Chapter 341: The Lying Kiss

Alton slouched up his back against the cell as he had dozed off waiting. He would be suddenly awoken to a loud commotion. "I'm sorry, Zinnia, but we've been told not to let you see him."

"Let me see him now! I have a right!"

"Easy, their hero, it's alright. Let her through." Riley informed.

"But Riley, we were told."

"Alice isn't here right now; I'm in charge so let her through."

The guards moved out of the way as Zinnia entered. Opening one eye, Alton tutted, keeping his guard up. "So, are you here to interrogate me for Alice? She sees me as the bad guy. Me of all people, if you're here to make it worse, don't bother."

"You shouldn't be in here. No matter what you did, this isn't right."

Alton gave a faint nod, slowly falling to the floor curled up. "You're right…. Being in here reminds me of when I was Mortem's pet for a few years. My room wouldn't be much bigger than this…. The isolation matches. I don't understand…. What did I do wrong?"

"I don't know. They won't tell me."

Alton glossed over his shoulder, sighing. "You too, huh? Ever since Iris Alice has lost the plot. She's trying to keep it all together, but it's only a matter of time. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they plan on taking my Stages and killing me."

"Kill you?! Alice would never do that; she's our friend!"

"You're not wrong there." He spoke, standing up sitting on the bed slouched over. "How are you holding up, feeling any better?"

Zinnia shook her head, unsure. "I'm not sure. My memory is so hazy these days…. I can't remember much from before."

Alton glanced up, eyebrow raised. "No? I suppose the Garden worm did eat at your memories. What do you remember?"

"Bits and pieces. Joining Team Rhapsody, Percy's death, Alice joining us. Emil dying and us fighting the Garden…. Anything else, though, is a blank slate."

Alton sat still thinking before a smirk came across his face leaving as he looked up to Zinnia. "I see. That is troubling. Do you remember leaving Team Rhapsody? Do you remember fighting Acceptance?"

"No. It's all just one big blur…. I hate it so much."

Walking to the bars, Alton pressed his head against it looking discouraged. "I'm so sorry, Zin. If only I was there to save you quicker, none of this would have happened. I'm just so glad you're safe and sound."

"But it got you thrown in jail…. Why?"

"Alice is afraid of me. She's scared of me because I'm more powerful than her. I have harnessed the power of Acceptance and Pain; I did this all for you, Zin."

"For me?"

"That's right. To save you from Bargaining. To protect the others I care about from the Garden. This is the truth, and Alice is afraid of that."

"That doesn't make any sense, Alice is…." Zinnia stopped calming herself down. "Alice has no reason to fear you."

Alton began pacing, his arms folded, looking troubled. "I'm afraid it's much worse than I imagined. I believe Alice is now under the influence of the Garden."

"That's not possible."

"I'm afraid it is. I don't know how, but really, I should have seen this coming. She was always connected with Eve and was created from the Garden. She may not even know it, but she is following their will even now." Alton whispered, biting his thumb. "They haven't told you, have they?"

"Haven't told me what?"

"I was afraid of this. I overheard the guards talking about it. They plan on killing me."

"No. They would never do that. How could they?!" Zinnia snapped, furious. "After all you did for them…."

"I can only fear the worst from here on end. If they didn't tell you and Alice ordered the guards not to let you see me, they are already moving their plan into motion. They know you can stop it, so they kept you in the dark. Only you can save me, Zinnia; only you can set me free."

Zinnia had a look of horror on her face as she stared down, whispering. "I don't believe it…. I can't believe it. They were our friends. They trusted us."

"I know."

"I have to get you out of here. I have t-."

"No," Alton whispered, cutting Zinnia off. "You're not strong enough. I do not wish to see you hurt saving me."

"Then…. Then what should we do?"

Alton turned around, looking out the tiny crack in the wall shaking his head. "No matter what, I will not hurt Alice. If she is under the Garden's influence, I will save her from its torment like I did you, Zinnia. Fighting or running will not help her. Therefore, I will only break out of this prison if I need to. But for us to save Alice, I need your help Zinnia."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to spy on Alice, learn what's she's up to. Keep on her side and back her up. You need to show her she can trust you. Then, whatever you learn, bring to me." Alton muttered. "If you cannot see an end to her madness, you stop her."

"I- I can't do that. Spying on my friend is one thing, but hurting or killing her. I can't betray her like that!

"Zinnia…. I'm so sorry, I wouldn't ever want this of you but…. If we are to save the world, it can only be you. It's always been you."

Zinnia stepped back, processing the words. "Excuse me?"

Alton took a deep breath putting his head against the bars whispering. "It's always has been, right? It only makes sense to be you. From the moment we met, you saved me in more ways than one. You broke me from a life of ruin and guilt. One where I would die alone with no worth in my life. You showed me the way Zinnia and became my beacon of hope. It took me so long to realise, but it was always you, but before I had the chance to admit it, you were taken from me. Stolen by the Garden and the people we cared for slaughtered like animals. Zinnia, I love you."

"You love me?" Zinnia echoed, blushing, holding her chest. "You're serious. You're not pulling my leg?"

The sound of desperation left her mouth as Alton smiled, nodding. "Of course, your beautiful, kind and loving. You're a true hero, Zinnia, who's not only saved my life but won my heart. You always know how to make the right choice. I've never met anyone like you."

Going red, Zinnia hid under her hair, her leg twirling. "No one has ever shown me affection like that…. I, I admit I too have had feelings for you for some time. But I was never sure if you felt the same you had Sam and Scarlett."

Shaking his head, Alton spoke with passion. "They weren't you. I want to spend my life with you, Zinnia, but we can only do that with how the world is turning. That's why we need to change the world, one where we can live in peace. No Garden, no Fairy-Tale, no V.I.R.A.L. You want that too, right?"

Galloping towards the cell, Zinnia held onto the bars nodding. "Of course, I do! But…."

Cupping Zinnia's cheek Alton gave her a reinsuring look of pity. "You've lost so much, Zinnia. Your parents, your home. Everything you hold dear has been taken from you. You should be allowed to have one thing in return. It won't be given to you on a silver platter. You have to take it."

Zinnia stared into Alton's eyes, captivated, leaning in. Alton did the same pressing against the bars as the two embraced in their first kiss. Zinnia was trapped in Alton's webs of love to not notice his hand moving. Her whole world had flipped upside down as she never felt more alive. As the kiss carried on, she jerked back, falling to her knees as a sharp pain tore through her chest. Looking up, she saw Alton holding a purple bud. The Stage of Anger was clenched deeply into his hand. "Is something wrong?"

"You…." Zinnia stood up, dazed, touching her lips taken back. "You stole my Stage…."

"Please don't hate me for its Zinnia. But now Alice has no reason to come for you. Everything I do is to protect you. If you truly love me, you would understand." Alton whispered playfully. "You're free."

Stepping back, Zinnia kept blinking, still in a state of shock, stumbling out of the cellblock. She was too dazed to say anything. The event burnt into her mind as she became too afraid to speak of the truth; Alton's words cut deep like a plague gripping onto her with the utmost fear. Riley took notice of this, glancing to the door looking concerned. "You three follow me. Haggis."

Haggis saw the concern in Riley's eyes as he nodded, following her.

Entering the cell block, Alton fell to his knees, gagging, holding his head, feeling like it was going to rip in two. Then, as the pain faded, he fell to his hands and knees, panting as saliva dripped from his mouth. Alton noticed Riley watching her hand glowing, ready to strike. "What did you do?"

Standing up, he held his eye, the other one burning with a yellow fire as the Stage of Anger accepted him. "Fulfilling my destiny. Three left Riley, there's only three left."

The guards all raised their guns to Alton as Riley held her hand up, horrified. "You bastard! You tricked Zinnia and stole the Stage from her?!"

"You led me no choice. If I didn't act now, Bargaining would be here to ruin my plan. I didn't want to hurt Zinnia, I promise. But Alice called my hand."

"Don't you fucking move, or God help me, I'll…"

"You'll what?" Alton hissed, pressing his head against the bars as it all began to freeze. "You have no power here. You cannot hold a candle to the might of the Ten Judgement." The cell door shattered as Alton stepped out, arms out. "Do you hear it, Riley? Salvation's whisper. It's calling to me. I'll only warn you once, step aside or face my hatred."

Riley clenched her fist tightly, her eyes glowing red. "Never. Every-." Alton's question was already answered. Before Riley even had a chance to finish her threat, a drop of water fell from the ceiling exploding with mighty wrath of rage and suffering….

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