
Chapter 25: All Good Things…. Part 3.

Half paying attention to the antics coming from Casey’s room, Vivienne had begun picking at her long vampiric fingernails. “What?  Oh, right.  Five.”  Vivienne quickly caught up to the conversation. “Casey does provide a unique experience to some gentlemen.”  Vivienne held up her hand, “Faye, darling?”

 Comforted by the gentle scent of her partner slipping through the bottom of the door, Faye laid her head on the paneled door. “Humm?  You sound like you want to ask me something.”

“It is a trivial question as compared to the importance of sex out of wedlock or whether Casey’s hefty chest is target worthy.”  Vivienne calmly added.

Unable to help herself, Faye laughed hard enough that her stomach started to ache softly. “Oh my god, Vivienne.”  Faye sputtered and kept giggling for a few more seconds.

Wrapped in her white and wet bed sheet, Casey exited her room and walked confidently past Vivienne sitting on the floor and to the bathroom door. “Target worthy?”  Casey closed the door, “It’s been kinda a curse my whole life.  Since I was about twelve.”  Casey turned on the water, “Every guy I have been with has had this fascination of cumming on my boobs.”  Casey chuckled, “I can’t help it, I was born this way.”

“I know that line.”  Faye managed to say after her laughter passed. “Viv, you said trivial?”

Casey pressed the button to start the shower. “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”  Casey pulled the glass shower door closed. “Old movie, but fun.  The rabbit’s wife.”  Casey drenched her hair under the warm stream of water. “I have been compared to her quite a few times.”

Turning to face the sound of a young man making a hasty exit from Casey’s room, Vivienne stood up in anticipation of Casey’s latest conquest to try and shake her hand. “Nice to…”  Vivienne paused as she watched the guy freeze in place and his eyes get as big as saucers.

“L..Lyam…” He offered and blushed deep red, still staring at Vivienne. “Des yeux d'un bleu céleste, madame.”  He paused and trembled lightly, “Des livres sont écrits sur votre beauté. C'est même si je n'arrive pas à reprendre mon souffle, madame.”

Offering a gentle smile, Vivienne walked over to Lyam and shook his hand. “Thank you for the compliment on my beauty, Lyam.”  Vivienne placed her hand on the young man’s back and pushed him along. “Allow me to help you walk as you gather your breath.”  Vivienne guided the gentleman to the front door, “Thank you for allowing me to practice my French.”  She watched as Lyam tried to lean in and kiss her.  Vivienne raised a single finger to the man’s lips, stopping him. “That would be unwise, besides…you just were with my best friend.”  Vivienne pushed Lyam out and closed the door. “Where was I?”  

Faye pulled her knees to her chest and scooted so her back was against the door. “You were saying something about a topic being trivial.”  Faye waited a moment, “You know, before you charmed Casey’s boyfriend with your…how did he put it…”  Faye thought about the translation for a few seconds, “ like beauty?”

“Not my boyfriend.  Just a guy.”  Casey quickly responded. “I am not getting back into that mess.  I am not the least bit interested in a relationship.”  Clearing the shampoo from her long auburn locks, Casey sighed and added, “You know, Just once I would like to win.”  Casey laughed, “I wonder how pretty I would be as a vampire?”

Resuming her seat by their bedroom door, Vivienne felt Faye just beyond the threshold and got a clear picture of Faye with her knees pulled up. “Casey, I am sure you would be lovely.  Though I have promised never to create another.”

“She might rival you for beauty, Viv.”  Faye lightly chuckled. “Let’s get back on point, you said trivial?”

Gazing at her fingernails again, Vivienne nodded even though she knew Faye couldn’t see. “I don’t want to have red fingernails for once.”  

“That was your big dilemma?”  Faye offered and began twirling her short pink-black hair around her index finger. “If you don’t want to use the red you always do, then I think you should match them to your eyes.”  Faye paused and nibbled on her lip, “Toenails too.  I would love it if you matched.”

Turning to face the unopened door, Vivienne gently mirrored her lover’s action and kissed the door once and then opened a small drawer on one of the end tables in the living room. “Excellent choice, Faye.  I generally avoid the use of much blue in my ensemble.”

Exiting the bathroom with a light tan towel wrapped around her body and drying her curly locks with another, Casey strolled into the living room and hopped on the sofa. “I can see that, you get so many compliments on your eyes, that any other shade of blue might look dull.”  Casey bent over and flipped her hair forward to dry the curls in her hair individually. “So, tomorrow night.  Are you nervous, Viv?  Faye?”  Casey huffed lightly, “Thank you both for making me your maid of honor.”  Pausing to twist the towel into her hair, Casey winked at Vivienne. “How exactly is this going to work?  Who am I staying with tonight and getting prepared tomorrow?”

“You’re coming with me, Casey.” Faye blurted out quickly. “I’m a bundle of nerves, unlike the calm and cool huntress out there.”

Holding up three bottles for Casey to see, Vivienne gave her ward a questioning look. “Well, which one of the three?”

Pointing to the middle bottle, Casey asked, “What is that one called?”

“Captivating Egyptian.”  Vivienne shrugged, “Faye got it for some reason.”

Laughing and holding up her hand, Casey wiggled her fingers. “I bought it, not Faye.”  She winked playfully. “I guess I like your heavenly bluuuueeee eyes.”  Casey playfully stretched her comment out.

Vivienne put the other two bottles back in the drawer and opened the blue polish.  Realizing that Faye had staked her claim on Casey, Vivienne decided to play with her lover a bit. “You do know that Casey is my ward.”  She swiped the first layer of blue across her thumbnail. “You go make your own.  She’s staying with me tonight.”

“I just might!” Faye proclaimed through the door. “I haven’t made the promise that all my kisses are for you.”

Blowing lightly on her thumb to dry the polish, Vivienne raised one of her long black eyebrows at Casey, who was laughing. “Faye, my love.”  Vivienne winked at Casey. “Accomplishing this miraculous feat would mean you have to come out of that room and I would see you.”  Vivienne waved Casey over to her, “I am thinking a double French braid would fit the occasion.”

“I am in a towel, Viv.”  Casey chuckled. “I think I should at least put on some PJ's.  I don’t want to be naked all night.”  With a tiny groan, Casey pushed herself off the couch and headed into her room. “Give me a couple minutes, and I will do it.”

Faye uncurled herself from the floor and sat on the bed twiddling her fingers. “I am completely bored.” Hearing the door knob twist, Faye glanced up with hope in her green eyes.  When she saw her laptop get pushed through the opening, her hopes of glimpsing Vivienne were quickly dashed. “Thanks, Casey.”

“Now you aren’t bored.  When I finish with Vivienne’s hair, we can head to the boat.”  Casey added.

While she could undoubtedly entertain herself enough with the computer, it wasn’t what Faye really wanted.  Faye ran her hands over the silver lid with a symbol of an atom with the letters KH stretched and stamped in the logo, then tossed the advanced prototype to the other side of the bed.  While she was thankful that her friend Kody had sent her a device to test, Faye just wasn’t in the frame of mind to do any of the tasks that she was asked to complete. “I don’t want to do work.  I almost feel like I should have had a bachelorette party or something.  I should be out there, doing something.”  Faye glanced at the laptop again and sighed. “That was my old life, a life where I was in a box.  We are starting over, Vivienne.”

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