
Chapter 297: Corpse City (3)

Number of Words: 5092Update Time: 2013-01-07 19: 51: 00

Eternal Night City, in the dark core room that wasn’t big, but was the most important room. Dr. Shona was staring straight ahead at the screen, his fingers playing like a piano on the myriad keys of light on the Omega operating platform of his brain. Every time Dr. Shaw’s hand brushed the light bar, a ring of light rippled out like a ripple in the water. However, the appearance of each ripple reflected the change of a certain set of functions on the hologram. The change of each set of functions would cause the floating ball of light in the center to release some other information.

There was not much information, but it was enough to inspire some of the Doctor’s thoughts and ideas.

Dr. Shona had been working without sleep for three days, and apart from the occasional meal and convenience, he was almost glued to the operating platform at Ormisga. He was very excited now, and as he typed in the commands, something critical was slowly emerging.

The so-called “something” was actually the intuition of a doctor. Perhaps it would be a shocking secret when it actually appeared, or perhaps it would just be an ordinary event, who knew?

Every second Dr. Shona’s brain was working at a high speed. Although he was not an esper, his processing ability was no less than that of an ordinary intellectual brain. But even someone with the ability to do so would not be able to perform high-intensity data operations for 72 hours in a row like Dr Shaw. Dr. Shona, of course, couldn’t stand it either, so he had used up nine of the special potions in a small refrigerator in the corner of the room to stimulate the hormones in his kidneys and provide Dr. Shona with work energy.

On average, over the course of a day, Dr. Shona used three of them. This was no longer something that an ordinary person could bear, so Dr. Shaw’s already pale face was suffused with an unnatural flush.

When Dr. Shaw ignored it and entered the last command. The data ball on the hologram suddenly split apart. Those tightly wrapped data beams were now like a Star Ring revolving around a star, revolving non-stop around a bright ball of light in the middle.

The most intense mass of light was the core of the entire data ball. It was also the ultimate secret of the gene of the disorderly. However, this core was protected by hundreds of codes. Even if they used Ormigar to do the All-Sky Marquis’s calculations, it would at least be a thousand years before they could completely decipher it, if no miracle happened.

But those separate bands of circular light would provide Dr. Shaw with a little basic information about the disorderly. Not much, but if he had enough imagination, he could make up for the missing moments. Of course, it was impossible to perfectly replicate all the information of the disorderly.

Apparently, Dr. Shaw ignored this. For a scientific fanatic, even a little bit of information is as exciting as Columbus seeing the New World. As the doctor’s ten fingers tapped on the light screen crazily, the data on the screen immediately began to be decrypted. Before long, information and data flashed before his eyes.

This information may be like a wave to the Sea of Anger for the disordered person as a whole. But to the doctor, it was something unbelievable. The data was still flying about, but at this moment, a conversation window appeared in the corner of the hologram. After a moment’s delay, the imposing face of Speaker Oglock appeared in the window.

“Old friend Shauna, you don’t look so good. It’s best for you to immediately stop working and rest for a few days.” In the window, Oglock said with a frown.

Dr. Shona did not look at him, but said excitedly, “How many days off? God, Og, I don’t have much time to waste. Look, what did I find out? ”

Oglock’s face turned solemn, and he let go of his concern for his old friend. He changed the topic and asked, “Why, has there been a new breakthrough?”

“I can’t really say I broke through, but I can only say that I intercepted some information on the periphery.” Dr. Shaw smacked his lips, as he usually does when he’s excited. “Perhaps luck has been kind to me lately, to let me see these things. Simply put, Og, our previous guess was wrong. A disorderly person was not as simple as a man-made biological weapon. In other words, it was more like the origin of a species. Just like the first human being, the disorderly person was the ancestor of this species. If the program set up in the depths of their genes was to run as usual, then there would be descendants … ”

“You mean they can breed?” Oglock asked.

“That’s right, at least that’s what the information engraved in the genes told me. But it’s not as simple as reproducing, Og. Their offspring will evolve. ” Dr. Shona swallowed nervously. “The information is incomplete, but when I put it together, I can see a rough outline. God, Og, I don’t know what created them, but one thing is certain. The creator meant for the disorderly to be a new species, and their descendants to breed different powers and status structures. Do you know what I see? That’s right, it was society! No, the kingdom is more appropriate. ”

“Think about it, if these terrible things develop their own kingdoms, the same species with different abilities. There’s a tendency to defend, a tendency to attack, a tendency to transport, a tendency to calculate, and so on. What do you think? ” Dr. Shona tossed the question to his old friend in the window.

“Can be made into biological weapons …” Oglock’s voice was also filled with surprise.

“Yes, that was our original idea. When we can decide on the same species, but produce biological weapons of different types of capabilities, it means the emergence of kingdoms. And this idea, perhaps even before, has been implemented by some unknown existence. They have even drawn up a complete blueprint of the kingdom, and have set up a procedure for reproduction and evolution, and who knows how many more years it will take for us to reach this point. ” Dr. Shona’s voice grew deeper. “What I see in disorderly people is a technology far beyond our civilization. Unfortunately, the disorderly seems to be the failure of a plan. Although the mysterious genetic code allowed the owner to maximize his or her ability, it was completely destroyed when it came to the modules of reproduction and autonomous evolution. That’s why until now, there’s no such kingdom that can be made into biological weapons! ”

Dr. Shona was not only a scientific maniac, but also a genius. Just by analyzing part of the information, through the independent complement and reverse derivation, he could already see the entire outline of the fact. What he lacked was only detail.

What Dr. Shona did not know was that what he called the kingdom of modulated biological weapons was quietly emerging from the ruins of a city called Kaddam, just south of the coastline.

The night was very dark and very heavy; the wind was very strong, very urgent!

The incoming wind was not only cold, it also brought with it bits of ice. Under the reflection of the sunlight from the night sky, the ice shards glimmered a little. Beautiful, but deadly.

This kind of extremely cold ice shards was as hard as diamonds. If an ordinary person’s body was exposed to this type of wind that contained ice shards, their body would be sliced into pieces in just a short moment.

Zero and others were standing on the rooftop. Without cover the wind blew even more violently. Although the strength of their bodies was much higher than ordinary people but the ice shards were still painful. No one would make a sound.

“What’s that?” Agatha put down her binoculars. The sound was penetrating, and even the sound of the wind could not obscure her voice for a moment.

It was obvious that Agatha had used some abilities that Zero did not know about. She was an ability user of Perception Domain, so it was not surprising for her to have used some of these tricks. The wind was so strong that unless he shouted, Agatha wouldn’t be able to hear him unless she stood next to him.

So Zero made a gesture to the effect that they should go downstairs and talk. Agatha nodded and motioned for the parshmen to place the cordon on the floor below the roof. When they reached the roof, Agatha’s servants had already set up a safe zone of about twenty square meters.

“I have a bad feeling about that fatty.” Zero said simply.

Agatha nodded in agreement. “I agree, when I put my life force on him, I found out that he was unbelievably large. If the ordinary living corpse was a match, the butcher and the Ripper an electric tower, and the bomb corpse a power station. Then, this fat guy was like a nuclear power plant. But strangely, its life seems to be stable and it lacks aggression. ”

“No matter what it is, the appearance of two new species in a day’s time will always make people feel uncomfortable.” There was a trace of worry in Zero’s words. He had never been this worried before.

In the end, he realized that he was afraid. There was a voice in his mind telling him that something had quietly changed in a place beyond human vision.

“They’re coming.” Feng said while standing outside the window of the library, his expression heavy.

Zero nodded and clapped. “Let’s go. Let’s see what kind of role that thing will play.”

The obese man was like a mountain of flesh. Under the protection of a hundred live corpses, he slowly but perfectly walked into the academy city. However, the team did not enter the hinterland. Instead, they stopped at the track where the Spider Emperor fought that day.

The few of them used the cover of the night to leave the library. They sneaked to the track and hid in the stands in the southwest corner. From afar, the mountain-like zombie seemed to be preparing for its morning flight, as it continued to stretch out its arms. Just as Agatha and the other servants couldn’t hold back their laughter, the corpse’s hands suddenly stretched out, as if it had no bones, and from a short arm that was only five or six meters long, expanded to five or six meters long.

The zombie held onto the ground with both of its hands, as if it was holding itself in place. This time, he could clearly see that the six legs of the living corpse were similar to that of a spider. The legs were covered with bristles, as if they were trying to forcefully pin the legs of a giant spider onto its body. The six legs of the living corpse moved to the side and also nailed onto the ground like two arms. It then lowered its body and firmly sat on the sandy ground.

The living corpse touched the ground and the ground slightly trembled. A thin wind that could be seen with the naked eye blew the dust on the ground, slowly spreading it out in all directions. Once he was seated, the fat man raised his head towards the sky and let out a shrill whistle. The whistling sound soared into the sky and spread far and wide. The entire academy city could clearly hear it.

After making this whistling sound, the chubby corpse’s mountain-like body cracked open. The slit opened with a ripping sound. The two sides of the slit were like wounds that had been ripped open, and were still connected to the countless thin threads of blood. However, the fat corpse still had the spare time to yawn towards the sky. All of a sudden, a black shadow emerged from the crack.

There were as many holes as there were holes in the ground. There were as many shadows as there were holes in the ground. Like tentacles, they swept up the zombies guarding the area. Whether it was ordinary living corpses or high-level monsters like the Butcher’s Ripper, they did not resist and were swept towards the fat corpse’s flesh by the tentacles. Ordinary living corpses and the Ripper’s body were smaller, so they were instantly collected into the flesh gap and put into the fat corpse’s body. As for the more muscular butcher, he was caught by a few tentacles and ripped apart on both sides. His corpse was also dragged into the fat corpse.

When all the living corpses were sucked into its body, the fat corpse’s body began to tremble. Ripples of flesh rose and fell as thin white smoke was emitted from the fat corpse’s pores, as if it was a giant machine that had begun to operate.

Atop the stands, Agatha exclaimed, “Its biological energy is rising!”

At the end of his speech, Zero’s pupils slightly contracted. In his eyes, he saw countless living corpses rushing in from the entrance of the track. They quickly ran towards the fat corpse. As the living corpses approached, the flesh on the fat corpse opened up and tentacles shot out. The living corpse below seemed to have seen something that delighted it, but it didn’t avoid it. Instead, it jumped up and went to meet the fat corpse’s tentacles.

The tentacles continuously wrapped around the living corpses that automatically delivered themselves to their doorstep, and then stuffed them into their own bodies. Every time a living corpse was devoured, the fatty’s biological energy would soar. In the end, the glow of energy that could be seen with the naked eye enveloped the fat corpse’s entire body. Even so, there were still living corpses that were constantly rushing over and being swallowed into the fat corpse, becoming a part of its energy.

At the entrance of the track, there was a steady stream of living corpses. They should have stopped at the university, but upon hearing Fatty’s call, all the living corpses came over one after another. They did not mind becoming the fat corpse’s nutrition. After the fat corpse devoured nearly half of the living corpse, its body size had already doubled from before.

Muscle tendons continued to grow out from the layers of fat. They formed together into the shape of a meat ball, which then formed into a membrane. After forming the membrane, it was as if the membrane formed the soil for the plants to grow on, so that more muscle tendons would form, rise, expand, join, and finally form pink muscles from the membrane. As a result, the newly formed muscles were spread out on the fat corpse’s body layer by layer. However, after a while, the fat corpse had already turned into a pile of meat paste, and only the big bald man still appeared on top of the meat mountain.

“What is this? Eat? ” Agatha whispered to herself.

No one could answer her questions. Even the most ordinary of slave warriors knew that this was no ordinary food. After all, no one had ever heard of a mutated beast needing such a large amount of food. There were at least a thousand living corpses that had been devoured by the fat corpse!

“I guess it’s evolution…” Zero suddenly remembered the scene at the mining area at Z7, where he saw a few metal-spitting insects devouring each other. In addition to this, there was also the time when the Fenrir Wolf stayed in Phoenix City to evolve into a new Wolf King by devouring its own kind.

Now, the scene of the fat corpse devouring its own kind was very similar to what he had seen that day.

“Look, it seems to be evolving!”

A sudden exclamation sounded in his ears, causing Zero’s slightly dispersed mind to quickly refocus. He looked towards the track and found that the fat corpse had indeed changed again.

Fatty raised his head and let out a cry of pain. Following which, his body became a mass of sarcoma from his back to the top of his head. The sarcoma suddenly exploded, and from the splatter of greenish-yellow fluid, a black shadow pierced out. The black shadow appeared in midair, as if it was pierced by numerous bone spikes. The bone spikes spread out in all directions from the fat corpse’s center. They stabbed into the walls of the stands around the track and dug deep into them.

The fat corpses in the track and field looked ridiculous as they grew antennas all over their bodies, but no one present was able to laugh.

After a moment, a slight tremble appeared under everyone’s feet. Before they could figure out what had happened, pink liquid began to gush out from various cracks in the stands. As soon as the liquid came into contact with the air, it would immediately condense into a gelatinous shape, like a pinkish membrane.

The membrane rapidly spread to the surface of the buildings, causing the faces of the few of them to change. They immediately retreated, distancing themselves from the membrane. But there seemed to be no limit to the expansion of the membrane, which quickly flooded the entire track and pursued the rest of the University City.

When the membranes were formed, red roots of silk grew in these substances, like nerves of something, and it was not hard to see, if you looked closely, that the pulses of light were steadily flowing through them.

This process lasted for nearly half an hour. Only after the membrane had occupied the entire University City did they finally stop growing and expanding. These things occupied the heights of all the buildings and surrounded the entire University City.

Zero and the others appeared on the rooftop of a building near the track. The gelatinous film was under their feet. He used his heavy sword to tear off a piece of the ground, and new tissue rapidly grew out from the ruptured part of the skin on the ground. In the blink of an eye, it was repaired.

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“What are these disgusting things?” Sue looked at the pink mass on the sword and frowned.

Zero shook his head. He really wasn’t good at biology. If Eva was here, he should be able to see something. Unfortunately, the woman was now far away in Asgartree, assisting Victor in his plans for Leah’s rebirth.

Arcus’ head was slightly bowed as if he was thinking about something. A moment later, a low voice came from her mouth, “Look, do the red lines in those things look like neural networks?”

Everyone was stunned. If what Agatha said was true, then these neural networks that covered the entire university city were simply like a large signal transmission terminal. Suddenly, Zero understood how the will that was restraining the large number of living corpses was transmitting his orders.

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