
Chapter 17: Reflections and Refugees – Part 7.

“An opportunity for me to teach The Raven something?”  Sylvie walked over to Vivienne and took her hands into her own. “I accept.”

Vivienne smiled and attempted to relax by shaking her head back and forth.  “I assumed that it would come naturally like everything else, but I cannot seem to pin down the exact place.”  

“You are not far off.”  Sylvie explained. “The connection goes both ways for our protection.  The stronger the bond between you the easier it should be.”  Sylvie shivered as a flash of insight crossed through her vision of Vivienne and Faye dancing slowly under a full moon, surrounded by grape vines. “Oh..”  Sylvie giggled, “The bond you share is incredible.  I wish I was as fortunate.”

Casey sat and tugged at the bodice in an effort to give some relief to her big chest. “So do I.  I thought Brian and I were that close.”  Casey grunted and gave up, “I have seen the way they look at each other.  It is like no one else exists.”

Sensing that Luna was going to get into an actual teaching lesson, Vivienne quickly shook her head. “Perhaps I should articulate what I feel is happening.”  Vivienne took a deep breath and focused her mind on the first time she’d hunted with Faye. “I sensed her and found her without even really thinking about it.”  Curiosity shone in her diamond blue eyes, “I assumed that distance wasn’t a factor, but it is clear to me right now that it seems to have an impact.”

Casey adjusted the little belt that held the twin daggers. “So cool.”  Finishing up her warm-up, Casey walked over and stood with Vivienne. “I feel like I am in a video game.”  

Sylvie winked one of her half moon eyes at Casey. “Vivienne.”  She paused and closed her hands a little tighter. “Please, let me explain what I know and see if that helps.”  Luna waited for affirmation from Vivienne before speaking again. “Thank you.”  Sylvie smiled, “I am going to add something that I am certain that you know well…but…perhaps are not considering right now.”

“Which is?”  Vivienne spoke flatly.

Sylvie looked over to Casey, “We are more human than you are considering right now.”  Sylvie blinked in confusion for a moment, “Vivienne, you are more pressured and stressed than you have been in quite a long time.  It is blurring you.”

Casey saw the hungry look in Sylvie’s eyes. “What?  That is the same look you gave me when I shook your hand, Luna.”  Casey pointed to Sylvie’s eyes. “Black as night, or new moons.”

“Ask me again when we have some time, lovely Casey.”  Sylvie blurted and completely focused on Vivienne. “Distance isn’t an issue, or wouldn’t be in a normal situation.  Hunting is a normal thing that we do.  There was nothing that could go wrong, other than your progeny slaughtering a dozen people.”

-You said it yourself, Vivienne.  You don’t want to be alone.-  The ancient vampire heard her thoughts echoing in her mind.  Vivienne pulled her hands free of Sylvie’s and started poking at the map on the tiny screen of her phone. “I offer my gratitude, Miss Miakoda.”  Vivienne concentrated for a few more seconds and nothing seemed to help her pinpoint where Faye was being held. “I know for a fact that we are bonded closer than normal.  Raising her eyebrows as though she’d gotten a revelation, Vivienne sprinted upstairs, into the master bedroom and stood in front of the shelf. “She said closer to me…” First pointing to the damaged glasses, Vivienne continued. “Closer.”  Vivienne picked up the frames and instantly felt the warmth of the couple’s first meeting.  Vivienne turned to face her companions who’d followed her into the bedroom.  Vivienne held the glasses in her hand and her mind seemed to lift the fog of confusion and she tapped to a section of the map. “There.  That’s the farm.”  Vivienne scrolled the map out a bit more. “There are three farms in the vicinity..”  She shook her head and rolled her eyes in disbelief. “The others seem abandoned, look.”  She handed her phone to Casey. “The barn.  She’s being held in the barn.”  Vivienne tilted her head and clutched the glasses in her hand, letting her sensations of Faye wash over like a gentle summer rain. “She’s…she’s in pain…but alright.”  Vivienne swallowed hard and felt the boiling of her throat. “She’s not angry, she’s…Oh!”  Vivienne exclaimed and felt the rush of love via a kiss that wasn’t happening.  “Faye…mon amour..”  Vivienne experienced and felt their first real kiss at the side of the bed. “I am coming.”

Sylvie and Casey saw blood fill Vivienne’s cheeks to replace her normally pale features.  It was Casey that spoke first. “Where to, Viv?”

“I am glad you found her.”  Sylvie added and walked behind Casey once more and placed her hands over the young woman’s shoulders. “Casey, dear.”  Luna prompted and waited for Casey to turn around. “Faye.  She will be hungry, assuming we get that stick out of her chest.”

Casey glanced up and noticed the smiling moons, “ sweat, she can use me if she needs to.”  Casey moved her hair from around her neck. “We practiced a couple days ago.”  

Sylvie laughed, “No my dear.  You have been under stress yourself.”  She pointed at Casey’s feet. “I think you will have to deal with your ex-boyfriend.”  Sylvie pulled Casey into a light hug, “Call it intuition or a sixth sense.  Having spare blood would be the best thing.”

Vivienne kissed the broken glasses and replaced them back on the shelf. “Always close, Mon amour.”  She Headed back downstairs and closed the vault with the other two in tow. “There is only the main house, the barn and a pond.”  Vivienne pointed to the layout of the old farm. “Well there are silos for grain, but I don’t think those will matter.”

Casey bolted off, leaving Sylvie and Vivienne to finish speaking. “Well, Raven.  What is your plan, since you know they will be ready and have a trap laid out.”

Chuckling lightly, Vivienne heard the light tinkling of bottles. “I think my ward has found a solution to your concern, Miss Miakoda.”  Vivienne committed the map to her memory and shut off her phone. “If they are holding Faye hostage in the barn, We could simply go to that corner and pull her through the wall.”

“We wouldn’t have to fight.”  Sylvie mentioned and got a cold shiver go across her spine. “I am seeing shadows.”  Sylvie shrugged, “I don’t know what it means yet.”  She took a deep breath, “These things are a curse and blessing, I can’t control what I see.  I just see shadows, walking shadows.”

Vivienne rubbed her chin for a moment. “How many?”

“What?”  Sylvie blinked and shook off the little vision. “Oh, um..”  Sylvie paused and brought the vision back to the front of her mind. “..I saw five.”

Vivienne recalled the group going through the magical doorway once more. “I saw six going through the portal, to include Faye.  You saw five shadows.”  Vivienne held up her index finger, “Faye wouldn’t cast a shadow.”  Vivienne raised one eyebrow, “Five against four, once Faye is free.”

“Don’t forget the magic.”  Casey mentioned as she joined back up with Vivienne in front of the armory door, wearing a small backpack. “Martin left wine for you.  I thought it could be useful.”

Vivienne headed for the front door, “About twenty miles as the crow flies, due west.”

“What about the trap, Viv?”  Casey spoke up with worry in her voice.

Sylvie curled her arm through Casey’s. “I think she plans to spring the trap, my new friend.”

Vivienne shook her head, “I can’t ascertain the complete layout from here in the manor.”  Vivienne walked back and cupped Casey’s cheek. “We also have no clue what the trap is, until we get eyes on the area or actually spring it.”  Blue eyes focused on Sylvie, “I want to try and free Faye first.  I like the idea of just yanking her out.”  

“Once we have Faye free, the odds will more or less be even.”  Sylvie added. “Other than what the trap holds.”  She glanced at her watch. “We still have plenty of time, Vivienne.  It is close to eight.”

Vivienne swayed her finger over Casey’s cheek. “I promise we will leave as soon as we get Faye back.  We do not have to stay and fight the group.  Take the more peaceful approach, like you and Faye desire.”

“Funny that you think I am reckless.”  Casey gave Vivienne’s hand a light kiss. “I think we are beyond peaceful measures, even though I am not a fan.”  Casey’s melty brown orbs turned to look at Sylvie. “We saw what they’d do if left alone.  I mean they killed the others.”  She paused for a breath and tugged at the armor once more, “I bet they would just plan something else, I think we should stop them now.”

Vivienne chuckled, “I am assuming the various traits of both yourself and Faye.”  Vivienne opened the manor’s twin front doors. “We shall gather close to the farm and let me scout it from the air, proceeding from that point, Keeping in mind that Faye is our first priority.”

“Agreed.”  Sylvie bowed to Vivienne lightly.

“Gotcha.”  Casey smiled and looked over to Sylvie, “Run with me again?”  Casey watched Sylvie’s eyes brighten like the moon as the vampire nodded. “Good, the last conversation was fun.”

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