Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

AU. Biggest of Mothers x Gate

IMPORTANT! This is an AU of the Charlotte Family. Based on the previous OneShot the 'Biggest of Mothers' which is a chapter before this. If you don't remember, please refresh your memory by reading that first!

Thank you :) and Enjoy


Chapter 2

Biggest of Mothers x Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There



POV (Former) Captain Yander


In the most dangerous waters of the world even the most basic of navigation is considered nigh impossible. Only the greatest, the strongest, and the most determined can safely navigate the waters of the New World. Captain Yander, once a famed captain of the Yander Pirates, was among the few to have reached the New World from the four blues. Having made his name in the Blues he remembered the day when he decided to try for the GrandLine; days which were filled with confidence, arrogance…and yet enough strength to back him and his crew up.


Within a mere five years, his crew had penetrated through Paradise and begun their journey into the New World.


That was the biggest mistake of his life. A mistake in which had cost him everything 4 years ago. A mistake in which he had just barely recovered from only to foolishly betray his benefactor. 


Truly his pirate spirit was his own enemy. Should he be able to talk to his former self 7 months ago, he would be tempted to kill him himself. 


“Row faster you dogs! Row faster!”  He screamed at the top of his lungs to his crew as another massive wave of the ‘New World’ threatened to sink their entire ship, a massive galleon, underwater. Yet it was not the treacherous waters of the New World that the Yander pirates were running from, nor was it the Marines…no…their pursuers were far worse than anything in their cursed world.


As another towering wave of the New World sunk under the depths, for a fleeting second it showed the glimpse of what it was. A massive fleet of a hundred strong floating fortresses breaking through the waves…all headed straight for them.


“Fuck!” He had expected it…he had knew it would happen…such was the result of defying her after all, but one would think that after multiple failed attempts she would let him go. 


“Once she decides, then your fate is set in stone.” That was what his first mate had told him long ago as they sailed into her territory…beaten, bruised, and all but dead. “She accepts all into her lands. A Paradise for all.”


It was in that Paradise that they had found their peace and freedom. Without any questioning, they found themselves welcome and saved from the foot of death itself. A rookie pirate captain from the Blues or Paradise overestimating himself and trying his luck in the New World…for them, it was too common a story.


He pulled on his dark long beard as he began to hyperventilate. He knew what happened to the rule breakers…there were few but they were enough to set an example. After all there were very few fools foolish enough to defy her one will, her one rule.


And what had he done?


He clutched at the golden rings that now adorned his left hand. Gold which shone so bright now seemed dark…reminding him of blood…the blood that he had spilt. The price that he would have to pay for.


“Sail faster you dogs!” He screamed once again as his voice began to shake. The fortresses were looking closer than before. “Row faster if you don’t want to die!”


Damn these winds!


They were running away in the opposite direction of the winds. The sails were of no help…not that it would have helped again them anyway from what he knew. If the person on the main fortress was who he thought it was…then he was only delaying the inevitable.


Still…hope was such a cruel thing. Even when faced with a future set in stone, he continued to resist. Water flowing against a boulder, an egg thrown against a rock. Impossible…but impossible to let go.


As the fortresses got ever closer he could make them out more clearly. In proximity, it was easily to tell that they weren’t truly fortresses but rather an incredibly complex mix of organic creature, ship building, and masonry.


A massive floating snail with its shell replaced with a fully functioning fortress armed to the teeth. It was the symbol of what used to belong to the Germa Kingdom. The mythical Kingdom that was said to have once conquered the entirety of North Blue for 66 days, hence their name Germa 66. 

Now? Gone were the symbols of the Germa. Stripped from the molecular level in which the snails were bred, the sails hung, and the bricks built. Each one built anew representing the new owners of the once-great power.

The flag of the 66 was no longer flying high…instead it flew the flag of one of the most powerful figures and nations in the world. 


Union Pirates of Charlotte Linlin


A cheesy name…but the only thing it brought him now was the sense of dread and an odd feeling of respect. It was under this same flag he had once served…and it was the same flag that had protected him from what had nearly killed him so many times.


The flag that she flew had deterred Marines, scared away Pirates, and had bounty hunters ignore them. It was considered a death sentence when her flag was flying on the other side…and now it seemed he had reached the end of his luck.


In the beginning he had managed to slip past the chess guards and devastate the chess ships which had been tasked to pursue him. Afterwards it were the clones in which he, once again, managed to evade. It was his mistake of (unintentionally) harmed a member of the Charlotte family by cannon fire which seemed to have been the last straw.


Watching the closing armada, his last fleeting hopes were gone. He knew deep down that she would not have merely sent a Commander Clone or a non-combat officer. He knew that she would not have sent one of her weaker children either.


Looking at the fleet, he knew he was really only left with five potential adversaries. Each one worse than the last but equally hopeless against. The only ones able to command a fleet of this quality and size other than Linlin herself would be the Union Admirals.



I’ll go down swinging then. Up until I can’t move no more.


… He looked towards his crew. Half of them who had been with him from the very beginning in the blues, the other half those who had joined him as he crossed the treacherous seas. More than half of his crew were no longer with him…having chosen to either remain in the Paradise of Totto Land or have perished long before and remained only in their memories.


He knew he wasn’t the best captain…heck he wasn’t even a good captain. In the moral eyes of civilian or Pirates, he was scum but he still loved his nakama. The true nakama…men who were onboard with him on this very vessel. 


“…I am sorry gentlemen.” He started. The roughness from his voice gone as his thoughts wandered off to the journeys they had together. “It seems that our journey is at an end.” The men he had just called dogs looked back towards him with nothing short of admiration and respect. 


They had knowing eyes…deep eyes aware that this was their last day. Wavering, fearful, uncertain…but having made their decision nonetheless. 


“We shall figh—*THUDDD!!!!


The massive fortress ship collided with his ship as the entire galleon was splintered. His crew, himself, and everything was flung high up away. Even during this moment, he saw that the more experienced members of his crew readjusted themselves in midair as they prepared to fall to safety. The rarer ones who had come to learn the variations of Geppo (of the Six Marine skills) were stepping across the sky as they reoriented themselves and running.


He had done the same as he grabbed two of his closest crew mates before he dared look down at what had happened. His ship…his Queen Monica was shattered into nothing, already sinking into the depths below never to be found again. The Fortress Ship belonging to the Union Pirates, on the other hand, looked unscathed. Completely untouched as their steel plated hull was used as a battering ram.


His body shook, eyes teared, as he watched his old friends falling to their deaths. Whether it be because they didn’t know how to fly, fell into the water from too high…or the shootings from the fortress ships.


What was worse was in that brief moment he saw that being pulled onto deck. A seemingly larger gun on a pedestal, but he knew exactly what it was.


“Mer…cy” He cried. “Mercy! Have Mercy!” He cried louder as his crew around his echoed his words. Unfortunately, they fell on deaf ears. Ears which had nothing but blind loyalty and faith to their queen and her children.


The massive gun was placed down as it aimed up towards them…and…


Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Brrrrrrrrr!!!


A hail of bullets more than one could imagine blanketed the area as he watched his remaining nakama fall into the ocean dead one by one. A streak of yellow sparks, another fallen…it was cruel…it was agonizing.


At last, he too fell down…down onto the very deck of the Snail Ship which has crushed his galleon, his hopes, into splinters. The same ship which had led the charge to obliterate his crew…his nakama.


And now he was the only one alive.


*step* *step*


He already knew who it was. He didn’t bother to look up.


*step* *step* *step*


After years sailing in the Grandline and surviving in the New World, he, like many others, have managed to awaken his haki. At this very minute, his observation flared in panic, in fear, and in desperation as it recognized that specific haki signature. He would recognize that haki signature anywhere. 


“Mama isn’t happy with your actions Officer Yander.” A slightly husky voice said with the musical melodious intonation giving off that the speaker is a girl. 


He spit on the ground, half of the saliva composed of guck and blood. “Not happy, is she? Why, she wants me to fuck her as well?!” He grunted back.


“Your choice and method of fucking isn’t welcome anymore. Not here, not anywhere.” He looked up slightly before he quickly looked back down. The glowing orange eyes were enough of a sight. He would rather not have to witness anymore of that terror.


It was a girl who had just become an adult…though if any pirate could ever be classified as a child remains a question. This girl was a carbon copy of her mother…should the mother be less of a giant and more of a normal sized human.


With glowing orange eyes and light pink hair, the girl looked exactly as a Charlotte should. Her skin tone, originally pale, had seen too much sun. A bit on the tanner side but somehow flawless nonetheless despite the thousands of injuries she must have acquired during her days on the sea. 


She had a fighter’s build. Rather slender and lean but most female fighters tended to strengthen themselves through haki, martial arts, and willpower. Besides, he had learned the hard way that muscle mass didn’t exactly equal strength and power in these seas. 


The girl wasn’t tall…but she was not short either. He remembers her reaching his nose, which would mean she stood somewhere between 175cm-180cm (5.74ft-5.9ft). A rather average (and normal) height in this part of the sea where people tended to be ridiculously tall and abnormally strong.



“With the powers invested in me by Charlotte Linlin, Queen and ruler of Totta Land, Matriarch and Captain of the Union Pirates, Emperor of the Sea…I, Charlotte Syrup, Commander of the Fifth Division of the Union fleet, Naval armed forces of Totta Land, sentence you to death.”


He heard the tell-tale sounds of a blade being drawn from its sheath. He already knew what it was…it would be a long dark blade glowing at its end. A sword taken from the land of Wano. It was Enma. Her prized sword.


He had witnessed the devastation laid with the very same blade. He knew what that blade could do in capable hands…and the current wielder was over capable.


“If you have any last words you may say them now. I shall remember them as the words of a coward, to be engraved in the waves of this treacherous seas to be forgotten. You will not be missed.”


His lips, despite the raging storm around them, were parched dry as his sight dimmed. His heart, which was pumping so hard moments ago in fear seemed to slow down as his reality finally hit.


I’m going to die.


I’m going…to die…


There was no escaping this one. There was no ship to jump on, no enemies he could take on, no allies or third parties he could call on.


Truly he had reached the end of his line.


He was no stranger to death, as most are, in this harsh sea. He had seen his fair share of death and caused a good part of it himself as well. As a pirate sailing through the most dangerous waters in the world, it could be said that it was inevitable…but nonetheless he had, very few times, ever considered his death.


Even when fighting against the marine he was confident.

Against fellow pirates, he was cocky.

Against a hopeless opponent…well, his luck always seemed to save him. But now…now he knew that even his luck had run out. 


His last words. Did they matter? She already said it, didn’t she? Nobody was going to listen to it anyway. No historian or family will ever look at the words he said before he died.


In the end…the mouth of a sailor, the words he had said all his life, took over.


“Go fuck yourself.”


As his last act of defiance, he looked up to see the eerily glowing orange eyes. Unblinking eyes of the one who had earned the title of the ‘Devil of the Seas’. Her eyes, much like her personality, remained unmoving as she poised her blade directly above his neck. Not a single flinch or twitch as she prepared to kill him. To take another life.


The slight chill of the cold hard metal, which momentarily, had touched the back of his neck…he shook before he forced himself to stay.


“Se foutre dans la merde” 


And he knew no more.




POV Charlotte Syrup. Age 18


(AN: With the introduction of our new Charlotte Linlin in the world, the history and events have already been fucked up. The MarineFord war was supposed to happen 4 years ago but hasn’t. Mostly because the Marines have already sustained way too much losses from Linlin in the 2 wars that they have fought. 

Some changes as well!

Ace is widely known to be the Son of the Former Pirate King. Instead of being ashamed, he wears it as a badge of honor.

Germa has been conquered by the Union Pirates (AU Big Mom Pirates) and technology, equipment, and everything has been taken.

Kaido…well. Read to find out)



She knew what she had to do. She was perfectly well aware of what she had turned herself into in order to protect what is precious and even if fate offered her a different path…she knew she would choose this all over again.


She remembers in a life long past when she was…normal. When she used to live in a place where violence and death was far far away. A place in which she was just another person. A perfectly normal person studying, graduating, and looking for a job.


It was unfortunate that that specific life was cut so short but accidents happen. And yet even comparing that once peaceful life over the one half drowned in blood…she knows she will choose this one each time a million times over.


Here…she has purpose, she has a meaning. Her family, her brothers…her sisters and and mother…they are everything to her. She knows without a doubt that they think the same for her.


So when the time came and the results came in…she knew what she had to do. Even among her many brothers and sisters, she was unnaturally talented…powerful…and prodigious like her own mother. 


She knew what she had to do. She knew what she had to protect.


The country that her mother created, Totta Land, was a place of peace and prosperity where the dreams of society were made true. People of all races and species came together and lived in harmony. The government, uncorrupt, ruled with a fair hand and enforced correctly. Freedoms of thoughts and speech were not suppressed but actions of hate and risk were monitored.


Most importantly…it was a haven for anyone. For those who had lost their homes, away from the World Government, runaway slaves. Totta Land was a beacon of hope and a symbol of Peace.


damn…did she think that is a worthy endeavor.


But that peace, freedom, and prosperity didn’t come at the cost of nothing. The New World was not known as the most dangerous waters for nothing after all. Even while under the flag of Union Pirates, and therefore Charlotte Linlin, there were fools and bigger fools who would constantly threaten what she held dear.


Her peace


Her people


Her family.


Marines. Pirates. Sea Kings. Traitors.


So when the time came, she chose to go willingly. To protect what she held dear, she let herself become the ‘Devil’.


… …


As she walked away from the decapitated corpse of the traitor, she mulled over the deeds she had committed in her short life. Merely three years of being on the sea and already her name, her face, and her presence commanded respect from her men and fear to her enemies.


Devil of the Seas


It was…fitting in a way. It began with the survivors she had missed when she had just begun her work on the seas. What she had done, what she had stained her hands with, it was un-washable. 


She watches as the Kingdom burns and the people flee. “Burn it down.” She orders. “Burn it all to the ground.” She saids as she begins to walk away. She had no sympathy for a Kingdom of traitors. She had no mercy for those who had used her sibling’s lives as a leverage.


Her first blood. Her first kill. She remembers how…chilling…it had been. She remembers the nausea, the pain, and the guilt she had as the blood of her first victim splattered across her face.


She remembers going to her mother’s, her Mama, as she cries and breaks. She breaks as she finally realizes the burden she was going to have to take. She distinctly remembers her loving mother crying with her as she lets out her sorrows.


Many deaths later…countless blood spilled…and somehow she was still the same girl. She might be covered in the stench of death but she was still the same girl who had cried at blood, ran to her mother, and loved her siblings. 


She was a General now but that changed nothing. She has only taken on this role for one reason and it was not complete…it will never be complete. For not one moment has she forgotten that.


“General Syrup.” She turned to find a Hammerhead Shark Fishman saluting her. She gave him a nod back of acknowledgement as he gave handed her a Transponder snail.


It was a mechanical implanted version to prevent anyone from tapping into the line. Fitting in the palm of her hands, she accepted the incoming call.


“ *ring* …Syrup, my child.” The voice she longed sounded through the connection.


“Mama…” She began. “Traitor Yander is dead. I have seen to it.”


A small faint smile appears on the snail before falling down into its neutral expression. As the snail opens its mouth again, Syrup has no idea on how to respond.


“Syrup, my child…you’ve done enough.”




“You have proven yourself a solider and fighter time and time again. You are our…you are my best general. But what about you child? What about you?”


“Mama. I assure you, I am doing fine-“


“No” The voice cuts her off. “No you are not. No matter how much you hide it under your…persona. I can tell child.” Something is beginning to grow in her throat as it gets caught. 


“As much as the world saids you are a General. A Devil. A Charlotte-spawn…you are my child first and foremost. Do you hear that?”


Yes mama.”


“That means I love you. As family and blood, I love you more than you can think.”


“I know Mama.”


“So why do I have to witness as you break yourself?”


“ …” She couldn’t reply.


Come home Syrup” Her mother’s voice sounds over the transponder. “We miss you.”


But…but the dangers. The pirates…the Marines…the hunters. Who would…who can make sure that her family will be safe? Who will make sure that …who…who…


“It is not your burden to carry yet. It is mine.”


… forcefully she swallows down something that threatened to come up. Forcefully pressing it down ignoring the mild pains in her chest, she replied.


“Yes Mama.” The connection cut. No matter what the Hammerhead Fish-man reported, she would deny that a single line of tears fell down her face.


It was time to go home.


… …



3rd Person POV (but also Charlotte Linlin Centric)


Totta Land


It was a strange place but there was no doubt that every person alive has heard of it at least once. Depending on who they were and where they were, the image and message the place gave was different.


To the residents of the four blues, Totta Land was a land of terror. Ruled under the iron fist of the world’s most infamous Pirate and their people starving, dying, and living under horrendous conditions. At least…those were what the ignorant believed as they gobbled up any story told by the Marines and the World Government.


To those fleeing and seeking a place to stay, Totta land was a haven. A safe haven which accepted any and all stragglers which came around the land. Former slaves who had escaped the clutches of the World Nobles, Pirates fleeing from the Marines, and people looking for a place away from the influence of the World Government. To these people, Totta Land is a place to call home.


To the Marines and the Pirates which opposed the Union Pirates and Totta Land, the place represented death and fear. Four wars have been fought over it, four crusades raised by the Marines as they rallied their men against the oppressive Emperor (Empress) ruling over those poor poor people and her equally evil children.


Each of the four wars ended in defeat. Each time the Marines learned the true might of an Emperor of the Sea, the Rocks-Killer. 


There was a reason why the World Government was unable to take the lands each time despite the heretical things the queen allowed to happen. Allowing passage of fellow Emperors (Red Haired Shanks and Whitebeard) as well as harboring fugitives (namely a child of the former Pirate King), and openly supporting the Revolutionary Army.


Totta Land was strong. The Union Pirates were Strong.


It was through their own strength that they had managed to carve out a piece of the world and keep it away from the true oppressive powers of the world. Even with the entire weight of the world pressing down, Totta Land had enough strength to not only resist…but push back.


Endless vigilance was key to their ensured survival and their queen, Charlotte Linlin, had made sure that message was understood. Stagnancy would lead to weakness, weakness was a sin, and sinners must die. Perhaps it was cruel but if anything, it was clearly understood that such was the nature of this cruel world. Those who did not understand would find themselves a pirate’s death under the towering waves of the New World…soon to become food for a rather hungry Sea King.


That was that, and that was it.


“Might Makes Right.” Linlin would say. Despite this saying, she herself never truly abused the power on those under her protection. It was only against her foes, her enemies, and her challengers did she truly show what that statement meant. Naturally, her country picked up on it soon after.


Linlin had to give it to the World Government for their constant efforts to try and establish complete world order through their corrupt system, no matter how futile. Initially it was the world draft, the creation of a new model of warships, and now they had the Pacifistas.


Giant cyborgs using human corpses which were embedded with abilities cloned from the Marine Admiral Kizaru…or that was what she had heard. Explosive laser beams and close combat capabilities while looking like the former Shichibukai (7 Warlords of the Sea) Bartholomew Kuma. It was truly interesting.


With their newfound toy the Marines began to push deeper into the New World. With a single Pacifista roughly equivalent in strength to an average New World captain, the strength of the Marines ballooned as they finally, for the first time in decades, found themselves a solid foothold to compete against the Emperors with.


Not for long though as she had taken the Germa Kingdom for herself and integrated their technology and forced into hers. Finally seeing for herself the capabilities the Germa Kingdom had was truly frightening for such a small mobile kingdom.


Should it have been an actual multiple-island Kingdom with enough resources, then it might have been another power of the seas…but fortunately for her, they were not. Now…with the technology in her hands with the nigh endless resources to help, the Charlotte Family grew in strength once again.


Ships were armored. Cannons were switched out.

Clones were modified for Fish-man Genetics and their loyalties changed. 

Raid Suits were produced in mass. Obviously less effective than the originals as they were cheaper but for the ones her children would wear…she disregarded the costs entirely. 

Finally…the enhancements that the Vinsmoke family prized themselves on. It took a long while but eventually her doctors and scientists managed to crack the code (using Judge’s own personal notebook) and this too was perfected.


She wanted children…not weapons. But living in this world, they would have to be strong. With the modified serum, her children took the shot one by one.


Each of them had different effects. Some barely getting the iron skin and enhanced abilities while others skyrocketed with their already-powerful skillset.


She had tried to get injected as well but the needle simply broke against her skin. She would have to wait until they found a way to change it into a pill or something that worked.


She had wanted something for Edward as well but in the end decided against it. He needed life support more than anything…well…at least it should be but her daughter stepped to his rescue.


Her little baby, Syrup, who had taken the Ope Ope fruit for herself had mastered the usage before using it to treat her old friend. It wasn’t anything close to the perennial youth operation (in which she had forbidden Syrup from ever doing) but it was enough to cut out and mend most of Whitebeard’s injury.


Adding to the fact that she had injected some lifespan into her friend during on of their drinking meets, the old timer had found some renewed youth (much to the joy of his sons). They were back at it again (and with her godson Ace as well) sailing across the New World and growing in size.


Shanks…Shanks was Shanks. She didn’t really care what happened to him but she remained friendly and neutral on all fronts to him. 


Kaido was…weaker than she remembered. Since their last meeting on God Valley he had gotten stronger physically but nowhere close enough to where she was standing today. It was the result of her constant training and pushing herself. Somehow, someway along the way Kaido had gotten increasingly emo and depressed as he wished for the world to be plunged in chaos.


So she killed him.


Yes…Charlotte Linlin had killed Kaido before he became a bigger threat. Before his crew got too large and turning that heavenly place Wano into a nation of stagnation and starvation. Though, if she was being more honest to herself, the fight only ever happened because she was more concerned about her safety in the future.


Kaido was a wildcard. Despite being on the same crew for over a decade, the former cabin boy had no honor or friendship to speak of with her. With his ever-growing power and ridiculous ideas, it was a risk of itself to let him to continue growing. So she killed him…and broke most of Onigashima in the process.


Funnily enough, it was her daughter Syrup (who was fighting two of Kaido’s All Stars) who received a gift for freeing them of his tyranny. Enma, the fabled black blade of Wano…she thought it was in good hands. 


But unfortunately all things came with a cost. While most of her children chose to stay in Totta Land and work, enjoy, and overall be the family they wanted to be…some were…not.


A few of her children left. Left to become Pirates sailing under their own flags. Left to find their loves. Left for whatever reason but in the end, she couldn’t be more proud and happy for them. She was worried constantly, as a mother should, but if they were happy…if they were chasing their dreams the way they wanted to, then who was she to complain?


No…no…what truly broke her were her children who took on the heavy burden for the greater good. The burden that should be hers. Some…handled it better than others. 


While all of her children were capable of combat, there were a few who truly shined in the area of combat.


Katakuri, as expected, became the perfect brother and commander. His strength commended and praised even in the New World. While on the battlefield and the seas, he chose to don his heavy scarf (he had ended up ripping his mouth a bit) to focus on nothing except what was in front of him. But back here…he was truly the big brother her family needed. Smiling, laughing, sharing. 


There were others just like him.

Perospero. Oven. Daifuku. Smoothie. Snack. Cracker. Compote. Mont Dor. Amande.


But they knew how to handle their lives. They separated themselves from the blood they had spilled with the loving family at home.


But not Syrup…not her.


She had delved neck deep into the blood of the New World. She…she had not seen it coming until her poor daughter came back to report covered head to toe in the red liquid. It was seeing her lifeless eyes, focused on nothing, in which she realized that it had gone too far. 


Months of little contact as Syrup reassured her that all was fine. Something had happened during those first months at sea. Something had turned her away.


Each and every attempt to stay her in Totta Land failed as she took up her blade again and sailed forth to protect Totta Land and her family.


So why oh why…was she signing this?



Exploration and Investigation


Topic: Through the Gate which had materialized in the port of Whole Cake Island.


Charlotte Syrup, General of the 5th Fleet, Armed Forces of Totta Land, will lead the investigation and secure the perimeter on the other side of the Gate.


Goal: Find out about the barbarians who had attempted to come through the Gate. In the case of a repeat attack, use of force is not only allowed but recommended.




…did she really need to let her daughter go again so fast? She had just returned home after so long…she was just beginning to recover. 


Litte Syrup was smiling again. She had just saw Syrup sharing an actual conversation with one of her brothers without turning it into a depressing analysis of the enemies they had in this world.




Not right now. Not when she’s getting better.


Syrup can go through later when things were calmed down and no longer as urgent. 


She picked up her pen as she changed the name from ‘Charlotte Syrup’ to ‘Katakuri’. 


“Well…it’s technically in Totta Land so it can be the job of the home fleet.” She signed her name on the bottom as she passed it off to a clone who took it and rushed off.


Standing up in her office (Whole Cake Chateau) she looked around the large island. As she was standing so high up (literally on top a mountain of a cake) she saw the entirety of the island. In the far distance she could see the small shining structure. Shaped like a gateway…a gateway to another world.


They had dared to try and spill blood on her lands. She would see blood flow on theirs. 



(Next Chapter: The Gate Appears)


This was a Oneshot I made for fun. Not sure if I should continue. Feedback. 

Author: *dying college student noises* Midterm is tomorrow. fuck


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