Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 18: Human nature at it’s finest

(Old-Mate Pov)

The maybe two dozen people that wanted to continue this... wasted effort readied what weapons they had, shaking while doing so as Old-Mate's eyes narrowed and spat out the intestines which to some of those observing felt too human.

Those watching from the windows and those wounded noted that those that hadn't ran were from a rather infamous gang with some political connections.

Putting a paw forward onto the head he had just killed with it slightly creaking like wood before shattering into pieces from the pressure, the wolf's neck tilted from left to right as it's stance lowered into that of a pounce, those it changed from a pounce to a better running stance as those with spears moved up to catch him in the air, rushing forward and with a small leap back as said spears attempted to lash out.

Landing again and with a simple sidestep Old-Mate bit down onto a pair of spears and dragged them past pulling them out of formation. One letting go but the other ended up losing his grip though he didn't have a chance before the maw tore out the throat. The other rolled out of the way before Old-Mate could attack him.

Who seemed to be the leader of the gang turned to those trying to pry open the door shouted for them to hurry up. Though the moment a crack in the door was opened a sword was thrusted gutting one of them. Taking this Old-Mate bit down onto more of the spears by their shafts and pulled dragging a few more to the ground, but his chance to attack was lost as two shields shaved him back.

With his hearing the sound of pounding feet and the slight clanking of equipment was fast approaching, but still out of sight.

"Kill it! It's delaying us!" Ordered the Gang leader, as he grabbed one of the broken spears and throw it like a javelin pricing Old-Mate's front right leg and getting stuck.

"Boss, can that animal be that smart!?" Asked one of the men as they managed to get one of their own weapons through the gap in the door. "Come on!" He yelled and thrusted hard, hearing a grunt and the thud of someone collapsing, though within that same instant a Galvanic rifle was fired the round went through the door killing two on the other side.

Grabbing the wood sticking out of his front for limb and spat it out, again the action seemed to human. Along with that and a quick lunge and chop of his jaws the upper torso was in his mouth and shredded as Old-Mate's head shook harshly from side to side sending at first small chunks of bodies but soon the lower half were sent skipping across the dirt like a stone of water.

But with this final display the Gang leader ordered them all to run, just as several lines of red and cracks of thunder chased them before they disappeared into the back streets and alleys.


(Joseph POV)


Running along side Old-mate, slightly out of breath. With my hands slightly glowing gold as I healed the very minor wounds he... I had obtained...

"System it is weird to think this wolf is me and yet my mind things it isn't."

[Understandable. Though I have to say, your ability to control "Old-Mate" while running from the keep to here was impressive.]

"Thanks..." Pausing as I stare out at the dirt street, just from a quick count at least forty are on the ground... "Juliana comahere." Once the squad medic was to my side I gave my orders. "Juliana, see to the wounded civilians, if they aren't critical or likely to die soon move on." Pointing at two of the guardsmen I told them to check aid in checking for those still alive, and told the rest to pull security.

Walking towards the house Hannah was hiding it and with a brief glance at a pair of Skitarii that seemed to have been turned into a over done barbeque. Leaning near the hole that was made I spoke.

"Hello dominos is here." My voice being far cheerier then I actually was. Taking a step back the door opened and before Hannah could try to even give me a hug I sidestep and grabbed her by the back of her neck.


"Look! Look around us!!!" I shouted, her Skitarii aimed at me but I paid no mind, "Look Hannah!" Pointing her head towards a grieving child who had been crying over a woman's body. "Even though you were attacked first, I could careless! Even action has a equal reaction! And do you think with a active cult and a Demon within the city do we can deal with this kind of reaction?!?"

"I'm sorry..." She muttered, with her ears folding back and tail going limp. "I wasn't thinking, alright."

With a sigh I let go of her neck and she drops to the ground like a rock. "I'm going to see the AI, you are going to think on your actions. I'll have to figure out what to do later since we definitely lost the people here and we have no idea if this spreads..." Stopping myself... god what would happen if the news spread to the rest of the city?

"System... is there any way to bring supplies here? Not only have my men been running low of our own food but it would be good to know."

[Yes though the cost will be double, but I must warn that they are dropped in bulk so there will be more food then Guardsmen.]

That gave me an idea.

[Call Reinforcements]

Req. Points; 150 :Available Power; 3/15 :Relic Points 0

(Upgrade HQ?) For 40 Req. Points you can upgrade the HQ too Level three.

  • (Upgrade?) Imperial Command Squad (3) Cost to upgrade is 20 Req. Points. Adds one bodyguard and Naval Liaison. 

(Build Req. Station?) For 5 Req. Points will produce 15 in return for every 12 hours.

(Build Power Generator?) For 10 Req. Points will increase the Available Power by 3 points.

(Upgrade Imperial Guard Fieldworks?) Cost 50 Req. Point.

  • (Recruit?) Imperial Guard Militiamen (8 per) Cost 10 Req. Points; Imperial Militiamen are nothing more then mobilized PDFs sent into battle and often given las-weapons on loan from the planets houses.
  • (Recruit?) Rookie Imperial Guardsmen (8 per) Cost 15 Req. Points; unlike the Militiamen these men and women are best of any worlds PDFs, but are still not officially Guardsmen. Basic training with las-weapons and frags.
  • (Recruit?) Rookie Imperial Guard Medical Unit (5 per) Cost 25 Req. Points; these men and women are drawn from a world's medical PDF with one being a full time Guardsmen and the rest being students under their care.
  • (Recruit?) Green Imperial Guardsmen (8 per) cost 30 Req. Points; these guardsmen have finished basic training but have no specialized training, with only the Sergeant have combat experience.

(HQ Level too low)

"System... how much for two full Valkyries of food, one of clean drinking water and cloths..."

[Normally 50 Req. Points but with needing it at your location. Total is 100 Req. Points.]

"Get it." I ordered, along with upgrading my Command Squad and recruit the Medical unit. I watched as the RP drops to nothing. exiting from the menu I walked over to the child and knelt down.

"Mama... please." He sobbed as he clenched the rags the woman had no. "Please... don't go."

Slowly I place my hand onto his back and slowly rubbed it in a soothing way... pausing in his crying he looked up at first his eyes only had hate. He I could easily tell was maybe five or six... such a young age to suffer such lose. Reminds me when my own parents passed away.

Giving him a small smile as I kept rubbing, a series of emotions flashed across his face before landing back to sadness. 

In a low tone I offered, "If you need someone to cry on I am here." At first he didn't respond but his tears returned and he gave me a hug and balled his heart out. With my other hand I check the woman with my hand slightly glowing gold... her soul was still present. It was going somewhere, though that somewhere felt wrong.

Closing my eyes I inject a little into her. And with a little nudge until that somewhere felt right... "May the Emperor protect you." I muttered in small pray. Though the roaring engines in the distance gave me more comfort.

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