Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 14: The lay of the Land and Formation of the Hestorian Auxiliary

[Master Status]

Name Joseph The God Emperor of Mankind Successor 

Level 23 of Rank 1

HP: 350

PP: 320

(Open Equipment Menu?)

(Call Reinforcements?)

Party Members: Hannah The Omnissiah Successor,


I sigh, and slumped into the chair in the room we were provided by the duke... funny that he tried to provide us rooms far apart... but Hannah proved him wrong and after being given a room walked over and claimed my bed...

The door creaked open and someone entered, I couldn't tell who it was... wanting to see it play out I check other things, Old Mate ready to pounce if I sensed any malice from this person.

[Call Reinforcements]

Req. Points; 75 :Available Power; 3/15 :Relic Points 0

(Upgrade HQ?) For 50 Req. Points you can upgrade the HQ too Level three.

  • (Upgrade?) Imperial Command Squad (0) MAX

(Build Req. Station?) For 5 Req. Points will produce 15 in return for every 12 hours.

(Build Power Generator?) For 10 Req. Points will increase the Available Power by 3 points.

(Upgrade Imperial Guard Fieldworks?) Cost 50 Req. Points.

  • (Recruit?) Imperial Guard Militiamen (8 per) Cost 10 Req. Points; Imperial Militiamen are nothing more then mobilized PDFs sent into battle and often given las-weapons on loan from the planets houses.
  • (Recruit?) Rookie Imperial Guardsmen (8 per) Cost 15 Req. Points; unlike the Militiamen these men and women are best of any worlds PDFs, but are still not officially Guardsmen. Basic training with las-weapons and frags.

(New)(Found Imperial Cavalry Grounds) Cost 40 Req. Points.

(HQ Level too low)

I groan somewhat as I could have used some rough riders... but whatever. Actually what if I turn the men the duke is willing to give me into a rough rider unit... that would work if they are mounted infantry...

The person slowly crept closer to the bed and check if... I presume me but was instead checking Hannah and didn't notice me in the corner.

Sending Old Mate to rub himself against this person's leg, it jumped and where it's eyes were became visible in a deep shade of red. With two fingers I gesture it over.

It shakes it's two eyes in a no fashion but places a slip of paper onto the side table, it's eyes moved in a bowing gesture before blinking out and it left the room... so was that the AI Hannah was talking about?

Interesting nonetheless. getting up I see what the paper was... said paper was new... very new and was still slightly hot as if just out of a printer... swirling a little golden light it read. 

"Hello, head to this location for our meeting. Location Northern slums district... the place will look out of place. Come within anytime for the next week. If not I will return."

It was short but what caught my eye was at the bottom.

"Glory to Earth."

Glory to earth? How old is that AI? At least 20... or more millennia old. If it was an AI then what?

My musing's are cut short as Hannah stirs.

"Joseph what are you holding?" She asked dumbfoundedly and sleepily.

Passing her the note and state, "Your AI just showed up." At my words she seems confused but once she registered them she grabbed the note and read it to herself.

"Glory to Earth?" She asked confused. I shrug.

"You know just as much as I." I said and laid down on the bed, maybe on purpose and end up with my head on her thighs... only history will know...

Glaring down at me, she smiled and indulged me and ran her fingers through my hair, "But still... what does it mean by that? 'Glory to earth' from that alone earth is unified and is in a state where that maybe something akin to your 'for the Emperor' and my 'for the Omnissiah'... but still." She said.

Twirling the golden light from my finger, slowly it moved from said finger came off, the minor strain as I had to keep powering it without direct contact... "Well compared to what we had... 'for king and country', 'for the star-spangled banner' or 'for the motherland'... but using the word glory makes it seem more militaristic and also using earth makes it seem... that colonies aren't a thing..."

She nodded and watched as the light started forming shapes, I started simple basic ones. First was a 2d triangle then a box and rectangle.

"Maybe... but what time is that AI from then?" She said... and laid back down as well. "But something feels off, if it is an AI how did it get here? It couldn't have used the warp as that would corrupt it..."

"Generational ship." I suggested, that ship idea wasn't too far fetched as Nasa, with the Commonwealth's Space Committee had started drawing up plans for making one in the hopes of sending it to Alpha Centauri. They themselves said that it would be another 50 to 70 years before they would attempt to build it.

"Maybe... what about cryo?" She thought as I started making 3d shapes starting with the same three, but started adding more and more to it.

"Possible... but then." I went silent as a sudden thought. "What if the people that colonized this world as void borne."

If my hunch is even remotely right, then that could explain why they seem to have a way to resist the taint even with exposure on this scale that would see the world burned and made anew with fresh bodies... no even now with the imperium in this diminished state I doubt cryo could or would work as what is the point? We can use the warp so why not?

"We just don't know." Hannah said after a minute passed in udder silence. With a yawn I closed my eyes and ended the light show.




I was awaken by someone knocking on the door, with a groan I lifted myself and was about to admire the soft pillow before remembering what my pillow was...

"Your blushing." Hannah stated she was embarrassed and her cheeks a light shade of pink. I guess my blush grew more as she turned away and her ears joined in with the turning pink.

-Knock knock-

"Yes." I said.

The door was opened a crack and a voice came through. "Breakfast is ready and also Lady Hannah is missing." It was the same house servant based off her voice... was she like the head maid or something?

"Hannah isn't missing, it's rather hard to miss her, and where are we having breakfast?" I said back and patted said woman's head.

As if not believing my words she opened the door, YES on the money same woman. She seemed somewhat confused but grinned evilly. "My my, what would happen if I told the Heiress of your adultery?"

Hannah answered with a glare, "Firstly they aren't married in the first place, as in no formal event has happened. Two Marina would or should already know that he is mine." She pulled me closer as if I was a body pillow. "Plus, what if we said that you joined us last night? It would be our two against you."

Giving her a look her face burned a brighter red then before. But her words were effective as the servant shrunk back at the implications, a commoners words to a pair of royals would be hard to fight... also.

"When did you claim me?" I whispered into her ear. With that she shoved me off the bed, I just laughed as she turned very shy.

Getting back to my feet I turned to the servant. "I would love to have a bath first as we had not had once since we had left the village."

"Then I will have two drawn and retrieve you once you have eaten." She said a moment later thinking about something.

"Good." I said and strapped my sword, and holster to my hip. With Hannah doing much the same. I sensed the disappointment as if the servant was hoping that we would leave our weapons alone. "Lead on." I said.

The servant lead us through the place again into a dinner room... where the duke wasn't even here with the word being "He had urgent work."

Marina and Mary though were decent, with Mary wearing a more formal uniform a mix between a butler and gambeson with parts of the outfit having a thickly padded front and she too was armed with a sword at her waist. The Heiress on the other hand was in a Sunday style of dress with the same fingerless gloves.

The food? Some weird form of oats with fruit and some watered down milk from goat I think?

The servant did try and told Marina about what she had found, but Marina surprised her by stating that in all political marriages they always had a real lover out side of their actual wife and admonished her for attempting to ruining her father and my deal we had made yesterday.

I smiled evilly at her then and she shivered leaving the instant.

Once brekkie was done Hannah and I had a short bath. And once we had redressed ourselves Marina offered to show us around until her father was done with his "Work".

It was short to say the least, with the total area only being a 50 by 50 meter area with the main Keep taking up a corner leaving about 60% open or with other rooms like barracks and store house or armories.

It was only once the Heiress showed us the very top of the Keep I saw both the beautiful and majestic sights... as I could see at least without much aid 15 or 20 kilometers around us... by the Emperor any artillery man would love this. But no.

"Heiress Marina, I do hope you know that if... when your father dies this place will be changed a lot."

"I hope it does." Her voice was a tad shaky from my insinuation about her father. "But I hope he has a few good years, to see that my husband-to-be can do some good."

"Maybe turning this Dukedom into a Kingdom." I offer jokingly.

Mary gasped and Marina looked at me with a stare that made it seem what I said are dangerous words. "Prince Joseph, that is easier said then done. All but a few Dukedoms or Kingdoms are weak enough for us to attack... plus we attack one the others jump, that is why we are still alive it applies to everyone."

"So what your saying, to defend ourselves with enough men and attack is impossible and a lightening war is needed but that is impossible with the technology you all have..." I scratch my chin and feel some stubble. "That could work... Heiress where is the weakest of them all?"

She didn't like the grin I had or the smile Hannah was forming. But with a snap of her fingers Mary rolled out a map on the battlement that we were near. "I had a gut feeling and I have trusted it this far."

Pointing at the map, "We are here. From here we are bordered on five sides, six counting the Forest you two showed up from. But from here, going east to west. We have the Kingdom of the Arrow..." She groaned. "They have the best archery around but are very...territorial but keep to themselves so everyone leaves them be. The next three are simply too powerful and as they have a tendency to fight among each other but if anyone dares to enter their lands they combine into an Empire wipe out the interloper, split the spoils among themselves and start fighting each other after a few years in their never ending civil war."

Okay that is a wild card and would have veteran generals and rulers... that isn't even counting the number of elite troops

"The last one how ever." She pointed out what was clearly a city state on a large river. "This is the Merchant Republic of Kerlin... weak militarily but have enough money to hire soldiers from the Mercenary Guild that calls it home and the Trader's Guild inside would mess with our own traders by increasing tariffs or refusing them to enter to sell wares in other nations where they operate."

So Kerlin is an Italian city state from the middle ages able to buy men then produce them.

"But what of their actual troops?" I asked.

"State militia or levies. The only unit with some... skill are the House Hold guards of the richest Merchants and Stock-holders as they are mercenaries on life long contracts and are the closest thing to professional soldiers and unlike normal sell swords these ones fight till the end."

"Why is that?" I asked, sell swords are rather skittish once they realize they are fucked... even normal guardsmen from non war worlds are like that.

"Within the contracts of that scale if they are sent into combat either the job is done or the survivors will be hung for cowardice in the face of the enemy." Mary says to answer me.

"Why do I get the feeling they are also thugs?" Hannah said.

"Yes, just right Lady Hannah... they are also used against each others interests or to remove smaller merchants on the rise." She answered again. "And much less shadier activities like running the few slavery rings and illicit drugs." 

"The river, what is it called and what is it's size?" I inquired.

"Well the map does show, we call the river; Lak according to our records anyway... but the size? I think it was said the widest is only 50 meters and the thinnest about 10 to 15."

Grinning I said, "Well then... I can guess that this merchant republic's using the river for trade?"

"Yes, as they import raw goods in and send back processed goods. Wood to furniture, crude iron to iron or steel weapons and so on. They do not trade with anyone here as no one wants their less savory business ventures."

"Thank you Heiress. May I?" I thanked and gestured at the map. With a nod from Marina, Mary handed the map over. With a nod I rolled it up and handed it over to Hannah who placed it somewhere under her robe.

Looking over the battlement just below five stories about a dozen people stood. Ah that must be the duke telling them what was about to happen... After a few moment the servant came and said, "The Duke has gathered the men you can choose from."

I smiled at her with a toothy grin and she left instantly. "I should learn her name." I said aloud.

"Don't worry, I tend to forget too." Marina said as well... I guess that says a bit about the servant. "I just wonder how long until father decides that she is no longer fun in the sack."




After walking down to the ground floor, I could now see those the duke had brought for us...

For some reason he thinks that having women with large assets would enthrall me. Looking to my right Marcus and Felica looked over, with a short whistle they came.

""My Prince."" They said and bowed.

"Rise." I said... I think that is the right word? "Time to inspect these... cadets." I said. They stood ramrod straight and my Commissar pulled out a short rod? It looked like a thick thing but more than enough to smack someone. 

The duke didn't seem happy that I had ignored him and he wasn't alone as those he had summoned didn't like being reduced to cadets. "Well, Prince." He said sounding... condescending maybe he thinks his age gives him some rights... and he is correct but no. "These are the best of the best I could find on short notice, lucky many are young and ready men and women for war... I leave them in your able hands." With that he left with a wave and a shit eating grin. Maybe the old man thinks he can provoke me.

The Heiress and her loyal guard stood behind at a table and chair provided by some servants when she clapped.

"First can you all ride a horse?" They nodded and a few seemed miffed. "If you are mages step forward." I asked. At my request four step forward... "Now please show me what you are able."

An old looking man far older than the duke bowed slightly and with his right hand on his staff over a dozen fireballs formed before shooting off into the air and combined to explode at a far greater volume then each one. "What else do you have?" I asked with a clear bit of joy at his display.

"I have some more... but I prefer to only use it when needed as it takes a lot from me." He asked, his voice was despite how he looked was mid 50s maybe early 60s.

"That is fine... Hannah. Low two?" She nodded to my words. "Please could you stand over there." I gestured over at the wall of the keep.

The man nodded and slowly walked his stride made it clear that his display was a bit.

Next is a too youthful one and brash as he formed a large icicle and with a leap in logic that scholars would wonder why did he think that sending it at me was a smart idea. But I had gotten a tinkle on the back of my neck and had started showing my wings, with both overlapping each other like a shield. And they burned hot with my anger and the ice shattered into a blinding white upon impact, I gritted my teeth... he is strong, powerful and ill disciplined.

I can hear his voice through the white. "Now that you have felt my power, I expect respect."

With a flap of my wings, it dispersed the lingering whiteness and unmanifested my wings making it seem as if I had to do nothing to stop the attack.

"Well that was sad." I said with clear disappointment but unless the other two are worse then he was I will have to treat him to some... imperial guard style of hospitality.


Interrupting him I spoke towards the other Mages. "You two, now please show me what you have." As if remembering something. "You... disappointment stand over there." I pointed at an area away from the old mage who was going to join us. Marcus takes this an a order to get him moving and started herding with some 'gentle' pushes.

Annoying the next two could barely from four fireballs each... so sadly I have to take the cunt who tested his powers on me.

"Thank you both, but you two haven't met our needs. I hope that you both succeed no matter what you do." I bid them off and turned to the rest.

Out of them at least four were knights, six looked like adventurers with their random assortments of armor and weapons, and the last three smelled like the duke in some way.

Spending the next few hours I tested them based off what they had, for the knights I fought them in a one on one. For the adventurers I tested them in what way their could, for those that had melee I fought them and was impressed as they showed real combat experience, and two of them were ranged. A bow woman and rifleman. 

I took one knight and all but two of the adventurers, those I let go were understanding with the knights being more butt hurt about it.

Felica behind me commented, "Two at base, seven here... and we need twelve for the full unit."

Hmm three more... sparing a glance towards the last three.

"You all give me a feeling akin to the duke." I stated while not using the title with any respect, a minor test.

With my words spoken I can say they failed, as they reacted aggressively. "You should watch your words about our Father." The eldest said with his hand on the hilt of his sword

Father ah?

"So you three are some of his bastards?" They looked older then Marina. "That just makes me less likely to take you on." I stated, "I want those that will do what must be done, I could care less of the duke's wishes. Let alone your fathers."

Before they could even try to kill me the Heiress spoke, her tone was harsh near commanding. "Half-Brothers." The word half sounded evil. "Do know that if you join my betrothal's men you will have to obey his commands." She gave me a glance that said much.

"Also." She started again and with a grin. "It is either join or leave now."

Looking back at them, they took up a huddle and were talking in a hushed tone... it seems these ones are going to be an issue thankfully those two back at the HQ are going to be the ones in the command positions.

Once they were done they turned back to me, this time the youngest spoke, "We will join if we are given some leadersh-!"

"No." Felica said, for me.

"There is no negotiating this." Marcus said patting his hip where the bolter waiting for her master to use.

They huddled again but I didn't let them talk. "You have until the count of three to decide. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one th-!" Thankfully they did speak before reaching three.

"Fine we'll join." The three rushed to say.

I gestured over to the wall where everyone was standing. At said wall stood the old mage, the far to young brash one. The four of the six adventurers, a knight and now the bastards.

They all looked at me, clearing my throat I spoke. "Good. Until further notice you all have formally joined the Hestorian Auxiliary. I expect three things from you all, which will be enforced by me and my soldiers. One carry out your duties no matter what they are. Two Obey all commands given to you by your superiors and lastly." I paused, "If I find out that anyone has been reporting to any outside power which includes the reigning duke they will be executed on the spot!" The last part was loud enough for the duke's own men. The three bastards start sweating.

Felica takes a step forward with Marcus right behind. "My name is Felica, my Prince's Aid and this is Marcus the Regimental Commissar... now for the next week while we are here we are your drill instructors we will provide you with basic knowledge and once we return to the HQ we will train you on your new arms and armor along with equipment."

I could sense both grin. "Welcome to Imperial service. Hestorian Auxiliaries "

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