Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 20: Finally meeting that AI

After running out of supplies to hand out, with many still waiting but with nothing to give they dispersed. It wasn't good that I ran out. But I have no supplies left to give.

Seeing that everyone is gone, I turned to Hannah and her remaining men. "Alright. Hannah I recommend that you send your men back to the Keep, and you, my command squad and I will see this AI." I stated.

"I don't believe that is a good idea. We may need that additional firepower." She rejected sheepishly, "The AI has been watching I think... so it..." Her words soften out until becoming inaudible even to Old-Mate's hearing.

"You need to take care of your fallen, the new Guardsmen will take the crates back to the Keep and I doubt the Mechanicum would like the idea of non-members taking care of their own dead, so your men... outside of Hamilton should take care of their fallen comrades and help the men I'm sending back to their rooms."

"You just can't relegate my people to haulers!" She protested softly.

"And? Your people created a fine fucking mess that had some of them killed, and like hell I am leaving their bodies here to be picked over by scavengers." I retorted.

With a sigh and in binary her orders were given. With the remaining Skitarii and Explorators got their fallen and started what could be described as a depressing walk back to the Keep, "All but my Command Squad follow them, if you need help with lodges ask for Heiress Marina, she will help."

"Sir yes. Sir." They chorused, grabbing the boxes and started following Hannah's men.

Without another word, I started marching farther into the slums looking for whatever the AI is wanting us to find. After a minute the Servo-Ork skull flew in front of me and bopped me on the head, and started leading me towards the right way... Old-Mate could see the sly smile on Hannah's face.

Whatever, after fifteen more minutes we reached what seemed to be the a normal looking home with a area around it completely cleared... now the only issue was that said "Normal looking home" was that it looked late 20th or early 21st century...

"So this is what you meant?" I asked.

"Yeah... this house is nearly a few hundred years more advanced compared to the ones around us... and 39 millennia behind. Then again this would be a luxury on most worlds."

"Agreed... do we just walk in?" I asked, as I wasn't really tempted to cross the invisible line that circled the building. To my question Hannah shrugged...

"Hamilton." She asked. As if resigned to whatever fate were to befall him he walked to the door, the gap between us and it being treated as if it was a minefield as he used his halberd to tap the ground before taking each step. Looking back at us, and what looked like a gulp and with the most hesitant knocking I've seen a person do onto the door.

And the second it opened he jumped like a cat and leveled his halberd with the spike ready to turn any poor sod into a kabab but instead nothing. Leaning in and looking around, with his off hand he waved us over.

Advancing single file stepping where Hamilton had stepped until we reached the door. Drawing my sword and moved ahead of the Tech-adept with my wings going wide and high which illuminated the inside. The Guardsmen turned on flashlights and once we were all inside.


"AAAAH!" Marcus screamed akin to a little girl. We all looked at him, -cough- cough- "Sir. It's seem that the door has closed behind us." He answered our stares in a really deep voice.

Piffft. Snickers filled the air for a moment before the sound of skittering legs made us look around.

"Show yourself!" I commanded, thinking about it... since we've entered their was no furniture let alone rooms within the 'house' if you can even call it that from within.

With a jolt and the grinding of gears the feeling of descending filled my gut and Old-Mate wasn't much better.


What sounded like a PA system cracked to life. "Two Machanicus detected: Entity Hannah and Hamilton. Eight Imperial Guard: Entity Joseph, Felica, Marcus, Juliana and three unknown by name. One Unknown Canis lupus: Entity Old-Mate."

"How the fuck..." Hannah said.

"Back to back!" I ordered and Lasguns switched to max power settings and a certain halberd crackled with electricity as we all pushed Hannah into the center of the formation.

"Weapons unknown make and model. Observed Weapons: Lasgun in Rifle and Pistol variations seen. Bolt Pistol, by name alone their has to be a Rifle version. Unknown name for weapon of Skitarii. Plasma Pistol, by name alone their has to be a Rifle version."

"How much does it know of us?" I asked.

Hannah's voice answered, "It's most likely watched us since we arrived, we can also assume it's been sitting in on the Historian Auxiliaries lessons."

"Great." I mumbled.

"Note Worthy Weapon." The monotone voice from the speaker droned on. I felt a nerve twitch, "Chain Sword. Wish for more data."

"What about it?" I asked the thing.

In a low voice I heard Hamilton whisper, "We've moved nearly thirty meters down, wherever we are going it's deep."

"Find that damn speaker." At my words the flashlights darted around our elevator but no matter where we could not find that damn speaker.

"Welcome to my home. Humans." Then the speaker cut out. Not a moment later the grinding gears stopped and what could be called fog lights blinked on.

Curses and pained cries, as we became blinded for the second.

"I'm going to give that thing a piece of my mind!" Juliana growled.

Moving off what based on the size and what we found just of it... yeah this seemed like a cargo lift for a massive bay. Retracting my wings and the flashlights flicked off.

Without a word the Servo-Ork skull flew past us and darted around until it returning to us.

"Well?" I asked.

"Only two doors, -points left- that has 'Main Reactor' -points right- that's heads towards the 'Command Bunker'... but."


"It's written in English."

Taking a step back and leaning,  "Alright then. Fall in we'll head to the Command Bunker first."

Walking through the cargo bay, the door was wide open and looked forced. Not needing the order Hamilton flanked by Marcus and Felica formed the front of our advance, and the stench of decay and death was present. With only the corridor only lit by emergency red lights, but it didn't inhibited our ability to see.

Moving forward our slight thudding of our pace echoed ahead, until the clatter of a weapon being kicked made us jump.

"What was that?" Felica asked, and was answered as Hamilton's mechadendrite pulled it back to us.

"Pass it here." As Hannah commanded she got the weapon, and instantly frowned. "It doesn't have a spirit. Bullpup design..." And with some effort she got the magazine out, "Autogun... but their tips." Getting a round out and in the light the tips of the bullet almost glowed with warp energy.

"Put that back." I told her, "I sense the warp in within the tips." Pausing and putting it back into the magazine. But with the sling she tossed it over her shoulder.

"What, you never know." She answered my look. Shaking my head we kept moving forward, but this time we stepped over the guns scattered around but the lack of bodies.

The doors on either side of the hallway were closed and locked tight...

"Barricade ahead. Two Heavy Stubbers, and our first body." Marcus said and our paces increased. Once reaching the barricade the three leading hopped over and checked around.

Kneeling down to the body, well the fact it was just bones told me that it was old... but why the fuck does it stink to high hell. Though the oddity was the fact his armor seemed to not even have a spec of dust on it, despite what the user's body says.

Pulling the body to it's side and found the national patch, though the flag was unknown to me and Hannah expressed her confusion. With roughly a hundred odd stars surrounded by a field of black, white, red and blue. Tearing the patch off and folding it into my pocket we return to advancing.

"What's the barricade like?" I asked Felica as I hop the makeshift wall.

"Made to hold something... from what is here? The two Heavy Stubbers with what looked like a high fire-rate and with this caliber -showing a 14.5 mm round- this could tear any person apart without armor... but the number of empty cases and lack of bodies outside of that one?" She shrugged, "I don't know... this should have stopped damn near anything coming down that hallway... unless Emperor's Angels rolled through."

"Right... lets keep moving." Moving pass the defense and another maybe a dozen meters we found another barricade but this time the bodies were more plentiful. But all the same as the last, skeletons with spotless armor... the only one that did stand out made us pause.


"Is that a..." Someone asked, we all know what the question was.

"An Astartes no... not even close enough..." I stated to the question, but the body wasn't that of an Angel nor Thunder Warrior it was something... I don't know. Just as the leading three move past and I check the body, again there was that strange national flag and the weapon within his grip.

"What is this?" I asked and pulled the weapon out of the dead man's grip. It was comfortable within my hands, not Volkite nor Bolter but it wasn't even Autogun based.

"Answer: Magnetically Accelerated Rifle." We all looked up at the monotone and saw a pair of red eyes looking back at us.

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