Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 463

Chapter 5 463. It is not over yet (1)

The way down Mt. Monkey Mountain was very rough. It was harder and rougher in the back lane than usual. Even if he was a skillless man, he was forced to fall on the ceiling in vain. So even the monks in Sorim were never approached.

Some slipped and some fell. At that time, however, those nearby reached out for help. And they helped one another, and they came down with great difficulty.

I barely came down the mountain, but I didn’t have time to rest. By now, it was clear that they would have noticed and tracked down that the young unarmed had escaped.

“Let’s get moving. I don’t have time to rest. ”

The supernova encourages them to look around.

Numerous unarmed people were only looking at his face. Now all they could believe and follow was a supernova.

“Support the injured, and be wary of the son-in-law who can move. ”

The supernova gave orders to the young unaccompanied. Unmanned men followed him without saying a word.

At that time, Thao Sow Moon, who first went out to find out the situation, ran with the Nam Pha Nam Unmen.

“Fortunately, most of the horsepower came to the mountains, and the siege was lifted. It’s a long way north, so you might want to go that way. ”

The supernova nods.

To the north of Mt. Mueang flows a long river. By boat in the gutter, I was able to pass through the rough tri-country and enter the Great North Castle.

The escape began with Zhang Kang.

Numerous unarmed men ran north along the supernova.

The supernova leads them at the forefront, constantly vigilant around them. Despite his eyes and ears, it was not enough.

‘Please be prepared not too late. ’

My mouth burned.

If I could just have a nice drink like this, I wouldn’t have a circle.

The supernova urged him to take a step with that thought.

I ran again.

The exhausted man was lifted up on his back and restrained.

Only when they first came down Mount Mueang did they have hundreds of people, but when they reached the Great Lakes, there were a thousand more. He joined those who were hiding in the bungalow, those who had fallen, and those who ran late.

It was never easy to consolidate them. However, seventeen members of the Corps, including Thao Sow Moon and Chungwoon, helped greatly.

On that day, after escaping from the pagan headquarters, they became the greatest supporters of the supernova. A man of supernova was ready to jump without covering the water fire.

Chungluck couldn’t help but admire the supernova that led people from the front.

‘Did Nancy expand his bowl? I didn’t think I was that talented. ’

Chungluck thought he was the hero who created the supernova.

As he crossed numerous crises, he was growing more and more. At first, I was jealous of it, but now I don’t like it and only admire it.

It was then.

“Chase, chase. The pursuers of the pagan religion followed. ”

Suddenly, someone came running from the back and shouted.

The supernova bites his teeth tightly.

“Are you following me already? But I thought it would take a little more time. ”

His enemies have been tracking him much faster than expected. Although the numbers here are not small, many people were injured and the floor was even scammed. If I were to collide with them in this state, I would be doomed.

“Clean brother! ”

“Speak, Cho Hwang. ”

“Brother Chung, lead them and advance. Someone will be waiting for you when you get to Zhonggang. You can follow him. ”

“Who’s waiting? ”

“You’ll know when you get there. I don’t have time to explain right now. Go on.”

“Oh, I see. What about the Hui Cho Baron? ”

“I’ll stop them. ”

“But……. ”

“I don’t have time to do this. Go on.”

He ran backwards without even hearing Chungwoon’s answer.

“Let’s follow the early negotiations, too. ”

“Let’s go!”

Afterwards again, the crowd followed. They were all sincerely subdued by the supernova. They didn’t even force anyone, but they spontaneously followed the supernova.

The supernova and the unarmed fell behind most in an instant. At the back, the Moon and Socheon were already waiting with the disciples of the Moon.

“We’ll join you. ”

“Let’s be together, Cho Huong. ”

At their words, the supernova nodded.

It was three people who had been with numerous live accidents. It was enough to see each other’s weights.

They were in the rear of the desertion procession and waited for the pursuers.

I didn’t wait long for the trackers to show up.

The river and the armored men were rushing with their men at a frightening pace.

He was a military commander who could be called the best of all religions. There were two of them running. Their diverging momentum swept around like a storm.

He bites his lips with all his might.

It was a lie if I didn’t feel the atrophy. But he had no choice.

If he retreats from here, countless unarmed people will die. I couldn’t avoid being frightened, I couldn’t back off.

“Yeah, let’s do it. You die once or twice anyway? It’s a tough life, but let’s burn it nicely. ”

Supernova laughed.

The Moon, Moon, and Thousand looked at such a supernova for a while. But there was a smile on their faces that resembled a new supernova.


Someone murmured like that. But even he was willing to be an idiot.

“You bastards!”

“I got him.”

At that moment, a legion led by a lieutenant and an armed officer came in. And it hit.



A voice and a scream burst out to live with the sound of weapons hitting everywhere.


He threw his whole body toward the river with all his might, and Seocheon and Seocheon were in charge of the armor.

“These bastards! ”

“How dare you!”

The lieutenant and officer were furious.

There were two people whose names were the highest of the pagans. It was ridiculous for the children to rush forward to find enemies in the pagan world.

They tried their best to kill the supernova and the moon in a single breath. However, unlike their expectations, the supernova and the dew moon were never green opponents.

Even though they were young, they also suffered from pregnancy. Through numerous battles, he became inexorably strong and had a fighting temper.

Among other things, the force of supernova was by far the most powerful.

After his performance at Sorimsa, his power varied in dimension as before. Even against the Sword of Flamingo, he was showing a comparable face without a single stroke.

The appearance of such a supernova gave courage to the young unarmed.

“Let’s be strong, too. ”

“We can defeat them. ”


They used their strength to stop the legions led by the River and the Militia.

Blood and sweat splattered. The earth was bitten with blood.

In it, young unarmed men were dying. They gladly threw their lives to save others.

Blood tears were flowing in the chest of the supernova.

Though he was fighting the river with all his might, he held the deaths of his companions in his eyes.

“This kid! ”

The river burst into fury at the sight of such a supernova. The fact that he had the courage to deal with himself and was able to care elsewhere touched his nerves.

Even though the opponent is the best young master called Chang Dragon Necklace, he has been a big difference from the number of years he learned nothing from himself. Before the birth of the supernova, he was treated as one of the best of the pagans. It was only disgraceful that he could not kill himself in a single breath.

He held an elongation feast and pressed the supernova. But the supernova didn’t even hit him. Rather, it felt that the countermeasures made by the liver were becoming sharper and more sophisticated.

‘He’s improving. ’

One side of my chest became cooler.

In fact, the supernova was experiencing a mysterious experience in which all the senses of the whole body were now wide open. His mind was focused on the power, but everything around him was pouring in through the open senses. Nevertheless, the focus was not blurred at all.

It was only then that the supernova realized. Only a handful of unarmed people in the stronghold knew that they were on the slopes with their feet on.

Absolute adherence.

A sign that no one dares to fight.

The extent of the river was comparable to that of him.

The problem is only the difference between the senses and experiences that characterize the battle. At first, there was a lot of difference, but the supernova was moving at a faster pace.

Kukwaga Angle!

A storm swept around them.

The movement was so swift that others dared not to intervene in their fight.

How long have you been fighting like that?


The two figures bounced off in opposite directions with a great sound. It was a supernova and a river. Both of them were bloody.

Both the supernova and the river underwent minor injuries. It is a sacred emblem.

“Huff! Huff! ”

The supernova takes a rough breath. I thought my heart would burst in a second. That’s how crowded my body is.

On the other hand, the lieutenant looked at the supernova with an admirable expression. So far, he has pushed himself to this extent because it was the only supernova. However, his condition was good compared to that of the supernova.

“Good. It’s good to have a talent like you cut a sprout before it gets bigger. ”

I didn’t know how much more time would be given to the sorceress. It was the idea of the river that the lagoon should be removed before it became larger. So I tried to kill the supernova even though it was too much.

I looked around with my eyes full of red blood.

My colleagues were dying. It’s been a long time since I’ve been a blood man with the Moon and Sothon against the Martial Arts. I could barely stand it, but now it was the limit.

“Is it over?”

It didn’t matter if he died, but it was too bad that he had to lose his life together. But it was thought that it was not in vain to save other young unarmed people from themselves and their deaths.

‘Kid, please don’t be late. ’

The supernova raised its body with malice.

I had to hold their ankles until the end, even if they died. His fight is not over yet.

He looked bored with the appearance of the supernova. But it also raised my life within a moment.



The unarmed who were fighting nearby in his lifetime to process fell to the heart. The supernova was also affected by his life and shed blood. The river rushes towards the supernova without missing the gap.


It was the moment his sword stretched out toward the supernova like a flash. Suddenly something big flew and blocked the sword.

“What is it?”


The river burst into the guardhouse and launched two eastern objects. Then blood splattered everywhere.


The eyes of the river tremble.

The object with the two eastern rivers on his sword was a man. It was also someone he knew very well.


The name of the man who could not detect his eyes even though he was dead was Tin Ming, one of his accomplices.

Someone suppressed the Tin Mine and threw it at him.

“How dare you! ”

It was the moment the river looked for the plexus and looked at the direction in which the Tin Light flew.


Again, someone flew towards him.

Since there was no time to avoid it, he swung his sword and sculpted it twice again.

Iron Puduck!

The two eastern rivers and the unarmed rolled out on the ground. Again, he was an unaccompanied member of his army.

The river’s face hardened.

Now the supernova was no longer his concern. He pulls up his grip and stares at the direction in which the unmanned man flew. Then I saw a man walking straight in his direction. It was clear that the man threw his suitcases.

As if the sea were parted, the man’s front was parted.

He stopped fighting and retreated, as everyone in his lane had promised.

The air on the battlefield, which had been hot since the moment the man appeared, cooled down.

Only one person’s presence dominates the battlefield.

He took a step towards the river.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. His intense presence is forcibly drawing people’s attention.

It was like torture.

The man clenched one foot slightly. There were a lot of unarmed people in the world, but there was only one unarmed person with such dramatic characteristics.

“Kwon… don’t! ”


Elasticity and groaning mixed together.

He who spit out the resilience was a bystander with the supernova, and he who spit out the groaning was a pagan mastermind.

After only one person appeared, the storm was enormous. It’s a static drop on the battlefield.

I took a step in everyone’s sights.


The river strikes the sword and is vigilant. But the wall passes by him indifferently. Seeing as though he was a scarecrow, the power was unable to react. It’s because my body is as firm as it is strange.

After crossing the river, Damho reaches out to Choi Yeon-un.

The supernova stood up with the firm hand of a friend.

“You’re here!”

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