Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 21.5: It starts

Getting pulled up by Juliana, thanking the Medicae and I returned to Hannah's side.

"Ow." I grumble.

"Grow up. Your a Prince." She told me.

"Whatever." I replied with mild annoyance.

"Question: Joseph you are a Prince? Inquiry: My records state the last monarchy was dissolved in the year 2522 C.E. Why are you a Prince?"

Wanting to groan but saved it as I thought it was obvious given the history I'd already told it... but apparently not. "To answer that... I will tell you later, but we have more pressing matters."

"Reply: What could be more pressing?"

"Well a Slaaneshy cult in this city. And they have a daemon we need to kill."

"Inquiry: And how dangerous is this daemon?"

"Hannah?" I asked the only one who had seen the daemon.

"Based on what I know? It's a baseline daemon, but still deadly. With both arms being crab claws and with little to no pain tolerance... which should be good, but that just makes them more of a annoyance as the pleasure from the pain fuels them. A rather disgusting yet effective mix of shock trooper and masochism... then again compared to Khorne's or Nurgle's daemons they aren't as tanky."

'Noma' seemed to give a confused feeling at her answer, "'Noma' how big is this place?" I asked.

"Answer: 50 meters down from entrance lift, and the facility covers a area of 2.35kms, with two floors below this one housing more warehouse space and amenities for those stationed here. With a total of 3.25kms covered." 'Noma' replied, "Question: Why are you a Prince?"

"I thought I told you I will tell you later." I replied.

"Statement: It is later, and unless you can kill it now then we have the time." It replied with if it could sass.

"HAHAHAHAH!" The raucous laughter from Hannah filling the room didn't help. My only good response was to facepalm, sigh and wonder why the fuck I was given a second chance.


While Hannah and Joseph were having the times of their lives, unaware of the Imperium's fate. The High-Lords of Terra, the Found Primarchs and even each Lord Inquisitor was informed of news that started a chain of events and activated plans thought not needed. 


Lord Inquisitor Manros Drican kept pacing back and forth. He made his new office within the Schola on Holy Terra within his hands was a dozen Cadets just freshly taken but this time it was just what could be called relatively untrained. But Cadets with medical training, and more supplies and a few dozen replacement limbs.

And to his great annoyance the Machanicus was withholding information as until he forced the issue the Imperium didn't even know that they had lost their Acolytes and even Tech-adepts along with Explorators. But to his confusion when asked about a "Daughter" the machines around him and the Tech-Priests around him as they said; "Got Happier?" at her mention. 

What could he be after?

Manros couldn't get his mind off his conversation he had with "Joseph the Pretender" as the High Lords dubbed him, but while there Lord Guilliman and the Custodes's representative seemed to know more then they were willing to say.

"What did he mean?" Manros asked himself.

"What did who mean?" A voice unknown asked. Wheeling on a dime and readying his bolt-pistol from his holster but stopped as the golden halberd was only a atom away from his throat. The person... no there was three others were all Custodes.

Lowering the bolt-pistol so did the halberd. "What do I owe the pleasure?" He asked the four.

"Due to the nature of your investigation and position within the Imperium you are required to know this. You, Lord Guilliman and the other High-Lords are being told this at this very moment. The Throne has failed." Manros froze, but they continued regardless of their audience. "According to the Tech-Adepts, it will fail in totality in ten years. We have already begun several initiatives. including the creation of a new unit called the Custodes Auxilia-!"

Manros jumped, "What what!? Joseph asked if I knew who those were... I replied no and he said; 'it hasn't happened yet'... what does he know."

"Which leads to the next point." The Custodes intones, "Lord Guilliman is enacting 'Imperium of Ultramar' which will be completed in seven years." No.

Manros sputtered, "Wh-what..."

"We following this having opened the deepest room within the Palace, and found this letter hand written by the Emperor. You may not be who it was intended for but your the closest. But I will summarize. 'Find my 21st and bring him home', under no circumstances are you to kill him. If needed you are to treat him as the Crown Prince!"

Manros collapsed his back hitting the desk. "Oh my Emperor." Manros didn't know anymore, not even a minute ago he would have treated Joseph as the enemy... but no. From the Emperor himself. The God-Emperor from the Throne told him that he was now the crown prince...

"Lord Inquisitor Manros Drican. Your ship has been prepped. I recommend you go and find Prince Joseph." Without a moment the four was gone.

After a few minutes Manros awoke and found in his hand held the letter, perfectly rectangular and golden... not paper just painted gold but the very paper was gold. But he didn't skip a beat and moved towards his personal transport. He was followed by his retinue who were just confused.

Looking half-crazed he asked if their was anything on the Vox. The pilot who was very concerned by not only the Lord Inquisitor looking like something out of a chaos cult, but the Vox was loud and conflicting. Pressing a button it allowed the Vox to be heard by everyone.

"Repeat! I repeat Battlefleet Terra has been engaged by unknown Imperial and Traitor Vessels." "The Emperor has fallen? What is the point anymore!?" "There is fighting near the Imperial Palace! Custodes have shown in force!" "Riots in the lower and upper sections of the Hives!" "The Household Guards have been deployed! Some are not Loyal! I repeat! Some are not Loyal!" "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD -! -Bang! Bang!- The Heavy Cruiser Kislev is back under Imperial Control! HOLD YOUR FIRE!"

Manros's eyes widen, how! HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN! he wasn't the only one everyone in the ship looked at each other concern turning into worry.

Then a single Vox message that was directed to Manros's ship, "Lord Inquisitor Manros Drican, The Indominus Will is being engaged you will be coming in under fire, I've already dispatched two squadrons to provide escort." It was his captain, her voice was harsh and he could hear the impacts on his ship.

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