Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Some fun with Darcell

4/26 evening

Goldshire is a crossroads town, used to visitors. Nobody thought much of us coming in at around sunset, though a guard near the town entrance chatted with Drusilla for a few minutes. She explained me and Darcell away as a pair of hunters she’d met while she was out collecting peacebloom. He flipped through a list of wanted posters, and none of us drew attention. Darcell had been tense during that process, but she probably hadn’t done much to draw individual attention and Otto of Westfall had never been connected to a single crime.

The inn was a bit busier late in the evening than last time I’d been there, with a large number of farmers and day laborers drinking their pay away. I saw Keryn Sylvius sitting at one of the tables in the corner, being quite stereotypically broody in the shadows. Unless I got fantastically lucky and she became blackout drunk on that one mug she was nursing, I didn’t have a plan for her yet. We just rented a room for the night for three silver; the bartender gave an amused smile but didn’t say anything at the sight of a scruffy looking man leading two attractive women up to a private room.

Drusilla was quick to strip down, probably hoping to remove the grime of a very active day along with her robe. She smirked at my appreciative look, but her grin became wickedly amused when she saw Darcell’s reaction. The fiery haired bandit had not been expecting instant nudity once the door was closed, and her face was moving rapidly to match up with her hair.

I stepped in, “Don’t you worry none about her. The magic we use can get the motor running, so Dru and I are real comfortable with one another.” If the catalog was to be believed, the necklaces would amplify the libido of anyone wearing one. Bringing that up might give me a bit of credibility.
Drusilla gave me an inquisitive look, but thankfully didn’t ask awkward questions. I don’t actually know if spelling out the situation would have spooked Darcell enough to be a problem at this point, but I wanted to keep the information flow carefully controlled. Instead she summoned a book from my inventory, lit a candle from her bag, and sat at the small table in the corner of the room, “I’m not up for any excitement tonight. I‘ve wanted to read this since I heard about it, though. You do whatever.” I hadn’t realized she would have access to my pocket plane. I wasn’t bothered by it, but I needed to keep that in mind going forward. 

Darcell’s eyes went a bit unfocused for a moment and she shrugged. She still seemed to find Drusilla’s nakedness odd, but she had more important things on her mind. “So what comes next? Can you teach me more about how it works? Do different necklaces do different things?” She was getting more animated as she spoke, with a look of wonder in her eyes. I had given her an imposed obsession with self improvement, and I think I’d hit upon something deeper inside of her when I did.

“Well, the amulets are powerful but there’s limits to what they can do. The reliable bits are transformation, teleportation, communication, and a few minor tricks. For example,” I touched her amulet and made it glow, “that was me. I liked the look of you, but I wanted the lads to think I had a mysterious magical reason to pick ya.” Her jaw dropped at that, but she didn’t seem upset. Sure, being chosen by a specific guy wasn’t exactly as exciting as having some mysterious mystic power, but I’d picked her out of a lineup to give mysterious magic powers. To a nobody, that might even be better in some ways.

While I handled her amulet, I quickly checked her status. That comment had been received well enough to knock off another hour till she was captured; importantly it was the hour that put her under the 24 hour mark. I had another slot for rewards. “Being complimented by Otto of Westfall” paired with arousal quite nicely. “The amulets let us grow faster than we might have otherwise. I could tell you had a lot of potential. You deserve a better leader than someone like Padfoot; you will be magnificent with the right training.” Of course I couldn’t give her that training myself, and until I got six more credits I couldn’t share any talents other than everlasting and body. That didn’t matter though, because she was getting increasingly hot under the collar as I spoke.

I moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, putting an arm around her lower back “The necklace helps you become your best self. You are already stronger and faster than you ever were before, but that’s only physical. You have to embrace the gem, and in return you’ll get its power. So, when the gem wants you to do something, how do you respond?”

“I do it.”

“Good girl. You’re quick on the uptake.” I took off my pants, revealing that I was already stiffening up, “so, my brilliant pupil, what is your gem telling you to do right now?”

She took a few moments to think before making eye contact with me. “Whatever you want me to, sir.” My cock went from half mast to full at that point. “Good answer. Now, have you sucked on one of these before?”

She seemed embarrassed as she shook her head. “Not a problem, love. Just another area for you to improve in.” That got her attention, as her compulsion to improve herself surged to the front of her mind.

“What do I do?” She dropped to her knees and looked up at me with a needy expression. “Whatever you tell me to do, I’ll practice and practice until you’re satisfied.” She leaned in for a quick kiss on its head, “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Good, start there. Kiss it and lick it, up and down the shaft.” Darcell dutifully obeyed, following my instructions carefully; as she did, her focused expression melted into one of dreamy contentment as the euphoria of self improvement kicked in. “Now put the head in your mouth; be gentle with your teeth, they can touch but never too hard. Mmmm. Yeah, suck on it gently, and maintain eye contact. That’s a good girl.”

Drusilla was trying to focus on her book, but kept surreptitiously peeking. If she’d managed to keep herself from masturbating at the sight, I might have believed she was maintaining focus on reading through it all.

“Now you take the whole shaft, as much as you can, then pull back your head with a little twist. Keep the tongue moving. Oh, and make sure you look like you’re enjoying it. Your current face is fine, but you need to show just a little more enthusiasm. For sex in general, make me feel like I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you.” At every step, Darcell did her best. She wasn’t an instant expert, but with every correction she doubled down on her dedication to the craft of fellatio. She got me to my climax soon enough, though her utter compliance was almost as big a part of that as anything she was doing with her mouth.

“When I cum, you catch as much of it in your mouth as you can and you swallow it down like your favorite treat. Then you thank me, just as sweet as you can manage.” She had a bit of trouble with this one, choking and sputtering a bit. She composed herself as quickly as she could, and forged right ahead. “Thank you sir. Thank you for allowing me to practice.”

“Hmm. No, that part needs work. Something a bit more explicit maybe. The point of the thanks is to keep me interested in doing more with you. What exactly were you practicing?”

She nodded and considered for a moment, that dreamy look flitting across her face. “Thank you for allowing me to practice pleasing a man.” 

“Close, but make it even more specific than that.”

Realization dawned on her. “Thank you sir, for allowing me to practice pleasing you.”

“Now that is perfect.”

The rest of the night went about as you’d expect. We went at it for a few hours more, with Drusilla watching the proceeds with great interest. She turned me down when I invited her to join, but communication talent made it very clear that she’d give in if I pushed for it. No need for that though, not on the first night of many. When we decided to turn in, Drusilla thankfully joined us in bed and we didn’t take long to fall asleep.

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