Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 139

Chapter 140

Solon stumbled to his feet.

Nami’s strength refreshes his perception of women.

There are really few girls like this.

The other party’s green face looks ~ younger than himself.

The hot pain on his face – sincerely felt faceless.

It’s a shame!!

“Next… I will deal with you as a strong person of the same level-. ”

Solon took a deep breath, he had indeed been careless before.

“Same level?”

Nami pouted: “It seems that I haven’t woken you up yet, I’m obviously one level higher than you, stupid.” ”

Solon couldn’t help but be furious when he heard this: “Underestimate me? Cut you!! ”

“Two swords to the second slash to the upper !!”

Two slashes met Nami’s face, and the dark color was obviously covered with the color of arms.

Nami raised her hand slowly: “Heavenly fire!!” ”

Suddenly, the sky turned red, and huge fireballs fell from the sky.


Rubble splattered and the flames shattered with the slash and the ground.

Seeing this, Solon’s legs were slightly bent, and the muscles at the calves were significantly enlarged.

Nami’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Is this about to rush over?” ”


Sure enough, the next moment Solon turned into a violent wind, and three knives slashed at Nami at the same time.

“Three Blades Flow Purgatory Ghost – Bang!!”

Before the sword could slash Nami, the latter hit Solon in the chest with a punch in advance.


Solon let out a scream and flew out, and a mouthful of blood sprayed into his mouth.

He was lying on the ground in disbelief, this guy predicted his attack?

“Knee bend, calf muscles bulge… From the position where your legs are coming out, I know you’re going to attack me closely, because that’s the forward thrust pose. ”

Nami crossed her hands at her waist and taught in the tone of an elder: “Young people don’t know the height of the sky, there are too many flaws, you still have to cultivate.” ”


Solon died of shame and couldn’t wait to find a crack to get in and hide.

Open your mouth a young man, shut up a young man, obviously this woman is younger, right?!

Speechless, the humiliation of Nami, Solon was powerless to refute, who let the person who was beaten one after another was him.

The loser was speechless, Solon did not say much nonsense, and once again stubbornly got up.

“Snap ~~~”

Seeing this, Nami applauded vigorously: “Although the strength is worse, but the young man has the courage not to give up, this is rare and worthy of praise.” It is a pity that he took a crooked path, did something bad, and had to be a hateful pirate. ”

At the mention of the pirate, Nami’s eyes obviously floated with killing intent.

The shadow given to her by Aaron’s gang is too great, even if the gang is killed by Barbos, Nami is still full of hostility and hatred for the pirates in her heart.

Nami in the original book is like this, hating pirates in her bones, until the appearance of Straw Hat Luffy, this hatred diminished with a faint reduction.

“Hmph, even if the pirates are not a good thing, the navy is not strong, everything is based on strength to speak!!”

Solon was full of firepower: “Three Swords Flow Aoyi Qinglong Flowing Water!! ”

The blue dragon rushed forward, opening its wide mouth and seeing that it was about to devour Nami.


Nami immediately burst into lightning.

Bang bang!!

At the moment of contact, the current spread, and the blue Azure Dragon shattered little by little.

Solon approached again: “Three Sword Dragon One Hundred and Three Love Flying Dragon Samurai!!” ”


The terrifying slash hit Nami, and her straight little face suddenly appeared painful.

“Give me death!!”

As Solon’s roar fell, the power of the slash expanded, instantly repelling Nami.

Bang! Bang! Bang! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Many walls and buildings collapsed, and Nami was buried deep in the ruins.

“Worthy of Mr. Solon!!”

“It’s so powerful, I actually defeated that soul queen of the navy!!”

Kebi and Berumeber turned into sycophants, licking and flattering Solon’s various unrestrained kneelings.

Hoo hoo!!

Solon gasped, his expression as solemn as ever.

He also didn’t expect that after the end of his cultivation, the first enemy he encountered would be so strong, and he almost used all his strength to barely defeat him.

“Good fight.”

Under the ruins, there was a girl’s praise.

Solon’s nerves collapsed again, and his heart also set off a wave, and he didn’t die after being stabbed?

“Really fake?! Still able to stand up!! ”

“This woman looks at the fine skin and tender flesh, surprisingly resistant to beating!!”

Kebi and Berumeber were also taken aback, and following the source of the voice, Nami had already stood on the ruins, with obvious scars on her arms, but the whole person was still light and breezy, and it did not hurt the point.

“But that’s all you have.”

Nami’s little hand was raised, and suddenly the dark clouds in the sky condensed, and countless tiny lightning bolts wandered in it.

Solon immediately felt an aura of death: “Oops. ”

The swordsman’s instincts were sharp, and when he realized that something was wrong, he immediately burst out, and the three knives slashed at Nami again.

Although I don’t know what this woman is going to do, there is no doubt that the dark cloud of the void is some kind of big guy, and once Nami is finished, he will probably hang in the air.

The corners of Nami’s lips curved a little, and the next moment Z-shaped lightning fell from the sky.


The lightning speed was too fast, and Solon was struck miserably, and smoke rose from his body for the first time.


He fell to the ground, covered in smoke, and his face was extremely painful.

A smell of roasted meat spread from Solon.

“Lightning up to 1 billion volts must be uncomfortable, right?”

Nami looked down at Solon condescendingly, her eyes still filled with indifference.

Don’t think that this is the end, Nami inherited Barbos’s will to kill the pirates, thousands of thunder and lightning condensed in the clouds, and in an instant a giant thunder dragon fell.

“1.5 billion voltrons !!”

A billion volts have hit Solon hard, and he can no longer stand up, and the more advanced 1.5 billion volts can be imagined.

Both Kebi and Berumeber were desperate, kneeling on the ground in a daze.


The earth shook violently, and the overwhelming earth flew around.

The surface of the earth was blasted out of a giant pit hundreds of meters in diameter, and Solon could not even find a person.

Nami looked around, and immediately summoned the clouds to fly away.

Berumeber and Kebi didn’t even look at it.

“Mr. Solon… He’s dead?! ”

The two looked at each other, their pupils dim.


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……… River….

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