Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Side-Chapter; WE HAVE A NAME!/ Who is this Daughter?

A man sat in a meditative position, his mind was relaxed as he, the area around him was a class room, it would be better to call it a lecture hall...

He sat upon one of the "Weird" Summoning cereals, this one "Belonging" to one Felica Faros, and he sat there for two days straight, the days prior was a chaos as the several different wanted to take charge of the Investigation.

There was the Ordos Hereticus, Malleus and Xenos wanted the piece of this "Pie", while the Imperial Creed wanted their own to lead the show but were thoroughly shut down...

And that lead to now.

"Lord Inquisitor of Segmentum Solar, Manros Drican. You have been chosen to lead this Investigation and we don't need to tell you the sensitivity of this. Someone has both stolen the God-Emperor's Children by only HE would know, and has DARED to claim through those he has taken to say that his the Imperial Successor..." The High-Lords of Terra's message started...

"You on behalf of we The High-Lords of Terra. You are to. One; Find him! Two; Find the Stolen Students! Three and finally; Bring them all back to The Throneworld."

That message was three days old It took him a day to argue with the Schola to let him have access with one of the "Weird" Summoning cereal... and too fight over who has what in regards to which Ordos has control.

And he sat there for two long days... and soon Images, no it was a vision. No again this was happening right now...

He looked around himself, he seemed to have accidently taken over a body of a child... that was bad...

"OI! Know your place Abhuman!" The voice was Female, youthful looking up Drican saw two people, one wore that odd dress of those who were taken... but the other was wearing a Uniform that was Cadian in style... The Lord Inquisitor felt a chill run up both spines, not only of the boys but his own, "Your talking to a Prince!"

"Prince?" He mutter blow his breath... he felt power leak from this 'Prince'.

He focused again and saw that the female was aiming at a Ratling...

The Ratling ignored her and looked at the 'Prince' "That true?"

"The Prince thing? Yeah."

'Scratch off being noble'

"And what is a 'Abhuman'? I am Human missy, get that broom out of your arse." The Ratling mouthed off at the female... He couldn't help but smile at that, ballsy.

She raised her weapon and was about to fire, Drican saw the burning fire in her eyes.

Then the man spoke basing off his interaction with the Ratling as casual this was when he was serious, "Is that how the Schola taught you? To allow your emotions to control you?"

His eyes widen! The man changed within a second. His eyes went from blue-ish to pure golden that seems to smolder and a pair of wings sprouted pointing threatening manor at her...

The woman froze, the fire the once ruled her eyes and heart became fear? No it was something else... but what.

"F-Fo--Forgive... m-me-me."

He sigh, "Out. I will deal with you later."

She left, but what the man seems to miss was that she dropped to all fours after she left...

The "Prince" muttered something...

"M-My Lord?" One of the people spoke to him. "Who are you... if I may be so bold to ask." YES! If he talks this will help in finding where at least one of the missing students are. Just a name, then he could find where this man was deployed...

The "Prince's" wings went out to his sides and his eyes shone with a less threat in them. "My name and title God-Prince Joseph, First Imperial Successor to the Imperium of Man." Again his eyes widen really!? But no he had a name, Joseph... Joseph...


He suddenly felt an intense gaze... looking up again... oh by The Emperor...


His eyes narrowed... "Name!" He asked while pointing at me.

"This is Fred." This child's mother he thinks says to him.

"Not the boy's. Answer or be removed from him by force." He took steps to him, he noticed that this 'Prince' was listening to something or someone...

"You have until I reach you and I can tell if you try to run."

He licked his lips, stood up and moved onto one of the tables with some trouble, now they were both at eye level.

He gave a bow that is befitting of his station, "My name and title Lord Inquisitor of Segmentum Solar, Manros Drican."

His eyes widen slightly...

"Hmm, interesting, I was hoping to have more time."

"What are your plans?" He asked plainly since he lost his chance to hide, even by accident.

"To save the Imperium."

"By kidnaping a few dozen Schola students and starting a rebellion?" The Lord Inquisitor retorted.

"Granted, yes those of the Schola are yes, kidnapped. Starting a rebellion? No. An Imperial Mandate from the Emperor himself, that is a different, now you asked me one question I get to ask back."

He nodded and gestured, the Crowd of people feeling confused at what amounts to a eleven year old boy arguing with the person that saved their lives over what?

Joseph opened his mouth but stopped, "Does Custodes Auxilia ring a bell."

The Lord Inquisitor racked his mind over it... Custodes yes but the Auxilia? No and them together is a bigger no. "No. Who was that woman before?"

"It hasn't happened yet." He smiled and lost it, "The woman with me?" He nodded, "That was Felica my Aid-De-Camp."

Before either could go on a new person enters, looking of he could tell at an instance that it was a Tech-Priest.

"The Daughter wishes to speak to you." He says before closing the door.


"Sorry." Joseph said as he place his hand on the child's forehead.




Lord Inquisitor Drican was within a second ejected from the boy's body and the force also entered his body and sent it flying into the wall...

Over a dozen Tempestus Scions aimed their Hellguns at him.

"I, I am fine." He grokked out, "I have a name... Joseph... is the one claiming that he is the Emperor's Successor."

"Anything else?" His own Aid asked him...

"I need to talk to the High-Lord of Mars... there was a Tech-Priest there... and he mentioned something about a Daughter..."

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