Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 6 :what is this character build

"link dive in "

[logging in]
[materializing to the last location. . .]

[Welcome back user enjoy your journey ]

I open my eyes and looked around
'yep I'm back in the bed of the inn' I thought
'I believe I've leveled up 2 times yesterday let's see my stat right now '
"open status "

[opening status window ]

Name: Elly



Gender: Female

Race:divine elf

Class: archer

Affinity: light, water, life

Physical affinity:bow

Strength: 45

Magic capabilities: 150


Speed: 70

Defense: 20<below average>

Health: 100/100

Title: [child of the elven goddess]

[Key of the elven gate]
[love in denial]

1. Large quality fur 1
2. Large quality fang 1
3. Quality skin 1
4. Mysterious ring 1

[magical manipulation: this skill lets the user manipulate magic to a greater extent and freedom than others]

[low heal: heal a small amount of health point 20-50 30-second cooldown]

[illuminate: makes light in a desired radius no cooldow]

[water bullet: makes a bullet of water to deal damage to target ]no cooldown 

[snipe: increase range, accuracy, and critical damage for The next range atk ]a minute cooldown 

[rhot: making thick vines to mobilize target]a minute cooldown 

[water acceleration: increasing your speed at a higher level also turn your body transparent 2-minute cooldown]

[zone heal: heal your ally that's In the zone health is healed little by little at a higher level making it instant with the cost of more mana]a minute cooldown 

[light ray: makes a ray of light to damage your opponent at a higher level makes the ray faster to chant 2-minute cooldown]

[thorn forcefully grows a thorn to the ground of your desire at a higher level making the thorn sharper and harder 45-second cooldown]


'hmm, everything increases except def well that's okay now what else changes- '

After seeing that I go silent
In my mind I'm contemplating on should I scream or not
Should I shout I thought
'ahh F it'

Inhales "SYSTEM!!"

[Ye... Yes what happened ]

"mind telling me what that title is about," I said in an intimidating tone

[I... I don't know what are you talking about]

"oh you know what I'm talking about now tell me"

[ye... Yes ]

[love in denial: it seems like a tsundere have given a ring to a person and yet still denying its inner feeling
Increase stat when in the vicinity of that person who is given a ring by you nonstackable]

"I'm so sorry but what the fuck is this"

[it's a title]

"yes I know that but when did I get such a title"

[when you gave a ring to him?]

"I didn't get any notification "
Then I think of a possibility

"system did you just make this title and put it in my status without me knowing "


"system mark my words if you materialize yourself in front of me, I will grind you down till the very sparks cry for mercy "

Right as I said that there could almost be heard, someone says "that's my girl" from above


" Now go, I have a business to attend to"

I open my friend list and add Rufina | onee-san to it

"it should take a little while before she accepted it so ill go somewhere "

I also check Nathan's log to see if he had messaged me anything
{you can explore by yourself for now I am going solo a little } Nathan

'alright while he's enjoying his solo play ill go look for a library '

"Thanks for your stay"

I go out from the inn to look for a library on the road I see so many stalls and shops that the player and not made And one stall is calling me right now


"hi, why are you. Calling me in" I said

"oh where are my manners my name is nadia a crafter now my intuition tells me that you have some quality materials can I see those" Nadia

"and your intuition is right I do have three of that
Here take a look also my name is elly "

I put out my large quality fur quality fur and a large quality fang

"woah with this I can make many things, elly how much do you sell this "

"uhh I don't know I don't really know the value of these things "

"hmm this large quality fur should cost at most 200 gold ill buy it for 175 this fang cost at most 300 ill buy it for 250 and this smaller quality fur ill buy it for a hundred "

Dumbfounded by what she just said I asked "are you sure this cost that much "

"yes," she said "and besides I can level up my class with this "

"Alright I'll accept the trade"

"and that does it here's your gold"

"hey Nadia can you appraise something"

"yes I do almost all crafters can appraise the full statistic of equipment"

"Can you appraise this? "I said as I show nadia the mysterious ring

"ohh a mysterious equipment alright but it'll cost a hundred gold "

She takes the ring and appraises it first she takes a magnifying glass and then puts it in her palm a minute later

"done, this ring really is something," she said with a little surprised look on her face

"Thanks," I said as I take the ring and give her the payment

[special ring of the ice queen
A wedding ring that the ice queen had before she became a goddess this ring is made from the purest highest quality of silver and a cut of the purest sapphire after she became a goddess she throws this ring and said "the person who found that ring will get the blessing of the ice and will become the next Princess or prince of the ice "
Atk:+ 15 agility:+ 25 magical capabilities:+25
This ring will grow with the user
Can't be stolen or taken off]

"okay how do I get soo many of this kind of ring the first is that fiery Phoenix ring "

"wait you got another one of these "

"I already gave it to someone sorry "

"oh but I want to see it," she said with a little disappointed tone

"oh I know "she suddenly said "elly do you know about the first event "

"no, I don't"

"It's an event of camping you can only bring your own clothes weapons equipment and tools, so let's be friends and party with me and my friend"

"Are you sure, we just met after all and what's the correlation between you inviting me and items"

"Because when you found  another of those things you can immediately show it to me," she said with sparkly eyes

'God that eyes my weakness I can't refuse now'
"Okay fine here's a friend request," I said defeated

"yay ill inform my friends real quick... And done now where you'll be going elly "

"I want to find a library I'm looking for a map there "

"oh a library I heard there's one besides a bar called *sharing angels* "

"alright thanks, I'll be going now"

"see you again "

Well that's a random encounter but a welcomed one because all this money I got

And this ring... All I could say is holy shit this ring is way too op and what is this build supposed to be
An Archer that can use plant, light, and water
What am I supposed to fulfill 
Am I supposed to be a support, a damage dealer, or a healer what am I

Alright quit with this I have found The Library 
"kringle " sound of a bell

"Welcome what are you Looking For," the librarian said

"Hello I'm looking for the world map and maybe some magic book "

"alright follow me "

I followed the librarian to get the things I want

"here's the map and the magic guide "

"thank you "

The library is pretty large so I look for a big desk to look at the map

"alright now let's open this map"
Swoosh the map is now open

There is seen 6 country

1. saphenia
2. Nymphia
3. Bestia
4. Jaenia
5. Pixetia
6. Dracia

But where are we right now

"Excuse me Mr. Librarian  "

"yes "

"do you know Where are we right  now "

"you mean the country we are in? In that case, were in the country nymphia around the region koronea well we're pretty much in the most Eastern part of the country"

"Thanks "

"you're welcome"

This world has a mainland and 8 little islands the mainland consists of 4 countries (number 1 to 4 )

And two other country is on flying islands and one is an Island, if you're wondering the mainland looks a bit like a horseshoe


A notification
I looked at my friend list and onee-san has accepted the request and is messaging me right now

{hey I finally saw your request also how should I refer you here do I still call you a little brother or by name } Rufina

{just by name is fine onee-san} elly

{okay now I have asked other NPCs about my whereabouts they say that I'm in the country of bestia around the region of caenia} Rufina

{thats really good I'm in the neighboring country nymphia in the region of koronea so if you want to meet we can group up by going east for me or west for you} elly

{ alright I'll be the one going to you okay } Rufina

{are you sure onee-san at least we can wait until the first event before going on the trip}

{okay then I'll wait until the event maybe we can meet there in the event}

{im looking forward to it, anyway I'll go farming level for now }

{same }

"Mr librarian can I borrow this book" I said showing the magic guide book

"oh you can keep it I still have way too many of that book"

"Thanks, Mr librarian"

Going outside the library I go back to Nadia's place

"Welcome back do you looking for something"

"I'm looking for arrows do you have some "

"but I see you still have some in your quiver "

"Those were wooden arrows I need a better one and more "

"alright this should suffice "

She showed me a bunch of iron arrows around 25 of them to be exact

"how much for this "

"Those all are 250 10 gold each"

"here's the money "

"Thanks for the purchase"

Going to the front gate I'm stopped by the gate guard
"hey miss if you. Want to explore outside please Take this compass it's so that you. Won't get lost " the guard said

"Thanks " I replied as I take the compass

I take out the blue ring and decided to finally put it On
I put it on my ring finger seeing as that ring is a wedding ring (in the left hand tho )

[you got the title  *Princess of ice *]

[you got *blessing of the ice goddess*]
[due to being the first player who has gotten a blessing this will be a world news]

[player elly is the first who has gotten a blessing ]

[due to title *Princess of ice* you can now use ice magic and affinity in ice magic ]
[you got skills "ice mist" and" ice spike"]

What the hell just happen 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.