
Chapter 18: Then There Were Four – Part 3.

Unfamiliar with the terrain below her as she flew across, Vivienne had begun using the highway and bigger roads to lead and guide her closer to the farm that held Faye.  Thinking about the moment that Faye turned into an Osprey, Vivienne dreamed about gliding through the sky as a couple. -It will be us soon, mon amour-  Vivienne told herself.  Seeing lights ahead, Vivienne noted that the lit area wasn’t a set of homes, but a bigger set area with a few different stations for fuel and food. -Blood.- Her mind begged and her body burned.  Angling to the right, the little raven used the uplift of the current to allow her to circle the well lit area.  She counted over a dozen trucks and twice that many cars.  Diving between the furthest two semi-trucks that were in partial darkness, Vivienne landed and assumed her human form. “It is a place to refuel, after all.”  Vivienne chuckled to herself and could hear Faye telling her that the joke was horrible and to stop trying.  Vivienne shook off the fun little memory and scaled one of the trailers and watched the people that were walking casually back and forth into the main building.  

Keeping low and to the shadows the best she could, Vivienne made her way to the side of the main building. -Cameras- Vivienne told herself and spotted the four that were angled at the parking lot and the gas pumps.  Scaling the brick wall, Vivienne gracefully hopped onto the roof and counted another six cameras. “Covers most every space, except the roof.”  Vivienne took a deep breath and smiled once more thinking about how easy of a task it would be for Faye to do something with the cameras. “Tigerlily, I will have to do this the old fashioned way until we are reunited.”

It was the sound of a motorcycle that interrupted Vivienne’s stalking and feeding plan.  Curious, Vivienne made her way to the front side of the roof and watched the little bike make its way to the closest pump and shut off.  When the wind shifted, Vivienne was bathed in the scent emanating from the rider. -Doctor Addison.-  Vivienne told herself and confirmed her senses when Heather removed her helmet and started pumping gas.  Backtracking until she was closer to the semi’s, Vivienne kept her eyes trained on her former ally. -Interesting turn of events, Ancient one.-  Her dark void spoke. -Things are not what you thought, humm?  Delightfully wicked.-  Vivienne shook her head and forced the voice to the recess of her mind. “It was right though, my conclusions are not accurate since she is here.” Vivienne spoke to herself softly.

Watching as Heather paid for her gas at the pump, Vivienne was pleasantly surprised when the woman started the bike and drove it to an unoccupied spot close to the side of the food mart.  Vivienne made her way over to a shallow spot where the camera’s couldn’t see and it was dark enough to hide in at first glance.  

A few minutes passed before Vivienne spotted her target exiting the store eating a rather large sandwich. “Heather.”  Vivienne confidently spoke when the gray haired woman had reached her bike.

“Oh holy fuck!”  Heather jumped and dropped her food on the ground.  Heather instinctively raised her hand and the rune on her palm started to glow white. “Who the…what..”  Heather quickly stammered and took a few steps backward. “You won’t attack me in front of everyone, you leach bitch.  I can see your fucking yellow eyes.  You can’t hide from an awakened.”

“You wound me, my old friend.” Vivienne calmly stated and walked partly from the shadows. “I have tracked your magic from the attack back in Petersburg, Heather.”

Once in the light, Heather watched as the yellow dots faded away and a set of almost magical blue crystal eyes appeared. “V..Vivienne?”  Heather questioned and kept her hand up in defense. “I should have guessed you were the one behind it all.  The vampire queen, the one that made them all.”

Vivienne heard the words and could hardly believe what Heather was saying. “Queen? Hardly.”  Vivienne dropped her fangs into place and extended her claws from her fingers. “Do not presume that the small population here will protect you.”  Vivienne took a menacing step forward. “You and your ilk have someone dear to me and I aim to get her back, starting with you.” 

“I’m pregnant.”  Heather sighed and lowered her hand, letting her rune fade. “I thought I could escape before the master vampire arrived, I never knew it would be you.”

“It isn’t me.”  Vivienne crouched as though she were going to strike. “Your little attack back there erased about every vampire in the city.  Minus myself and my only progeny.”

Heather shook her head, “You’d destroy this entire place just to kill me?  Some doctor.”  She sighed and picked up the destroyed sandwich. “Can we just let this be the only casualty?”  Heather tossed the mess into a garbage can.

“I can be civil, of course.”  Vivienne took one more step forward, but stayed out of the camera. “I surmised that you aren’t the leader of that group.”  She pointed at Heather’s rune. “However, your..ability left residue that I remembered.”  Vivienne paused, “The shootings just before graduation.  You used it.”

Heather laughed and sat down on her motorcycle. “I had nothing to do with the attack this evening, they collectively left me behind to look after..well, look after someone and to tend to the wounded.”  Looking up at the moon as the clouds drifted by, Heather gave a light sigh. “There were only two wounded, I assume the rest died at the hands of the other piranhas.”  Heather shrugged and picked up her helmet. “The thing.. you call a progeny, is still with them.”

“Her name is Faye.”  Vivienne corrected.

“Was Faye, bitch is undead now.”  Heather added and slipped her helmet on.

“You call this civil?”  Vivienne raised one of her eyebrows and opened her hands. “Perhaps you would like to end the armistice?”

Heather shook her head, “No, let’s keep the peace.”  She touched her stomach, “I desire my baby more than I desire killing you.”  Heather pointed at the vampiress, “That doesn’t change the fact that your entire existence is abhorrent to me.”  Heather tightened her chin strap, “Your kind killed my child’s father, feed off of our fears, charm us into complacency.”  Her tone sharpened, “Make us beg for you to consume our very life, without even a thought of who that person is.”  Heather huffed and shook her head, “You even swore to save life, Vivienne.  A doctor.”  

“Ever consider the fact that there are some of us that weren’t given the choice to become the creatures you hate so much?”  Vivienne asked and saw the look of disgust in Heather's brown eyes. “I suppose not.  Let me start with the obvious. I had nothing to do with the events of this city.  I didn’t create the business or drag the people there on their own free will.”  She blinked her crystal blue eyes, “Much like yourself, I am here for love. My interest lies in saving Faye.”  Vivienne took a step into the shadows and stood upright, in the effort to maintain some semblance of peace. “Perhaps you could share what awaits at this farm?”

Heather snorted and turned the key to start the engine, which began purring softly. “I’m not betraying my family or The Darla.  I am a lot of things, but I am not a traitor.” Heather clicked her foot to put her bike in reverse. “I care less if either of you die at The Darla’s hands.”

“Until our paths cross again, Doctor?”  Vivienne crossed her arms and watched as the motorcycle slowly moved backwards.

“Perhaps they won’t.”  Heather said and drove off.

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