
22. Bad Medicine



I wake up still leaning on the tree, my skirt hiked up around my waist, and my legs spread opened. 

Astra is in a similar position, only she's got her hands down in front of her, covering her nudity. She opens her eyes and sees me looking at her. "Good morning," she says. It's daylight and birds are singing in the trees.

Bronte grumbles, "Good. You're up. I've been trying to keep Valdimir away from you. But I'm afraid he already got an eyeful of Triste's snatch."

"Hey, it was just all out there. I defy you not to take a look at it. It was hardly my fault."

My legs snap together like a trap. I try and find my thong, but it's not anywhere around me. I remember pitching it to my right after I got it around my ankles. Maybe I'd thrown it farther than I thought. Oh, well.

I get up and straighten out my dress. I'm all healed, but still feel a bit out of it. I check my character sheet: no countdown to a kink, no damage, but I still have a negative buff on my Intellect. It's down to six. Why didn't it go away when I came. It doesn't make sense. At least, it's not like a computer game can actually change your intelligence. But I guess it will affect something. Maybe saving-thingamajigies.

Astra tries to reassert her position of command. "Alright. Lets get back to the lair. We need—they need that antidote."

I follow behind the group looking at the trees. "I'm happy we're going back there. I like those foxes because they look like Astra and they have tails and cute fuzzy-wuzzy ears."

Vladimir asks, "What the hell is the matter with her?"

Bronte answers, "She must have a more advanced form of the disease. I hope we won't have to restrain her."

I don't really understand why they're saying this about me, and I tell them I'm fine, but they just give me the side-eye and watch me over the course of our walk.

When we enter the lair, Astra's mouth opens stunned at the sight before us. Bronte exclaims, "What the hell is happening here?"

The leader of the foxes says, "We had a bit of a problem."

Morgan and Kerda are both tied down on beds along with two of the fox-men. I wave to them. It's good to see Kerda again.

"What kind of a problem?" Astra asks. "Why have you imprisoned our people. We had a deal?"

"We were wrong about the disease. It turns out it can be spread by sex. I'm afraid both your companions caught it, then fucked themselves into the mania stage of the sickness. We had to restrain them."

Kerda says, "I'm not that bad really. The others are gibbering fuck-machines, but see—I'm perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation. Hey, Triste. Why don't you come over her and eat my pussy. I could really use the help."

 I start heading toward her, but Astra holds me back. Funny because I didn't even realize what I was doing. It's just so much easier to do what people say than think of things to do on my own.

Bronte drops the items we harvested from the snake on the eating table. "Well, here's the stuff for the antidote. Can you mix it up? We need to get everyone cured. Including these two."

Astra says, "Triste is particularly bad."

"The leader looks me over. "Hmmm. It doesn't look like the disease." She shrugs and calls to one of the other fox-girls, "Lumina, is this what you need?" To us, she explains, "Lumina is our potion maker."

"Yes. I just need to extract a bit of the venom from this." She points to the brownish organ. "And grind up one of the fangs. It will take a few hours." She slips thick leather gloves on and transfers the gross organ into a bowl and takes it and some other stuff into a back corner to work.

Vladimir says, "What about the rest of this stuff?"

Bronte returns it to her inventory. "Might as well keep it. Maybe we can sell it in town."

"Who's going to want a pint of paralyzing orgasm juice?"

"Wow," Bronte says. "I didn't think you were that naive. If this was real life, we'd be rich." Then, taking charge, she says to Astra and me. "You two sit tight until that potion is ready. Astra, I'm counting on you to keep control of her if she starts wigging out."

"I'm okay," I say. "I feel, like, pretty good."

Astra guides me over to a bed on the opposite side of the room to Kerda and the others. We sit down next to each other and she holds her arm around me protectively.

"This is nice," I say. Then, "I'd like to masturbate. Do you want to masturbate together again. That was fun."

"Shhh. Just sit tight until we have the cure."

* * *

There is a big commotion as the fox-potion-girl (I forget her name) comes back holding a flask of a liquid that looked like pond-scum. "It's ready," she says.

The leader asks, "Is it enough for everyone?"

"Should be. Maybe even a little more. But!" She holds her finger up like a science teacher making a point. "Only those we are certain are infected should take it. If an unaffected person drinks it, there could be unintended side-effects."

"Well, those four poor souls should get it first then. At least, there's no doubt in their cases," the leader says, pointing the ones tied down, and no one argues.

We all watch as a spoonful is poured out and given to each of them. Some of the foxes have to hold the sick people down while the gross medicine is poured down their throats. Morgan and the fox-men all choke and spit afterword as their bodies have a violent reaction to the taste. Only Kerda doesn't have to be forces. She seems to be able to control herself and knows she should drink it. But even she coughs and gags after taking it.

The fox-potion-girl says, "It should take a few hours for them to return to normal. Those not so badly affected should come around sooner. Who's next?"

Three of the other fox-women line up and take it. The leader says, "The rest of us will have to wait and see if we develop symptoms." Then, to Astra she asks, "Are you sure the two of you have it?"

Astra answers, "Not positive. But I was exposed twice. Once in the battle with the creature, then again when I harvested the venom. And Triste... well, she hasn't been herself since."

"It doesn't sound like your so certain?" 

She sighs. "Unfortunately I'm not. But we can waste all our time sitting around waiting to find out for sure. I'm going to take the risk." She clutches my hand. "Triste, it's your choice. I won't force you. Do you want to take it now or wait until there's no doubt?"

"What do you think I should do?"

"Well, I'm taking it..."

"Then, I'll take it too."

She seems pleased by this. And I'm happy I made her happy. She drinks her spoonful, and when she's done sputtering, she says, "That stuff is foul."

The fox-potion-girl holds out the spoon to me. I don't really want to drink the icky green goop. But Astra's looking on, and I don't want to disappoint her. I quickly thrust my head out and put the spoon in my mouth, swallowing it down. I choke on it and start coughing. It tastes like gym-sock juice.

*** Congratulations! ***

You have foolishly taken a cure for a disease you do not have!

Received: Lustful side-effect!

Arousal Potency cap permanently reduced from 8 to 6.


*** Congratulations! ***

You're Arousal Potency is completely maxed out!

You have one hour to lower it by having sex, or you will be awarded a permanent kink!


I blurt out, "I didn't have it! Now I'm all horny!"

Kerda calls out from where she's still tied up, "Give her to me!"

"What do we do?" Astra asks.

The fox leader says, "We should probably give her to the Pooka."


"Well, they both appear to be very horny. And the Pooka has been cured, just not restored to sanity yet. And even if your pale friend somehow gets infected from the encounter, we can just give her the antidote again. Alternatively, some of my people can help out with both of them. I myself would be willing to lend a hand... along with other parts."

One of the other fox-girls says excitedly, "Or we could all just have a big orgy!"

Bronte says, "Not happening."

Vladimir chimes in, "Yeah, go take a cold shower. Holy God, I'm getting sick of living inside a porno."

 "Hmmm. She does has a point?" Astra says.

"What?" Bronte exclaims.

Astra shakes her head as though clearing her thought. "No. Not about an orgy. (Although things might get pretty busy in here soon, so you might want to take a walk.) I meant about putting Triste and Kerda together."

"Yes!" Kerda yells from across the room.

"They're both in great need, and I think they've slept together before." To me she asks, "Do you want to have sex with Kerda?"

This is all so weird and embarrassing. But I'm totally overwhelmed. My pussy is hot enough to... My brain can't think of anything to compare it to, but it's darn hot. And quivering. And Kerda is awfully sexy even if a complete slut.

Slowly I nod my agreement.

"All right," Astra says. "As for myself, I'm still all wound up from that stupid snake and the disease, so I might grab that cute fox-girl." The fox-girl who'd suggested the orgy had been frowning and standing slumped down since Bronte's rebuke, but now she perks up.

I'm taken to a different bed in the middle of the row, and Kerda is untied and brought to me. She reeks of fox sex, but before I can say anything, she's jumping on me like an animal in a frenzy. And I don't mind at all.



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