Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 32 – Stay Vigilant

“Master Bruce, the helicopter is ready.”

“I see. Then, let us go fetch for Lucius.”

“He’s already by the helipad, Sir.”

“That’s convenient. Let us be off then, Alfred.”

The two men then walks out of the Wayne Enterprises private office, and towards the helipad by the rooftop.

As they move closer to the helipad, another one approached them slowly.

“Mr. Wayne…”

“Lucius, how’s the progress?”

“Going smooth, sir.”

“Well then, let’s not dawdle too long. Let us go immediately.”

“… truth be told, sir, are you speeding up the progress of the new subsidiary company for our brand, or is it because you want to see the young Master?”

“…A little bit of both, Alfred… especially considering how malicious the news has been, lately. I’m a bit worried for him to be there ever since the news of the slaughter in Southside.”

“Very well, sir. Let us be off.”

The three men gave a small nod to each other, and then boarded the helicopter that has been on standby for the past thirty minutes.

The helicopter took off, going towards the direction of another city just across the cutting sea: towards Metropolis.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Yaawn…* Matthias walked clumsily around the University campus.

‘Ahh… I shouldn’t have been forcing myself to finish the armors…’ Thought Matthias.

Matthias’ lack of sleep was due to him forcing himself to work on planning and creating his fake organization. Also, he’s been creating and upgrading his new armors as his next planned personas.

Matthias lazily walks further, passing the basketball court; several people are currently playing basketball on the currently empty open court.

It was then that one of the players threw the ball towards the ring using too much strength, and the basketball went off court, bouncing here and there outside the field.

Matthias was nearby, and the ball was approaching him fast.

Oi! Watch out!” One of them yelled.

Matthias was out of focus because of his sleepiness, and did not hear the warning… but it wasn’t necessary anyway. Just as the ball was about to struck Matthias’ head, he bowed down his upper body, and let the ball narrowly slip past above him.

Woah!” … the others went agape, seeing Matthias dodging the ball as if it was nothing…

Then Matthias assumed his straight posture, and had his hand in front of his eyes.

“Oh look, somebody dropped a ten-dollar bill here.”

Matthias pocketed his newfound ten-dollar bill, and saw that he’s currently at the center of the attention.

It took roughly five minutes that he found out, ‘I almost got struck down by a basketball?’

Matthias continued his slow walk towards his destination; the classroom, while his head is full of thoughts.

‘Sooo, does this means I’m getting lucky? Is my luck stat increasing significantly? That’s good then, this means I don’t need to constantly be aware to pour my other stats into luck…’

Then, with a happy-drowsy smile, Matthias entered the classroom.

“Yo! Matthias! Wanna grab some coffee before class? You look like you need at least two cups, right now.”

“Nah, I’m good, Robert…”

“You sure? You look like you haven’t slept for several days, lately. What have you been doing? Gaming too much?”

“*Siiigh*, it would’ve been better if it’s because I’m gaming too much…”

Currently, Matthias and Robert were in the classroom. Robert was listening to his iPod with his earphones before noticing how tired Matthias looks.

“… Well, I won’t inquire too much, but you seem to really need at least twelve hours of sleep.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right, but I’m not much in a bad shape, though… just kind-off lacking in sleep, lately.”

Just as Matthias was about to put his head on the desk to have some rest, Annie arrived and put her flower-patterned light blue thermos near him.

“Here, Matthias, I have some drink that can help you freshen up… should you want some.” She said, as she opened the lid of her thermos and poured her drink on the lid that acts as the cup.

“It’s okay, Annie, I’m not really that sleepy.”

“… I insist.”

Matthias looks up to see Annie’s face, and he can see how worried she looks. So, without refusing the second time, Matthias took the half-filled cup and took a sip.

Hmmm, apple juice, huh?”

“With some honey and mint extract… a good combination to keep you awake while still being natural.” Annie explained as her left hand rests on her hip, and her right hand adjusting her round glasses.

Matthias smiled and finished the honeyed mint apple juice in several small sips, savoring the fresh taste of it.

Ahhhh, I feel awake already.”

Hehe~, this means my recipe works!”

“Oh, so you made it yourself, huh?” Matthias flashes his smile towards Annie, “It’s very good… and sweet, just like you.”

/// ! ///

Hearing those words from Matthias, Annie blushes hard, and turned her head quickly to the side as to avoid making eye contact with him.

Meanwhile, Robert watches from the sideline with his hand in-front of his mouth, making an exaggerated reaction towards the scene.

Ooh my~, Matty! Ain’t that sooo very smooth of you! You made her heart go ‘badump badump’

“S-Shut up Rob!”

Annie went and slapped Robert’s shoulder as the latter laughed, and Matthias just shrugged Robert’s remarks off, and poured himself another swing of the apple juice.

‘This is really good… maybe I’ll make my own batch for myself…’

After class, Matthias walked back home towards his safe-house.

As he walked, he checked on his phone to reply on his brother’s messages.

“He says he’s going to visit me sometime this week… I better buy something first, and perhaps clean up the place.”

Bruce, Matthias’ older brother, is about to visit him in Metropolis. It was sudden since Bruce only notified Matthias yesterday, but Matthias doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s actually looking forward to meeting his family after many months.

“I wonder if Alfred came along…” Matthias mumbled as he walks.

On his way, Matthias can feel a stare. With every move he did, every several meters of distances he walks, every turns he took, the stare keeps on following him.

‘Hmmm, perhaps a burglar?’

Matthias keeps on moving while he boosts his perception.

As his perception sharpens, he can feel that the person who’s observing at him can hide really well. But the question still remains…

‘Is it an enemy?’

This unknown observer has been observing him for quite a while, but doesn’t seem to make a move yet. Odd still, this observer does not emit any hostile intention, else Matthias’ boosted perception can detect danger coming towards him.

Matthias then took another turn into a grocery store nearby… and then the feeling of being watched disappeared.

‘Well, if it’s an enemy, at least they don’t plan to attack a ‘defenseless’ me right now… if it’s really an enemy.’

Without needing to dwell much longer, Matthias quickly bought several small snacks and some potato chips, and then quickly went home.

As he was about to approach his home, he fully boosted his senses to total maximum… and the feeling of being observed never returned.

Matthias then took out his phone, gave several taps on it, and then put it back in his pocket. He had just ordered his drones to scour the surrounding neighborhood of his safe-house.

‘I better not approach the house before I’m absolutely sure whoever is observing me is still around or not.’

… Several minutes passed …

Matthias kept watching his phone to see if there’s anyone suspicious at all in the neighborhood.

The result? None… He did not detect any movement, nor sensing anything watching him.

“Well, at least this situation can keep me stay vigilant at all times.” Mumbled Matthias inwardly, as he approached his home while still keeping his guard up.

Matthias locked his door, set his drones and surveillance system to full alert.

An hour passed, and nothing came. This both calms Matthias, as well as making him nervous.

Phewww… at least I can now breathe easy.”

It was then that another problem arrived…

His phone rings, and he answered.


{“Hey, Matty, I’m coming to visit.”}


Hey what is up guys, as per-usual, I need some feedback especially on sentencing, structure, story progression, etc.

Other than that, Enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later. Peace.

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