Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 1 – Welcome to the World, Another Wayne

I thank you for the tips from the comments of the previous chapter.

More will surely come, since this has been a good therapy to pass the "storm" outside.

See you later.

[Good Evening, Matthias...]

A voice resounded within Matthias’ head. The voice was neither male nor female, and it was ethereal.

‘Huh? What the, what’s this? Are you speaking through my mind? Who... or what are you?’ Matthias asks. He felt like dreaming, but he’s also fully aware that this is also real; it’s like being in a limbo to both conditions.

[I shall introduce myself; I am, well I have many names actually, but you may call me “Prime”.]

‘Prime, huh, I never know any character in the DC Universe with that name.’

[That is because I both exist, and don’t exist to the Universe.]

‘Now that sounds like some Schrodinger paradox thing. So who- what are you, actually? And what do you want from me?’

[To explain what I am, you must know that this world is a world of comic book. And you already know this, right?]

‘Yes I do. Superheroes and super villains exist here, as well as other different multiverses, too.’

[Then it’ll be easier to explain. I am the embodiment of DC Universe, itself.]

‘Huh? What? I don’t get it.”

[Matthias, you don’t belong to this world. You belong to another world known as ‘Earth Prime’, aka the ‘True Earth’. You becoming Bruce Wayne’s younger brother in this universe somehow broke a part of this reality that I have to separate this universe far away from its main course...]

The voice then explains more to Matthias. In short, Matthias is a rogue soul in the DC Universe, and to make sure the universe stays intact, it has to separate from the original course and create its own timeline. Next, Matthias is an existence whose soul was not strictly bound to the world, which means that the fixed fate of the universe cannot control him.

‘This fixed fate phenomenon, is why characters like Bruce Wayne’s parents always dies, Clark Kent’s planet keeps getting destroyed, and the heroes are mostly the same person every time?’

[Correct. Your arrival is not dictated to the fate that is already fixed prior to its creation. Not only that your life can’t be dictated, it also means you can dictate the life of others.]

‘Like what do you mean? Like I can stop my brother from becoming the Batman?’

[Correct. You are what we call, a “Catalyst”.]

Matthias ponders a bit. Him being a Catalyst means that his life can probably change many lives, either for the better or for the worse.

‘You say that, but it’s too late for me to change anything. I was only a month old when my parents of this world die, and I don’t think I can change characters like, I don’t know, Brainiac to stop harvesting Earth, or maybe Darkseid, or other super villains. I’m only human; I have no power whatsoever, except my wits and general knowledge of the universe.’

[That can change, or rather, you can change that.]

‘Change my species?’

[No, I’m talking about you being powerless. You can become powerful.]


[By making this world acknowledge your existence. The more you gain fame, influence, and glory, the stronger you will become. And I am not talking about simple super strength type. More than that, you will gain powers and abilities that the world deemed to suit you. If you love to beat your enemies using brute strength, in time as you become a relevance to the world, you may become as strong as Superman; though this may take centuries if you do it the wrong way.]

Matthias ponders a bit. According to this new knowledge he was given, he could gain powers and abilities that will fit his way of life.

‘Wait, you’re the whole universe, right? Can’t you bestow me some power, at least?’

[I don’t give powers, Matthias, but I can give a blessing. You’ll know this blessing, it’s called ‘Plot Armor’, it will save you in your time of need should your life was threatened in any shape or form.]

‘I got ‘plot armor’? Wait does that mean you’re the one giving the superheroes this blessing?’

[Yes I am.]

Matthias was overjoyed with this new blessing. He feels lucky to receive this actual overpowered blessing.

[I must go, Matthias. I shall oversee your journey on this world. I hope you don’t use your privilege to ruin this world.]

‘Worry not, Prime. I pledged to protect my family; I will use your blessing to do that.

[Then My time here ends now. We will talk later. Goodbye, Another Wayne, do not tarnish this name.]

‘Yes. Thank you Prime.’




~ Six years latter...

Matthias, now six years old, confronts his fourteen years old brother.

“Big bro, I want to go to play at the arcade down the city! My friend says they have awesome games there.”

“No Matthias, you need to study.”

“It’s weekend! I’m bored...”

“You need to study to become smarter, Matty.”

“I’m already too smart to study for primary school! You can send me to the same academy as you, brother, I’m smart enough there.” Matthias acts in a childish way possible. It was shameful, but seeing how content both his brother and butler look every time he act like a proper child, it’s worth it.

“He has your intellect, Master Bruce.”

“And my temperament as well, unfortunately.”

Both Bruce and Alfred smiles.

“Pleeeaaase... at least this once? I’m just curious of the place.”


“Master Bruce, perhaps it’s fine to let loose once in a while?”

“Well, can’t say I disagree, but...”

“YAY! Let’s go together, brother!”

Bruce and Alfred nods. In only about 30 minutes, they drove a car towards the city. Current destination is the new arcade Matthias talked about. But in an actuality, Matthias’ goal was not the arcade.

‘Which universe is this world supposed to be? Is the entire Justice League exists here, or just Batman and his nemesis? And do I want Batman to exist, or is making sure my brother stays a normal everyday person a good idea?’

So many questions for Matthias, but there are one current goal he has right now, ‘I need to secure Gotham. Other cities and superheroes can wait... I also need to formulate a plan for my brother. I think I should let him become the Batman.’

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