
Chapter 21: Denise and her Model – Part 5.

 “Are…are you alright, Denise?”  Tatum asked with concern laden in her voice.

Denise slightly bowed to the professor before resuming her seat. “Tatum.  Yes, I’m great.”  Covering up what really happened Denise told a small white lie. “I was a bit shocked when I saw we were doing a…”  Denise lowered her voice, “...nude.  Seems rather risque, right?  What will my mom and dad think?”  Denise looked at her model and felt the connection between them once more. “I..just think they will call it obscene.”  Denise used a blood red paint and split her canvas into four sections then studied her model again.  Using the upper left quarter, Denise outlined a set of eyes in charcoal and looked over to Tatum. “I just love her eyes.  So…”

Tatum’s voice fluttered with excitement, “So…haunting and dreamy blue, I swear they should have silver flowing in them.”

Jealousy reared its ugly head in Denise’s mind and she got a sour taste in her mouth. “Silver would ruin the look, TA-TUM.  Ice blue, calm and rich oceanic blue, cerulean and starlike.”

Tearing her eyes off the shapely model, Tatum looked at her friend puzzled when her name was sternly used. “It was just my thought, Denise.  I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

Creating the depth of shadow in the set of eyes Denise was studying and developing on her canvas, Denise jumped from her chair and put her brush down. “I think my model deserves more personal attention, Tatum.”  Denise winked at her friend and rubbed charcoal on her fingers and used the pads of her fingers to create smooth contours that hovered around the upper lids of her model. “There is something mysterious about my model, don’t you think Tatum?”

Dabbing red dots on her own canvas to emulate the blood colored toenails of the model, Tatum nodded and stopped to take a bite of the sandwich she’d been given. “I think the color on her toes is innocent, like a ripe red apple.”

Professor Blake walked among his students and pointed out different things for the artists to consider.  Once he’d made a full loop around the classroom, he placed his hands back in his sweater pockets. “Ladies.  Many of you are painting our lovely model just as she looks while stretched out on that lovely lounge.”  He paused to bow to the porcelain goddess laying unmoving, “There is more to her than what you visualize.  What do the curves of her hips mean to you, ask yourself why she is in that particular position.  Ask yourself what lies behind her blue eyes.”  He paused and faced his class. “Stretch your mind to the absolute limit.  Maybe ask yourself what beauty means to you.  You have all week.”

Time escaped Denise while she worked diligently on her model’s eyes trying to set the shading correctly.  Keeping to the single use of her fingers, Denise used different shades of chalk to create the illusion of moonlight streaking over the dreamy and passionate look of her lady’s blue eyes.  Lines of soft red mixed with gentle curves of mascara gave Denise’s creation the hint of mystery and hunger, while preserving the hopeless beauty of being starstruck by the glowing blue.

“Denise?”  Tatum inquired and watched her friend blow the chalk clear of the canvas.

Setting down her red chalk and black charcoal, Denise wiped her hands clean on her smock. “There. I think that is how I want her.”  She looked at Tatum, “What’s up?”

“Class was over a few minutes ago, I think Professor Baker is waiting for you.”  Tatum pointed at the empty sofa where the model was. “You have to be hungry, let me buy you something from The Dixie Cafe.”

Instantly the smile and goodwill that Denise had from working on her art in relation to her model disappeared when she noticed the stage was empty. “She didn’t say goodbye to me.”  Denise sadly offered and looked at Tatum.

Raising one of her thin white eyebrows, Tatum half smiled. “She didn’t talk to anyone.  When the Professor called class over, she put on her robe and walked out.  I don’t think she said a word all night.”  Tatum looked up in wonder. “Aren’t models supposed to be quiet anyway?”

Cleaning up her mess as fast as she could, Denise nodded to Tatum once she had finally buttoned her cardigan over her shoulders. “My stomach does hurt, The Dixie sounds great.”

“We can walk over if you want to.  It would save the problem of finding a parking spot.”  Tatum added as the two left out of the back of their school. 

Melancholy slowly seeped into Denise’s mind and she found herself barely nodding in agreement with Tatum as they traveled the well lit sidewalk around the front of their school and into the nearby park. “Sorry I didn’t answer.  I feel a little off for some reason.”  Denise noticed the half worried look on the blonde girl's face, “Don’t worry, I am sure it is the fact I am hungry.”

“Denise.”  Tatum asked meekly, “W..I..what was that back there?  You know the beginning of class.”  Tatum took a moment to fix Denise’s beret where it had somehow moved. 

Denise looked up cross-eyed and smiled, “Thanks.  I had a bit of a fit in the restroom and it moved.  I guess I forgot to move it back.”

Looping her arm back through Denise’s, Tatum once again inquired. “You were talking aloud enough that we all heard it.  I mean some of the girls even thought you might be oddball…you know..”  She looked around and whispered into Denise’s ear. “...queer.”

“If I was?”  Denise snorted quietly.

Tatum looked around to make sure no one was in listening distance, “Stop playing.  You know what will happen.  I don’t want to see you committed.”

“I am not about to get into trouble, Tatum.”  The two walked the few blocks to the restaurant and Denise held the door open for Tatum. “My parents are determined to get a grandchild.”

Allowing Tatum to speak to the waitress, Denise trudged along to the furthest booth in the small cafe. “I have a little confession, Denise.”  Tatum pointed at the dapper young man who had entered shortly after the two sat down. “Harry wanted to meet after our class.”  She waved her boyfriend over. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Chaperone?”  Denise flatly spoke and started to get up. “You are twenty-two, you can be alone in a cafe with a guy.”

“Ladies.”  Harry smiled and scooted in beside his girlfriend. “Thank you for escorting her, Miss Crow.”  Harry politely kissed Tatum’s hand before pulling out his wallet and handing Denise a few dollars. “Tatum thought you would come out for a little dinner.”  He winked at his girlfriend, “Mind if we take a walk around the park while you eat?  I promise to have her back before you want to go home.”

Waving the couple off, Denise half smiled. “At least you have each other.”  She wiggled her index finger at Harry, “You behave now.”

“Will do, Ma’am.”  He winked once to Tatum and the two disappeared out of the cafe.

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