Virtual End

Chapter 41 - The first revolution of Chaomeng Industry

   Li Yunhan’s remarks, combined with the magnificent scenes he saw before him, and the complex feelings that surged in his heart, gave Zhang Sirui a strong soul shock.

   Zhang Sirui believes that any audience who enters this super dream and experiences the entire process should feel the same as him.

   will be overwhelmed by this complex and strong emotion, and feel the spiritual sublimation!

   This kind of complex emotions is by no means comparable to those super dreams who chop melons and cut vegetables and simply bring sensory stimulation.

   Moreover, Zhang Sirui has gradually grown from a low-level gangster to a resistance fighter, and of course he will have a deeper understanding of the whole background.

   Obviously, Li Yunhan himself was also a resistance army, and he should be able to get this feeling, so when he explained, he guided in this direction very obscurely.

   For people who are not rebels, this is a normal super dream evaluation content, which is all about “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

   But for the Resistance Army, it will naturally be substituted into the current situation and have a high degree of association!

   The world of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is very desperate, but how can it be in reality?

  What is the difference between these resistance fighters and those embers who are on the journey and want to save the holy fire?

   In this process, countless soldiers of the Resistance Army sacrificed or gave up. They fell on the road, while the remaining people continued to move on alone, even less and less.

   Every rebel soldier who survived nine deaths and one life was like embers, from a awkward farmer wielding a hatchet to an iron man with a long battle and determination.

   But what can be done even then?

   In “The Embers Will Go Out”, the best results are nothing more than two.

   Either continue the life of the old dynasty and maintain a decadent peace and prosperity.

   Or simply break the luck and plunge the world into chaos again, hoping that a hero will appear again in the future.

   And these are exactly the two best endings that can only be achieved after the current rebels work hard.

   Either in the course of the struggle, compromise and merge with the big chaebols, to a certain extent, temporarily eliminate the contradictions, and let the whole old land return to a certain state of equilibrium.

   Or break everything up and let the whole old land fall into a state of complete chaos, hoping that a hero will reappear in the future and be able to recreate the world.

   However, this hero who recreates the world will probably not be a resistance army.

  Because even the Rebels themselves did not consider the issue after the big chaebol was really overthrown.

   This question is too far away for them. The space hole is like a beautiful phantom. If you think about it a lot, it’s a bit like daydreaming.

   Therefore, the remaining resistance soldiers can only temporarily focus their eyes on them, thinking about how to fight the next battle.

   Everyone firmly believes that as long as the fight continues, there will be changes. But no one has ever been able to explain when the change will happen and how it will change the world.

   Is this an unsolvable ending?

   Without Li Yunhan’s analysis, Zhang Sirui might think that “The Embers Will Go Out” heralded the tragic fate of the Rebels, heralded the inevitable failure of the Rebels, and was completely an effect of persuading them to retreat.

   But after Li Yunhan’s analysis, Zhang Sirui understood that “The Embers Will Extinguish” actually has a hidden ending and a good wish.

   After all, a person’s power is limited. Only when all the burnt embers can gather together, can they ignite a greater fire and accumulate the power to change the world!

   And in reality, it is obviously not enough to rely on scattered resistance forces.

  Only by uniting all those who want to change the world, the future will not be a choice between compromise and chaos!

   Zhang Sirui couldn’t help but start to figure out the mood of Captain Chen She when he designed this super dream.

All the doubts before    were all solved.

   “It turns out… the captain is really hardworking!”

   “He has already seen the end of the inevitable defeat of the Resistance, and also saw the biggest problem. But he also knows very clearly that if we speak directly, we will definitely resist and it must be difficult to accept.”

   “Because this is tantamount to shaking our beliefs and denying the meaning of the existence of the Resistance.”

“Although the rebels that are still holding on are firm-willed, they have also gone to extremes in some respects. It is like a tight string. Although it can shoot the fastest arrow, it is also at risk of breaking at any time. .”

   “That’s why the captain implicitly hinted to us in this way that persistence is a must, but the right direction is even more important. We should really stay calm and take it step by step and not rush!”

   “This should be the consensus of every resistance soldier.”

   “The faith must be firm and unshakable. But isolationism, personal heroism, military adventures and quick victory ideas are not acceptable!”

   Thinking of this, Zhang Sirui’s eyes were a little bit tearful.

   He felt that even if the super dream of “The Embers Will Go Out” was lost, it was worth it!

  Because of the meaning of this super dream, it is no longer a simple military expense for the rebels.

   Its more important significance is that it can arouse the fire of resistance externally and awaken people’s desire to change the world; internally, it can unify the ideas of the resistance army and eliminate possible hidden dangers.

   And this is far more important than making military expenses!

   What Zhang Sirui didn’t expect was that Chaomeng hadn’t ended yet.

   Li Yunhan looked into the distance, turned his back to the audience and said, “At the end, I have another surprise to share with you.”

   “After experiencing the demo version of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, many people discovered that this super dream has a significant effect on physical fitness in augmented reality.”

   “It can enhance people’s reaction speed, improve body and combat skills, and many instinctive reactions formed in super dreams can act on the body in reality to form muscle memory.”

   “I sneered at this, thinking it was an illusion by some players.”

   “But after experiencing it in depth, I realized that this turned out to be true.”

   “At the beginning, I was very confused, which is completely contrary to the knowledge of super dreams that I have. Although theoretically speaking, super dreams do have the power to change, but the effects of super dreams in the past were not very obvious.”

   “Military training super dreams have a much better effect than general commercial super dreams, but they still haven’t achieved the effect of “The Embers Will Go Out”.”

   “In front of the facts, I also have to admit that we currently have too many unsolved mysteries about mysterious space-time particles.”

   “So, I can only make some guesses as to why this super dream has such an immediate effect.”

   “And I think this is the most important moat of the super dream of “The Embers Will Go Out”!”

   Zhang Sirui couldn’t help being surprised.

   is right again!

   He clearly remembered that Captain Chen She had said before that it is normal for Chaomeng to be imitated. The key is how to build your own moat so that your Chaomeng cannot be copied.

   “The Embers Will Extinguish” is such a super dream, so a lot of money must be invested to develop the full version.

   But Zhang Sirui didn’t understand at that time, and didn’t know what the so-called “moat” was.

   Now he understands that this obvious impact on the real body is the moat of “The Embers Will Go Out”!

   But the question is… why?

   Lishan Technology’s Chaomeng R&D department does not have any special new technologies. The entire process is based on the conventional process developed by Chaomeng.

   Then why is “The Embers Will Go Out” different?

   Li Yunhan explained: “I think there are at least three factors for this peculiar effect.”

   “The first is the appropriate level of difficulty.”

   “The second is the transmission of special emotions.”

   “The third is the story structure of the entire Super Dream World.”

   “I think these three points are indispensable.”

   “Of course, in addition to these three points, there may be many details that I haven’t discovered yet, and maybe these details will also play a pivotal role, but I’m so ignorant that I can’t know.”

   “First is the appropriate difficulty.”

“As we all know, the difficulty of many super dreams used for training is very high, even in reality. Therefore, we have always had a consensus about super dreams, that is, the closer to the super dream of real difficulty, the better the training effect. .”

   “Of course, the closer to the reality of the training super dream, the less fun it is. It seems that it is difficult to have both.”

   “But after “The Embers Will Go Out”, this idea of ​​mine was shaken.”

“Because “The Embers Will Extinguish” is not based on the actual difficulty, but forcibly gives the player a weak body and arranges powerful enemies. In addition, some of the battles in the super dream are not completely related to reality. Same as in.”

   “So I boldly guess that difficulty does affect the training effect of Chaomeng, but it is not the only factor. Another factor is the continuity, sustainability and moderation of training!”

   “High difficulty can indeed challenge one’s own potential, but it may also weaken the training effect because of the difficulty. Therefore, the difficulty should be matched with the player’s level and maintained within a certain range in order to play the best role.”

   “The success of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is not an absolutely difficult success. The producer has launched the Coward Edition and the Suffering Edition, hoping that ordinary players can start with the Coward Edition, and then enter the Suffering Edition after tempering.”

   “Secondly, special emotional transmission.”

“In previous training super dreams, we tried to weaken the transmission of emotions as much as possible, so that these emotions did not cause too much interference to the trainers. But judging from the success of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, this concept seems to be the same. Incorrect.”

   “Because of mental resistance, not only can it increase willpower, but it can also increase concentration. After cruel torture, training can achieve better results.”

   “So, the negative emotions conveyed in “The Embers Will Go Out” actually laid a good foundation for this training effect.”

   “The reason why “The Embers Will Extinguish” puts an experiential super dream at the beginning is also to establish this emotional tone in the players’ hearts as soon as possible.”

   “Finally is the story structure of the entire Super Dream World.”

   “It is precisely because this super dream world is complete and real, which gives people a strong sense of immersion and at the same time resonates with reality, so that the training effect is further improved.”

   “Although the previous training super dreams have been imitating reality, every trainer knows that this is a super dream, not reality, and has not been fully integrated into it at all.”

   “The Embers Will Extinguish on the contrary, it constructs a fantasy Eastern world, which is different from the real world everywhere, but full of details, but it gives the player a strong sense of travel!”

   This analysis made Zhang Sirui stunned.

   He knew before that “The Embers Will Extinguish” does have some unique features in enhancing the combat capabilities of cold weapons. Zeng Hailong, Zhou Lei, and some comments on the Internet can all prove this.

   But this world is not a super dream of training without cold weapon combat.

   Zhang Sirui originally thought that even if “The Embers Will Extinguish” has a certain effect, it is at best equal to those super dreams.

   But only now I found out that “The Embers Will Go Out” is so awesome!

   Li Yunhan turned around and continued: “That’s why I was deeply shocked by this super dream.”

   “Because it not only subverts the basic principles of super dream production, but even subverts the basic principles of super dream production!”

   “It is not only a conceptual innovation, but also a technological revolution!”

“This super dream completely subverts our previous fundamental understanding of super dreams and overturns all theories built on it. Perhaps we must re-study how space-time particles work in super dreams, and how can this This kind of effect is maximized.”

   “At the very beginning, I felt sorry for “The Embers Will Go Out” because it was at the same time as “Under the Blade” and hit such a behemoth that invested ten times as much.”

   “But now, I feel sorry for “Under the Blade”.”

   “Because it ran into a monster that opened a new era of super dreams!”

   “I am Li Yunhan, a man who dreams of changing the world with super dreams. We are destined to see you bye!”

   Li Yunhan waved his hand at the audience, and his whole body was once again hidden in the fog, and these thick gray fog gradually appeared, enclosing the audience again.

   Zhang Sirui knew that this super dream made by Li Yunhan was all over.

   At the same time, it also announced the fate of “Under the Blade”!

   Before, everyone was still worried, what should I do if “The Embers Will Extinguish” and “Under the Blade” collide.

   But now according to Li Yunhan’s statement, “Under the Blade” should be worried, what should I do if it collides with “The Embers Will Go Out”!

   Sudden happiness made Zhang Sirui a little dizzy.

   But he couldn’t believe it again. After all, the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too great. Just relying on Li Yunhan’s super dream to come back? I always feel unrealistic.

   Thinking of this, he quit the Super Dream game cabin, and then sent a message to Zhao Zhen.

   “Hurry up, add Li Yunhan’s new super dream to all the brothers’ training programs!”


   Long Night Entertainment Group.

   The Chaomeng R&D team where Corey belongs is in a harmonious atmosphere on the surface, and ordinary employees are immersed in the rapid growth of “Under the Blade” data.

   But in fact, at the closed door, the atmosphere in the conference room has dropped to freezing point.

“How is this going?”

“What exactly is going on!”

   Corey fell into a state of incompetent rage and was furious.

   When “Under the Blade” was first released, everything was going well according to the script.

   In the early days, with the large amount of resources provided by Long Night Entertainment Group, “Under the Blade” directly launched a publicity offensive, smashed a lot of funds, almost monopolized the key positions of almost all channels, and a large number of players poured in.

   Some were attracted by publicity, and some were tricked in by channels. Of course, some of them came because of the reputation of Long Night Entertainment Group and Corey’s gold medal producer.

   After all, “Under the Blade” is the most talked about new super dream recently, so I always have to experience it.

  The experience stores of Long Night Entertainment Group in major cities are also full, and many people are scrambling to experience the physical version of “Under the Blade” Super Dream.

   Within the Long Night Entertainment Group, the physical version of Super Dream of “Under the Blade” is also in continuous production. A large number of previous stocks have been shipped to major cities and sales are booming.

   Of course, there are some vignettes.

   For example, the ratings on the Internet are not high, and many people are disappointed with this super dream.

   It’s not that the body is not enough or that there are not enough Super Dream stars. The key is that compared with the previous Super Dream, it has not made very obvious progress and has not changed much.

This can’t be said to be reluctant to make progress, because if you don’t want to make progress, you can still eat your money, and this time the behavior of “Under the Blade” is more like a pancake, wanting everything, but nothing special. Excellent, even some of the original advantages have been wiped out, and it is a bit unworthy of its initial publicity.

   But it doesn’t matter, because for Corey, they are all very easy to solve.

   As long as the negative public opinion is slightly suppressed, the key is that there is no super dream that can pose a threat to “Under the Blade” during the same period. Even if the players are dissatisfied, there is no other choice at all.

   In that case, what impact can such simple complaints have? In fact, it doesn’t hurt.

   What’s more, the quality of “Under the Blade” is not bad. After all, it was made with money. It has all the big scenes and the lineup of Super Dream stars is also very strong. There are more players, there are always so many people who like it, and this volume is enough to promote “Under the Blade” to get a good sales.

   Originally this script was very comfortable, but with the release of Li Yunhan’s Super Dream, the situation has completely changed!

Of course, it now appears that even without the super dream of Li Yunhan, sooner or later someone will discover the special features of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, but this process may be very slow, and even wait for the heat of “Under the Blade” to pass. After that, the suppressed “Embers Will Go Out” has a chance to turn over.

   But this super dream of Li Yunhan is undoubtedly like a thunder, which directly advances the process!

   “The Embers Will Extinguish” was originally buried under the propaganda offensive of “Under the Blade”, but now it has emerged and is on the same stage as “Under the Blade”.

   In just a few hours, Li Yunhan’s new super dream of introducing “The Embers Will Extinguish” has formed a trend that cannot be ignored, and has accumulated a terrifying heat!

   On the big screen in the conference room of the Corey Development Group, the hot comments on “The Embers Will Extinguish” and Li Yunhan’s new super dream were scrolled in real time.

   Every comment is like a blockbuster that fell on Corey, and even the entire Long Night Entertainment Group, blowing up their previous calmness and confidence!

   “This super dream is really different, completely different from the super dream I have played before!”

“If I hadn’t prepared mentally in advance, I couldn’t stand the difficulty of the start. But after I persisted, I felt that it was not bad, and it was not unacceptable. Even after defeating a powerful enemy, there would be an inexplicable sense of refreshment, even better than The super dreams of other big scenes are more obvious!”

   “The background of the story is really novel. Although there is not much plot, many characters including Brother Persuade are very impressive. After all, they have killed me dozens of times.”

   “Compared with “Under the Blade”, “Under the Blade” seems to have everything, but in fact there is nothing; and “The Embers Will Go Out” seems to have nothing, but in fact it has everything!”

“Yes, “Under the Blade” has so much money and piled up so many big scenes, is it really cool to say? That’s it. On the contrary, “The Embers Will Extinguish” was so much suppressed at the beginning, and then the emotions It has risen straight up again, and this feeling can continue even after quitting the super dream. This is really cool!”

   “It’s not a day or two for Long Night Entertainment Group. It makes me feel that it is a pity that Corey, regardless of his fame, gave Long Night Entertainment Group such an unenterprising super dream.”

   “The name Long Night Entertainment Group was originally meant to allow players to spend the long night happily with Chaomeng, but now I feel that it is more and more like the long night itself of the entire Chaomeng industry…”

   “Lishan Technology is a sudden emergence, and it is the most impressive research and development company of Chaomeng recently! I just know that they did the original “Strolling in the Garden”.”

“I thought that the unexpected popularity of “Walking in the Garden” was their pinnacle. After all, for such a startup, it is not easy to make a small volume and super dream of an explosion. I didn’t expect it to be even bigger. What a surprise!”

   “The online version of Chaomeng is already so awesome. What does the physical version of Chaomeng look like? Can anyone get the physical version of the deadly version of “The Embers Will Extinguish”? I will charge a high price!”

   Scrolling past the comments, everyone in the conference room can clearly see the changes in the evaluation of “The Embers Will Extinguish” by online public opinion.

   In fact, when it first started, many players didn’t believe it.

  Because Li Yunhan is too mysterious, he not only blows “The Embers Will Extinguish” to subvert the super dream design technique, but also claims that it subverts the super dream design principle, even better than the special training super dream effect…

   This is obviously not in line with everyone’s perception.

   But Li Yunhan is a gold medal producer and has a high profile on the Internet. He can’t just talk nonsense, right?

   Therefore, there are still many people who believed it and went to experience “The Embers Will Extinguish”, wanting to see if Li Yunhan can tell if it is true.

   With Li Yunhan’s super dream as a foreshadowing, the attitude of players after entering “The Embers Will Extinguish” has all changed.

Because they have been psychologically prepared in advance, knowing that this super dream is very bitter and difficult, but as long as they persevere, they can see the whole picture of the world and reap the ultimate sense of refreshment and happiness. Of course, they have to persevere as much as possible. .

   And this happened to solve the problem of serious persuasion in the early stage of “The Embers Will Go Out”!

   So, as more and more people really dive into this super dream, according to Li Yunhan’s introduction, savor the details of this super dream.

   This product only discovered that it is really different from the coquettish **** like “Under the Blade”! It is also completely different from the Chaomeng currently on the market!

   Novel things always have excellent topicality.

   The network in this world is very developed. As the top of the entertainment industry, Chaomeng Industry is naturally highly topical.

   Therefore, within a few hours, the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has changed from an uninterested street work to the most popular new trend masterpiece at the moment!

   Even many Super Dream producers have already started.

   They were shocked by the brand-new concept of “The Embers Will Extinguish”. Although it is still uncertain whether this concept will really become the future trend of super dream design, the producers must start researching and learning immediately, for fear of falling behind.

   The battlefield situation seems to have reversed in an instant.

   Corey found that he was still commanding the army to be invincible at the beginning, but in the next second it was already full of smoke and embarrassment!

   And it was an unheard of company and a producer who had never heard of him that won him. How can this be accepted?

Of course, Li Yunhan also played a role in fueling the flames, because Li Yunhan did not like “Under the Blade” and did not agree with the high-level practices of the Long Night Entertainment Group. He hoped that “Under the Blade” would die thoroughly and prove himself Chaomeng’s design concept is correct.

   But Li Yunhan’s role is only a catalyst, not decisive.

   No matter how Li Yunhan blows, if the player finds that it is not the case after entering “The Embers Will Go Out”, the heat will not be able to rise at all.

   But now, not only has the heat risen, but it has also swept in at an incredible speed. This is enough to show that what Li Yunhan said is indeed true, and it has indeed attracted the approval of most Super Dream players and audiences!

   Corey watched “The Embers Will Go Out” became more and more popular, but he couldn’t do anything.

  Because in the face of this epoch-making super dream, any struggle is meaningless.

   Just then, Corey’s bracelet rang, and the senior management of Long Night Entertainment Group asked him to go.

   Corey put his hands on the conference table, his head drooping deeply.

   He knows very well that the failure of “Under the Blade” is unacceptable for the Long Night Entertainment Group. He is very likely to become a man.

   But this is not the most critical.

   Because when Corey chose this path, he was already prepared to take risks. He may succeed because of this and become a tool man promoted by the Long Night Entertainment Group.

   He is more open to this. After all, most gold medal producers have peaks and valleys. The important thing is not to be at the peak for a lifetime, but to find a way to get up after a fall.

   What he worries about is that a new era of super dreams is about to come.

   People who cannot keep up with the new era like themselves will be ruthlessly run over by the wheels of history!



   “It has changed, the curve has changed again!”

   In the Super Dream Experience Store of Lishan Technology, many people are staring at the estimated data curve of “The Embers Will Extinguish” on the big screen, and their expressions are very focused.

   Whenever there is a little fluctuation or change in the graph, it will cause a burst of exclamation.

Sitting on the sofa, Chen She continued to sculpt with a dark face, while spitting in his heart: “I’m afraid that this group of people has problems with their brains? The money earned by this super dream is not divided among you, so why are you so excited? ?”

   “I’m so annoying!”

   The more Chen She wanted, the more angry he was, and the sculpting movements on his hands also gradually accelerated.

   Since Li Yunhan’s analytical super dream came out, “The Embers Will Go Out” suddenly became popular!

This terrible rate of data change shocked everyone. Lin Luxi, Zhang Sirui, Zhao Zhen, Zhou Lei and others unanimously decided to put the data curve of “The Embers Will Extinguish” on the big screen of the headquarters and in the experience store. On the big screen, everyone can share this joy!

   So there was such a wonder.

  The experience store is full, and the people in the line have nothing to do, so they can only stare at the curve of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and then shout every other way: awesome!

   The current curve of “The Embers Will Go Out” is outrageous.

When    first released the Coward Edition and the Suffering Edition, its curve changes had a tendency to shrink back a bit. But now, with the full detonation of the heat, the influx of new players every day is increasing exponentially, so that there is no model to refer to the data changes of “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

This causes the data curve estimated by the system to become a weird exponential function. Not only is it impossible to estimate the highest point data and total sales of the entire life cycle of this super dream, even the value of the ordinate is constantly changing. middle!

   The only limitation currently is the production capacity and capacity of the physical version of Chaomeng.

   After the online version of “Embers Will Extinguish” exploded, the demand for its physical version also surged.

   Fortunately, Chen She asked for a large number of physical versions to stock up before, and he barely withstood the first wave of demand.

After   , there will definitely be a gap in demand. The foundry of the Chen Consortium is rushing to work, rushing to buy all the space-time particles that can be bought, and ensuring the supply of the physical version of Chaomeng as much as possible.

   Seeing everyone getting busy, Chen She became idle instead.

   Because he really has nothing to do.

   For others, it is normal and reasonable for Mr. Chen to be free.

   After all, Mr. Chen really made a super explosive model, and he is still a super dream with such excellent training effect. The hardest part has been completed. What happened to the rest?

   The next trivia, just leave it to your subordinates!

   President Chen only needs to sit on the sofa and carve the statue leisurely.

   But only Chen She himself knew that he was actually very upset and wanted to do something.

   Right now, this period of time is not dangerous, because the rebels are making money and making money crazy. All they want is to seize the time to produce more physical versions of Chaomeng. With such an urgent goal to push them, they should not want to rebel in the short term.

   But this is not a long-term plan either!

   With such a large sum of money in the account, the pockets of the rebels swelled up. We can afford to buy weapons and equipment that we couldn’t afford before, and we can buy more weapons and equipment that we can afford before. Is it still worth it?

   There was only so much money in the account before, these people dared to make a plan to open a branch of Fujitang Group.

   With so much money, can’t you go directly to the headquarters of the Icefield Defense Group?

   Chen She did not doubt that this was something the resistance army could do.

   So Chen She is now having new spending plans every day, and then overturning and redoing every day.

  Because the speed of his plan cannot keep up with the growth rate of “The Embers Will Extinguish”…

  The more I think about it, the more angry I can only take the statue to exhale.

   At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Chen She’s heart.

   He looked up and saw a person at the entrance of the experience store peering out behind the crowd.

   is the tramp before, Xia Lirong!

   Chen She recognized him at a glance because Xia Lirong still emits a pale golden light, which is quite conspicuous among the customers in the experience store.

   Chen She was taken aback and put down the sculpture in his hand.

   At this time, Xia Lirong was no longer dressed as a homeless man, but dressed in regular clothes. His whole body looked clean and neat, like a normal person.

   “Isn’t he taken away by the Knights of Space and Time, but actually released my pigeon? It’s not right, if that’s the case, why should he come back?”

   In any case, Chen She was quite happy, at least Xia Lirong was not in danger of life.

   However, as soon as he was about to greet him, he was stopped by Zhang Sirui.

   As long as Chen She is in the experience store, Zhang Sirui will protect him every step of the way, and naturally he is highly vigilant about everything that happens around him.

   Chen She was taken aback: “He has a problem?”

   Zhang Sirui shook his head slightly: “He should be fine, but he always feels a sense of crisis of being watched. It feels… he might be a bait.”

   “But I can’t lock the opponent’s location, and I don’t rule out the possibility that someone from the Temporal Knights will follow.”

   Chen She thought for a while and said, “Let Zhou Lei invite him in and experience the time-space activity suppressor in the store. It is relatively safe.”

   He looked at the inside of the experience store with some worry. Although the experience store itself is impenetrable, and the security measures are completely exceeded, there will be a master like Zhang Sirui, there will not be much danger, but after all, there are so many innocent civilians.

   The Temporal Knights are a group of lunatics, and no one can guarantee that they will do anything.

   Chen She’s brain turned quickly, smoothing the whole event.

   Now, it seems that Xia Lirong was probably actually captured by the Temporal Knights, but it was indeed very unreasonable to be released at this time.

   Maybe the Space-Time Knights discovered that someone was tracking them, so they locked it back here? And use Xia Lirong as bait, want to kill me?

   But this is not reasonable.

   Because Xia Lirong’s disappearance seems to be an accident, how did these people of the Time and Space Knights determine that the people who are investigating them are related to Xia Lirong?

   They are kidnapping some new homeless people every day, how can they accurately locate Xia Lirong’s problem?

   Unless someone can tell the prophet.

   Chen She sat back on the sofa and continued to sculpt.

   The main reason is that he is a little flustered now, and carving can make his heart more stable.

   It’s useless to stand. He is just an ordinary person. If something happens, he can’t run. He can only sit down and trust Zhang Sirui and believe in the security measures of the experience store that he has spent a lot of money on.

   At the same time, all the clerk in the experience store are all ready to face the enemy.

   Although it is not visible on the surface, they have all entered a fighting state.

   After Xia Lirong entered the experience store, he immediately came to Chen She excitedly: “Boss Chen! I’m really sorry, it was not I who wanted to break the appointment before, it was me…I was kidnapped…”

   Chen She couldn’t help but sink in his heart, it looked as if he had guessed it.

   But the question is… Since I was kidnapped, why did he put it back unscathed?

   Chen She asked: “Do you remember who tied you up?”

   Xia Lirong shook his head: “I…I can’t remember. I feel confused these days. I woke up on the street today, and then I found it all the way…”

   Chen She nodded slightly: “Well, what I said before is still worthwhile, I’ll give you a job.”

   “However, your position is not ready yet. I will help you in the experience store for a few days first, and then arrange it for you.”

   Xia Lirong nodded quickly: “Okay, it’s all up to you!”

   Obviously, he doesn’t think it matters. Just have a job, and it doesn’t matter what you do.

   Chen She looked at Zhang Sirui, Zhang Sirui shook his head slightly, as if saying that Xia Lirong was not threatening.

   Actually, Chen She originally planned to arrange Xia Lirong and Zeng Hailong to go to a new foundry factory.

   After all, not all foundry factories are workers, and they also need some civilian staff. Xia Lirong has worked in Fujitang Group before. It seems that the people are more reliable and should be competent.

   But the problem is that he is currently unknown.

   Although it seems that there is no problem on the surface, what if something was buried by the Temporal Knights during the period of being captured?

   So, let’s take a look at the experience store first, and solve any problems in Xia Lirong was very happy, and immediately became familiar with the work under the guidance of a clerk.

   The other shop assistants also breathed a sigh of relief and continued to receive customers.

   After all, the experience store business is so prosperous, you can’t neglect the customers.

   But Zhang Sirui still maintained a high degree of vigilance. He looked around, but he was still unable to locate the source of this sense of crisis.

   Finally, his tense nerves relaxed a little, and it seemed that the sense of crisis of being watched gradually faded.

   And at this moment, Chen She sculpted the statue on his hand with all his attention, and said: “Since the two are here, let’s sit down and chat before leaving? Don’t say I was not entertained well.”

   Zhang Sirui was taken aback for a moment, and some did not understand why Chen She asked.

  Because he didn’t even realize where the tension of being watched came from, not to mention the tension has gradually disappeared just now.

   Immediately he woke up, could it be that the soldiers are not tired of deceit? Deliberately use this method to test if there is an enemy sneaking in?

   is also a good way, but it may not be of any use, because the other party may not be inside the experience store, but may be observed somewhere outside with some special means.

   What’s more, the other party is not stupid, how could he expose himself after being tempted.

   However, as soon as Zhang Sirui was about to relax his vigilance, he saw two customers who had just walked to the entrance of the experience store and planned to leave, slowly turning around!

   He was a little shocked, completely ignorant of how Chen She saw it.

   Chen She sighed silently while sculpting his head.

   Can you see this special?

   These two people are simply two blue light bulbs, I don’t think it’s impossible to notice…


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