Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 34 – Artifact Auction

I'm back. That's all. Also pray that I can finish the next chapters a lot faster this week, cuz I REALLY want to have my brain and ideas working smoothly.

That said, Enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later.

Somewhere in the Himalayas, the wind howls just as several hooded figures dashes along the treacherous mountain path. The mountains of the Tibetan plateau have created many high slopes and abyssal chasms that killed countless of unfortunate adventurers and explorers who tried to tread its pathway.

But, within these natural walls and hazards born from millennia ago was a hidden city; so hidden, in fact, that even after many centuries of its creation, no outside souls have ever discovered its existence.
None… except…

“Grandmaster, one of our Shadows have sent a report.”

A kneeling man dressed in a brownish cloak bowed his head in front of a figure shrouded in shadows. The figure wore Arabic clothing, and cloaked with a dark green cape that’s patterned with some gold trims on the outer layer.

“What is it…”

“It seems the search for the one they call ‘Wraith’ has yet to borne fruit… after his massacre at the Slums, he just somehow disappeared.”

Hmmm, keep searching. He may still be around Metropolis.”

“One more thing, my Lord… they have also found the brother of the Bat, also in Metropolis city. Additionally, the Bat also currently in Metropolis.”

Hearing this, the figure in the green cape was taken aback.
“I see… tell them to continue observing the brother.”

The kneeling man nods, and he promptly retreated from the place, leaving the figure under the shadow alone.

‘Bruce Wayne… if you can’t become my heir, then perhaps I can “convince” your brother. And also, that Wraith… he can be my next disciple.’

In the outskirts of Metropolis, an obscure but otherwise grand and fancy mansion was located. The mansion is large, and is currently being used for an occasion.
What occasion? A black market auctioning place.

The place is heavily guarded, and seemingly several rich elites from several different countries are also going to join the auction.

Remy LeBeau, who is Matthias in his disguise, is in the vicinity of the mansion, accompanied by Tony Gallo who is going to be his ticket inside the auction.

Remy wore a light gray suit, while Tony wore black suit with a green shirt.

“I hope you don’t plan to cause ruckus here… I don’t want to be associated with you if you do plan to do that.”

“Relax, Tony, I’m only looking for something worth buying in the auction.”

“Yeah, with my money…”

“Which I won after beating your game at your own casino. Listen Tony, I-we can destroy you if we really want to. Just be glad that I can work in your establishment, which I can assure you it will be extremely beneficial for you.”

After Remy’s threat, Tony went silent.

Both Tony Gallo of Utopia Casino and Remy LeBeau from a seemingly unknown organization has come up with an agreement for cooperation; Tony will provide a necessary connection to Remy, and Remy will not release any confidential information about Tony’s corruption to the public and will be allowed to work within Utopia Casino in occasion.

Tsk, fine… let’s go.”

The two then went to the front entrance where the guards of the auction are doing an extensive screening process to filter out unwanted guests.

“Security seems tight.” Said Remy.

“What, scared you might get caught?” Taunted Tony to Remy.

“Not really… I mean, as much as I don’t expect a fight to break out, I don’t mind the extra spice of excitement.” Remy grinned as he thought of the prospect.

“… Hmph well, I overhear someone saying that the auction might have an infiltrator inside, possibly an undercover federal agent or something. I just hope I can find a good artifact to fill my collections.”

The two then passed the screening process, and was led by one of the servants towards the main hall where the auction will happen.

The hall has been set as a lounge, complete with luxurious sets of dining tables and chairs.

All the guests are then led to their designated tables, the same goes to both Tony and Remy who both sat down on their tables.

The waiters then pour some wine to the glasses on each of the guests tables, and then they scrambled away.

From the end of the hall that has been set as a showcasing stage came out a fat guy from behind the curtains; dressing in gray suit with a red handkerchief folded on his suit’s front pocket, and red bowtie on his neck.

“Welcome! Welcome!” He shouted to grab the attention.

The whole hall stopped rambling and they focused on this fat guy.

As the silence ensued, the fat guy continued.
“Welcome to the auction. My name is Carmen Grant, and I’ll be the host of this auction. Before we begin, I want to congratulate all of you chosen contestants of this auction. We only invite the richest and the most influential individuals-.”

--Everybody nods--

“- Before we start, please use the bidding paddles on the table in front of you should you wish to bid… now let’s not prattle any longer, and let us begin!”

As per Carmen Grant’s command, several wheeled tables of different sizes where being trolleyed. The top part of the wheeled tables was covered in red cloths.

Then, several women in tight clothing came prancing on to the stage, and they each approach one each of the tables.

Remy had his eyes focusing on the items on the stage.
‘I wonder what items they are about to showcase here… Hmmm, perhaps it’s a good time for me to full boost my luck to its full potential.’
Remy then used all his unused stats to feed his luck stat to the highest possible, while still keeping his shape-shifting ability intact to ensure his disguise not worn off.

“If you really like those women on the stage, I can happily order one of my girls to spend a night with you, Mr. LeBeau.”

“I’m not looking at the women- … you know what, whatever floats your boats.”

Then, Carmen Grant went in front of the first item.

“I will show you our items on the stage one by one… Now first item is…--”

First item is a pair of rusty chain links.

“This item is the chain links that was supposedly used to held St. Paul…”

‘What use are these rusty chain links except for museum collection and perhaps some sickening bondage act…’

Then came the second item; an ancient mask.

“This item is an ancient Greek plate excavated by… *yada-yada-yada*”

‘Useless artifact… I hope I can find some powerful relic which might have powerful magic stored within…would be a good weapon if I have to face another Kryptonian.’ Thought Remy.

Since this is the world of the DC Universe, artifacts and ancient items will obviously possess some sort of power within, whether it is magical or supernatural.

Third item: Some cloth from Bhutan
Fourth item: A porcelain mask
Fifth item: A Chinese flute
Sixth item,
Seventh, and so on… nothing truly interest Remy.

“But, before you all think that these are all the best items we have on the auction… ladies and gentlemen, let me show you our pride and joy! Behold, the truest relics we have!” Yelled Carmen Grant

Carmen then gestured his hands, and then the curtains behind him drops, revealing three items in their grandiose appearances.

On the left is a green shinning statue carving in the shape of a dragon, on the right is an Ankh amulet shinning gold, and on the middle is an ancient spear that looks like it came from ancient Roman.

Seeing this scene, everybody was gasping in awe, and some of them are looking fidgety and excited. Now all the other guests who have yet to touch their bidding paddles began holding them on their hands to prepare to bid.

“What we have here right now, from the left; A genuine emerald dragon statue dated back on the Heian Period of ancient Japan.”
The shinning emerald statue of an Asian Snake Dragon shaped in an ‘S’ shape with its maw open, revealing its detailed fangs.

As soon as the description end, a certain group near Remy and Tony who are all consists of Asian people, presumably Japanese, are all gasping and standing up.

Without any delay, Carmen Grant continued.

“The second item we have here, is this genuine gold amulet from ancient Egypt. These amulet was worn by the Pharaoh himself even before the entombment…” explained the fat guy.

The Ankh shaped amulet shinning in gold, and Remy thought that this item may perhaps contain some magical properties.
‘I’ll have this one then.’

Carmen Grant continued.
“And the last one is this spear…”
Carmen held his hands up in front of the spear.
“THIS!... is the “Spear of Destiny”! If any of you were devout Christians, you would know the infamous ancient Roman soldier named “Longinus”, who thrusted his spear on the side of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ… the Son of God!”

Hearing this, Remy almost jumped from his seat.

‘Spear of Destiny? The spear that was thrust into the abdomen of Jesus Christ? I know this weapon! This is good item, I HAVE to have this one.’

“With that said, let’s start the bidding!”

But before any of the items are to be auctioned, one guy from the Japanese group suddenly stood up and loudly yelled.

“You are a deceiver! The emerald dragon you showcased to us was FAKE! It was not a genuine Heian Period dragon relic!”

As soon as they said that, the other guests then look around and starts questioning whether the other artifacts are actually fakes.

“How dare you question our house’s integrity. I assure you all these items were of outmost genuine…”

Then, several bodyguards in their set of suits began pouring from the side door, and the Japanese bidders then also all stood up and prepared for war. The bodyguards took out their guns, as do the Japanese bidders took out theirs as well as several who unsheathe some short Japanese swords.

As if on cue, the front door then went out bursting with several federal units in their full armor to assault and surround the entire premise.

“Federal agents! Everybody raise your hands and put down those weapons!”

It seems there has been some undercover cop inside the auction and had signaled the FBI to raid the auction.

Now… the whole place is in total chaos…

“What the fuck is going on!” Yelled Tony Gallo.

“I don’t know, Tony, but we better get out of here.”

Geh… For once, I agree…”

And so the duo took off. With three different side formed; the black market auction guards, the Japanese group, and the feds all filling up the hall, Remy, Matthias in disguise, had to act fast.

‘I have a feeling that this situation was made because of my high luck… but I don’t know why it has to be like this.’

Then, as Remy was looking around in the chaotic hall, he saw the fat guy, Carmen Grant, being escorted by a bodyguard amidst all the chaos towards somewhere behind the stage.

‘… a secret pathway.’ Thought Remy.
“Tony, follow me if you want to escape from this chaos.”

“Really? You want me to trust you?”

“Well, your choice is either to escape by your own wits or escape with my help.”

Tsk, fine, let’s go. Hope you have a good plan.”

The two then follows Carmen behind the stage… but before that, Remy approached the Spear.

“Wait, let me steal this spear first.”

Remy took one of the artifact near him on the stage; it was the rusty chain link earlier. Remy took the chain, wrapped it on his right hand, and then boosted his strength high enough… and then he crashed the reinforced glass.


Amidst the confusion and chaos, almost nobody noticed Remy breaking the glass display, but several of the auction guard did.

Remy did not tattle long, and quickly grabbed the Spear of Destiny in his hand… but…

‘This… this is also fake, isn’t it?’

But before Remy can think more about the spear, a couple guards are approaching him.

“HEY! Drop that Spear!”

“Oi-oi-oi Remy, what are you doing, man! You’re supposed to save us both!”

The two guards are coming closer, and Remy did the one thing he’s meant to do; testing the spear. He grabbed the head of the spear where the knife is positioned, and then he used his strength to strike one of the guards.
And surely enough…
The spear broke as the guard flew.

“W-what the hell?!”

The other remaining guard was stunned, but quickly regained his composure and quickly pointed a gun to Remy. Remy retaliates by throwing the spearhead towards the guard’s hand, disarming and hurting the guard.
‘Gotta make sure to keep myself composed and not kill any more people than necessary.’

After this, Remy moved with Tony towards the backstage, where the secret pathway used by Carmen is located.

“Jesus Remy, that was chaotic… but why did you break that spear?”

“It was a fake. I assume the other artifacts are all fake too, or at least most of them are.”

“I see… but how did you know?”

“Let’s just say I have prior knowledge, okay.”

Both Remy and Tony are walking along the secret pathway as they talk. After three minutes, the pathway ends on the other side of the mansion, and it was an open space covered with woods.

Just as soon as they arrive, they saw Carmen Grant entering a car hidden in the woods. Before it managed to take off, Remy quickly throw one of his tracking bug on to the car.

“There goes the host… but what did you just throw at him, just now?”

“Oh~ it’s nothing. Listen Tony, we’ll split up from here. I need to… continue my mission.”

“What? What’s your plan?”

“I’ll be having a visit to my new friend.”

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