
Chapter 23: Unchained Love – Part 6.

Casey shifted slightly and winced, “Ow.”  She plucked another fragment from her skin. “I don’t know, Faye.”  Casey sat up and sighed. “I am glad you figured it out though.”

Speaking through her hands, Faye was barely audible. “You aren’t mad?”

“No.”  Casey offered and patted Faye on the arm. “I guess it’s a work hazard.”  Casey laughed.

“Lovely moment you two, I had hoped you would have killed each other.” Denise offered before snapping her twin portals closed. “However, since you didn’t..”  Denise brought her verdant palm to bare, “I have the unique chance to regain some of my expended power.”  She winked playfully. “Hold real still you two.”  Putrid blobs of mustard yellow mixed with Denise’s green highlight and shot out in the direction of the two girls on the ground.  Mid-flight the quivering slimes blended into one another and formed a thin grotesque phlegm-like ring and expanded until the circle was bigger than both Casey and Faye combined.  Reaching its full distance, Denise dropped the ring over the two and shot another volt of magic into the ring.  Little strands of gooey snot like tendrils jumped from the ring and latched onto different points on both Casey and Faye and began pulsing.

Howls of pain echoed across the field as Vivienne shook off the spell's concussive effects.  Casting her blue eyes to her lover and ward, Vivienne spotted the couple writhing in pain as a black strand seemed to be pulsing up and into Denise.  Intending to stop the active spell before it consumed them both, Vivienne dashed headlong and aimed for Denise.  

Spotting her Marion dashing across the field, Denise smiled to herself and waved her other hand quickly casting a simple protection spell.  Dirt covered bones crawled their way out of the ground and weaved their way up to form the latticework of bone and cartilage into a semi-solid wall.  “I only need a few seconds, Marion.  To do what you wouldn’t.”

Crashing through the wall, Vivienne sent a volley of broken bone and powder slightly ahead of her blurry form.  Vivienne spotted a femur among the shards and grabbed it as she exited the other side.  Free of both the fractured wall and the remainder of her nightgown, Vivienne raised the makeshift club with the intention of slamming it into Denise’s face when she noticed the fragments bouncing harmlessly off of Denise.  Surmising that Denise was now employing the same bubble spell that sent Vivienne to her butt once before, Vivienne came to an abrupt stop within striking distance and studied Denise. -What to do?-

Time answered the question Vivienne posed to herself.  Clicks and ticks of clocks fell silent.  Trees stopped their gentle sway because the wind stopped flowing through their branches.  Faye and Casey stopped their painful screams, and little critters like crickets stopped chirping, sending the farm into complete silence.  The pond water froze in place and finally the green clouds that covered the moon, whisked away and left the huge object free to radiate.  Time stood still.  Without the vile magic holding it back, moonlight became the only object able to break the hold time had.  Light caressed and poured its soft glow and illuminated Vivienne for everyone and everything to see clearly.  Wrapped around the ancient vampire, it highlighted her alluring hourglass figure and stuck to her perfect porcelain skin.  Bouncing playfully from her silky black hair and spilling down her round and defined muscles, light made Vivienne so enamored in femininity that Aphrodite herself would have knelt before the awe and beauty Vivienne possessed.  

Entranced by the light that was clung to her mistress, Casey no longer felt any pain and her concerns about the battle fell away.  Casey saw her mistress once again in her forceful attack form, dangerous and visceral.  Exposed fangs, the intent look in Vivienne’s elegant blue eyes both aimed for her target without any remorse.  Present and past blended within Casey and pulled up the first time she recalled her mistress.  Casey had stopped stumbling the second she’d heard Vivienne’s light French accent and spun on her high heel just in time to see her tear off the drummer’s arm, then plunge her long luscious fangs into his neck and drain him on the spot. -I should have been mortified then.  Why didn’t I scream?-  Casey’s heart pounded in her chest recalling the rest of the encounter. -I couldn’t leave.  I needed her, needed to know more.-  Without thinking about it, Casey once more saw herself stumble-stepping her way to Vivienne sitting with elegance on the bench where she’d just killed Ken moments before. -Belladonna.  Nightshade.  Yes, I knew and I tossed my keys anyway.-  Casey’s memory faded away with the lingering embrace Vivienne and her shared just before Casey kissed her. -Bound by aesthetics, captured by bite.-  Casey felt her body tingle as a little clock in her mind resumed ticking. “What are you doing Rivers?”  Casey whispered. 

Passing Marion’s test faded to the far reaches of Denise’s mind as she stared helplessly at her model once again.  Years peeled away from Denise and she felt herself awestruck as she was the first time her model laid her blue eyes on her.  -She’s yours.-  Comforted by the thought, Denise’s artistic flair conjured up a bottle of champagne where the two laughed and struggled over who would open the thick green bottle, shaking it in the process.  -Pop!-  Silently laughing as she saw the cork fly across their bedroom, Denise managed to aim sparkling spray at her Marion.  Rivers of glittery light bubbles bathed Marion in its fragrant juice sticking to her magnificent curves, and matting down her long black hair as though a small rain cloud had chosen to sacrifice itself to make her model glisten. -My art.  My model. My Marion.  My vision.-  Memory and desire replaced the need to complete the test, and Denise felt the power of her magic free itself from time once more. “Marion.”  Denise took a step forward and cupped Marion’s cheek, letting the moonlight waver between them for a moment. “Test finished my darling.  We have lots more to do, and this..” Denise waved her hand between herself and Vivienne. “ getting us nowhere.  Come find me when you are ready.”  Enjoying the moonlight a second longer, Denise snapped her finger and disappeared from the battlefield in a puff of green smoke.

Warmth flooded through Faye’s veins, when her cat-like green eyes settled on the woman she loved. -Incredible.-  Faye thought as her mind roamed free through her new vampiric mind.  She’d seen the bright red Lamborghini cruise into the hotel’s small roundabout.  Recalling Vivienne’s sea blue eyes locked directly onto her, Faye only felt unbridled and unchained love pouring from the goddess that stood before her. -Beauty is only skin deep.-  Faye felt her heart pound hopelessly in her chest. -So much loneliness behind your blue eyes.-  Faye’s memory silently breezed beyond their gentle introduction.  Faye swam in the memory of Vivienne and her mere centimeters from each other, love already dancing between them freely. -Just touch me, let me warm your heart as you’ve warmed mine.- When the soft internal plea was answered by Vivienne cupping Faye’s cheek, Faye nestled within the touch and knew that was the moment where the two were inescapably devoted to each other. -Oh, Vivienne. Thank you for letting me show you the beauty of love and compassion.- Faye felt their love push the memory back and nestle in her heart, making her undead heart tingle and thump for a few seconds as she returned to the present. “Mon amour.”  Faye repeated Vivienne’s line and felt a blood soaked tear run the length of her face before darting to Vivienne and embracing her as tight as she could. “ love.”  Faye cupped Vivienne’s cheeks in her hands. “Snap out of it, come back to me.”  Faye once more pressed her lips to Vivienne’s.

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