Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 42 – Into the Tower, Once Again

What is up guys, if you're wondering where have I been that I haven't posted anything yet: I was addicted to playing games. Plus, some recent stuff made me just want to drop down somewhere and sleep my problems away. Not a great excuse, but yeah.

If you're asking what game, well... Let's just say 'Among Us' is a pretty time killing game.

That is all. Enjoy. I'll talk to you all later.

11:40 PM, almost midnight, the cold wind accompanied a dark figure whose long coat flutters as he walked on a roof of a tall building. He stopped at the end of the roof, and took something out of his belt.

The sound of the compressed air from a pneumatic grappling gun whistled through the wind, as a hook dashed across the two tall buildings; from one shorter roof to another taller one. Obviously, the taller building was the LexCorp Tower.

A figure in black wooshed upwards towards the taller building’s roof. He rolled and landed as he made his superhero entrance pose.
“Heh…” he chuckled, “I always want to do that.”

Matthias, complete in his Wraith gear, moved past the helipad of LexCorp as he sneaked past several cameras and several guards stationed there.

“Security’s tighter than last time…” he commented, yet he felt like the amount of security seemingly lacking, especially considering that LexCorp Tower was broken into the last time he was here. Additionally, Lex Luthor himself is planning to do something in here, which logically means he has to increase security to make sure nobody would try to infiltrate the place.

‘Well… my advantage then.’ Thought Matthias as he went past the rooftop building via the ventilation shaft. He turned himself into black mist, and then moved past the metal grates through the vent.

He moved downward towards Luthor’s office’s floor, scouting around to see if the big boss somewhere in the vicinity.

‘Security’s a lot better, this time. Thought he as he looked around.
The front space in front of the office door; with a large table in the side of the door that act as the checkpoint with several guards stationed around.
But, ‘It’s not my destination.’

Matthias needed to find that one specific elevator that leads down. He kept looking at his phone tablet, trying to determine which floor and section that one single camera was looking at since the name of that cam was only titled as: “Underground Entrance”.

Just as Matthias was about to move…
The only elevator on the floor chimed its bell as it opens, revealing a slim and curvy figure of a young woman. She walked out of the elevator carrying a clipboard with stacked papers on her left arm, her glasses shines as she fixed its position with her right hand.

‘Hmmm… let’s ask some questions first.’

~ ~ ~

Jenny, young personal assistant of Lex Luthor, walked out of the main elevator towards Luthor’s office. She fixed her reading glasses as she read some papers, until she hears a soft whistle that nobody wouldn’t be able to notice except those with sharp ears.

‘Hmph… shitty men.’ He cursed inwardly. Since Jenny is a beautiful and unmarried young woman, of course the guards around her were silently leering at her slim yet curvy figure.

Jenny approached the door entrance of Luthor’s office, when one of the guards spoke to her.
“Still working hard late at night, ma’am?” one guard said with an obvious dirty smile.

Jenny responded with a calm yet piercing glare, and she said,
“Mr. Brown, I’ve just fired all of the useless scientists and workers sent from the U.S. Military themselves, and I could do the same to you and your fellow securities on this floor. So if you don’t want your friends to resent you from getting fired because you PISSED me off, you better have your lips sewn off tight and get the hell off my sight.”

The one guard she threatened went pale, and can only silently nod while sweating.
“I-I apologise, ma’am…”

Jenny scoffed as she opened the office door. She entered with a victory waltz, and then she put down the clipboard with the stack of papers down on the secretary desk in the office, which is her own desk.

Jenny hums as she finishes,
“Ah~, now Mr. Luthor would obviously know how valuable I am after finishing all of these.” She inwardly mumbled, delight was shown on her face.

Finishing up after tidying her desk for a bit, she grabbed her purse and turned towards the door… only to have someone standing in front of it; a tall male figure, fully dressed in black, with his face covered with a black mask without any face.

“Good evening, young Miss.” The man in black spoke, his voice growly and deep and eerie to the ears.

“Ah!” Jenny yelped in surprise.
She tried to take out something from her purse; a pepper spray, only to have her hand grabbed making her drop her pepper spray off of her hand.
“Ow-!” she grunted. “You-!”

“Easy, young Miss. I’m not here to harm you, but rather, to ask you some questions.”

“Go to hell!” Jenny yapped, giving the man in black a sharp glare.

Suddenly, a noise of metal screech was heard, followed by the sight of a long blade very close to Jenny’s neck.
“As I said, young Miss, I’m not here to harm you and only to ask you some questions.”

Jenny gulped seeing the sharp sword help closely to her neck, and she nodded reluctantly.

“You’re Lex Luthor’s personal assistant, yes?”

Jenny nods.

“Do you have a name?”

“… it’s Jenny.” She answered, eyes still locked on the blade.

“Good. Then Miss Jenny, I’m going to ask you some questions, and it’s in your best interest to answer them with honesty.” “unless you don’t value your life”. The words implied.

Jenny closes her eyes for a bit, then nods.

“First question, Miss Jenny: Where’s Luthor?”

Jenny went silent for a couple of seconds, then the voice continued with a voice deeper and growlier than before,
“Miss Jenny, I’ll ask again. Where. Is. Luthor.”

Jenny trembled a bit before she answers.
“I-In the underground section of the Tower.”

“Good. Next question: What is he doing?”

“I don’t know…”

“Don’t lie to me, Miss Jenny.” Threatened the man in black.

“I FUCKING swear, I don’t know!” Jenny yelled out of frustration, but fortunate or unfortunately for her, not loud enough for the guards outside to hear.
“Mr. Luthor never told me anything specific about this.”

“Then another question: Who are the two men in uniforms I saw entering the premise towards a certain elevator in this building?”

Jenny’s eyes widen a bit, but regained composure in a millisecond. She don’t know how this person knows about the arrival of the two men in uniforms he just mentioned, but all she can do was answering questions.
“Those two are the Air Force Colonel and his secretary.”

“Why are they here?”

“I don’t know… but there was another project meant to set Mr. Luthor and the U.S. military air force together in a joint collaboration, so I guess their arrival has something to do with it.”

“I see… then, lastly, tell me where’s that elevator for the underground entrance of this building?”

Jenny halted from answering for a bit.
“… what elevator?”

“Miss Jenny…” the voice spoke, a lot deeper and more growly like a hungry predator.

Jenny, in her last attempt to hold her fear, finally answered.
“*Tsk*, f-fine. Ground floor, north-east section.”

“Then next-”

Just when the man in black was about to ask something else, there’s something vibrating, accompanied with a ringtone of a phone.
It’s coming from Jenny’s purse.

The man in black reflexively turned his head towards the location of the sound as he pulled his blade away… and Jenny quickly used this opportunity to take something from her desk to throw at.

Jenny threw the clipboard stacked with papers towards the man’s face, and the latter reacted by pulling his head to the side and his arm swatting the papers away… but the opportunity is still on Jenny’s side.

Jenny went towards a compartment bellow her desk; a button was prepped under her desk as an alarm, and she successfully pushed it as the man in black grabbed her again.


An extremely loud alarm sirens echoes throughout the whole building.

“… bitch…” growled the man in black towards Jenny.

“… my boss is gonna have your head.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, miss Jenny...” Said the man in black.
After that, the man in black released the hold on Jenny’s hand, retracted his blade, then sheathed it on his left waist. He then dashed forward towards the doorway. Then, he looked back towards Jenny.
“Your boss can’t catch a Wraith.”

Then he kicked open the door, and proceed to pommel the guards outside the office, leaving Jenny in a daze. She regained composure in a second, and reached for her purse to grab her phone… and she made a call.

~ ~ ~

“Get him!” the security guard team leader shouted, and his men followed.

The guards were using standard issue Glock 22, firing at a man whose whole body was covered in black mist, making the bullet slip past him.

“You can’t hurt me with those puny things!” yelled the man in black with a voice so visceral and eerie.
‘Damn, I’m getting better at acting like a shadowy demon, but that was kinda cringy…’ Thought Matthias, who is obviously that said man in black, aka The Wraith.

Matthias transformed his body back to physical, and then pulled out his sword.

Pained screams filled the whole hall of the first floor (or second floor, or a level above the ground floor). Matthias has been swiftly slashing the guards by their hands and legs, leaving them incapacitated but otherwise alive.

Matthias went towards the balcony overlooking the ground floor, and then he jumped, transforming himself to black mist. He landed on the ground floor without much problem, and began moving.

“Don’t let up!”
“Just shoot at him!”
Screams and yells of war echoes in the building, and Matthias boosted his agility and endurance to dodge and weave all incoming attacks as he swiftly slashes the guards hands and legs to make them drop their weapons.

Reaching the one section he had gotten the information from Jenny, Matthias quickly found the lone, large elevator that leads underground.

Matthias reached for his waist; several small grenades-like things were thrown behind him, and the guards who were chasing him fell back to avoid them.

“Grenades! Stand back!”

The grenades exploded in a small explosion,
Accompanied with smaller explosions that flashes and cracks around, leaving everyone both blinded by the numerous strobe light-like flashes and deafening firecracker explosions.
These… was Matthias’ new prototype grenades.

Matthias pressed the elevator button, and quickly entered it as it opens before any of the guards regained their senses.

Phew*, just how many security guards has he employed in this building alone…” mumbled Matthias.

The elevator’s going down towards his destination. The descending speed was quick, and in only about four seconds, it made a ding sound as the door opened.
Two people were standing by the elevator door, waiting for it to open…

“That damned Luthor’s taking me lightly, and I’m gonna make him pay for it.” Grumbled a man in Air Force uniform. It’s the Colonel and his secretary beside him.
“I swear to god, I’ll teach that bald smarty-pants a lesson! Who does he think he-… eh?” the Colonel’s confusion can be heard as he and his secretary saw someone fully dressed in a very conspicuous outfit; black coat, black faceless mask, and a black sheathed sword on his waist.

“Evening, Colonel.” Matthias said with a military salute, his voice still deep and growly.

Matthias pummeled the secretary by the stomach as he grunts with an “Urk!” and spits out saliva.

“Y-You!...” the Colonel tried to identify Matthias, but the latter grabbed him, put him on his knee, and then put him in a chokehold.
“Ack… Erk!” he grunts for air.

Matthias kept the chokehold light, and asked, “Tell me where Luthor is.”

“Ack… t-the main L-Lab… he’s th-there… alone.”

“Thank you… now go to sleep.”
Matthias tightened his grip, and the Colonel’s face went blue as he passed out from lack of oxygen.

Matthias let his limp body slumped down, and then he checked his body; from pockets to pockets, he found a phone, and took it for himself.
‘I can hack this when I get home.’ He thought as he pocketed the phone.

Without losing any more time, he moved again towards the deeper places of the underground section… and then he finally arrived at the lab.

“What a place…”
Dominant white interior, sterile equipment and facilities, computers and supercomputers turned on with several beeping noises here and there, robotic limps or rather cranes in several corners, metallic doors on the walls which could be storing some unknown objects in it…
Yep, a definite “How to Build a Common SuperLab 101” right there.

Looking around, he did not see anyone here in the Lab; aside from the two Air Force personnel, but they were near the elevator.
Matthias then walked into a nearby panel; a large keyboard with the usual QWERTY keys and other keys with unknown symbols, and the screen shows a schematic of something.

“Now what do we have here…” he mumbled as he tried to access the computer panel.

Boosting his intelligence and focus to the brim while sacrificing most of his unneeded stats, Matthias began typing quite rapidly, making a *clickety clacking* sounds.

“Let’s see what you have…”
The panel screen shows several project schematics that have been named; one of which was the one titled “Commercial Space Project”, which is obviously the launching of the space rocket several months ago, and as Matthias kept scrolling the list and kept reading the project names one by one… until he found something…
“… what the hell…”

There’s one title of a project that made him almost lost his composure.
“How… Kryptonian?”
His face, though covered under his mask, contorted in a look of fear.

Then a noise of heavy metallic footsteps came from behind him.
*Clang* *Clang* Clang* … the sound approaches closer.
“I guess my personal assistant has given you a hard time.” said the voice by the source of the metallic footsteps.

Matthias quickly turned his head to look at the source, and he saw a two and a half meters tall humanoid figure of a chrome colored mech, with a glowing red “LL” symbol on its chest, and its pilot shows his bald head on top of it as he smiles.
‘… Luthor…’

“Ah, the famous ghost and gangster hunter, and perhaps a thief too.” Said Luthor as him in his mech suit approached closer.
“I have been expecting you…


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