
37. The Queen of Night


We are well on guard heading to the third level. Seeing as the first two had been dominated by Lichs, we assumed it would be as well. But we need not have been concerned.

Level three is a complete departure from the first two. The curving stair still comes up in the center of the room, but instead of it being perfectly round, a large semicircular alcove extends far beyond the boundary of the previous hub rooms. The extension takes up the space where two or three of the crypts would normally be. It puts me immediately in mind of a church apse.

Another difference is that the lantern isn't needed here. Hundreds of candles sit on shelves and in nooks, on tables and in tall metal holders. The blaze is almost blinding compared to the light level I'm used to.

The space also has a sense of peace about it. There isn't the desolation of the other levels. It doesn't even have the same signs of destruction. It has become clear that the entire structure of the tower-like tomb is collapsing in on itself. Likely the bottom floor crumbled, bring everything above it down. But on the third floor, only a few stones lay about. Some statues have lost an arm or a horn or some other fragile component, but there isn't nearly the debris field I expect nor is any of the floor cut off from us because of damage.

But just because things seem less perilous here, it doesn't mean we approach the candlelit alcove recklessly. We enter it with spells and weapons at the ready.

From up close, the candles seem more spread out than they first appeared. They're interspersed with clay jars and funereal urns. The centerpiece of the temple (which it clearly is) is a carving of a winged woman. It stands a good twelve-feet tall. She's naked and her body is painted a golden brown and her wings are colored in a white and red pattern. Her body has been sculpted to show off toned muscles and large firm breasts. She wears a horned helmet or headdress. And in each of her raised hands she holds crescent moons. On either side of her are two large owls. 

Astra says, "The system says it's a representation of Eresh, The Queen of Night. She's a death goddess."

She has barely finished speaking when the carving comes to life. Well, not really. It's more as though a ghostly figure pulls away from it and steps toward us. Even slightly translucent, the woman is intimidating, considering how she towers above us.

"Greetings, adventurers," she says. "If you seek blessings, you have come to the wrong temple. I am here only for the dead. If you have come to rob the crypts, I forewarn you, Laird Diepthrote has performed the rites and sacrifices to ensure my protection of the his family's resting place. Should you disturb anything on this floor you will be greatly sorry. I suggest you move on your way, there is nothing for you here." She gazes down coldly at us, but then a small smile twists the corner of her lips. "Except... you!" She points at me. "You are of the night and bound to both this realm and the Netherworld. I would offer you patronage, should you wish it."

Right. The game already told me I could only receive the patronage of a death god. To Eresh, I say, "Uhhh..." Then, to Astra I whisper, "Should I?"

"I don't know. In the old Feronia, being accepted by a god was huge plus. It gave you all kinds of bonuses and extra skills. But it's a bit different now. Bronte, you accepted a god. Was it worth it?"

"Yes and no. The bonuses it gave me was great. But the skill was... weird. Still, it's not something I'm forced to use." The perplexed look on her face reminds me of the prophesy saying she would be using it several times.

Morgan says, "You should do it. At it's core, the same rules still apply. Having a patronage would still be better than not. I know I wouldn't hesitate."

I look around, Lynesse just shrugs while Vladimir seems disinterested in the whole matter.

The blessing I received from the last goddess is still with me. It gives me a resistance to electrical attacks, but I also relieve Arousal Points much slower. I'd certainly be willing to give the blessing up. Although, it does also mean my orgasms are more intense, and remembering the one I had with Astra, I'm not sure I'd be willing to get rid of that part of it.

I ask Astra, "What does your intuition tell you?"

"Accept it. But remember, my intuition only works out in my favor. Not necessarily in the favor of others."

The goddess is regarding me quizzically waiting for an answer. Something about her seems kind. And when I look to the carving again, I notice the owls. For some reason their similarity to the one depicted on my belly-ring makes me feel as though this is supposed to happen.

Hesitantly, I say, "Okay. Yes. I will accept your patronage. If that's okay. Please."

Her smile grows but never becomes more than a hint of amusement on her face. "Well then, Banshee, kneel before me."

I go down on my knees in front of her. My bowed head doesn't even reach the top of her shins.

"Say this oath: I hereby take Eresh, Queen of Night..."

I repeat her words.

"Shepherdess of the Dead in Feronia, Empress of Carnal Desire in the Netherworld..."

Say what now!?! The words come out of my mouth slower.

"To be the sovereign and master of my soul..."

This seems extreme, but then I guess most pledges to gods are.

"And by my act of sacrifice, I swear my fealty in both life and death."

When I get to the end of this, she says in a less officious voice, "Now little one, you must allow me to enter your spirit without resistance to claim your sacrifice."

O-kay. I know in some other games this sort of thing requires a gift of money or blood. I'm not sure what Eresh has in mind though. I feel myself starting to tremble. What on Earth is she going to do? I contemplate ending the whole thing. But in those other games, rejecting gods is a sure way to die, and I realize I'm committed now. Steeling myself, I nod to her.

Eresh bends down, and with her thumb and forefinger, she reaches into my chest. Her hand passes right through the flesh and bone, but I feel it like a string running down my spinal column being tugged. I go rigid. She pulls out a silver ethereal thread. 

I gasp as it unspools from me.

"There! This is a strand of your essence." She turns and one of her owls is there, ghostly like her. She feeds the strand to it.


Eresh has claimed you!

Receive: Eresh's patronage!

(Presence +4, Harmony +2, Defense Rating +3, Spell Casting +3,

Moon Glow skill)

Receive: Mark of Eresh!

Due to the rarity of Eresh's patronage, receive title: Courtesan of Night!


I blink, stunned. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how some of my essence has just been eaten by an owl and now I'm bombarded with all this information. I've barely to start to decipher it all, when Eshra says, "I also have a gift for you."

She stretches out her incredibly long arm and takes a terracotta jar from a shelf. She holds it in front of her. Her hand is so large that it rests in the palm seeming no bigger than a small plumb. "This contains a powerful spell, but it may only be used once. Read the words on it and you will know what to do."

She gives it to me, and the system notifies me that I've receive "Netherworld Jar." In my own hands, it's roughly the size and shape of a softball with a lid jutting from it on top. I notice there are tiny symbols carved all over its surface.

"I can't read it," I say.

"You'll be able to, when you're ready. You are not strong enough for it, yet." With that, she and her owl drifts back to the wall and fades back in with the carving.

Astra comes over to me. "Is everything alri—Whoa! That's different!"

"What!?!" I squeak.

"You're... you're gorgeous! I mean, you were really attractive before but now you're..."

Morgan finishes: "Next level sexy! Like, holy shit! The image of you there on your knees will be in my spank bank for the rest of my life."

"Goddamn," Bronte say. "Will you grow a filter!"

"Must be my fearlessness. But it's not like your doing any filtering."

I glance over and spot Bronte's raging hard-on. It's pretty difficult not to notice.

My mind goes back to the first notification. Of course! Presence +4! That puts me at 16 which is as attractive as a mortal can be without getting into the preternatural zone. I glance at my character sheet and notice my Harmony has actually entered that zone with a score of 17. I'm going to be really kick-ass with my spells!

Astra says, "Seriously, are you alright? Do you need help?"

I realize I haven't moved. I quickly get to my feet and and feel a bit off balance. That brings my focus to my chest. My boobs must have gone up two cup sizes. They're bulging out of my top, round and firm. Shit! In this slutty bondage dress, I must look like a porn star.

I speak before Astra starts to believe I have brain damage. "I'm okay. Got bonuses to Harmony and Presence, as I guess you noticed. It also gave me a skill."

"What does it do?"

I pull up the description:

Moon Glow: You are able to transform into a wisp of moonlight. Although still visible, you are immune to physical and most magical attacks (excludes spells direct at spirits, air, or light), and you can pass through solid objects including walls. This skill can only be used at night. At level 1: gain 1 Arousal Potency Point per round used. When AP is maxed out you return to your normal form.

"Umm. It lets me turn into a ray of light that can't be attacked and can pass through walls and stuff."

Astra pats my shoulder. "Oooh! That sounds super useful!"

"Yeah, but I don't think I'll be using it much."

"Why not?"

"There's a cost to it." Changing the subject, I say, "She also gave me that jar, which I guess I can only use when I'm a higher level."

Astra says nonchalantly, "Well! This has been an exciting day. I think we should probably have a good rest."

"Fuck that!" Vladimr says. "We just slept. You only want some time to bang your girlfriend."

Morgan mutters, "Don't blame her."

One thing hasn't changed: I'm blushing like mad.

It occurs to me I haven't seen this "Mark of Eresh" that was mentioned. Kerda had a tattoo from her Goddess on her lower back like a tramp-stamp. I hope I didn't get one there. But as I wonder where it is, I feel a spot right above my pussy burn slightly as though the game is pointing it out for me.

I do not check it out. Certainly not standing here in front of everyone. I only blush all the fiercer.

Hey! Hey!

I'm not keeping track of the character sheet in the Glossary like I did in Lost in Feronia, and it occurred to me people might want to see Triste's. If you're interested it follows...


Name:  Triste (Courtesan of Night)
Class:  Mystic
Species:  Banshee
Vigor:  6
Intellect:  8
Harmony:  17
Finesse:  9
Stamina:  7
Presence:  16
Height/Weight:  4'8" / 103lbs
Life Force:  103 (93 nat.)
Mystic Energy  50 (35 nat.)
Life Balance:  7
Level:  9
Experience:  39,780


Class Skills...  Detect Spirits (Lvl. 1)
   Necromancy (Lvl. 4)
   Cut Throat (Lvl. 1)
Species Skills... Wail (Lvl. 2)
  Mist Walker (Lvl. 1)
Special Skills... Last Gasp (Lvl. 1)
  Moon Glow (Lvl. 1)
Current Modifiers  Charged Lover (Chokkala Blessing),
  Eresh's Blessing: Presence +4,
  Harmony +2, Def +3, Spell Casting +3
Species...  Life Force +10, Mystic Energy +10,
   Defense +3(5-2) , Spell Casting +3(5-2)

Defense Rating: 33

Attack Rating: 15

Spell Casting: 34

Skills Explained:

  • Detect Spirits - You have an uncanny knack of spotting ghosts and sensing psychic phenomenon. At level 1: +10 for detecting and +10 for avoiding all types of spirits and spiritual attacks or traps.
  • Necromancy - You can learn spells to speak to, command, and raise the dead as well as spells for traversing the barrier between the living and the dead.
  • Cut Throat - You can use any small blade and wield it with assassin-like accuracy.
  • Wail - Your Banshee voice can be used to affect enemies in hearing range. At level 2: failed saving-throws of 7-10 causes Despondency (delivers half damage for 2 round), 4-6 causes Hopelessness (enemies will flee unless attacked), 1-3 causes Wait for Death (enemy stops attacking and accepts the inevitable for 3 rounds). 5 round cool-down.
  • Mist Walker - Banshee's love a shroud of mystery and can wield mist and fog as a tool. At level 1: create a ground fog (20' radius, 3' height) and move undetected (+8 to stealth) in either magical or natural fog.
  • Last Gasp - Your appearance has the ability to draw the attention of wounded foes and bring them to orgasm with their dying breath. At level 1: 10% chance of activating when enemies are at 5% life or less, distracts enemy for 1D4 rounds, saps life 1D4 for each round distracted.
  • Moon Glow: You are able to transform into a wisp of moonlight. Although still visible, you are immune to physical and most magical attacks (excludes spells direct at spirits, air, or light), and you can pass through solid objects including walls. This skill can only be used at night. At level 1: gain 1 Arousal Potency Point per round used. When AP is maxed out you return to your normal form.

Spells Explained:

  • One Foot in the Grave - Straddle the worlds of life and death and move energy from one to the other. Take Life Force from a target to replace your own damage. You cannot take points the target doesn't have, and you can't take any once you're fully healed. At level 4: 1D8 points on up to 2 target with direct contact.
  • Dance with Death - Perform a dance that will bring all enemies within range closer to death. At level 4: 8' range, 1D6 damage.
  • Death Warmed Over - Raise the dead. At level 4: Raise up to 2 dead subject to fight along side you for 1D12 rounds. Subject must be of equal or lesser level to you. Subject is able to use all weapons and skills available to them when alive.

Species Specific Restrictions:

  • Grave Chill - Banshee's have an affinity for cold. -1 to both Spell Casting and Defense species bonuses (normally 5 each) for every garment equipped. 
  • In Mourning - Banshees avoid bright colors at all costs. -1 to both Spell Casting and Defense species bonuses (normally 5 each) for every body part covered by clothing or jewelry that isn't black, gray/silver, or the most muted of colors.

Class Specific Restrictions:

  • Armor - Proficiency cannot be gained in armor of any type. Additionally, receive a -1 penalty to Spell Casting for every item of armor equipped.
  • Weapons - Can only gain proficiency in silver and wooden one-handed weapons.


Purse: Gold-37; Silver-13; Copper-26

Inventory: (slots = 3 + Vigor)

  1. Black Bondage Dress <Tier 5> - Equipped (Def. +10, SC +5)
  2. Knee-high Boots <Tier 1> - Equipped (Def. +2)
  3. Silver Karambit <Tier 1> - Equipped (Att. +3)
  4. Silver Owl Belly-ring - Equipped (Myst. +10), Silver/Onyx Necklace of Life (+10), nipple ring silver with crystals (Def +5), silver ear-cuff (spell cost -1), Barbell nipple-ring (Myst, +5), Earring (SC +5)
  5. Momento Mori (allows the dead to speak for 5 rounds), Magic Compass (60% chance of pointing to goal), Netherworld Jar
  6. <Empty>
  7. Health Potions (8), Major Health (1), Life Cleanser (1)
  8. Mystic Potions (7), Major Mystic (3)
  9. <Treasure>


  • Gem (4g)
  • Gold butt-plug (5g)
  • Bejeweled necklace (6g)
  • Gold Circlet (4g)


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