, Alton pivoted around where the first Titan once stood. The masses had fled the area while the Stages cleaned up the mess. Waiting for him was Gemini, who had cut her black hair to her ears with purple dye at the end. Seeing Alton, she let out a sigh of relief. "Alton, I'm glad you are alright. Zinnia and Alice?"

"They made it out, yes. You saved us back there, so thank you."

"It was nothing really. I'm just glad we got Zinnia; when you told me what happened, I was devasted. I couldn't let another friend fall to the Garden. Not her. Not Zinnia." Gemini muttered, struggling to keep her smile. "Did my attack kill anybody?"

"Quite a few civilians. It also assisted in taking down the Stage of Pain." Alton coldly claimed.

"Oh, I see." She whispered, looking troubled by this. "I guess I was hoping this would bring a bit of justice for what happened to Goro but…. This wasn't justice. It was murder. We killed them in cold blood. So no one had to die today, Alton."

Alton shrugged it off, breaking the trunk apart, throwing clumps away, looking through the wreckage. "We could say the same for Rhinefield. Scarlett, Monty, Goro, Emil, Iris. None of them had to die either."

"They just want freedom. To escape this dying world. Who can blame them?"

"If that was the case, then why destroy the world they want to live in. The Garden is nothing more than barbaric monsters who follow some stupid logic like a cult. They don't deserve the mercy." Alton shut down, looking to Gemini. "Did you gather the information I requested?"

"I did. Umm, only two of the three Sub Stages are in effect. The Stage of Hope hasn't got a host yet." Gemini stated, looking more nervous by the second. "And well, you probably already know this, but I could sense two Stages in Adam. Bargaining and Denial I believe the Garden doesn't know of that yet. He's hiding it from them claiming we stole the Stage."

Alton nodded, sitting down resting his legs. "I see good. So, your connection with the Garden does allow you to sense Stages. Interesting. You can rest well tonight Gemini, I'm sure you've made your sister proud."

Holding her shaky hand, Gemini took a breath, whimpering. "There's someth- Never mind…."

Alton raised his eyebrow, curious. "No, no, finish what you wanted to say."

"It's nothing…. Don't worry."

Standing up, Alton shook his head. "I want to hear you say it. Say it!"

Jumping, Gemini opened her sweaty palms nodding. "I can sense another Stage in you, Alton…. The Stage of Pain but. But that wasn't a part of the plan. We were just meant to save Zinnia. No one agreed to take more Stages…."

Alton sighed, holding his head in shame. "Do you remember when the Garden forced your sister into suicide? Bargaining's words were too much, and she couldn't keep her contract, so she took her life. You told me this a few weeks ago, remember? I also remember when he manipulated you into becoming Paradox, where you almost died damning your sister's memories out of spite and anger. Remember how instead of letting you die, Mortem forced you to stay alive, using you for their own gains. Or how about when Acceptance killed Goro. All of this from the very beginning was because of the Garden. Always the Garden. The more we sit idly by and let them grow in power, the more these horrible memories will multiply like maggots. Do you get that?"

"I-I do yes…. But this isn't the way. I can sense the fear in all of them. We should help them, put aside our differences and save them."

This got a dry laugh from Alton, who nodded in agreement. "Oh Gemini, Gemini, Gemini, Gemini. You are such a kind-hearted girl yet just as naïve. You remind me a lot of Zinnia but…. You see, having the ability to sense how many Stages will hinder my goal quite badly and well. Unfortunately, I can't have that. So I'm thankful for all you've done, Gemini, but I'm afraid I can't have you mouthing off my plan to the others."

Gemini stepped back, shaking, terrified. "Wait. Just wait a moment; let's just talk about this. I won't tell anyone. I promise it will be our little secret I. I- I don't understand, just help me understand."

Holding his arm out, a vulture landed on Alton's arm, blood dripping from his wings. Looking to Gemini, he shook his head. "You're right, our little secret."


Alice and Zinnia finally made it to the meeting point. Alice turned the corner, stopping in her tracks dazed. Alton stood with his back to them, blood dripping from his hand as Gemini lay on the floor, serval blades stabbed through her. Alton turned his head, seeing Alice and Zinnia staring at him in shock. "Oh, you made it good. We should go then."

"What did you do? Alton, what the hell did you do?" Alice whimpered, kneeling down to Gemini checking to see if she was alive. "You killed her."

"I did. The Garden's corruption was too much for her. Just being here sent her over the edge, and Bargaining got to her. She tried to kill me, so I put her out of her misery. Would you believe that?"

"You liar…. Gemini was free from the Garden's control…. She would never attack her friends."

Alton glanced to Zinnia, waiting a moment. "You believe me, right, Zinnia? I would never hurt any of my friends without reason. Gemini was a troubled girl who spent her whole life in the shadow of the Garden. I simply freed her. When have I ever lied to you, Zin?"

Zinnia stared blankly, her memories still hazy as she nodded. "Yes, I believe you, Alton."

"Zinnia…." Alice whispered, shocked. She wanted to find out more but knew she didn't have the time. "At least, at least let me bring her body back. She should be buried with her sister."

Alton didn't give it much thought shrugging his shoulders nodding. "Do what you want. We're done here. Let's go home." Picking up Gemini, Alice began leaving, feeling a sense of dread never leaving her as Zinnia soon followed. Alton turned to the destroyed village with a smirk. "All obstacles that stood in my way are gone. So I can continue with the plan. You need shed no tears today, Gemini, for tomorrow no one will have ever heard of the Garden, Fairy-Tale or Alton Brantley. That much I can ensure you."

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