War Paradise

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Novice tutorial

I don’t know how long it took, a weak dizziness awakened Lin Chi’s consciousness.

Open your eyes, turn your head, avoiding the white light in front of you.

Then came into the line of sight, it was bleak gray, mixed with cruel bright red.

He sat up slowly and looked at the dozens of headlights hanging from the ceiling, focusing the light on him. And the **** ring that he was in, completely sealed by barbed wire.

The dull soft platform was stained with unwiped blood and brain plasma. The corpses of contestants who had just died were piled up on the sidelines.

Shaking his head still a little dizzy, and reaching out to stroke the swollen bag on his face, Lin Chi could already imagine his face swollen into a pig’s head.

I ignored the middle-aged referee who was standing on the court, wearing a shirt and trousers, and his shirtless fist, staring at his opponent. Lin Chi, who had just woke up, looked down at his muscles and shorts soaked in blood.

Then, a smile appeared on his scarred face:

“Boxer? The physical attributes seem to be pretty good this time.”

During the process of establishing an account in War Paradise, he did not see the option to adjust the “Birth Location”. It seems that players who enter the new game should be refreshed in random locations with random identities.

Although I seemed to be being beaten just now, my life was not in danger, and my body was just aching.

Lin Chi could feel that the pain in this virtual world should be only about one-third of that in the real world, otherwise he would not stand up so easily after being knocked down.

“Isn’t dead yet, dwarf?” the fierce bald muscular man yelled, the burning tattoos all over his body were very conspicuous.

Naturally, Lin Chi didn’t have time to pay attention to the provocation of AI. He just stood up and moved his muscles a bit, opened the status bar with a thought, and confirmed his current state:

Role name: Countercurrent.

Domination points: 0.

Prestige: -5.

Strength: 14 (10 for ordinary people).

Agility: 12 (10 for ordinary people).

Endurance: 18 (10 for ordinary people).

Lucky: 9 (10 for ordinary people).

“The prestige is negative. Why is luck so low?” He said, raising his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the initial role that I got this time should be an unfortunate boxer. The offensive power and agility are not very good, and the super endurance makes him a “human sandbag”. No wonder he can get up easily even when he is knocked down.

Unlike those newbies who will face a group of friendly NPCs and send money and equipment to the game when they enter the game, “War of Heaven” will throw players into ghost places like fighting arenas at the very beginning.

However, based on Lin Chi’s game experience, this should be just a novice training scene.

Unsurprisingly, he just stood up, and a line of prompt text that only the player could see appeared in front of him:

——Now, you have 30 seconds to familiarize yourself with the mobile operation of the game. You can move by yourself, but don’t leave the ring.

As a legendary “pioneer”, Lin is already familiar with how to control virtual body actions.

He tried to move his body and make larger movements. The mobile training was completed quickly, and the originally shaky pace finally stabilized.

——Please try to attack the opponent and block the opponent’s attack with your arm.

Just when this line of prompt appeared, Lin Chi saw the bald man rushing forward, making a heavy punch without fancy, and slamming his head!

This fist was heavy, and the speed was astonishing. If an ordinary player suffered this blow, it would have been blasted into a concussion and would directly withdraw from the stage of history.

However, for an experienced player like Lin Chi, such an attack… is actually not a big deal.

Flashing backwards, the opponent’s upper hook was rubbed against his chin. Under the surprised gaze of the audience outside the field, the boxer who had just been knocked down once hit the bald man with an overweight straight fist. On his face, the force was so strong that the neck of the bald man made a crisp “click”!

The bald man fell silent on the **** ring, and a pool of blood slowly expanded under his head.

After witnessing the unexpected scene, the NPC spectators who were still noisy on the sidelines were all silent at once.

Lin Chi was not too excited when he killed his opponent with a punch. He just looked down at his right fist with red knuckles without wearing boxing gloves.

“Not bad…” he whispered.

From the details of this novice tutorial, Lin Chi is absolutely certain that “War of Heaven” is definitely the most realistic brain imaging game he has ever played!

Except for the weakened pain, my other feelings are basically the same as in the real world.

Lin Chi was thinking about it. The referee on the field quickly stepped forward, grabbing his right fist and violently raising it:

“It’s unbelievable. The winner of this game is the player code-named “Reverse Current”!”

The referee’s voice was drowned in the cheers of the audience on the sidelines almost overturning the ceiling.

It should be because of winning in the fight that Lin Chi’s prestige value, which was originally a negative number in the status bar, instantly became 10 points.

Standing in the boiling fighting arena, looking down at the audience off the court, only the same excited faces came into view. Lin Chi shook his head in disappointment:

It seems that these NPCs that are set as off-site audiences do not show a strong level of intelligence as described in the “War of Heaven” advertisement. They are still not self-aware and only repeat specific lines and actions. That’s it for the NPC.

Taking the heavy gold belt handed by the referee, grabbing a gray cloak on the sidelines, Lin Chi walked down the **** ring along the contestant passage. Just returned to the lounge and was stopped by a staff member:

“That punch just now was really cool! This is your trophy.”

An excited young man stuffed a pitch-black pistol and two magazines into his hand.

While holding the pistol, Lin Chi’s sight again appeared prompt text:

Completing the novice tutorial rewards, get the spoils: the old SIG-P210 pistol X1, pistol bullet X6.


Standing on the spot weighing the cold firearm in his hand, looking at the “Proficiency: 0” prompt next to him, Lin Chi fell into deep thought.

In some games, even weapons with zero proficiency can be directly controlled by the player’s strong personal ability. Is this the same for this game?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi, who was standing in the empty lounge, took a deep breath, slowly raised his pistol, and pointed the muzzle at the mirror in front of him.


Five minutes later, someone with a gold belt on his waist limped and walked out. On the rough leather boots, a bullet hole was still emitting blue smoke…

——If teammates see that they hit their right foot with a shot, those guys will probably laugh out loud.

Lin Chi opened the status bar casually, and saw that his pistol proficiency changed from zero to one.

New players may still be interested in this old routine of slowly increasing their proficiency, but for old players like him, only a painful feeling arises spontaneously.

But Lin Chi knew that for brain imaging games that directly manipulate the virtual body through thinking, just like the real world, proficiency is indeed necessary.

If there is no proficiency, characters such as professional soldiers and special police can directly kill people immediately after entering the game. The game originally has a poor balance, and it is really completely hopeless.

Fortunately, there was originally a roll of bandage in the inventory, which was probably a “extra benefit” that appeared as a boxer. Otherwise, Lin Chi, who had just entered the game, would have to go to a doctor.

“The injury isn’t healed yet…” He muttered thoughtfully, and continued to limp forward.

The bandaged right foot, although it no longer hurts, it still doesn’t work well.

In this way, the treatment in “War Paradise” will take some time to take effect.

While digesting the information obtained from the novice tutorial, he walked through the dark corridor. The young boxer pushed open the not heavy metal door at the end of the corridor.


The dazzling sunlight rushed through the gaps of the dark clouds, dispelling the shadows that hung all over the body.

Entering Lin Chi’s line of sight, dozens of towering skyscrapers and small complexes of buildings below.

There was a traffic jam on the street ahead, and the drivers kept honking their horns angrily. The hurried pedestrians walked across the sidewalk with their ears covered, and the fallen leaves and trash at their feet were blown up by the wind, forming an extremely realistic and dirty picture.

Looking up at the gloomy gray sky, feeling the cold wind blowing across his cheeks, the boxer’s face was full of astonishment.

Even for him, it was the first time that he saw a virtual world with such exquisite details!

Although a lot of details can be seen in the arena just now, compared with the whole city, the level of shock of the closed small scene is naturally different.

“This… it’s almost like crossing.”

Facing the incredibly true “City of Chaos”, Lin Chi couldn’t help but sigh.

He was about to take to the street and came into contact with this shocking game scene at close range. He saw a suit and leather shoes with a greasy face, and two obese men with black bodyguards behind him, walking quickly towards him across the square.

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