
3. Welcome to Feronia

Content Warning: Some inappropriate nudity.

The beautiful naked goth girl twirling in the air is no longer hovering in front of me. She is me. Or rather I'm her.

I really expected this game to be just the next level of virtual-reality, but everything about this feels real. I can sense my breasts and butt bouncing as I walk. My hair braids are heavy and tug at my scalp while slapping against my shoulders and back. I also quickly notice that what I thought was a demure dress is nothing but a cape clasped at the throat. It swings open at the slightest provocation, and the only thing I'm wearing underneath is a thong (G-string really) and a pair of knee-high black boots that are covered in silver crisscrossed laces.

Slightly hesitantly, slightly eagerly, I cup both of my breasts in my hands. They overflow my small grip, and when I squeeze them, a devastating thrill runs through me, forcing me to let out a squeal of pleasure. The noise embarrasses me, but I don't stop exploring my new assets. Soon I feel a hot, wet need building in my pussy.

My what, now!?!

Then, it really strikes home. None of my old body remains. The neuro-net has completely isolated me from every sensation from my real body and is feeding me new ones based on this avatar. Back in the game pod, I should be having an erection, but all I feel is my new female anatomy. For all intents and purposes, I really am a woman now. Through and through. at least as far as my brain is concerned.

My right hand begins to make its way to the rapidly heating, desperate zone between my legs, when I finally stop myself.

I'm in the middle of the wilderness, in a fantasy world, surrounded by all kinds of unknown dangers. Now isn't the time for that.

Not to mention, I'm not sure I'm ready for the mental shock of experiencing masturbation as a woman.

I shake out my body (damn, there's a whole lot more that moves when I do that than in real life) to clear my head and start to take stock of my situation.

My map doesn't show anything except the small area I'm in. The only indication of my current region is the heading: "The Highlands."

I try using the communicator to contact my friends. But for each one I try, it tells me: "No one by that name is currently in Feronia."

Did they trick me? Tell me they were doing this, then didn't show up? Yeah, I could see Will doing that but not Lee. Lee would never lie to my face like that. They couldn't be done and logged-out already. Unless...

Maybe I need to use their character names?

Shit! If that's the case, I'll never find them. Too bad they didn't keep their own names like I had.

Triste. That's my name. That has always been my name. Why did it feel weird?

I ponder my situation and realize I need to get to a town or some kind of civilization. We'd said if we ever got separated, we'd leave messages for each other at the inns.

But I'm likely to see a battle or two before then. I better see exactly how I can fight and defend myself as this... this... Banshee.

I pull up my character sheet.

Name:  Triste
Class:  Mystic
Species:  Banshee
Vigor:  6
Intellect:  8
Harmony:  14
Finesse:  8
Stamina:  6
Presence:  12
Height/Weight:  4'8" / 76lbs
Life Force:  30
Mystic Energy  20
Life Balance:  8
Level:  0
Experience:  -1


Class Skills...  Detect Spirits (Lvl. 1)
   Necromancy (Lvl. 1)
   Cut Throat (Lvl. 1)
Species Skills... Wail (Lvl. 1)
  Mist Walker (Lvl. 1)
Special Skills... <Locked>
Current Modifiers  
Species...  Life Force +10, Mystic Energy +10,
   Defense +2(5-3) , Spell Casting +2(5-3)

Defense Rating: 6

Attack Rating: 4

Spell Casting: 6

Skills Explained:

  • Detect Spirits - You have an uncanny knack of spotting ghosts and sensing psychic phenomenon. At level 1: +10 for detecting and +10 for avoiding all types of spirits and spiritual attacks or traps.
  • Necromancy - You can learn spells to speak to, command, and raise the dead as well as spells for traversing the barrier between the living and the dead.
  • Cut Throat - You can use any small blade and wield it with assassin-like accuracy.
  • Wail - Your Banshee voice can be used to affect enemies in hearing range. At level 1: failed saving-throws of 7-10 causes Despondency (delivers half damage for 1 round), 4-6 causes Hopelessness (enemies will flee unless attacked), 1-3 causes Wait for Death (enemy stops attacking and accepts the inevitable for 3 rounds). 5 round cool-down.
  • Mist Walker - Banshee's love a shroud of mystery and can wield mist and fog as a tool. At level 1: create a ground fog (20' radius, 3' height) and move undetected (+8 to stealth) in either magical or natural fog.

Spells Explained:

  • One Foot in the Grave - Straddle the worlds of life and death and move energy from one to the other. Take 1D6 points of Life Force from a target to replace your own damage. You cannot take points the target doesn't have, and you can't take any once you're fully healed.
  • Dance with Death - Perform a dance that will bring all enemies within a 4' range closer to death. (1D4 damage).

Species Specific Restrictions:

  • Grave Chill - Banshee's have an affinity for cold. -1 to both Spell Casting and Defense species bonuses (normally 5 each) for every garment equipped. 
  • In Mourning - Banshees avoid bright colors at all costs. -1 to both Spell Casting and Defense species bonuses (normally 5 each) for every body part covered by clothing or jewelry that isn't black, gray/silver, or the most muted of colors.

Class Specific Restrictions:

  • Armor - Proficiency cannot be gained in armor of any type. Additionally, receive a -1 penalty to Spell Casting for every item of armor equipped.
  • Weapons - Can only gain proficiency in silver and wooden one-handed weapons.


Damn! That's a hell of a lot to take in.

I hardly know where to begin.

At least, Katie hasn't totally screwed me with the spells. They seem like they'll be useful in a fight. Although I'm not looking forward to the dancing portion of the Dance of Death spell. My enemies will probably die of laughter before damage. I've never had any rhythm and my feet are perhaps the most clumsy part of my whole clumsy body.

Okay. So, a dagger and two offensive spells, plus the Wail that seemed capable of disabling a foe. I could perhaps survive a fight. I'd find out when I put it to the test.

Next, I check my inventory.

Purse: Gold-0; Silver-0; Copper-0

Inventory: (slots = 3 + Vigor)

  1. Black Cape <Tier 1> - Equipped (Def. +3)
  2. Knee-high Boots <Tier 1> - Equipped (Def. +2)
  3. Thong <Tier 1> - Equipped (Def. +0)
  4. Silver Karambit <Tier 1> - Equipped (Att. +3)
  5. Momento Mori <Tier 1> (allows the dead to speak for 5 rounds)
  6. <Empty>
  7. <Empty>
  8. <Empty>
  9. <Empty>


So, the Momento Mori seems to be a bonus to the usual starting equipment. Another advantage of going with Banshee, I guess.

And if I was reading everything right. My thong wasn't adding to defense at all and was in fact giving me a penalty on it as well as Spell Casting. 

I briefly consider taking it off, but since it's impossible to keep my cloak closed all the time, I decide against it.

What kind of game penalizes you for wearing underwear?

At any rate, I feel fully aware of my current skills and possessions. It's time to get moving.

Not having any reference points, I pick the brightest star and begin walking toward it, so I don't accidentally walk in circles. It might not be fixed like the Pole Star IRL but it's better than nothing. The terrain is rugged, covered in matted grass with the occasional bit of stone either jutting up from the earth or dropping off like step. Large bushes of heather sway back and forth in the breeze. I've been walking for about an hour, when I spot a small fire and hear the sound of voices in the distance. I make for it, hoping it's some more players. Perhaps one of them can point me to a town.

When I reach them, I see that it's three slightly drunk men by the fire.

"Excuse me," I say, clearing my throat automatically when I hear the high lilting timbre of it. 

"Well, well, well! Boys, it looks like this night has just got a lot more interesting," one of them says.

They all stand up and face me. The have hats and cloaks that make me think of the three musketeers. They also have cat ears and tails, and they seem to tower over me. But I barely care they're giant cat-people because the three of them are pant-less and have all their equipment on display.

"Sorry," I say. "I didn't realize I was interrupting your... er... party(?)."

"Don't worry sweat-ums. The party is just getting started." They draw their swords.


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