Virtual End

Chapter 47 - The master of surreal genre

   April 11th, Friday.

   Chen She is in the experience shop and continues to carve.

   In fact, after reaching the second level of energy fluctuations and unlocking the career of creators, Chen She already has a much stronger creativity than before.

  Like the previous sculptures, he doesn’t even need to sculpt at all. He only needs to use a little space-time particles to turn a piece of ready-made material into what he imagined.

   It’s just that this kind of ability is a bit weird and it’s not suitable for public display.

   After all, so far there is no profession that can achieve this kind of effect similar to the “humanoid self-propelled 3D printer”, and the existence of the profession of creator is still a mystery.

   Chen She absolutely does not want this secret to be revealed.

   Of course, for Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen, they must have guessed something, after all, they know a little about the ceremony. But these two people will certainly neither ask more, nor talk nonsense about it.

   This will be the highest secret of this resistance army.

   Therefore, Chen She will still try to put on a dress in front of everyone. He will not really expose his “humanoid self-propelled 3D printer” side, but will still paint stroke by stroke and sculpt one by one.

   What’s more, Chen She discovered that sculpting slowly is better for himself than directly creating with the creator’s ability.

At present, the energy fluctuations of creators mainly come from two ways: one is creation, whether it is carving, painting or making super dreams, it can be included in this list; the other is the improvement of the strength of the servants, the more the servants are promoted, the creators The more it improves.

   But if it is to directly consume space-time particles to create, although it is convenient, it will increase the synaesthetic ability too much, causing the power of Epsilon to grow faster.

   While carving slowly like this, the form has changed, which is beneficial to the power to suppress Epsilon.

   In addition, this kind of carving really helps to decompress, and it has even become a daily habit of Chen She, so it continues.

   After Li Yunhan arrived at Lishan Technology Group, Chen She did not arrange a job for him, but let him study first.

  What to study?

  , of course, is to continue learning “The Embers Will Go Out”.

   This super dream has to continue to be popular for a year and a half. Li Yunhan likes brain tonic so much, then let him play more and brainstorm.

   Anyway, don’t mix things with the new super dream.

   Chen She still has no clue about Xin Chao Meng, not to mention that after Li Yunhan came, Xin Chao Meng was more difficult to do, and he could only continue to sculpt when he was bored.

   As the physical version of “The Embers Will Extinguish” quickly rolled out, a large number of goods were distributed in major cities. The supply in Liming City is of course more abundant, and all major experience stores buy them in large quantities.

   In this way, the pressure of the Lishan Technology Experience Store is also shared. The scene that was completely full as before is gone, and the flow of people in the experience store has dropped again, and it has finally returned to a normal level.

   However, Wu Yisu still often recommends people from the bar to come over to play, and a large number of guests come to the house every other time, which makes Chen She feel very disturbed.

  The opening of a new experience store must also be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

   The matter of selecting a site to build a base in the field has also been arranged for inspection, and I believe there will be results after a while.

   Zhang Sirui sat down on the sofa next to Chen She and called up a holographic projection map of Dawn City on the bracelet.

   “Chen, this is the location of the experience store after the inspection.”

   “There are seven sites in the inner city, and twelve sites are similar to our current location.”

   “Which places do you want to build the experience store?”

  Chen She looked at this holographic projection map seriously, and the engraving movement on his hand did not stop at all.

   I saw a total of nineteen sites, which can be said to be scattered on the map of Liming City, and they are everywhere. Obviously, they are the result of screening according to more suitable conditions.

  Chen She shook his head: “Never. The way of choosing this site is obviously wrong.”

   Zhang Sirui was taken aback: “Wrong? What’s wrong?”

  Chen She sighed slightly, these people, if you don’t exhort them, they can’t think of it.

   How tired I am as president!

   The current location is obviously the most profitable location.

   Can that work? Certainly not.

   The purpose of this experience shop has never been to make money, but to spend money and life!

   So, in order to achieve this goal, what is the best way? It must be to put all the experience stores together, with a certain distance between each other, but not too far apart, they are all equipped with the highest level of security measures.

   The surrounding demand is saturated? It doesn’t matter, Zhengchou’s shop is too busy.

   Even if the enterprise coalition forces come over, the several experience stores will cover each other, forming a chaotic situation, and can resist a wave, so that Chen She can escape calmly.

   If these stores are too scattered or too concentrated, this effect will not be achieved.

   Chen She explained: “Have you forgotten the location of this experience store? It is because you can control the whole street by putting some heavy weapons on the roof.”

   “You scattered all the experience stores in various urban areas, so far away, is there such an effect?”

   “Our super dream is so hot, you can make money everywhere. At this time, of course, we must carefully consider other factors.”

   “The key is location!”

   “Besides, the number of stores is not too high, because all security measures in the store must be in accordance with the current store’s standards.”

   Zhang Sirui suddenly realized: “It turns out that it is like this, Mr. Chen, you said it earlier!”

   “I knew I had chosen it myself, I’m good at this!”

   If the site selection is not based on the criteria of an experience store, but based on the criteria of bases and towers, it would be much simpler. It belongs to Zhang Sirui’s professional field.

   He zoomed in on the holographic projection map of Dawn City, focused on the small area where the experience store is currently located, and focused on the shops for sale in the nearby blocks.

   “Here, here, and…here.”

   “There are five new stores in total. They are all around our current store. They are in a corner. Once something happens, they can respond quickly and support each other quickly.”

   “Although the range is not particularly large, it can ensure that we maintain absolute control within the coverage of our experience store.”

   “Even if a few elite teams from the chaebol come over, we still have room to deal with!”

   Zhang Sirui has never looked at these punks in the neighborhood. The enemies in his eyes are generally the corporate army of the major chaebols.

   Chen She nodded: “This is a good location, and it’s in my heart. Then just follow this one.”

   “By the way, the site of the base in the wilderness should not be too close to Dawn City, as far as possible.”

   “Safety comes first.”

   The farther the base is from Dawn City, the more difficult it will be to supply it. Therefore, even if a company builds a base in the wilderness, it will try to be as close as possible to the satellite city of Dawn City and the surrounding settlements, not too far away.

   But Chen She builds a base in the wilderness, that is to be used for his life!

   If the base is on the edge of the satellite city, what a shit? As soon as the corporate army fought over, they fell in love with each other along the way.

   So, I still have to go as far as possible into the wilderness.

   Although this will extend the supply line and make the daily operations of the base a little bit difficult, it can only be so for the sake of life.

   What’s more, Lishan Technology is not short of money at all, and Chen She is even worried about how to spend the money.

   Raising a wilderness base far away from Dawn City is not a big problem.

After   ’s exhortation, the sculpture on Chen She’s hand was also finished. He put the sculpture aside at will, picked up a new piece of material, and sculpted it while thinking about the problem.

   Just then, the experience shop has new customers.

   Zhou Lei was always paying attention to the situation outside the store, and immediately noticed that these two new guests were a bit strange.

   These two people are stylishly dressed and have a bit of art. They seem to be children of rich families, and they seem a little out of tune with the customers in the experience store.

   Due to location reasons, although the experience store often has customers from the inner city, most of the customers are ordinary people nearby. Even if there are some people from wealthy families, they are obviously incomparable with these two people.

   But the strange thing is that they obviously came together, but they are a bit incompatible. They are a bit disgusting with each other.

   Zhou Lei paid more attention to it. After all, as the store manager, he is also responsible for the security of the experience store, so he should be more careful when encountering suspicious people.

   The members of the Space-Time Knights had mixed in before. Although Zhou Lei was really helpless, it also made him feel that his work was not good enough.

   One of these two people is called Ji Yongkang and the other is called Su Zhiyong, but apart from the name, there is no more information.

   Generally speaking, these wealthy people pay more attention to the security of personal information. Although transactions and payments occur when they go online at the experience store, they do not have too much personal information. Some people even have fake names.

   Xia Lirong smiled service, leading two people to two adjacent Super Dream game cabins.

   However, the two people didn’t want to be next to each other, they deliberately separated by an empty space.

   Xia Lirong was a little surprised, but didn’t say much, and went on to work on his own affairs. The service industry will encounter some strange-tempered customers. At this time, there is no need to award mobs, just respect the wishes of the guests.

   Since coming to the experience store, Xia Lirong has become a clerk, actively involved, and now he has fully started the work here.

   Of course, the work of the experience store itself is not complicated. It is nothing more than receiving customers and understanding the use of some equipment in the store. For Xia Lirong, these are not difficult at all.

   He finally cherished such a job opportunity.

Just in the process of work, Xia Lirong found that this store has a vigorous and resolute posture from the manager to the clerk. He sees six directions and listens to all directions, which is fundamentally different from the yawning and completely inactive clerk of other stores. .

   Xia Lirong couldn’t help being very moved, and decided to learn from everyone’s spirit and put it into work in the fullest working state!

   Although Chen She was sculpting his head, he actually didn’t think much of the matter of carving. It was like scribbling on paper. But even so, the things he carves as he pleases will still be very exquisite and full of connotation.

   In Chen She’s eyes, this is the creator’s biggest bug. Things like manipulating space-time particles and creating servants are not so much in comparison with this.

   Chen She is going to put Xia Lirong in the experience store for a while, and when the new production line is officially started, the handcuff bracelet and the game cabin are officially started, and then he will be transferred to the new factory.

   During the recent period, Grantham of the Temporal Knights did not come back.

   Chen She wished that he would not come again, because it was a bit dangerous.

   In case the Time and Space Knights knew that Epsilon was in Chen She’s consciousness, Chen She had no doubt that they would cut Chen She into scum and try to rescue Epsilon.

   Chen She sighed slightly, and the speed of carving accelerated again.

   At this moment, Zhang Sirui, who had been closing his eyes just now, suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside the experience store.

   Chen She couldn’t help being surprised, but after a glance, he didn’t find the blue light bulb.

   He took a sigh of relief.

   “Why, is there anything?” Chen She asked.

   Zhang Sirui nodded: “The two young people just now seemed to be followed by a master. I can only vaguely have a hunch, but I don’t know the specific strength and background of the other party.”

  Chen She continued to lower his head to sculpt: “The problem is not big, it shouldn’t be directed at us. But this also shows that the two young people have special identities, and they don’t look like ordinary rich second generations.”

   Zhang Sirui nodded, he did not relax his guard, just looked at the two young people more.


   Before lying in the Super Dream Game Pod, Ji Yongkang and Su Zhiyong, the two young men, were still bickering across the empty Super Dream Game Pod in the middle.

   Su Zhiyong said: “Realistic schools can create eternal classics. I will prove it to you soon!”

   Ji Yongkang is not to be outdone: “Huh, the promotional image of “The Embers Will Extinguish” has proved that the super-sensing genre is the future direction of art!”

   Su Zhiyong sarcastically said: “What super-sensing genre? Obviously it is a scribble, using far-fetched explanations to excuse yourself from your weak basic skills!”

  Ji Yongkang retorted: “Fart! The super-sensing genre is the use of skills. In this state, you will never understand it with a hard-hearted eye. You should give up painting as soon as possible and learn photography!”

   The two people refused to give way to each other. After a few quarrels, the two lay down in the Super Dream game cabin and began to experience “The Embers Will Extinguish”.

   Su Zhiyong came here with a sigh of relief.

   He and Ji Yongkang are both high-achieving students from the Liming Higher Art College.

Liming Higher Art College was founded by Qiyuan Education Group, but several members of Liming City also contributed funds. Therefore, it is not only for the rich, but also selectively recruits some civilians. Therefore, it is possible to hang Liming City. Name.

   Tuition is very expensive, and even many people who rely on loans to go to school still pay off their loans more than ten years after graduation.

   But in any case, this art academy is one of the top art academies in the entire old soil, and it can also represent the development of the entire old soil art school.

   There are two main art schools in the old soil, namely, the realistic school and the super-sensory school that Ji Yongkang and Su Zhiyong have been arguing over all the time.

  The reality genre emphasizes the skill of art. It is necessary to accurately reproduce reality. The more precise and detailed, the better.

   There is even a real art master who once painted a picture exactly like a real photo. In the eyes of the masters of the real genre, although they are exactly the same, the process of hand-painting is the greatest significance.

On the other hand, the super-sensing school emphasizes the complete distortion and abstract expression of reality. The paintings are all in the clouds and fog, which makes people totally incomprehensible, but if you look carefully, you can get something from it. Emotional infection.

   This method of conveying emotions with abstract art that does not stick to form is considered to be the essence of the super-sensing school.

   Therefore, the two mainstream art genres in the old soil have been in a state of incompatibility since the beginning.

   In fact, in the old soil, far before the silver ephemeris, some other genres appeared. But the problem is that with the frequent occurrence of time and space activities and earth-shaking changes in the environment of the old land, only these two schools have been passed down and gradually developed into the mainstream.

   There is a reason for this.

   With the development of science and technology, the emergence of holographic projection and super dream technology has made people increasingly confused between virtual and reality. The reality school emphasizes the use of art to express reality, so more and more attention is paid to skills and expressions that are completely close to reality.

   In contrast, the birth of the supersensory genre is inseparable from the emergence of temporal and spatial activities and synaesthetic power. As more and more people are immersed in the spiritual world and resort to many things in mysterious powers, they are increasingly yearning for existences that are beyond reality and illusory forms.

   Therefore, there are two different roots behind the reality school and the super-sensing school, and the two schools are naturally arguing.

  This kind of disputes exists not only among the top artists, but also among the top students of the art academy.

   After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

And Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang are the most stalwart supporters of the reality school and the transcendental school among the students. It just so happens that both of them have a good physique, and they debated when they had nothing to do. I compare my own works.

   Although it is a chicken and a duck talking, each has its own judgment standard, and no one can convince anyone, but they still have a strong fighting spirit.

   And this delicate balance was broken in the first two days.

   Because of the appearance of “The Embers Will Go Out”!

   This is a coincidence. Ji Yongkang, who was at a disadvantage in the last debate, was very dissatisfied. At this moment, the super dream of “The Embers Will Go Out” suddenly became popular at an incredible speed.

   Ji Yongkang didn’t have much interest in super dreams, let alone this kind of super dreams that advertised high difficulty.

   As a result, after he saw the analysis of the propaganda image on the Internet, he found the original image again and was immediately shocked.

have a look! Isn’t this a masterpiece of the super-sensation genre?

   A thick gray mist, with fire faintly shining from behind the mist. The various shapes of the fog can make up many details in the brain, and make people have rich associations.

   Isn’t this exactly in line with the concept of the super-sensing genre?

   So, Ji Yongkang immediately found a point of counterattack: Look, “The Embers Will Extinguish”, this epoch-making super dream work, also used the artistic techniques of the super-sensing genre when it was publicized!

   Moreover, this super dream is so popular and the players love and accept it so much, which shows that the super sense genre is the mainstream, and it is more in line with the aesthetic appeal of ordinary people!

   As for the reality genre? I’m sorry, the technology in this world is so advanced. Any picture taken with a wristband has much higher pixels than your hand-painted pixels. You should have been eliminated long ago!

   Facing Ji Yongkang’s riding face output, Su Zhiyong of course couldn’t accept it.

   However, Ji Yongkang’s combination of punches is indeed very lethal, especially after throwing out the 100% game poster that can be called a masterpiece of the super-sensing genre, it has achieved a comprehensive suppression effect on Su Zhiyong.

   So, Su Zhiyong refused.

   He decided to ask Ji Yongkang to go to this experience store to experience “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and then find a way to refute!

   In fact, given their family background, they all can afford the physical version of Chaomeng. But after each played the physical version of Chaomeng at home, they couldn’t immediately start a debate after all.

   It is better to choose an absolutely fair and neutral location like the experience store.

   So they came.

On the surface,    is here to play Chaomeng, but in fact it involves a dispute between art genres!


   half an hour later.

   Su Zhi used the fifteenth time to dispel the thought of rolling out of the Super Dream game cabin, and continued to clenched his teeth and embarked on the journey.

   He wanted to say, this super dream is really not human play!

   What is this super dream? It’s totally abused!

  Although he had heard of the terrible name of “The Embers Will Extinguish” before coming to play, although he was vigilant at that time, he did not have a particularly clear understanding.

   He still thinks, isn’t it just a super dream? Where can it be harder?

   I found out after I really got started, well, it’s really outrageous!

   If only Su Zhi played by himself, he would definitely withdraw without saying a word. Who cares about playing Chaomeng and suffering?

   But seeing that Ji Yongkang hadn’t come out, Su Zhiyong held back again.

   If you lose, you don’t lose, you are already at a disadvantage. If you can’t bear even this bit of hardship, wouldn’t it be even more difficult for the opponent to give him a face-riding output?


   And just so, Ji Yongkang thought so too.

   So the two of them were tortured to kick their legs frantically in the Super Dream game cabin, but they were clenched and resolutely unable to come out.

   Until two hours later, the two people left the Super Dream game cabin.

   just not long after the panic was undecided, he once again plunged into the battle of lip-slashes and swords.

Ji Yongkang took the lead: “Have you seen it? Is this super dream as artistic as Li Yunhan interpreted? Such artistic producers have chosen the super-sensing genre as the promotional image of super dream, which is not enough to explain the problem. ?”

   Su Zhiyong smiled coldly: “Huh, superficial!”

“You only saw the promotional image of Chaomeng, but what is inside Chaomeng? Think about the various details in Chaomeng, including the tattered weapons and armors, collapsed city walls, and all kinds of scenes. Is it very realistic?”

   “It is precisely because of this realistic style that the world can give people a sense of reality, and the producer can accurately convey a lot of content to the players’ hearts.”

   “If it’s all abstract, it’s up to the players’ brains to make up for them, just like you guys, how much can they make up for?”

   “So, the promotional image still has to be combined with the realistic style in the game to be effective, or the reality genre is more important!”

Ji Yongkang shook his head: “That’s wrong! The reality style of super dreams is indeed the cornerstone. That’s right, but the super-sensing genre is the improvement above reality! After being elevated, I don’t need to say more? “

   Su Zhiyong was a little annoyed: “But I just started to be arrogant, right? I also said that the super-sensing genre is only the appearance, and the reality genre is the main body!”

   The two quarreled endlessly, not giving way to each other, and returned to the same starting line again.

   Xia Lirong watched from the side, couldn’t help but be surprised.

  Don’t say it, these two people are quite qualified. Although they were fighting fiercely, they lowered their voices to avoid disturbing others, and no matter how much they argued, they were still barely justified and did not carry out personal attacks.

   Seeing the two sides arguing, Su Zhiyong suddenly lit up and seemed to have discovered a new battlefield.

   He walked quickly to the decorative shelf of the experience store, which was filled with various small sculptures.

   Su Zhi glanced over, and said proudly: “Look! The sculptures displayed in this shop are all extremely delicate and lifelike. This is the style of our realistic genre!”

   “This shows that our reality genre is more popular, and it is more in line with the taste of Lishan Technology!”

   “Otherwise, why would the experience store be filled with statues of this style of reality?”

   Su Zhiyong suddenly turned in and hit Ji Yongkang by surprise.

  Ji Yongkang looked at these small sculptures of various shapes, but all of them are lifelike, and he couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

He originally wanted to be **** his lips, using “This can only represent the personal taste of the store manager, not the attitude of the producers of “The Embers Will Extinguish”” to refute, but on second thought, this kind of refutation is too weak and difficult to start. To the effect you want.

   looked at the imminent defeat, Ji Yongkang suddenly lit up and found a breakthrough.

   I saw him walking quickly to another decorative shelf, pointing to the sculpture on it, and saying, “Then how do you explain these sculptures?”

   Su Zhiyong was taken aback, he took a closer look and found that the sculptures in front of Ji Yongkang did have a completely different style from the previous sculptures!

   These sculptures will look more abstract.

   For example, one of the statues is like smoke that is constantly expanding. Although the smoke is a gas and the sculpture is a solid, this meticulous engraving has shown the characteristics of each wisp of smoke. Although it is fixed, it gives the illusion that the smoke is gradually spreading.

   These sculptures are all abstract and intangible themes, but they can be expressed in this very concrete way and have another unique impact.

   “This…” Su Zhiyong was stunned. He originally thought that the sculptures in the store had only the style of realism, but he did not expect that there would also be this kind of style that favors the super-sensory genre!

Both of them were silent. On the one hand, both of them were back on the same starting line. No one could convince anyone. The arguments were evenly matched, and the debate could not go on. On the other hand, they were both affected by these ingenuities. The sculpture is fascinated!

   Each of them picked up these sculptures and carefully observed various details, as if they were holding an exquisite artwork.

   “This carving, this subject, is so perfect, this is a real work of art!”

   “However, it is precisely because the carving is so perfect, it may be the creation of a machine.”

   “Indeed, the level of precision is about the same as that of the most sophisticated machine, if it is not a machine… what a terrible carving technique!”

   “There are all kinds of themes, and the style of the realistic genre and the style of the super sense genre can be perfectly controlled. Who is it? Who made these sculptures?”

   Both of them were deeply attracted by these sculptures.

  Because judging from the judgment standards of the two of them, these sculptures are the top in their respective evaluation systems!

   In Su Zhiyong’s view, these sculptures are lifelike, with perfect techniques comparable to machines. They can’t pick out any flaws. Isn’t it in line with the style of reality?

   In Ji Yongkang’s view, abstract things are turned into entities, and there is this deep meaning in the abstract modeling, which makes people produce rich associations. Isn’t it in line with the style of the super-sensing genre?

   If these are machine-made handicrafts, although they are discounted in value and become less precious, it is like losing their soul, but this shape alone is enough to be called a masterpiece.

   And if they are all handmade…

   That’s incredible!

   Which big artist is hiding in this small experience shop? It would be too awkward!

   The two couldn’t help but look at Xia Lirong: “Excuse me, where did these statues come from?”

   Xia Lirong looked at the rest area, where Chen She was.

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang’s eyes opened wide in an instant. They completely forgot the previous quarrel, and their eyes were all on Chen She, who was sculpting while bowing his head in thought.

   The two were shocked.

   So this big artist has been sculpting quietly in the corner of the rest area? And they didn’t notice it when they entered the store?

   The group of people around are really ignorant! Sure enough, they are all vulgar people!

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang hurried forward and said respectfully: “Master! Please be respected by the students!”

   Chen She looked up subconsciously, and found that the two men bowed to the ground, their expressions of respect and admiration were indescribable, and even a bit of a pilgrimage.

   Chen She couldn’t help but several question marks floated above his head.

   In our shop… When did two neuroses come?

   “Are you…what’s going on?” Chen She looked up at them with some doubts, but the movements on his hands were like subconscious reactions, still sculpting quickly without pausing.

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang seemed to have seen some extremely terrifying pictures, their eyes widened, staring at Chen She’s hand, their faces were incredible.

   Because I originally thought that these carvings are either industrial products designed with professional software and processed with special machines, or they are the products of a master’s meticulous crafting and a lot of effort.

   Considering there are so many statues in the store, the former is more likely.

   But the latter possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

   But now, the two of them are shocked to find that they both guessed wrong.

   These are all produced by a ruthless master sculptor, like a machine!

   The three people stared at them with big eyes. The two on the opposite side were completely shocked. They were speechless for a long time. Chen She saw that the two of them didn’t reply, and for a while, he didn’t know how to connect.

   After a short silence, the statue in Chen She’s hand was carved again.

   Ji Yongkang hurriedly said, “Master, can you show me this statue of yours?”

   Chen She casually put aside: “Whatever.”

   said, he picked up a new piece of material and continued to carve.

   Ji Yongkang carefully held up the new sculpture with both hands in a very respectful posture, opened his eyes and observed it carefully, and then his face showed a shocked expression again.

   “It’s a magical skill, a magical skill…”

   Ji Yongkang watched Chen She sculpt the last part while chatting with them with his own eyes. He didn’t even stare at the sculpture, but the carving knife in his hand kept swiftly like he was peeling potatoes.

   Of course, this analogy is not appropriate, but this is a sculpture full of artistic sense, how can it be compared with potato peeling!

   But in any case, this kind of confident sense of confidence really shocked Ji Yongkang.

   After seeing the specific shape of the statue, Ji Yongkang became more excited: “Look, it is another super-sensing genre work! This shows that in the eyes of the master, the super-sensing genre is the best!”

   Su Zhiyong was hit hard, but he was still dissatisfied: “But the master obviously created more works of realistic genres. If you don’t believe you count the sculptures in the store, there are definitely more realistic genres!”

   Chen She was carving while wondering.

   Who are these two?

   I’m thinking about something, why are you chatting and debating in my ears?

   If you like sculptures, you just take them away. Anyway, there are so many things, and the store is almost out of place. Don’t bother me, can you?

  I am thinking about how to prevent the world from being destroyed! Who cares about your genre disputes!

   The two people were arguing, and Su Zhiyong bowed to Chen She: “Master! I would take the liberty to ask, do you think that the current art genre is better than the realistic genre or the super-sensual genre?”

   Ji Yongkang also looked over. Obviously, he also wanted to know the answer to the question.

   The two people are arguing endlessly, and no one can convince anyone, but this master has such a superb artistic attainment, his point of view must be very important.

   Chen She was silent for a moment, then raised his finger.

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang looked at the direction of the master’s finger, but they didn’t seem to point to any of them?

   “Master, what do you mean?” Both of them were puzzled.

   Zhang Sirui, who was sitting aside, said: “Our boss meant that you are too noisy, so stay here.”

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang were ashamed, and hurriedly stepped back respectfully.

   It’s just that their doubts have not been answered.

   Ji Yongkang is holding the statue in his hand. There is a dilemma. Let’s go back, the master just let them roll; don’t return it, such an awesome artwork is just put aside, or taken away, isn’t it inappropriate?

However, when Ji Yongkang hesitated and didn’t know what to do, Su Zhiyong suddenly brightened his eyes and whispered: “Master didn’t mean that at all! The bodyguard next to him didn’t understand anything at all. Foolishly.”

   Zhang Silui, who was sitting next to Chen She, twitched.

   Although Su Zhiyong speaks very quietly, Zhang Sirui is a powerhouse of level 5 energy fluctuations, and he can still hear it clearly.

   But he was magnanimous and didn’t care. After all, he was a customer of the experience store.

  嵇 Yongkang questioned: “How do you say? What does the master mean?”

   Su Zhiyong said, “Do you remember the direction the master pointed just now? It’s here.”

   He turned sideways, revealing a small statue in the corner of the shelf.

   Ji Yongkang also leaned over, and the two looked closely.

   From a distance, it looks like a sea wave. It was originally a relatively abstract concept, but this statue is quite concrete, and it seems to be able to feel the feeling of the waves surging.

   But when they took a closer look, both of them couldn’t help but their expressions changed, and they were shocked.

   What kind of waves are these? Obviously it is the wave of time and space beasts!

   Space-time creatures are big and small, the smallest being about the same size as a mouse. When these space-time creatures gather together, a terrible beast wave will form, sweeping by and swallowing all living beings.

   Looking at it from a distance, it is the waves, but if you look closely, you will find that the terrifying space-time creatures that extend out of those waves are like large mice with tentacles, densely packed, making people feel the scalp numb!

   Beast tide and waves, two very different and somewhat similar concepts, are perfectly concentrated on this sculpture.

   It’s just that Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang were not as shocked as Zeng Hailong. After calming down, they both became very interested in this statue.

  嵇 Yongkang took a closer look, and said, “This is a work of the super-sensing genre! The super-sensing genre originally has many time-space creatures as themes. This kind of space-time creatures with no fixed form are very suitable for showing in the super-sensing genre!”

   Su Zhiyong immediately objected: “No, this is obviously a work of a realistic genre. Look at these details, how realistic they are, just like the real images of time and space beasts, the details are perfectly restored!”

   Ji Yongkang shook his head again: “How can this be to restore reality? This shape, this abstract expression, is obviously a super-sensory genre.”

   Su Zhiyong still objected: “No! It’s definitely a school of reality!”

   Still arguing.

   The two of them once again looked at Chen She who was carving in the rest area.

   They thought the master was annoying and drove them away, so they were sincere and fearful.

   But now, it seems that the master’s meaning is not to drive them away, but to point them to this statue and let them see it on their own.

   In that case… Does it mean that the master doesn’t hate them that much? Can you ask one more question?

   Thinking of this, two people each held a statue and walked over cautiously.

   The corners of Zhang Silui’s mouth twitched slightly, but he said nothing.

   are all customers, please be calm.

  Su Zhiyong bowed again and said respectfully: “Master, may I ask, is this sculpture a realistic genre or a super-sensual genre?”

  Chen She was sculpting and thinking about things, but when the two of them came again, he was speechless.

   How do I know what genre this is?

   If you let me name then I will name it the creator genre, or simply call it the wall genre.

   But it seems that if you don’t give them a clear conclusion, they are definitely going to be stalking and will not leave.

   In that case… Then just make a fool of yourself and give them a clear conclusion!

   Chen She sculpted and said casually: “It is neither a realistic genre nor a transcendental genre. Or, it can be said that it is both a realistic genre and a transcendental genre.”

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang were both stunned, I don’t know what the master meant.

  Chen She sighed slightly: “You might as well understand it as a ‘surrealist school’.”

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang both showed shocked expressions on their faces. Obviously, they had never expected that this was a completely new genre!

   Su Zhiyong said cautiously: “Master, how much do you want to sell this sculpture? Although I know that art cannot be measured by money,…”

   Ji Yongkang said: “Master, I want to worship you as a teacher! Look at the teacher’s fees…”

   Chen She couldn’t help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and the carving knife in his hand stopped.

   Give the money back?

   I’m so worried about the money and don’t know how to spend it. You still have to give me money?


   Chen She waved his hand, meaning I will not sell or accept disciples, you guys get out.

   Su Zhiyong and Ji Yongkang looked at each other, stepped back respectfully, put the statue back in place, took a few photos, and then left the experience store.

   Chen She sighed, feeling that the weird people he encountered were increasing.

   Is this a coincidence, or is the physique that Epsilon brought to him is becoming more and more serious?


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