Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Reminder…Sequel is up! + Teaser pt 2

Here's a reminder to check out the sequel! 


Syrup's Appearance

Post Timeskip: Mostly wears black or purple tights. She has a knife holster on her right hip.

On top of this she wears an oversized white (cat themed) hoodie.

She likes to keep the hood up but during fights she often lowers it for better visibility.

Light pink hair which is almost white(slightly wavy or straight) that goes down to her mid back normally.

She'll put it up into high ponytail (like when she's against Fujitora) Pale complexion.

Mostly petite and thin. Of course, she can be with Ace ;)

Big eyes, Orange Pupils.

She's usually smiling softly or cutely manipulating her brothers. Or in a fight, she's either mad or grinning like mad.

When she's with Ace...well, let imagination take care of that one. Thank you so much!



Also, because I am evil~~(hu hu hu), I shall leave you all with a sneakpeak of what is to come!




Chapter: ?? (Somewhere in the middle)

POV, Yagi Toshinori, the Symbol of Peace (Third Person)


Syrup: Allow me to return your words Oh Symbol of Peace, but twisted to what believe. When someone of overwhelming power threatens you, then your future is set in stone. This is True Power. This is the Future


All Might: The power you possess is too dangerous to be let free. You use your power like a child would…you care not for anything but yourself. You are unchecked!


At his words, Syrup simply laughed.


The wound at his side was beginning to kill him and yet he couldn't afford to lose focus here. Standing in front of him was the world's strongest mystery. Not Japan, not Asia...but the world. A Hero to some, a vigilante in others, and a villain to the rest. Even his smile faltered and his words drew longer as he lost himself to something he had buried deep inside of him. In front of her watchful eyes, it was as if she could see the pitiful apprentice inside him from decades ago.


Syrup: *cough* Oh my! You’re making me cough now too! Are you really that slow? That dumb? Of course I use my power as I wish! I hold the strength to do anything I wish, and thus when I have a desire, I act on it. It is a simple motivation…but a good one.


All Might: Do you…do you truly have no regards or feelings for the countless innocents buried under your snow? The blood of the faultless dyeing your snow red?!


Syrup: …no? After all, I don’t target them. If they choose to get involved by standing in my way, then they have no one to blame but themselves.


All Might: Hundreds of thousands of innocents lost to your whims…some might hail you a hero…but all I see is a girl with no regards for the value of life. YOU ARE A VILLAIN!


Once again, his voice and smile failed him. All Might wasn’t sure if he was expecting a response but seeing as she was quite talkative, he wanted to hear her answer. Instead, she simply sighed as if she was done with the business before beginning to walk off.


Syrup: Pirate, All Might. I am a Pirate. Also, you can thank me for sparing your life. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that I prefer a weak Symbol of Peace than one I don’t know.


She she began to walk away, All Might clutched his missing side harder as the pain was beginning to get hard to bear. He needed to see Recovery Girl or any talented Health Quirk user fast…could he make it to U.A in time? Perhaps if his teacher Gran Torino was with him…


But what about her? What about "SYRUP'S COVER NAME"? She took no chances with "CENSORED, HAHAHA" and eradicated him once and for all, but him? Did she really underestimate him that much? Or did she find more benefits in him being alive than dead.


All Might: *coughing blood* This isn’t over "SYRUP'S COVER NAME. HAHAHA"…Sooner of later Justice will catch up.


Surprisingly, Syrup turned back one last time. Her orange eyes glowing in the dark ominously.


Syrup: Ironic. That was what the Marines told me as well.


Holding the head of the man he had came to hunt, she took one more step, she was gone…just like that.


I replaced all of the names to Syrup. as well as took measures to remove the spoiler. Yes yes. Evil!



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