Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 25 – Gang Slaughter

This chapter contains graphic content that some may find disturbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.

In the evening time in Southside area of Metropolis, the setting sun is giving the aesthetical red hue that fills the silence with calm... but not now, not today, not tonight...

AAAAAAHHH!” Hard screams filled the grim silence of the Suicide Slum’s sports field, as a figure clad in black and coated in black misty aura slowly crushes a man’s skull.

Bone cracking sounds followed by squelching noises is next after the hard scream, as the shadow man in black clenches his hand, slowly crushing the head in his grip.

Blood’s dripping... brain matters slowly oozing out of the clump of red meaty substance that is the man’s; the gangster’s head.

“H-He-He just...” The other gangsters all see this terrifying scene in front of them, unable to tell if it’s real. Somehow, this shadow man just easily crushes the skull of one of their companion, and with one hand only.

Then... the shadow man turned his head towards the remaining gangsters.

“F-Fuck! Shoot him!”

The gangsters started pouring hot lead towards the shadow man. Several handguns and a submachine gun are spitting fiery blaze of death towards this terrifying figure clad in darkness.

The gangsters were desperate in taking this shadow man down as they emptied their ammo into him, in hopes of finally killing the nightmare... but... the bullets did not kill him.

“H-hey! Why can’t we kill this freak!”

The shadow man’s body seems to turn into black mist as the bullet passes through his body. The black mist then expands, engulfing the entire sports field, and the gangsters with it.

Terrified, the remaining gangsters started swinging their weapons and trying to run away.

Then, in the darkness of the black smoke, a scream is heard...


It seems like one of them was caught by the shadow man, and he had done something that made this unlucky target to scream in agony in such a way.


One of them yells to the remaining gangsters as they all follow the command to run and escape this death-trap.

But then... one of them got caught, as a metallic claw grappled into and catches his leg, and he was pulled deeper into the black mist.

Argh! Help! Help MEEE!” The man yelled as he got pulled in. And then...


A loud scream, followed by ripping and squelching noises can be heard from within the black mist.

Chills were running through the other surviving gangsters, as they escaped away from the mist and out of the sports field. They ran ... and ran ... and ran, away from the nightmarish shadow man who’s killing them one by one in a gruesome way.

One of them looked back, and saw that the black smoke has dissipated, and it reveals... their dead companions; bloodied, ripped apart limb from limb like papers, lying on their pool of blood.

EEEK!” the gangster who looked back yelped, like a terrified little girl.

The gangsters all run towards a certain destination, through the alleyway, yelling for help as they look for their other companions for reinforcement.

It was then that after running for a short while, something dashes from the side, slamming into one of the gangsters towards the wall beside them.

*BLAM!*ARGH!” the gangster who got slammed into the wall grunted in pain.
He tried struggling away by pushing the shadow man, but he did not budge.
He tried giving a few punches to his face, but he did not budge.
He took out his Stanley knife1https://media.rs-online.com/t_large/R0663932-01.jpg from his pocket and stabbed the shadow man’s chest, but he did not react.

The shadow man only stared into the gangster he just slammed into the wall, and then he lifted the sword in his left hand, and then...

*STAB!* *BLAM!*, the sword pierced the gangster’s abdomen.

GHAARGH!” the gangster screamed, vomiting liters and liters of blood from his mouth and from his stomach.

The sword he got pierced into is actually a dull sword, very dull that in order for this shadow man to penetrate his abdomen and nailing him straight towards the wall behind him means he has a considerable amount of strength far beyond human capability.

The other gangsters who just saw their friend getting stabbed and nailed into a wall continued running away.

They are now out in the open; in the public area where everyone in the neighborhood of Suicide Slum can see. The remaining gangsters, now only three of them, are approaching a certain building.

But before any of them can enter, the whistling sound of something cutting the wind approaches, and then *SPLAT!*, “GHUURK!” that something has pierced into one of the gangster’s torso; from the back, and out from his chest.

The unfortunate gangster got pulled back, as the sharp metal claw roped into black wire that pierced the gangster tightly gripped into his bursting and bloodied chest. Blood splattered everywhere as he got pulled away.

The remaining two burst into the building, yelling for help.


The people inside the building; all gang members and thugs and the like, regrouped together as they stare at one of their people screaming for help.

They were about to ridicule and teach them a lesson for disturbing the entire people in the building, when all of a sudden, a sharp knife-like object penetrates one of the remaining two surviving gangsters, killing him instantly.

Several more of those knives then flew inside the building the gangsters all hiding in, and these knives are all pierced into the walls, the floor, and the broken furnitures inside the building.

And then, following after the knives, black mist enshrouded the middle area inside the building. The black mist looked nightmarish; as if it could pull you into the abyss, and swallow your soul.

Beyond the black mist that is slowly dissipating, a figure gradually revealed himself as he walked out of the mist.

Clad in all black outfits, and shrouded in black smoky aura around his body, this man stood tall as he looked around him. He’s surrounded; this building has several dozens of gang members all around, and he’s unarmed since he had left his only weapon nailed on the wall with one of the gangster with it.

The gangster all took their weapons; some have guns, some only have knives or planks or crowbars.

“Hey buddy, you tryna be acting in an opera or somethin’?” One of the gangster inside the building quipped. The others were laughing and jeering, as they slowly closing in towards him.

“Looks like you’re surrounded, buddy!”

The only remaining gangster whom the shadow man chased into felt relieved that he can finally survive... but deep down, he can feel that this shadow man is not actually in trouble at all.

The shadow man, in his deep, growly, and intimidating voice chuckled as he pulled something from his belt. It looked like some sort of a switch.

Yes, I’m surrounded...” Then the shadow man pushed the switch, “Surrounded by dead men.”


Explosions going off from all around the inside of the building, and they all come from the knives that are previously thrown and scattered all around.

The dead gangster head that was pierced by one of the knives exploded as brain splattering around in reddish mist.

Several sharp debris acts as fragmented explosion from the destroyed furniture, injuring many of the surrounding gangsters. Walls that were within the range of the explosion were blown and torn away. The floor became a deathtrap to those close by, as the explosions create holes that lead to the building’s basement, and the gangster nearby that still survive from the explosions all fell to their deaths bellow.

Noises of explosions ended, and then followed by the noises of the falling debris and torn walls, as well as the noises of screams from the gangsters being blown away. The remaining survivors of the gangsters were grunting and moaning in pain.

The shadow man then dashes towards the survivors with inhuman speed; like watching a six feet tall bullet clad in black that can tore apart its prey.

“AAAAH!” One survivor was caught by the neck. The shadow man lifted him using only his left hand, and then he shoved his entire right forearm into the survivor’s chest, and ripped his heart before finally throwing the lifeless body away.

Then... he caught another one; he ripped his limbs, from his arms down to his legs...
and another one; he took his crowbar and smashes his skull, brain splattered everywhere...
and another one; he grabbed his head with his two hands, and squished them until it pops...
and another one, he broke his limbs, and then snapped his neck...
and another one, he lifted him by his leg and starts repeatedly smashing him to the floor2Hulk smashing Loki style...
... until there’s only four left of the surviving gangsters.

The surviving gangsters all flee from the building; running while screaming in terror, two of them were actually crying as they witnessed the nightmare.


The booming voice of the nightmare echoed outside. The surviving gangsters are fleeing in terror for they all know this nightmare will chase them to their death.

*PSSH!* *STAB!* “AAARGH!” One of the survivors got his leg stabbed by something, and then he got pulled closer into the shadow nightmare.

The others did not look back, as they ran as quick as they can while hearing a painful scream behind them.

One of them, the survivor whom the shadow man had chased from the very beginning, saw someone nearby. It was child, a young girl who was curious by the explosion earlier. He then sprinted towards the girl, and took out his gun. He grabbed the girl in front of him, and then aimed his gun towards the girl’s head.

He can see his other friends stopping their tracks, and aiming their weapons towards the nightmarish shadow man.

“FUCK YOU, FREAK! EAT LEAD!” One shouted and shot several rounds of bullets.

The shadow man did not dodge, nor does he flinch... in fact, the bullet, though did hit him, did not actually hurt him, as he only take the shots head on without turning it the mist like previously.

*CLANG* *CLANG*, noises of bullets hitting his body can be heard, and the survivors are all looking at each other.


They kept raining fire towards the shadow man, but he only stood there as he took the hit. Nothing seems to be able to scratch him.

The shadow man retaliates by aiming a gun; a weapon he took from one of the dead gangsters previously. And then, *BLAM!* *BLAM!* *BLAM!*, three shots were made, and three thuds from the fallen dead gangsters followed after.

... And now... there’s only one left...


The only one remaining gangster; the one guy this shadow man had chased from the sports field and towards the building until now, is threatening to kill another child.

The girl being held hostage is crying and trembling, and whispering for help.

The shadow man did not move, and only stood his ground while staring... staring hard. He also had his body producing the black mist-like smoke, which making him looking like a grim reaper.


The shadow man did not react, and was only staring at him. He took something from his belt that looked like a phone, tapped the screen of it, and pocketed it back.

The only surviving gangster was about to slowly walk away, when something hit him by his head from behind. He quickly aimed his gun to his back, and saw a drone flying upwards. That drone just hit his head, and he just reacted by looking behind him... a fatal move.

The shadow man dashes forward, grabbed the surviving gangster by his hand, took the gun and threw it away, and then grabbed his neck and slammed his entire body to the ground.

“ARGH! NO! PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!” the survivor pleaded.

The shadow man kneel down, and put his faceless face closer to him, and in his deep and growly voice, he spoke, “DEATH IS ENOUGH MERCY FOR YOU.”

Then, the shadow man rained punches to the surviving gangster.

*BLAM* *BLAM* *BLAM* *BLAM*, thick punches were heard, as the body of the last gangster twitches.

The ground bellow cracked, and the body became a bloody pulp.

The shadow man stopped hitting, stood up, and looked around. He saw people, witnessing what he had done. They are all looking in fear; the populaces of Suicide Slum are curiously watching, and they all see a single man, clad in black and coated in black mist killing the entire local gangster and their den.

- - - - - - - - -

Huff-huff, I…I killed them all…” Matthias muttered as he calms down.

He looked at his hands; his black gloves are all bloody, with several meat particles sticking on it. He’s shivering, not only on the fact that he killed- or rather, massacred those people, but he also has lost some reasoning form his rampage.

“Heh…hahaha, I guess I’m not really cut to be a hero in this world, huh?”

Matthias then looked at his surroundings; several of the Suicide Slum are gathering, looking at his earliest artwork.

Matthias isn’t worried for them. He inwardly reassures himself that he had at least done something good to these people.

“It is done... I’ve cleaned some local gangsters. I’ve avenged those children. Now it’s time to call an ambulance and tell them about those children...” Matthias inwardly muttered as he took his phone tablet from his utility belt. He had avenged those children who got massacred by the gangsters.

Now it’s time to return. He needs some rest, and a time to recollect himself back at the safe house.

But then...

*Beep* *Beep*

His phone tablet beeped like crazy. Matthias looked at his tablet, and the screen shows a map of local area with a beeping red dot approaching his position in high speed.

Matthias knows who this beeping noise supposed to be, but he did not expect him to approach Southside area this quickly.

“Shit...” Cursed Matthias as he enhanced his intelligence and quickly tapped his tablet in order to prepare for something.

Less than two minutes later, he arrived.

“Who are you! What have you done here!” this newcomer spoke as he flew down to the ground.

Matthias looked up, and then answered with his masked voice, “I’m not your enemy...”


I thank you to the commenters from the previous chapter for their support. I hope the scenes I wrote will not disgust you or anything.

I'll talk to you all later.

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