Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 16 – Operation Metropolis

It was several days after his graduation, perhaps it was because of how relaxed the days have been, or that Matthias was actually too tired today; this night Matthias slept soundly... A very deep sleep...

Then he felt himself as if he was dreaming, but not dreaming at the same time... It feels like floating.

Matthias body floats in some ethereal realm-- or at least, that's how it feels for him. But he knows this feeling quite well. After all, he's been called into this state every time a certain being wants to talk to him.

[Hello Matthias.] The certain being called.

'Hello Prime, it's been quite a long while since our last meeting.'

[I believe it's been about ten years since we last talk, is that right, Matthias?]

'Yes, it was.'

The last time Prime visits Matthias was when Matthias was sent to the hospital in a bloodied state; his first battle.

'You've come now after all these years... something the matter?'

[Matthias, I have been watching you.]


[As I have told you before, I plan to oversee you until the moment you have matured. And now, you have reached eighteen years of age on this world.]

Matthias was about to respond to ask, but Prime continues.

[Matthias, you have now reached maturity, and now, I shall bestow you one more gift for your journey. Receive my gift: Statistic Allocator.]

With that last words said by Prime, a ray of light emerged from the empty vastness, gathering into one spot which then entered into Matthias' nonexistent body.

Matthias did not feel anything different; the ray of light disappears just as fast as it first appeared.

'Uh Prime, whatever you did, didn't work on me.'

[Matthias, my gift is not the same as the Plot Armor I gave when you were young. If the Plot Armor is, just like its name, an armor, then my Stat Allocator is the weapon.]

'Can you explain?' Matthias asked.

[I will tell you what it can do; it can help you rewrite your soul to fit whatever image you desire.]

'Huh? What do you mean?'

[Just like the name, this gift grants you the ability to modify your soul's statistic. Since you have accumulated some relevancy that mostly increases your strength, I can guess the amount of stats you have on your strength will be a lot higher than the other stats. And now, you can remove some small part of those strength you have to feed the other part of your soul; say, your speed, or endurance, or perhaps your intelligence.]

Simply put, the Stat Allocator can modify Matthias' body statistics by either removing the strength and allocate them to the other stats like speed, endurance, intelligence, etc.

'So you're saying that I can change whether which stat I want to increase or decrease?'

[Yes, but only at certain limit on how much you have accumulated thus far.]

If Matthias want to increase his strength further, he could decrease his other stats such as his speed and agility to feed his strength stat, and vice versa.

But there's one catch: If the modification will not be permanent, and in time will return to its original position, meaning the speed increase from decreasing strength will eventually return to where it originally was.

[Remember that the amount you can increase is limited to the amount of power from your relevancy this world has given you.]

'Then, can I perhaps decrease my accumulated stats to feed something I currently don't have? I want to try having magic in this world. Seems like a good ability to have.'

[You can't, I will explain.]

Prime explained that if Matthias wished to be able to do magic, he needs the world to acknowledge that he's capable of doing so. Then and only then can Matthias feed his magic stat from other stats to increase his magic powers.

'I see, so as long as I already have whatever ability that's currently with me, I can modify them?'


Silence ensued for several seconds, then Matthias asked

'Can I ask something?

[Go ahead.]

'This ability of mine to gain power from the world's recognition and relevancy... can one day lose this power?'

[If you're asking whether you will lose the ability, then no, but if you're asking if you can one day lose power as you lose relevancy, then yes.]

'I see, then I can't always rely on this ability then.'

[Worry not, Matthias, for this is why I gave you this last gift of mine. The Stat Allocator has basically made your power permanent. The world's recognition will never disappear, even if the people will eventually forget.]

Matthias felt himself breathed easy after hearing that.
It seems he won't be losing the power should people starts forgetting about him, or whoever his alter-ego or persona is.

'You're willing to give me this much power, Prime?'

[Rather than willing, I trust that you can use this ability for the better, Matthias.]

Hearing this, Matthias' nonexistent body tried to bow in gratitude.

Upon Matthias' gratitude, Prime's entire existence materialize. Matthias can finally see what the being he's been speaking with would look like; he looked human, and naked, and the face seems average, but not at all unpleasant to look at.

Not only that, Matthias can feel himself materialize into the vastness of the ethereal world. He can feel and see his body and limbs now. Prime smiled at Matthias.

"Matthias, I will no longer accompany you on your journey. For this point on, you are on your own. Whether you use this power to safeguard Earth and its people, or to rule over it, I would not know and would not interfere."

"You really trust that I would not misuse it?"

"Your action prior to this has proven to be remarkable. I have already planned to give away this ability, and I am happy that it was you."

Prime held his hand out to Matthias, and shook his hand. "Good bye, Matthias. It's the first time we've faced each other, but I know we can be good friends should another chance would come."

Matthias smiled back, "I feel the same, Prime, and thank you for everything you've done for me."

~ ~ ~

Metropolis, one of the largest and most well-known cities in the United States, as well as the DC Universe's most famous location next to Gotham city. It is the home of DC's most powerful hero, Superman.

Matthias is currently riding a car licensed under Wayne Enterprises, with Lucius Fox driving for him. They are now on the streets of Metropolis, and Matthias was in awe with how tall most of the buildings around him are.

"Mr. Fox, I'm not disturbing any of your schedule, right? I mean, as a CEO, shouldn't you be around the Wayne Tower, and not driving me here?"

"Not at all, Mr. Wayne. It is my utmost pleasure to help you in anyway I can."

"I see, thank you Mr. Fox." Matthias said as he looked outside the car window.

'Felt like I'm touring to New York, but a lot better.' He inwardly thought.

Matthias and Lucius have been on the ride for about five hours. It was a ride from Gotham straight to Metropolis, and Matthias starts getting bored.

"Mr. Fox, have you finished with the plan yet?"

"Which plan, Mr. Wayne? The Gotham subway? The hub? Or the house built in Metropolis?"

"You know full well of my question, Mr. Fox..." Matthias mutters. Lucius actually knows Matthias was asking for the latter one; the plan to build a single small building as a house for Matthias.

"Yes, Mr. Wayne, it is complete... and we are going there now."

Another one and a half hours later, Matthias and Lucius arrived in front of a building. It was a relatively small house.

Matthias entered the house and inspected it. It looks enough to house a small family of four; two story house with two bedrooms and a guest room, two bathrooms and toilets, several clothing cabinets and closets, air-conditioners, television in the living room with sofas, and so on.

It was quite luxurious, not the type a normal university student could afford to rent, let alone buy. But Matthias is not a normal university student, for he is the second son of the wealthy family of Wayne.

"Mr. Fox, where is the room?"

"If you follow me, Mr. Wayne..."

Matthias followed Lucius Fox as he showed a certain area in the house... a hidden area.

Lucius approached a certain wall with a framed picture on it. He opened a picture frame on the wall, and behind it was a square panel, with the center shaped like a hand palm. Lucius put his hand on the panel, and it lights up red as the wall behind it split to reveal a secret room behind the wall.

"Mr. Wayne," Lucius held out his hand towards the secret room as if inviting Matthias inside. "The room you requested is here."

Matthias smiled; the room is an empty room except for the walls which are equipped with small shelves and a large computer set. The room is exactly what he wanted... Lucius delivered with a satisfying result.

"Thank you, Mr. Fox. I knew I could count on you."

Lucius nods and smiled, but then he straightened his face as he talk,
"Mr. Wayne, perhaps it is not my place to say this, but please do not do anything that would make Mr. Bruce worried. As much as a pleasure it is for me to answer to your request, I can't accept it if it was for a reckless mission."

Matthias solemnly nods,
"I know my brother cherish me well, Mr. Fox. You don't need to worry." Matthias finished with a smile.

Lucius nods once again, and said his goodbyes.


Alone in his new house now... Matthias went inside the secret room again, and starts accessing the computer.

"This computer's rigs is amazing... a pity I can't simply use them for gaming."

Matthias starts planning for his next mission: Find Superman, infiltrate the LexCorp, find out Lex Luthor's motive in this world.

"I don't know what version the Superman in this world is, and I also need to know whether I can make Lex Luthor an ally rather than enemy."

And with that, Operation Metropolis is a go.

Hey guys, I hope the extra exposition to Matthias' power can answer some of the questions.

Plus, it's a good way to finally power up MC a lot more without making him too OP.

Say goodbye to Prime, guys.


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