Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 29 – Royaly Flushed

It has been so long, and I apologize. Real life stuff took a toll on me, and I need to deal with them first.

I'm back, and it will resume it's daily update.

I hope you enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later.

Peace out.

Let’s take a vote: Is Poker a game of luck, or is it a game of skill?

Now generally for most people, if polled, would probably consider poker as a game of luck. And in a way, it is true. After all, poker is often played in a casino right alongside other games of chance like blackjack, craps and slot machines, making it also as another one of game of chances within all casino games.

But those who play poker professionally will know that, in the long run, it isn’t.

Poker is actually a game of skill in the long run. However there is a large element of luck in the short term.

The biggest reason why poker is a game of skill and not luck is because unlike every other casino game your main opponents are other people.

Now then, what happens if in such game, you have other players colluding against you?

Of course it will be hard win.

So, is this new guy named Remy now screwed?

Well, quite frankly my dears... he’s not in the slightest.

‘They’re all against me. It should be considered cheating, but since their opponent is me, then I suppose it’s all fine. My stats allocation ability is already cheating enough.’ Thought Remy LeBeau, the current disguised Matthias.

Remy is using his ability to boost his intelligence by sacrificing his unneeded stats, making him the smartest person in this casino. Not only that; he can now also manipulate his own fate by making himself luckier and even the luckiest person ever live on this world.

And then, the game starts.


Seven-card stud is a popular variant of Poker, and had a simple set of rules.

The players were each dealt three cards by the dealer at the beginning of the game. Each player would then choose one of those three cards to reveal while keeping the other two hidden.

Then, players would begin betting, with dealers providing each player with a new open card. When the number of cards became seven, the betting would stop.

Players who were still in the round would show their hands, and the person with the best hand would win.

“Confident, are we, Mr. Lebeau?”

“There’s a reason we have the term ‘Poker Face’, Mr. Gallo. But then again, I’m always the cheery type.”

Both Tony Gallo and Remy Lebeau were taunting against each other, with the other players watching.

The betting round of the first game flows clockwise; bets were raised, folds were made... in this game, the players were all playing normally. No scheme, yet.

First game result: Remy wins with a Flush of Spades, with another player followed suit also with a Flush but in lower value.

“Congratulations, Mr. Lebeau. You’ve won this round.” Tony Gallo said as he shows his ‘friendly’ smile to Remy.

“I am, indeed, Mr. Gallo.” Remy just simply accepted the ‘compliment’, knowing full well that Gallo is simply taunting him.

“Just make sure that you’re not too... Overconfident, Mr. Lebeau. A young man like you surely still wants to play around with their money tucked in their pocket.”

Tony’s hidden threat did not amuse Remy at all.

Then, the second game starts.

This time, the game starts in a weird turn, as if the other players were colluding with each other, under Tony Gallo’s lead.

It’s subtle, but still visible. Even the other VIPs who simply watch the game and not playing know that this second game felt hostile.

So very hostile, and they are all directed against one player: Remy.

‘Ahhh, so it’s time for them to finally ‘crush’ me, I see.’ Thought Remy, as he flashes a friendly grin.

The cards were shuffled, and then smoothly placed in front of each player.

9 Players: But it’s one vs. the rest.

The betting rounds go and flow as players raise the bets and calls to match them. This time, though, everyone bets in max, and by everyone... it means literally Every. Single. One.

“I hope this round did not intimidate you, Mr. LeBeau. It is a usual sight for these elite players to bet this high.”

“None the slightest, Mr. Gallo, I can even match the bet should you want to raise them ten-fold.”

The banter between the two became the highlight of the whole game, as the other VIPs only talk so little and shows little to no interest towards Remy, except on the fact that they are working together against him.

Betting round ends, and then everyone shows their hands.

Tony’s hand was a Full House; Three cards of one denomination, plus two cards of another denomination.

A player next to Tony has a Flush; any five cards of the same suit. His Flush ends with a King of Spades.

And then the next is Remy, whose hand was also another Flush, but his was of lower value since his Flush ends with a King of Hearts.

The rest of the players have lower values.

Tony wins as the highest value holder.

Heheheh, perhaps you’re not so lucky after all, Mr. LeBeau. Then again, this is not a game where you can simply win by Luck.” Said Tony as he chuckles loudly, clearly mocking Remy.

Remy responds with a warm and friendly smile, which made Tony feels an unsettling feeling.

“Let’s play more...”

Another round of Poker starts. This time, the same thing goes, with the other players all against Remy, but this time it was different.

Remy did not look at his own cards.

“Giving up, Mr. LeBeau? You aren’t looking at your hand the entire time.”

“Don’t need to, Mr. Gallo, this time I’m going all out.” Replied Remy LeBeau with a smile.

It’s true, Remy is currently going all out, right now.

“Perhaps this time you want to increase the amount of the bet, Mr. Gallo?” Said Remy as he put down all of his chips he won from the other games from the casino.

The chips collectively worth several hundred thousands of dollars, but Remy upped the amount by taking his wallet and took out a platinum-gold patterned metal bank card, then placed it down on the poker table.

“This time, let’s up the bet to the roof. Makes things more interesting, isn’t it?” Remy stated as he winks towards one of the nearest girls around.

Though Remy is actually Matthias who has his face altered so that he won’t be recognized by anyone who knows him, he still made his face to be quite handsome, albeit a little bit on the average side. Still, this face of his can still charm the thirsty females around, adding his character as someone who’s a playboy.

The girl blushed and turned her head away, and Remy smiled in response.

“I like you, Mr. LeBeau... I really do. You remind me of my younger self.” Said Tony as he puts his own chips on the table.

Deep down, Tony somehow felt as if he’s going to lose, but looking at his hand, he can see that he has the opportunity to win them all.

Seeing how high the amount of the betting goes, several of the other players folded immediately. Only three people left; Remy, Tony, and another player next to Tony.

As the betting round goes, Tony carefully took one card into his deck, completing his hand.

Remy observed Tony’s face; he has a good poker-face, almost flawless. Remy can’t see the muscle movement of Tony’s face, but he don’t need to.

Remy knows Tony has a great hand in his deck of cards, but he’s not worried at all.

It’s Remy’s turn to pick a card to complete his hand, and he did it with a playful style.

“~Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by the toe~” Remy sang as he took a card into his deck. He still has his deck facing down on the table, and he clearly hasn’t touched his own hand.

“Are you sure you’re not going to see your own hand?” Tony asked.

Remy did not reply, and only shook his head lightly with a smile.

Tony’s face felt stiff. This was his first time seeing someone play without even looking at his own hand.

‘His overconfidence will be his own undoing... but why do I feel like something’s wrong...’

Tony did not think much further, and continued the round.

“... Tsk, I fold!” The player next to him folded his hand.

This left Remy and Tony as the only players left in the pot.

... It’s reveal time...

“Then shall we show our hands?” Tony said with a smile


“I'll go first.”

Tony revealed his hand; Four of a Kind with: Eight of each Suits and an Ace of Clubs.

“F-Four of a Kind!” The other players exclaimed.

Surely the sight of a Four of a Kind is extremely low and rare. It was such a high value in Poker with only a Straight Flush or perhaps even a Royal Flush can defeat.

“Awww, I hope you’re not saddened with the result, Mr. LeBeau. Perhaps I can allow you to work with me in the future, should you want your share of fortune back.”

Tony grinned and gestured his dealer to sweep the chips to his side. It was the stereotypical scene of someone about to lose.

“Hold on, Mr. Gallo, I haven't revealed my hand yet.”


With a sassy gesture, Remy stopped the poker rake from sweeping the chips, and then revealed his hand.


“T-This hand... How?!”

Whooaa! How did he...?”

“A-Amazing! It’s the...”

It’s the Royal Flush; Remy’s hand had Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of Diamonds.

The other players seeing this view totally cannot comprehend on the HOW Remy can achieve such high value hand.

Tony had his mouth agape, wide enough for a whole apple to fit in his mouth. He was trying to comprehend the how this happened. Clearly, it feels as if he’s in some sort of a bad dream.

“Haven’t I told you before, Mr. Gallo... I am the Luckiest person in the world...”

Everyone gasps in excitement for several seconds, until...

“You fucking CHEATER!” Screamed someone nearby... it was that one player who sat near Tony.

He abruptly stood up, and charged towards Remy. The latter did not react at all from the sudden attack, and just simply sat waiting for that player to charge towards him.

It was at that moment; that player suddenly tripped on his own untied shoelace, and fell face down.

From his left sleeve, several decks of cards fell out. The cards are high of high values, such as Queens, Kings, and Aces.

The sight of the player falling down and accidentally revealing his literal hidden cards from his sleeves was seen by all the other VIPs in the area.

Yikes! It seems I’m not the one who actually cheated, huh?” Said Remy as he stood up and took the dealer’s chip rake to sweep his winnings to him. He bagged all the chips into one big bag and then started walking away.

“Mr. Gallo, thank you for the game and for your generosity.”

Remy walked away towards the door out, and before he opened it, he turned around to see the other VIPs still staring at him, and said his last one liner.

Luck is also a skill, and it’s MY greatest skill.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tony sat inside his office, accompanied by his henchmen. He has been thinking of the sight of this young man who walked away from his casino, carrying big bags of money without even a care in his mind.

“How did he do it...”

Remy LeBeau, this young man’s name, has won spectacularly in the Poker game about ten minutes ago. Not only he has won, he has gotten a Royal Flush, which is the highest value in a Poker, and can only be challenged if the other player has the same hand but with a higher denominator Suits.

Tony has been looking at the camera recording the poker table. Nothing suspicious was done. He did not make any sort of movement, and his hand was always facing down at that time.

“Dammit! Trying to humiliate me, will ya!”

Tony gestures his hand to call for one of his henchmen.

“You, take your men and go tail that person; find out his backers... if he has one. If not, kill him quietly, and take the money back. QUIETLY...”

The henchman nods at the command, and then went towards his companions.

Tony then stood up and wore his wool coat.

'I'll deplete that luck of yours.'

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