Virtual End

Chapter 44 - Shackle bracelets and uncover the coffin from the game cabin

   Tuesday, April 8.

   Regular meeting of the person in charge of the company.

   Zhao Zhen still came to the meeting room early, but found that Chen She had already arrived.

   It’s just that compared to before, Chen She doesn’t seem to be particularly excited, and a bit sluggish.

Zhao Zhen thought it was Chen She who was busy with the new product design plan last night and stayed up too late. He cared: “Chen, the company has implemented an eight-hour work system now, and you don’t need to be too tired. After all, we all need yours. lead.”

   “The product design plan doesn’t have to be rushed for a while, it doesn’t matter if it is two days late.”

   Chen She nodded, but his heart was full of helplessness.

   I’m not tired?

   How can I not be tired! Before I was not tired or just lost my life, now I am not tired, the responsibility for the destruction of the world will be on me!

   In fact, the product design plan for the bracelet and the game compartment was quickly completed, and it took less than an hour before and after.

   The reason why Chen She looks sluggish is because he is worried about Epsilon.

   But for this kind of thing, he can’t tell anyone.

   Although Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui and others are pale gold in his eyes, it shows that they are a relatively trustworthy, close, and reliable space-time connection, but Chen She dare not tell them these things.

  Because people change, as long as the second person knows this secret, it may be leaked.

   And once this news is leaked, all the big chaebols and space-time knights will swarm in, and Chen will be put to death!

  According to Epsilon, if Chen She died frequently, Epsilon would “seize” this body in advance, and let the world usher in the end in advance.

   But the question is, will the big chaebols believe it?

   If the big chaebols knew that Epsilon was living in Chen She’s body, they would absolutely destroy Chen She’s body at all costs.

   If it doesn’t work once, it’s twice, and if it doesn’t work twice, it’s three times. But this was exactly what Epsilon had in his arms.

   As for the Temporal Knights, they should find ways to welcome the return of Epsilon.

   Therefore, Chen She can only think of a solution to this problem, and no one can help.

   Fortunately, after Chen She meditated hard last night, he came up with a preliminary plan.

   But this plan involves the improvement of personal combat power. It takes a certain amount of time to verify it, so the immediate plan must be arranged first.

   Soon, the people in charge are all here.

  Chen She shared the bracelet and Super Dream game cabin design drawing he drew yesterday on the holographic projection in front of everyone.

   “This is the shape of the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin I designed. You can take a closer look and confirm the details.”

   is in charge of people approaching the holographic projection, and then dragging it a bit for multi-angle observation.

   Zhang Sirui hesitated for a while, and asked: “Mr. Chen, are you sure it is a bracelet, not a handcuff?”

   The other persons in charge obviously have the same question, and nod their heads.

   I saw that the bracelet on the holographic projection is completely different from the bracelets currently popular on the market.

   Compared with the handcuffs, its shape cannot be said to be a bit similar, it can only be said to be completely the same.

   Of course, it is a high-tech handcuffs, it looks a bit cool, and it does have all the functions that the bracelet should have, but the shape is more unique.

  The bracelets in this world are already very mature. They don’t have a huge screen like mobile phones, but are all solved by holographic projection. Therefore, the body of the bracelet is light and comfortable, and there is a lot of room for styling.

   Of course, how designers play in styling is one thing, but whether consumers accept it is another matter.

   Lin Luxi also echoed: “Chen, are you sure this is the Super Dream Game Pod, not… the coffin?”

   Chen She designed this super dream game cabin, although the appearance is also very cool and full of sense of technology, but the bells and whistles can not hide the fact that it is like a coffin.

   Of course, it will not be as eerie as a real coffin, but a spacious, majestic, and sacred shape. But this does not affect it looks highly compatible with the real coffin…

   Handcuffs and coffins, I have to say, but you can make a set.

   Chen She’s expression is calm and composed, he has already figured out his excuses.

   Since knowing that he has the special aura brought by cursed scholars, his confidence has been even stronger.

   Anyway, no matter how nonsense, you can fool others, so why not let it go more?

   Chen She coughed slightly and said, “Yes, this is the new product I designed.”

   “The shackles, bracelets, and the game pod when the coffin is uncovered!”

   Zhang Sirui said with a tangled face: “Mr. Chen, can we make some Yangjian products?”

   Chen She smiled slightly: “Our two new products are very recognizable in shape and very topical.”

“As we said before, there are actually not too many technical barriers for the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin. The highest-tech chips and communication modules are available. Therefore, if you want to break the siege, you must have Unique shape and topicality.”

   “And this kind of radical design is bound to gain topicality!”

   “Of course, I am not such a superficial designer, I will not simply pursue grandstanding in style. The reason for this design is that it fits our brand image of Lishan Technology!”

  The people in charge are a little puzzled. They seem to be thinking, is the brand image of our Lishan Technology so underworld?

Chen She explained: “Just like the concept in the super dream “The Embers Will Extinguish” that we developed, our Lishan Technology Group is to unite the suffering slaves of the world, unite everyone, and unite into an indestructible and powerful force! “

   “Since you are a slave, isn’t it normal and reasonable to use this product style?”

   “And the meaning of these products is also very good.”

   “The shackle bracelet means that as slaves, we must work hard to break the shackles and fight for freedom. This bracelet reminds us at all times to fight and fight for our freedom!”

“Uncovering the coffin and lifting the game cabin means that we are under the control of the big chaebol from the cradle to the grave. Many super dream games are actually just tools for the big chaebol to control us until we lie in the coffin and are buried. Going to the grave is nothing but a poor slave.”

   “However, we have to uncover the coffin, burn our rotten bodies, and fight against this unfair world!”

   “Through these products and the super dreams we have made, we can slowly and imperceptibly change the thinking of the bottom people in this world and provide us with soil.”

   The people in charge nodded one after another, somewhat persuaded by Chen She.

   Indeed, considering it from another perspective, the implication is indeed quite profound!

   If you simply associate the handcuffs as criminals and the coffin as dead people, then the meaning of these products is really not that good.

   But if the handcuffs and coffins are connected with the slavery and oppression of the big chaebols, it is indeed in line with the brand image of Lishan Technology!

   The product is not valuable, but the subject matter and connotation are valuable!

   Seeing that everyone didn’t make any comments, Chen She continued: “Since everyone agrees with this plan, it’s so decided.”

   “The new production line is all used to produce shackled bracelets and uncover the coffin to build the game cabin.”

   “The original foundry business has also been divided into parts for the production of these two new products.”

   “We must gradually realize the transformation from foundry to self-research.”

   “Go ahead with this matter first. As for New Chaomeng and other things, there are a lot of things to consider recently, and there is no inspiration. I have to think about it again.”

   “The site selection and planning of the field base, please check it out first, make a preliminary plan, and I will consider it in detail later.”

   What Chen She said is true.

   He is more than a lot of things, he is simply shouldering the fate of all mankind.

   Once he can’t figure out how to solve Epsillon’s problem, it is not that he died by himself, but that all mankind will be buried…

   Chen She cried secretly in his heart. I have obviously just passed through it not long ago. To this world, I am just an ordinary people passing by soy sauce. Is it appropriate for me to undertake such a difficult task?

   As for Chaomeng, he was right, there was really no inspiration.

   The super dream, who racked his brains to make no money, earns more than the super dream that he worked hard to make to make money?

   This is outrageous!

   Originally, Chen She thought that “The Embers Will Extinguish” should be a small loss, while “Walking in the Garden” made a lot of money. This way, he basically maintained the balance he imagined.

   I never expected that the final result would be a huge profit in “Strolling in the Garden” and a blood profit in “The Embers Will Extinguish”!

   This caused Chen She to question his game design philosophy and have a strong lack of self-confidence.

   Moreover, Chen She also knows that as a creator, the super dreams he produces will naturally allow players to obtain better training effects. Li Yunhan’s analysis of “The Embers Will Extinguish” is indeed correct. The difficulty and negative emotions of this super dream are indeed helpful to improve the training effect, but the most important thing is Chen She as the creator.

   Therefore, Chen She will still encounter this problem if he wants to develop the next Super Dream.

   In a short period of time, he can’t think of what kind of super dream to have in order to avoid the fate of blood.

   So, let’s put aside all the company’s affairs, and first concentrate on thinking about how to solve the most wanted criminal in the old soil who is stuck in your mind.

   The people in charge nodded one after another without asking much.

   It is normal for Mr. Chen to have no inspiration. Inspiration is not the Chinese cabbage on the street. There are as many as you want.

  According to the current situation, the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” will continue to make money for half a year, a year or even longer. With such a cash cow, there is no need to worry about making a new super dream.

   Approaching the end of the meeting, Zhao Zhen said: “Chen, there is one more thing.”

   “Recently, many chaebols, including Fujitang Group, have thrown olive branches to us, hoping to meet with you and talk about cooperation.”

   “There are already more than a dozen companies that have come to contact.”

   “In addition, several media, including Times Media Group, hope to arrange an interview for you to learn about the story behind the development of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and by the way, also promote this super dream.”

   “How do you respond to these?”

   Chen She couldn’t help falling into silence.

   Sure enough, there are so many popular people.

   Super dream hit, all kinds of media came to the door.

   As for these big chaebols, their intentions are also very clear. They say “cooperation”, but they actually think about three ways.

   The first way is to spy on business intelligence to find out why “The Embers Will Extinguish” has such an outstanding training effect, and to find out what kind of unique moat is in the development of Super Dream by Lishan Technology. This is the best policy.

   The second way, although I don’t understand the secret of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, at least it can be controlled by investment like the original Fujitang Group. This is the central policy.

   The third way is to carry out limited commercial cooperation as much as possible, or at least not to let Lishan Technology become its own enemy. This is a bad policy.

  Chen She highly suspects that whether it is these big chaebols or these media, more than half of them are coming for the secret of “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   If it was before, it would not be a big problem for Chen She. Because he himself couldn’t figure out why this was.

   Since he doesn’t know the reason, there is no risk of leaking the secrets.

   But it’s different now, Chen She already knows.

   The reason why “The Embers Will Extinguish” has a far superior training effect than other super dreams is actually not a profound reason. It is simply because Chen She is the creator and he has troubles.

  This special profession makes all the works of art created by Chen She, including paintings, sculptures and even Chaomengs, are all excellent.

Not only that, because the emotional transmission of super dreams is accomplished through space-time particles, and Chen She is both a creator and a curse scholar, two professions with powerful synaesthetic abilities, and is highly compatible with space-time particles, so in this respect, too There will be a unique advantage!

   In short, the truth that these big chaebols and the media want to know can actually be summed up in one point: Chen She is the creator!

   But for Chen She, this kind of thing must never be known to others.

   Whether it is meeting with a representative of a large chaebol or accepting an interview with the media, it may be exposed.

  Gui knows whether these people, like Fujido Yuki, use micro-expressions to analyze his inner thoughts? Even if it is just an abnormal expression, there is a risk of exposure.

   Of course, Chen She has the characteristics of cursing scholars. He has a halo that will strengthen the feelings of others towards him, so the risk of exposure is very small.

   But no matter how small a risk is, it is also a risk. There is no need to take a risk.

   What’s more, Chen She is the leader of the resistance army, why should he show his face? As an anti-thief, doesn’t it mean that the more attention he receives, the faster he will die?

   Thinking of this, Chen She flatly refused.

   “All the chaebols who want to seek cooperation will not be seen. Tell them that we have our own development plan for Lishan Technology, and there is nothing lacking and they do not need their help.”

   “As for the media… Deer, you go for me.”

   Lin Luxi was originally waiting for the meeting to end in Shenyoutianwai, but was suddenly cueed by Chen She, a little panicked.

   “Huh? President Chen, I’m just an editor. When the time comes, the media will ask me questions about Chaomeng. I don’t know what to do if I ask three questions?”

   Chen She smiled slightly: “It’s okay. We have sent someone to interview to give them face. You don’t need to be too cautious. You can say what you want, and if you don’t know, just say you don’t know.”

   “Okay, the meeting is over.”


   At the same time, Long Night Entertainment Group.

   In the magnificent and luxurious conference room, more than a dozen gold medal producers of Long Night Entertainment Group are sitting around the conference table, and Rob Ryan, the president of Long Night Entertainment Group, is furious.

   “Waste! It’s all a bunch of waste!”

   “Five days have passed, and you still haven’t been able to find the secret in “The Embers Will Extinguish”. You haven’t found why it has such a remarkable training effect!”

   “Do you know what an unbearable loss this is to our Long Night Entertainment Group!”

   “Usually, you don’t accept each one of you. You are fighting for the super dream production concept, and you are entangled in some details. But once this critical moment is reached, all of you will be helpless!”


   Rob Ryan’s anger remained unresolved.

  The gold medal Super Dream producers sitting around the conference table have different expressions.

   Some people have been scolded with **** heads and seem to be under a lot of mental pressure; while some people seem to have lower eyebrows on the surface, and seem to be guilty, but in fact they are full of gloating in their hearts.

   Rob Ryan, the 53-year-old president of Long Night Entertainment Group, has lush blonde hair, a burly figure and strong physique, like a lion, accustomed to ruling this huge enterprise with an iron fist.

   Unlike those big chaebols who are actually inherited by the family, the president of Long Night Entertainment Group is not controlled by a certain family, but is more inclined to “the virtuous.”

   It’s just that what kind of person is considered a “virtuous person” depends on the identification of capital.

   Rob Ryan was not born in Chaomeng’s R&D department. He was just an ordinary financial officer when he first joined the Long Night Entertainment Group.

However, with his outstanding performance in the development of Long Night Entertainment Group, Rob Ryan has risen step by step, step by step from a key figure in the branch to the top of Long Night Entertainment Group, and ultimately relying on the overall strategic control of the company. He has become the new president of Long Night Entertainment Group in recent years.

   It’s just that for this president, the gold medal Super Dream producers are more or less criticized.

  Because after he became the president, he could clearly feel that the giant Long Night Entertainment Group was seeking transformation and began to no longer focus on the fundamental business of Chaomeng R&D, but instead invested more energy and resources in other directions.

  As an emerging big chaebol, Changye Entertainment Group has reached the extreme in the field of Chaomeng R&D, and it will certainly embark on a path similar to other big chaebols in the future.

   I just didn’t expect that in this special period, as “Under the Blade” encountered Waterloo, Long Night Entertainment Group also ushered in an unexpected backyard fire.

   Corey, as the producer of “Under the Blade”, is of course the first to bear the brunt.

   But this matter can’t be solved by asking someone to take the blame.

   For a long time, Super Dream R&D has been the core business of Long Night Entertainment Group, and it is also a moat. A large part of Long Night Entertainment Group’s stock price and valuation is supported by the excellent performance of New Super Dream.

   But this time, the emergence of “The Embers Will Extinguish” not only caused “Under the Blade” to encounter Waterloo, but even worse, it showed a new direction for the development of the super dream industry!

   Not only was the long night entertainment group’s moat filled in, but a new moat also appeared, excluding the long night entertainment group!

  To this day, some of the design details in “The Embers Will Go Out” have long been picked up by the gold medal super dream producers of the Long Night Entertainment Group. In terms of Long Night Entertainment Group’s manpower, material resources, and financial resources, it is not difficult to copy a super dream similar to “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

   At the beginning, “Strolling in the Garden” didn’t even need the gold medal producer of Long Night Entertainment Group to make a move. Just one project can be copied.

   But the problem is that the result of the copycat is utterly shapeless and can’t achieve the desired effect at all!

  Because until now, no producer has been able to explain why “The Embers Will Extinguish” has such a good training effect.

   And this unsolved mystery directly stuck the neck of Long Night Entertainment Group.

   Not only is the online bad news for Long Night Entertainment Group, many players and audiences are cynics, even the capital market has shown obvious distrust of Long Night Entertainment Group, and the stock price has plummeted one after another.

   Obviously, it is quite disturbing that the core business of a giant chaebol has been slammed by a start-up company.

   If this Lishan Technology Group has also been listed, then the stock price should be soaring like a rocket at this time, in sharp contrast with the heavy setback of Long Night Entertainment Group.

   It is precisely for this reason that Rob Ryan, the president of Long Night Entertainment Group, is so angry. He has always been very graceful and indecent in his emotions and anger. He is quite rare to get angry.

   Because in his opinion, it is obvious that these gold medal super dream producers are too good.

   Everyone has made a super dream, but you can’t even analyze it?

  Pure waste!

   But these gold medal super dream producers also have something to say.

   Don’t your seniors think we are dispensable? Don’t you want to weaken our influence as much as possible and replace us with a variety of system algorithms and a mass-produced Super Dream mode?

   Then, if this happens, don’t you take the blame?

   I think of us at this time.

   When something happens, I remember that we are producers, and when we are okay, we will be treated as ordinary wage earners?

   Therefore, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit stiff, and no one answered the conversation at all.

   Rob Ryan calmed down a little, and looked at the empty seat on the conference table.

   That seat belongs to Li Yunhan.

   “Why didn’t Li Yunhan come?” Rob Ryan asked.

   No one answered.

   It’s just that Rob Ryan, who was still furious just now, calmed down and said to Corey: “Go and invite Li Yunhan.”

   The incident of “The Embers Will Go Out” is inseparable from Li Yunhan.

   If it weren’t for the super dream made by Li Yunhan, “The Embers Will Go Out” wouldn’t be so fast.

   Rob Ryan has many reasons to hate Li Yunhan.

   For example, among all the Super Dream producers who don’t want to be a tool man, Li Yunhan is the hardest and the most vocal;

   Li Yunhan not only bluntly and contradicted all senior executives at the meeting, but also used his influence on social accounts to criticize some measures of Long Night Entertainment Group, which brought a lot of negative public opinion to the company;

   This time, he stood on the side of the enemy and directly took “The Embers Will Extinguish” to beat his own project.

   This is no longer a turning of the elbow, this is simply the anti-thief hiding in the company!

   But Rob Ryan calmed down. He can’t spread all his anger on Li Yunhan now.

   Because so far, Li Yunhan’s interpretation is indeed the closest to the truth.

   If anyone in the Long Night Entertainment Group is most likely to crack the secret of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, it is only Li Yunhan.

   Li Yunhan is the most prominent among all Super Dream producers. It is not his interpretation ability, but that he is really good at playing, in a physical sense.

   Shortly after the official version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” was released, Li Yunhan got through. On the other hand, other Chaomeng producers are still suffering in Chaomeng.

  The key is that these super dream producers are afraid to adjust or reduce the difficulty. What if this magical training effect is gone after the difficulty is reduced? Didn’t that study loneliness?

   Therefore, no matter how hard I suffer, I can only endure it.

   But if you switch to some strong fighters with cold weapons to clear the level, many feelings cannot be directly transmitted to these producers.

   Those who understand Chaomeng cannot get through, those who can get through don’t understand Chaomeng.

   was awkward.

   The progress of this research is really too slow, it is unbearably slow!

   Although Rob Ryan and the senior management of Long Night Entertainment Group are very angry, they have to admit that Li Yunhan can indeed play a pivotal and irreplaceable role in certain aspects.

   can’t tear himself apart with Li Yunhan at this time, because Long Night Entertainment Group still has a place to get him.

   Corey left the conference room to find Li Yunhan, and the conference room fell into a terrible silence.

   Everyone had their own plans in their hearts, and they didn’t show it on their faces.

   About ten minutes later, Corey came back.

   There was a shocked expression on his face.

   “Li Yunhan…he is gone!”

  Rob Ryan’s face suddenly sank: “What do you mean by ‘missing’?”

Corey said: “His office and residence were empty, everything was tidied up, I called him a communication request, and found that he had thrown the bracelet in the office and placed it on the desk. In your drawer.”

   “On the table… there is also a resignation report.”

   Rob Ryan’s face became more gloomy: “Check me the surveillance video in the company! Start the smart search and find him!”

   Everyone immediately became busy.

   After a while, the result of the smart search came out.

   There are various smart cameras in the headquarters of Changye Entertainment Group, but these cameras basically fail to capture Li Yunhan’s shadow.

   Only before leaving the Long Night Entertainment Group, Li Yunhan faced the last camera, lowered the brim of his hat and waved goodbye.

  Because half of his face was blocked, the intelligent system could not determine that it was Li Yunhan. It only recorded a highly suspected result and was searched out at this time.

   After seeing this scene, everyone immediately confirmed that Li Yunhan had already left.

   not only walked unconsciously, but also walked very early and resolutely. Calculated according to time, it should have been on the plane at this time.


   Rob Ryan thumped the table hard.


   At the same time, Chen She returned to his room and once again immersed himself in the world of his consciousness.

   Since becoming the creator of secondary energy fluctuations, he can freely enter his conscious world, and basically everything that happens in the conscious world does not take up real time.

   He can think in the conscious world for several hours, but only a few seconds have passed in reality.

   This ability looks great on the surface, but in fact it doesn’t have much effect. It just gives him more time to think, making him very calm whether he is thinking about plans or fooling people.

   But that’s all.

   Epsilon was not there because Chen She blocked him.

   Chen She, as a creator, can freely control everything in his conscious world, and he can also block Epsilon from seeing him again. But Epsilon alone cannot be completely expelled.

   Obviously, the spirits of the two people are currently deeply bound together in an incomprehensible way, and Chen She currently has no ability to untie them.

   “It’s not a long-term solution to be a turtle like this after all.”

   “Even if I block Epsilon, his power will naturally increase, and what should happen will still happen at that time.”

   “What’s more, Epsilon must still have some information that I don’t know.”

   “So, not only should I not block Epsilon for a long time, but I should talk to him more and follow his routine.”

   “But if you do this, you might be fooled by him…”

   “Anyway, stay firm in your mind and ignore his persecution, but you must also find a way to get useful information from him.”

   “The servants and miracles of the second-order energy fluctuations, first create them according to my own ideas, and cannot be affected by him.”

   “After I have created these two most critical links, I will release him.”

   After Chen She became the creator of second-level energy fluctuations, he also naturally obtained all the information about this profession, which is the commonality of professions related to synesthesia.

  Creator is a very special profession, and some of the abilities were possessed by Chen She before, that is, when the first-level energy fluctuates.

   For example, a very concrete imagination, the ability to accurately turn imagination into an entity, an overall increase in artistic talent, and the impact of the created works on people will multiply and so on.

   It’s just that at that time, because Chen She had insufficient space-time particles and insufficient mental power, he couldn’t enter his spiritual world. These skills only existed as an unbelievable passive skill.

  Chen She only realized their existence, but didn’t understand why.

   After entering the second-level energy fluctuation, Chen She can not only enter the spiritual world and be clearly aware of these special abilities, but also obtain certain combat abilities and special abilities.

   The creator has two combat abilities, one is to control space-time particles, and the other is to create his own servants.

   The former is somewhat similar to the superpower, except that the superpower directly controls the object through mental power, but the creator can only control the space-time particles he owns, and use the space-time particles as the medium to fight.

   Because of the special properties of space-time particles, the creator can turn space-time particles into sharp edges or shields, or transform their properties into various objects.

   However, this ability has great limitations. On the one hand, it must have a large number of space-time particles, which burns money. On the other hand, it will not have a strong combat power in real fights. It is okay to bully weak enemies with low energy fluctuations.

   This is more like an auxiliary ability than a direct combat ability. It is fancy to fight, but it is mainly used for abuse.

   The creator’s main combat power comes from his own servants. Each level of energy fluctuation can create a new servant. This servant is created by consuming space-time particles. It can exist in the spiritual world of the creator, or it can exist in the real world at any time using space-time particles as a medium.

   In addition, the creator can let the servant occupy his own body, thereby using all the abilities of the servant.

   The way that creators are upgraded is different from other professions. There are two main sources: one is to improve through continuous creation, and the other is to improve through the promotion of servants.

   Chen She originally thought that his own strength determines the strength of his servants, but after a closer look, he found that this was not the case, but the other way round. It was the strength of the servants that affected his own strength.

   When the strength of the servant grows rapidly for some reason, the strength of the creator will also grow rapidly.

   In short, many of the rules of creators are very different from the other 24 existing professions.

   In addition, the creator also has a special ability, that is, he can create “miracles” in his own conscious world.

   Creators have many whimsical ideas, but most of them cannot be brought into the real world. Because the real world has unique rules, it is difficult for creators to turn these ideas into reality through space-time particles.

   But in one’s own spiritual world, you can not be restricted by the real world to a certain extent.

   Of course, such a powerful ability is also limited.

  Whether it is a servant or a miracle, there is a possibility of failure when creating in the world of consciousness, and only one can be created for each level of energy fluctuation.

   For creators, the most critical things are servants and miracles. Otherwise, just lie down.

   After all, other professional upgrades rely on hard work, while the creators upgrade rely on continuous creation and the servants to lead themselves to fly.

   Therefore, Chen She decided to exclude the influence of Epsilon first and set these two things down.

  Because after releasing Epsilon, he will definitely fool himself, interfere with his judgment, and try his best to lead himself into the pit.

   By the time Chen She actually had a hard time telling whether what he said was true or false.

   Although Epsilon seems to be a little bit unwise because of the excessive opening and hanging, he still has too much time and space knowledge and secrets of high-level combat power.

   At present, Chen She and Epsilon have a huge information gap, so if you want to talk about each other, then Epsilon must have a huge advantage.

   So, first make all the decisions that should be made, and then release Epsilon out and play with him slowly.

  Chen She first decided to create a servant of his own.

   After the spiritual power was improved, Chen She could feel the presence of Epsilon’s power in his conscious world.

  Psionic energy and synaesthesia are two completely different spiritual powers. The former originates from Chen She himself, while the latter originates from Epsilon and the world of time and space.

   Chen She closed his eyes and opened it again, his spiritual world has completely turned into another scene.

   was originally a desolate snowfield, which seemed to herald the tragic end of the world after Epsillon’s goal was achieved in the future, but at this time it turned into an isolated island in the dark torrent.

   Everything in the center remains the same, bright light shines, symbolizing the pure spiritual world. But in the surroundings, the sticky darkness is constantly gathering.

  The bright light represents Chen She’s own spiritual power, while the sticky darkness represents epsilon and synaesthetic power.

   Once Chen She’s own spiritual power is completely overwhelmed, and the sticky darkness swallows everything, it means that Epsilon will gain Chen She’s body and return to this world.

The surrounding dark tides are constantly trying to rush towards the center, which means that if Chen She does nothing, then the natural growth rate of Epsilon’s synesthetic power will be faster than Chen She’s spiritual power. The spirit will be swallowed by Epsilon sooner or later.

   Of course, these are the scenes after some abstract concepts are concreted. Chen She has transformed his spiritual world into scenes that are easy to feel intuitively.

   “Theoretically, the servant of the creator can choose freely from the other 24 professions.”

   “It stands to reason that from the perspective of enhancing your own combat power, the stronger the better.”

   “Although a powerful career may fail when created, there will not be much loss after failure. You can try a few more times and you will always succeed.”

   “If you fail, you won’t have much loss, it’s a waste of time and space particles, and it will burn more money.”

   “But the biggest problem is that powerful professions are often related to synaesthesia…”

“If you choose a profession that is connected with synaesthetic ability as a servant, your ability will definitely improve quickly. Because the improvement of the creator’s strength is driven by the servant. Once the servant quickly improves by relying on the synaesthetic ability, then I will’retire and let the virtuous’ It’s not far.”

   “Moreover, even a normal servant, Epsilon’s synaesthetic ability will affect it, making it increase faster than my mental ability.”

“So, not only can I not allow the servant to improve too fast, but I must do everything possible to suppress its improvement. If its energy fluctuations are raised, but I can’t suppress Epsilon’s synesthetic power, then it will be all That’s it…”

   Chen She was in a tangled entanglement, which is obviously quite annoying.

   If there is no such thing as Epsilon, Chen She only needs to choose a powerful profession without thinking, and try one by one.

   At that time, Chen She can use the abilities of the servants, and UU can quickly improve his own strength.

   But now, it’s all the other way around.

   After much consideration, Chen She made a decision.

   “In that case, choose a career that has the most trash and has nothing to do with synaesthesia.”

   “The new man, it’s you!”

   If there is any profession that is recognized as the most trash, it should be new humans.

  Because new humans are a single genetic modification pathway, apart from greater power, faster response, and better skills, there is no essential difference compared to ordinary people.

  A single genetic modification approach is inherently single-capable and easy to be restrained, whether it is a mechanical war machine, a computing power hacker, a psionic superpower, or a synaesthetic time-space traveler.

   But these are better than the new humans.

   War machines are as simple and brainless as new humans. They don’t need to be upgraded, they only need to continuously transform their bodies through machines. However, in the initial stage, machines are stronger than physical bodies.

   As for hackers, although the combat power is not good, the profession itself is not used for combat.

   Not to mention the professions full of various bug abilities such as superpowers and time travellers.

   Therefore, Chen She made up his mind and he was a new man.

   This kind of simple and no-brained profession would be easier to restrict.

   What’s more, Chen She has a very suitable ready-made image in his mind.

   Chen She felt that his spiritual power and absorbed space-time particles were quickly evacuated, and soon, a thin and slender man dressed in rags appeared in front of him.


   Chen She greeted his first servant.

   And this servant bowed slightly to Chen She to show respect.


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