
Chapter 20: Homecoming – Part 4.

Rationalizing that the big man she was attached to was more a brute than a quick witted assassin, Sylvie hurriedly leaned over and bit into Brian’s thick wrist about the time he’d raised his hand to employ another spell.  Streams of tasteless blood pulsed over Sylvie’s tongue from the four fang holes she’d just created as Brian pulled his wrist free, screaming profanity as he did so.  Experience with the Ripped had taught Sylvie that their blood was utterly useless and in some circumstances even poisoned her brethren.  Knowing that she was low on her own blood reserves, Sylvie contemplated taking the chance that Brian’s blood would nourish her but ended up spitting it out when she got a flash vision of her doubled over in pain.

Brian felt the vampire atop of him tense up, giving him a chance to react.  Figuring that only his spells would do any lasting damage to Sylvie, Brian needed time enough to stop the flow of blood from his wrist before anything else.  Regardless of physical damage, Brian knew that his opponent was much lighter than he was and had extensive training on how to push and pull based on weight.  Pushing as hard as he could, Brian grabbed the vampire first by her throat and second between her legs and heave-tossed Sylvie the best he could.

Thankful that Brian didn’t employ a spell that she’d have to try and avoid, Sylvie used the inertia to spin once and kick off her shoes in time to dig her claws into the wall.  Suddenly grateful that the acid fog had eaten away most of her soothsaying costume, Sylvie didn’t have to worry about the folds of the tight dress tangling in her legs as she moved slowly between the wall and the ceiling.  “Can’t you see what you are doing?”  Sylvie offered after seeing a circle of shadows circling Brian for a few seconds. “This is the opposite of what you claim to want.”

Aware that the only useful tool he had to repair himself was fire, Brian summoned a set of wicked flames that spread over his wrist and nose.  Blood swirled and flowed backwards into his wrist and the orange flame seared the holes closed.  Burning away the cotton he’d shoved in his nostrils, the fire twisted its way to the shattered cartilage and fused it so the blood would stop.  Reminiscent of a dragon, Brian expelled two lengthy streams of smoke from his nose as he stood up and followed Sylvie with his eyes and runed palm.  “I’m not going to fall for your charms, leech.”  Without warning, Brian clenched his fist and punched the floor as hard as he could and released the magic he’d focused on while watching his enemy.

Misshapen lines of putrid green pulsed from Brian’s hand and through the cracks of the wood flooring briefly before the ground started shaking.  Sounds like boiling water echoed and the house started to sway abruptly, causing chunks of plaster and most of the bedroom floor to fall away.  Brian let the magic run its course and lifted his hand then stumbled backwards into the hallway. “You have fun.”  Brian commented before bringing his glowing hand up and shooting a small volley of molten metallic shards into the cracks on the wall where Sylvie crouched.  Burning their way around the cracks, the metal sawed its way in a rough circle until the two ends met and made the wall collapse.

Having only the ceiling as an escape, Sylvie skittered from the section of wall moments before it fell into the shaking abyss.  Following her dangling hair, Sylvie’s moon eyes knew why Brian had uttered his last line.  Plumes of white steam flowed through a wide gap in the bottom floor bringing with it gusts of volcanically hot air.  What started as a small ember glow, oozed its way through the hole and bubbled up as a small lake of lava right under the vampire. “Some gift.”  Sylvie grumbled as the waves of heat pulsed under her. “What’s next, other than roasted vampire?”  A low rumble percolated from the red molten pool and Sylvie rolled her eyes wishing she hadn’t tempted fate.  Deciding that the best way out of the situation was to head for the window, Sylvie scooted sideways along the ceiling and watched the lava start to take shape.

Deep yellow and bright orange lava tinged with red stretched the rock into the shape of a pair of rising hands as the creature rose from the pool.  Much like a devil rising from the pits of hell itself, the radiant creature began to take on a female form easily twice the size of a normal woman.  Glowing drops rolled over the voluptuous outline, gluing themselves in the right places to form a heavy musculature to carry its massive weight.  Almost as if terrified to hold the lava monster back any longer, the earth broke away and freed the thick mass.

Sylvie jumped through the window and rolled on the ground the second that the fiery woman broke away from her smoldering pool. “Casey!”  Sylvie raised her voice, “Brian is alone again, get out of the bathroom.”  Flame curled its way out of the broken window and the magma-woman blob poured to the ground where it left a burnt and ashen spot where it landed.  Sylvie began backing up towards the clean cornfield as she watched the monster begin stomping its way towards her.  “Not quite the woman of my dreams.”  

Already downstairs and searching for her unbroken dagger, Casey had been released from the cement like mud when Brian was tackle-pushed out of the bathroom.  Fortunately while she was trapped in the thick mud, her body was able to finally regenerate and fix the damage that Brian had caused. “Amazing, Vivienne.”  Kicking glass and wood around, Casey scanned the floor and spotted the blood knife peeking out from underneath the sofa. “There you are.”  Casey smiled and felt that the tide was finally turning her in her favor.  No sooner had Casey secured the dagger in its sheath, the ground started to shake violently and the floor splintered under her feet leaving a long dark rip in the ground. -There has to be a way to stop this.- “Come on Rivers, think.”  Casey hastily told herself and hopped over the widening crack towards the fireplace.  When the soft red glow started coming from the open cracks in the earth, Casey frantically looked around for a better escape route. “Only the kitchen..damn.”  Rumbling came from below Casey’s feet once more, making the fire-irons on the hearth start to shake.  Before jumping out of the way of the newly opening crack, Casey grabbed the arrow headed poker for defense. “It’s all tied to your hand..”  Casey whispered to herself and walked into the kitchen.

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