Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 56

Jn 2: 56.He entered the rank of lieutenant, but everything is strange (3)

When I opened my eyes, a beauty sat right next to me. The face of the progress was quickly reddened. Munsoogyeong burst into prison as if he was cute.


I scratched my head with my fingers because the dust was not cool.

Moon Soo-kyung spoke.

“Do the small brothers cook well? ”

“Because I like it………. ”

“That’s great. How do you know which ingredient came with just one taste? ”

Moon Soo Kyung’s praise made her face more red. I was more fond of the appearance of pure progress.

“So you’re good at cooking? ”

“Just a little bit. ”

“Once in a while, I’d like to eat something small. ”


I thought the banishment was a ritual compliment. So I didn’t think it would be algebraic.

Raise your head and look at the wall and see you eating quietly. I thought it was a good idea to eat quietly, even though there was a striking beauty right next to me.

Perhaps even if the lightning falls right next to you, you will never blink a single eye. That’s the kind of person Damho is.

I heard the voice of Moon Myeong-gyeong again in the ear of the progress.

“Are you going to the Red Rock Lodge, too? ”



“Go to the sympathy. ”

“What’s with the sympathy? ”

“I just wanted to meet someone….. ”

“Yeah? I’ve never been to sympathy. ”

I remember the first time I envied Moon Soo Kyung.

It was Munsu Gyeong who spent the rest of his life here only in maturity. Life in maturity was satisfactory, but that did not mean there was even no admiration for other regions.

The sympathizer was an attractive place where numerous poets kept their feet constant. Because of this, Moonsugyeong was also one of the places I usually wanted to go.

It was then.

“Buy and sell, stop talking useless. ”

Her voice awakened her imagination.

His face was dull and strong. It feels bad for Moon Soo Kyung to talk to a fat man.

Jingjeon said to Moon Myeong-gyeong as he looked at the sky.

“Then enjoy your meal, too. ”

“Yes! I’m sorry I talked to you about the meal. Eat well.”


Dust was keen to eat again. He also forgot to talk to Moon Soo-kyung and savoured the taste of the food.

In the meantime, there were roasted ducks and leafy leaves on the table with Moon hydrogyeong and a cloth standing on it. Moon Soo Gyeong no longer cared about the progress of the dust.

I did not tremble like a hermit, but the wall was also tasting enough food.

Finally, the long meal time is over.

“Wow! Delicious. ”

I put the chopsticks down with a satisfactory face.

“How was your brother? ”


“It’s really good, isn’t it? How it tastes like this. ”

“But the food you made was more delicious. ”


A sensational light came to mind in the eyes of the Progress. Because at this point, I didn’t know that Damho would say,

“Thank you, brother. Thanks for saying that. ”

“I don’t say empty words. ”

“I know.”

Progress smiled widely.

“Brother, can I stop by the market tomorrow? I’ll take a look around and buy some decent groceries. Can I?”


Damho nodded and stood up. With a smile, the progress followed behind the wall.

‘Hehe! What other ingredients are there in the eggplant? ’

I’ve been curious and excited since then.

Even after entering the room, the dust was not still. I studied all night looking at my father’s cookbook. In the end, the dustbin stayed up all night that day.

* * *

The next morning, Damho and Jinbo left and headed to the market. The eyes of the advancement that followed the damnation were red. But when I finally arrived at the market, I started to feel refreshed in my face.


There were a lot of shops along the boulevard. From freshly slaughtered meat to stubbornly dried jerky and fish caught in nearby lakes, there were many ingredients.

For the dustbin, it was the sight of heaven. He also forgot that the wall was by his side and jumped into the shop.

A piece of black jerky placed on the left side was handed over to the owner.

“What kind of meat is this? ”

“A jerky made of lamb. ”

“You make pods out of lamb, too? ”

“Well! It’s better than a cow’s jerky by the secret of our shop. ”


“Would you like a taste? ”

“Wow! Can I? ”


The owner of the shop smiled and took off a little jerky. The dustbin chewed the jerky and savoured the filthy taste.

“It’s really delicious. ”


“Yes! It’s the best jerky I’ve ever tasted. ”


The owner of the shop smiles with a pleasant smile as she pretends to raise her thumb. Because I felt the sincerity of progress.

“Just give me two of these. ”

“Got it.”

The owner laughed and wrapped the jerky in lamb. Dust strikes the hem and puts the jerky on the side.

“Stop by next time. ”


With a bold answer, Jingbo headed to the next store.

On the left side of the shop, there are twenty black objects in a row. I couldn’t figure out who I was because I had only one small fist.

“What is this? ”

“It’s a dried saliva. ”

“Dried seaweed is dried seaweed? ”

“Yes, a very precious one. ”

The merchant replied, his eyes were wide open.

If it was sea cucumbers, it was only a treasure from the sea. It was never to be found in such a deep inland place.

Dry the sea cucumber well in the crescent to make it dry. Well-dried dried seafood had a mild bioflavor and could be stored for a long time. However, it was never easy to see salvation in these inland waters.


I burst into elasticity.

I heard a lot of stories from my father’s bladder, but it was the first time I saw him. When the treasure I only imagined in my dreams appeared before my eyes, I didn’t know what to do with the dust.

Progress was carefully asked.

“It’s expensive, isn’t it? ”


“How……. ”

“Five silver coins for one salmon. ”


A scream exploded from the mouth of the Progress.

Five silver coins was the same as the cost of living for a few months in a normal household. No matter how young he was, he knew that.

She dared not to live a healthy life, but turned around lonely. But there was a wall right in front of his nose.

Damho gave a slip to the progress without saying a word. It was a hundred penny slip.



“But it’s too expensive. ”

“I gave you money. No matter how you use it, it’s your heart. ”

Damho turned his back without even listening to the answer of the progress. Looking at the back of the wall going out of the shop, the progress of the dustbin is holding his fist tight.


“Are you going to live? You’re not going to live? ”

I heard the merchant’s voice behind my back.

The progress of the pack turned around.

“I’m going to live. All of it.”

His powerful voice echoes within the store.

The face of the progress that came out of the store was full of happy light. I never thought I could find such a treasure in such a deep inland place.

If you only use dried seafood well, you can cook dishes you haven’t even dared to try before.

Just thinking about it made the dust progress happier. Such a change of emotion appeared on his face.

It was easy to know what to think. Damho turned his head, thinking so.

A lot of people were coming in and out of the street.

The advancement stares at the wall with superficial eyes.

“I’m hungry, brother. ”

I wasn’t hungry, I didn’t come out after breakfast.

As Damho nodded, the progress of the dust widely smiled and drew his hand. Now you can see what you’re thinking by looking at the gesture of the wall.

Damho didn’t say much. But his gesture, his eyes, meant a lot.

“Earlier, I saw a stall on the right side. I think it smells really good. Hehe!”

I rubbed my hands as if I was already expecting progress.

Everything else may be different, but as far as food is concerned, it has been a step forward. The moment I came into the street, I looked through countless stalls and instinctively found out what the food was most likely to be.

Jingyeo headed to the stall he had previously picked up with a face full of expectation. But the moment I arrived at the stall, I wondered about the face of progress.

The broth is boiling pearls, because Elfa, the owner of the stall, was sitting there with a desperate look.

“Grandma, don’t you do business? ”

“Do you have to do business?.. ”

“What’s wrong with you? ”

“My shoulder hurts so much from now on. ”

Nofa patted her shoulders. I was my age and there was no place where I couldn’t feel sick. Still, it was worth it until now, but now it hurts too much. I couldn’t push the cotton in this state.

“I’ve been boiling broth since dawn….. ”

Nofa sighs.

The day was hot. If you don’t use all the boiled broth today, you’ll get some rest. As an old man who earns a day’s wages and eats a day’s wages, it was a great loss.

You may have to push the cotton and prepare various materials for business, which is now a crowd on the shoulders of the old man.

The expression of progress, which heard all the circumstances, darkened. I didn’t feel like anyone else because I was looking at a dark old man.

He bites his lips for a moment to see if the progress he was looking at alternately at the damho and the old man was determined within a minute.



“I’ll do the material trimming and the cotton pushing. ”



“How? ”

“I know how to cook a little. If you teach me, I can do it. ”

“But….. ”

Nofa hesitated.

The progress of the war looked to the wall.

“Brother, I want to help Grandma. Can I?”

With a silent nod, a bright smile blooms in the face of the progress.

In the end, Nopa also gave permission. Now it was a brothel to borrow a cat’s hand.

Progress walked up the sleeve.

“What do we do first? ”

“First, we have to push the side. ”

“What about dough?”

“If you look under the left-hand side, you’ll see a big field. There’s some dough in there. ”

“Wow! That’s chewy. I wouldn’t be so chewy with flour. ”

“Yes! I mixed a little bit of cornstarch. ”

“So this is the color. How did you know this? ”

“I just found out by doing this. Well, it’s not that great. ”

Jingbo had a conversation with Elder Durandouran. Like a pro-grandchildren.

Damho watched such progress and the appearance of the old man without saying a word.

There was nothing he could do here. I’m just forced to watch.

Progress began to push the side according to the map of the old fashioned.

The vibrant expression and sparkling eyes seemed to glow from the body of progress.

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