Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 9 – The Birth of The Legend

Feeling generous, might upload the story earlier

Also, I need more feedback from you guys, any feedback is fine so I can improve.

Either way, enjoy my two uploads

It’s been a year since the Wayne Enterprises has finally found its chairman and CEO, which are Bruce Wayne; the oldest son and the heir of the Wayne family, and Lucius Fox; a business advisor of Wayne Enterprises who helped founding a charity organization called Wayne Foundation.

Before Bruce returns, the Wayne Enterprises were being controlled by a newly self-promoted CEO William Earle, who stopped the corporation’s charitable projects for Gotham. He made heavy weapons manufacturing the cornerstone of Wayne Enterprises.

It was only after Bruce Wayne’s return that Earle got fired, and with the help of Lucius Fox, gained full leadership of the whole company once again, closing his weapon manufacturing and turned it into another Wayne Enterprises subsidiaries now known as: “The WayneTech”.

The Wayne’s family business rises exponentially, rivaling that of the multi-national corporation from Metropolis known as LexCorp.

Not only that, the degree on how rapidly rising Wayne Enterprises become has been the talk of not only Gotham city, but the whole States of America.

Television news and papers talks about the young genius chairman Bruce Wayne who led his family’s business to this extent.

Plus the fact that the Wayne Enterprises is a green company, meaning that the company minimizes any damages to the environment increases the company’s reputation of being the population’s most trusted company.

But Bruce Wayne is not the only one receiving all the praises.

Matthias Wayne, the youngest of the Waynes, also receives some praises from the masses.

He was also known as another of Wayne genius, able to get rank 1st place for three consecutive years in one of Gotham’s private academy for middle school; which is known for its hard curriculum.

But the praises did not end there...

Matthias, despite his young age, had also helped in the founding of the Wayne Foundation. This fact has been made transparent for the masses since it’s because of his assistance that many of Gotham’s orphans are allowed to enter school and learn by granting them studentship.

Both Bruce and Matthias Wayne have become Gotham’s most famous individuals, and the two brothers have earned a new title of “Gotham’s Gifts”.


It is afternoon, and Matthias had just returned to the Wayne Manor.

“Welcome home, Master Matthias.” Alfred greets in front of the door.

“I’m back Alfred, is brother around?”

“He’s at the bat cave, young Master.”

“I see. I’ll visit him after lunch then.”

“Perhaps you could also convince Master Bruce to join you with lunch, young Master. He’s actually been holed up down there for quite a while. If it is you, he would listen.”

*Siiiighhh* sometimes I wonder who’s the older brother here. Well, please prepare my brother’s share. I’ll bring it to him after I change.”

“Understood, young Master.”

Alfred nods and left for the kitchen.

Matthias then went for his room to change his clothes to a plain one, and follows Alfred. Both then bring some steak and light snacks with them to the bat cave bellow the manor.

The bat cave is a natural formation and was actually planned to be turned as an attraction and educational location for Gotham city and since it was located directly beneath the Wayne Manor, both Thomas and Martha Wayne have made an arrangement to maintain it.

But it was cancelled when the young Bruce got scared by the sudden swarm of bats flocks the initially curious young Bruce, traumatizing him.

Since then, though the foundation of the bat cave has been made and some facilities have been built inside the cave, it was soon abandoned since the Wayne seniors did not want to upset the young Bruce at that time.

Still, since the foundation has been properly built and maintained alongside the Wayne Manor, a secret passage has been made behind the Wayne seniors secret study room, and a still-working elevator has become the main pathway between the manor and the cave.

Matthias and Alfred are inside the elevator going down to the cave accompanied by a trolley of food with them.

“The more I see it, the more impressive this place seem.”

“In the past, your mother loves nature, and your father tried to impress her by designing this cave’s foundation.”

“I see. I wonder how happy they would be if they’re still around now and see this bat cave still properly maintained by your hand, Alfred.”

“They’d be a lot happier raising you two, young Master.” Alfred says as he looks at Matthias.

Matthias then smiles; thinking that perhaps if he was born sooner, he would no doubt save his supposed parents of this world. “... Thank you Alfred. I don’t know my parents, but I can see that they are good people because of you.”

“Pleasure is all mine, young Master.” Alfred finishes with a smile.


At the bat cave, Bruce has been tinkering around the computers he had set up.

His workplace in the cave is surrounded by numerous metal desks, mechanical tools, wires, and countless computer parts.

Wooow brother, I just hoped that you won’t be asking me to help you clean all these up.” Matthias jokes as he pushed the trolley closer.

Bruce stood up from his chair and wipes off the dirt from his hands with a towel. He raises his eyebrows as he jokes back to Matthias, “Well, you’re always the troublemaker of the Waynes anyway, this time I’ll be the one making the mess.” *wink*

“Alright~ alright, stop throwing shades, brother.” Matthias jest as he took his brother’s portion of the steak to an empty metal desk.

Ooh, steak. You made these, Matty?”

“... Do you want me to?”

Bruce exaggeratedly shrugs, “As long as you don’t put poison, maybe?”

“Implying I would put a poison inside a well-made steak... sounds like a waste of good food.” Matthias answered, his hands on his waist.

“Your answer also implies that you’re fine poisoning me in some other kind of food, though.”

“Perhaps if you would stop talking and start munching, brother...” Matthias said as he pulled Bruce closer to the desk. Bruce just laughed as he let his brother pulls.

“Hahaha! Okay, okay... let’s have lunch then.”

The laughter of Bruce and the smiles of Matthias and Alfred soften the atmosphere inside the cave. The brothers then ate their lunch, and Alfred returns to the manor.

After the lunch, Matthias notices a large clearing in the middle of the cave.

It shaped like a circle with a pathway connecting from the cave hole towards the clearing itself.

‘Oh! Is that area going to be where my Brother would put his Batmobile?’ Matthias ponders.

This whole area has not yet become the famous “Batcave” in the comics, but its foundation is already been built, and all it needs are just some adjustments.

‘I can’t wait to see this place become the Batcave.’

“What are you looking at, Matty?”

Hmmm? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking that you can put some large vehicle over there. That area seems large enough to store perhaps a tank or some sort.” Matthias said, clearly trying to hint his brother to thinking of storing the future Batmobile.

“Huh... why would there be tanks here?”

“I’m just saying, brother. Wouldn’t that be cool?”

Bruce wore a sturgeon face; his mouth formed an arch-like frown in an exaggerated manner. “Hmmm...” Bruce was humming at his brother’s words.


Matthias and Bruce cleaned the platters, and Matthias went back to the surface bringing the trolley with him.

Bruce is still in the cave, back to working the computers when the comm. device near one of the computers flashes red.

{Master Bruce, Mr. Fox called.} It was Alfred.

“Patch him through, Alfred.”

... {-- Mr. Wayne, I have the items ready in the storage area.}

“Good work, Mr. Fox. I’ll be visiting the storage then.”

Bruce stood up from his chair, looks up at the large clearings in the middle of the cave, and then walked towards the elevator.


An hour later, at the storage area of the WayneTech, formerly a weapon manufacturing facility, Bruce Wayne is walking around with Lucius Fox.

Fox introduces Bruce with the equipment he had invented with the WayneTech.

“Kevlar utility harness, gas-powered magnetic grapple gun, the 350-pound test monofilament, can carry an adult male...”

These are the standard Batman’s tools and utilities he would use to fight crime later.

Next, Fox introduces Bruce to the military projects and scraps.

“Nomex survival suit for advanced infantry. Kevlar biweave, reinforced joints, would stop knife attack and gunshots...”

These are what will become Batman’s armor.

Next, Fox brings Bruce to the experimental section of the WayneTech.

“I call these the ‘Memory Cloth’, normally fluid, but put a current to it... and it becomes rigid. Can be shaped to anything...”

These will help the Batman fly... or glide, depending on how you view it.

Bruce has been listening to Fox’s explanation about the utilities, and this time, it’s Fox’s turn to ask questions.

“Mr. Wayne, perhaps it’s not my place to ask, but why are you asking about these items?”

Uhhh, I plan to do some... clean-up services.”

“Clean up services, sir? Does it perhaps include knives and guns?”

“Not on my end, no, Mr. Fox.”

“Well, Mr. Wayne, at least let me say that; although these are all high qualities, but even these cannot guarantee total safety. Cherish your life more, Mr. Wayne.”

Bruce nods and smiles to Lucius, “Thank you, Mr. Fox.”

As they both were walking out of the storage area, they went through the garage and found a pair of military vehicles in urban camo painting.

Bruce was curious with the vehicle and asks fox about it.

“What’s that?”

“Oh that? I heard it was a prototype vehicle designed to save lives by driving into rubbles and transporting people without risks. They called it the ‘Urban Assault Vehicle’, able to resist direct collisions and small arms fire. Multiple LTL armaments. Shield tracking profiles reduced thermal/radar footprint.”

“Oh, fascinating.”

“I forgot to tell you the best part sir; it can be remotely controlled via a device.” Fox shows a certain gauntlet-like device to Bruce. “Easy to control, functional and responds well with the help of Wayne's radio tower, and overall can be put to the wrist like a watch...”

Fox let Bruce play with the device for a bit before finally continuing.

“With these, no more risks of needlessly sending a driver to a danger zone.”

“Seems like it works fine.”

“It does, sir, but the previous CEO cancelled this project and creates a heavy weapon manufacturing to sell for the U.S. militaries instead. Making quick money out of that.”

Bruce was contemplating for a while. Then he remembers Matthias and what he had just told him a few hours ago.

“I think I want that too, Mr. Fox.”

“You know, sir, at this point you don’t need to ask anymore. These are all yours anyway.” Fox said with a wide smile.

Bruce nods and smiled back, “Well, maybe one more question, Mr. Fox. Do you think these can fit in a cave?”

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