
Chapter 24: Gambit – Part 4.

Twisting the knob and opening the door revealed the room to look almost like a partial set from a movie studio that was trapped in the 1950s.  Devoid of any curtains, Vivienne noticed that the walls were made of natural paneling and the wide wooden floors covered with a tan carpet made of early nylon.  Just like what she’d seen in Denise's little tale, there was a small dresser along with a double sized sleigh bed.

Laying in the bed under a small pile of blankets, Vivienne saw a body sized lump carefully positioned to appear like whatever was under the covers was resting peacefully.  Gripping the edge, Vivienne pulled away the heavy cotton to reveal a mannequin on its side.  Unlike other nondescript models used in a store, this one was carefully crafted to emulate every angle and curve that matched Vivienne, down to carefully painted blue eyes that nearly matched her own.

-Fake as the tale you believe.-  Vivienne told herself and had a quick revelation.  Reaching for the head of the model, Vivienne pulled the long black silky wig off and flipped it in her hands a few seconds before noticing the rest of the garments the mannequin was dressed in.  Quickly pulling off the maroon button blouse and the tight fitting black pencil skirt, Vivienne pulled the clothing onto her naked frame as she practiced the voice she’d recalled Marion using.

“Not a dream, Denise..”  Vivienne’s voice came out as her own light French.  Adjusting her tone as she spoke Vivienne replayed the tone in her head from the television. “Not a dream, Miss Crow..Denise…”  Vivienne pulled the wig on her head and wiggled it in place so that the bangs hung over her forehead and finally got the voice to match perfectly with what she heard. “Mmm, My dear…”  Vivienne purred seductively, “...Denise…I’ll always be with you.”

Satisfied that she would easily pass for what Denise thought of with Marion, Vivienne headed for the door and stopped when she spotted her bare feet. -Heels or boots?-  Spinning around, Vivienne searched under the bed and found the black calf length boots. Slipping her feet into the soft leather, she stomped them into place and tousled the wig to give it a little more volume. -Perfect.-  Racing out of the door, Vivienne noticed Denise’s small art bag and then glanced at the discarded comics.  Placing the stack back in order then inside the carry-all, Vivienne raced out of the barn and headed for the mine.

Minutes ticked away as Vivienne made her way to the mine entrance.  Following both the heavy scent of fresh blood and the internal feeling of where Faye was, Vivienne knew that she was only a few minutes behind the small troupe that had gone to face Denise alone.

Tracking the blood to its source at the entrance, Vivienne knelt down and opened the small military ruck and pulled a couple bags of blood from it. -Finally.-  Delving her four fangs into the thick plastic, Vivienne sucked the contents dry within seconds.  Blood.  Heavy and thick, the staunch liquid soothed the gnawing burn in Vivienne’s throat and reinvigorated the ancient vampire as it settled quietly in her stomach.  With every passing second, Vivienne could feel the strength returning to her muscles and her body repairing itself.  Discarding the first bag, Vivienne drained a second bag and then a third in rapid succession.  Much like a person devoid of water from traveling in the desert, Vivienne had such a rush of power and relief from the crimson life giving fluid that she dropped to her knees.  Rubbing her temples lightly, Vivienne felt the cloudy haze erase from her mind and give her clarity of purpose.  Shoving the empty containers back in the pack, Vivienne stood up and grabbed the art bag before she headed into the mine. 

-It’s now or never.-  Vivienne felt the near panic and concern Faye seemed to be emanating and headed down the thin passage quickly.  Almost as if she were tracking her partner via radar, Vivienne made her way to the blue hued opening in the floor and peeked into the large cavern.

Unlike the vision that Vivienne was provided by Denise the first time, looking down into the deep cavern was akin to witnessing another world.  Walls glittered with copper and kyanite along with seams of onyx glass that had been pressed into place by eons of pressure.  Water fed in from one side, creating a small waterfall that reflected off the metallic walls as though pearls rolled down and splashed into the ice blue pool below.  Stalagmites of salt and kyanite reached up from the flooring like inhuman fingers looking for the sky.

Wanting to get a better and more in-depth look, Vivienne slung the art tote over her shoulder and climbed into the strange cavern.  Landing without a sound, Vivienne took a deep breath and instantly felt like she’d not only crossed into another world, but this naturally carved cavern didn’t enjoy her presence and wanted her gone.

“Well.”  Vivienne looked around the cavern and addressed Denise. “You have kept yourself busy since I have been gone, Loved One.”  Vivienne pointed to the smoothly shaped walls that had been carved to hold a myriad of artwork, specifically multiple rows of graphic novels to match what she was carrying in the bag across her chest. “It was lovely for you to leave these where I could read them.”  Vivienne walked slowly and clasped her hands behind her back, and observed a pair of twin copper tables that had been shaped directly from the earth. “Experiments, yes?”  Vivienne ran her hand over the smooth surfaces and reached for a vial of red liquid on another carved shelf just above the tables.

“M..Marion?”  Denise sat up on her rounded throne and blinked her mustard eyes. “I..I…you came.”

Sniffing the contents of the beaker, Vivienne turned Marion placed the crystal back in the neck and faced Denise. “As I promised, I was only ever a kiss away.” Spinning on her boot heel, Marion pointed to the three captives held in mid air close to the twin tables. “Just like in the comic.”  She patted the bag, “You caught them in your telekinesis.”

“You really read them?”  Denise smiled and stood up, and waved her hand across her undead body resuming her living form.  “Th..they are here to stop”  She ran her hands through her dusky-blonde hair to allow the curls to reform.  Sucking on her light red lips, Denise took a hesitant step forward from her ornate chair, “I..I tried to do like you asked, Marion.”  

Marion smiled and walked to the book shelf and began pulling the works out of the bag and placing them in the empty spaces. “Love in a positive light as I recall.”  

“Like you asked.”  Denise beamed and swaggered over to Marion. “Kiss me, it’s been too long.”  Denise breathed in and laughed, “You remembered the lavender.”

Marion removed the bag and handed it to Denise, and then placed one finger on the woman’s lips. “All in due time, my lovely little morsel.”  Vivienne walked around and placed her hands on Denise’s shoulders. “You were all obsessed with a test outside, now it is time to relax.”  Getting close to her ear, Vivienne used some of her blood and forced her breath to smell like cherries. “You know…”  She blew lightly across Denise’s long enough for the lich to smell the fruit, “...That vial over there reminded me of cherry-coke.”

Falling against Marion, Denise pulled her partner’s hands from over her shoulders and clutched them to her waist. “Y…you mentioned it was like we kissed.”  Denise turned and buried her face in Vivienne’s chest sighing gently. “It’s been so long.”

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