Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 12

Gasps and shrieks towards the entrance of the school’s cafeteria quickly attracted the attention of the rest of the students inside. And soon enough, many eyes were immediately locked on Yuuji as he entered with a lunch box in his hand, looking around in search of someone. 


“Ah~! It’s Yuuji-kun~! Oh, do you see that? That must be the rumored lunch box! The one he makes himself!”


“Eh?! Seriously?! He can cook too?! How amazing~”

“Ah~ I want to taste it too~ Just once is enough~”


“I really envy the Tsubakihara sisters~ Their lunches were also made by him!”


“Wow… I wish I have a boyfriend like that…”


“I know right~ Not only does he got the looks, but he can also cook~ I’ll definitely be a spoiled girlfriend if I have a boyfriend like him~”


Ignoring the comments and gazes of the female students around him, he quickly made his way deeper into the cafeteria. 


Soon, he saw a girl with a bright smile, waving both of her hands at him, and made his way to her. 


Nearing them, Yuuji could immediately recognize four other beautiful girls with similar appearances, but different styles and air to them, sitting at the same table with their cafeteria-bought lunches before them. 


One of the girls with the two-star hair clips, in particular, had a lot of food before her that caught his attention. Udon noodles, grilled shrimps, grilled squid, grilled oak, baked potatoes, and even a cup of pudding for desserts… 


While he understands that women have varying levels of appetite as do men, he was still slightly taken aback. His mother, sisters, and aunt almost never ate this much food in one sitting. All leftovers on the dinner table were essentially dumped into him. So it was quite surprising for him to see a cute, petite girl eat this much food.


The moment he arrives, all eyes of the quintuplets turn to him with varying reactions. But there was one thing that Yuuji noticed from all of them aside from Yotsuba. Apprehension. 


“Here he is, girls~! This is Tsubakihara Yuuji! He has been helping me a lot with my studies!”


“It is nice to meet you. As Yotsuba has introduced, my name is Tsubakihara Yuuji. I’ve been in her care as her classmate and friend.”


All four of them continued to stare at him until the girl with short hair curled her lips into a teasing grin and narrowed her eyes. 


“Hm~ So this is the rumor “hottest guy in school”~ I was really surprised when I found out you’re close friends with our little Yotsuba, here~”


“Hmph. I’ve never heard of his academic achievements in school. How is he qualified to teach us?”


The girl with butterfly hair clips said with narrowed eyes, clearly looking to be on guard as she crossed her arms. 


“...I’ve never heard of it either. Was he the one who lent you those notes?”


The girl with a pink headset resting around her neck said with a quiet voice. It didn’t seem like she was trying to lower her voice on purpose. It was just her natural volume. 


“He is~! The notes were all copied from Yuuji-kun!”




And lastly, the girl with a lot of food before her was staring at him silently and fixated, as if observing his every movement.


This… might be tougher than I first expected.


Yuuji sighed inwardly and sat down beside Yotsuba after she moved away slightly to give him space. 


Even without his enhanced senses, he could feel the tense air prickling at his skin and the piercing gazes from four directions. 


“Before anything else, may I know your names? I believe simply saying “Nakano-san” to address one of you would be quite confusing, given you all share the same family name.”


“Ahaha~ I see~ Good thinking, Yuuji-kun~ My name is Nakano Ichika. Call me Ichika, okay~?”

“...I am Nakano Nino.”


“...Miku. Nakano Miku. It’s nice to meet you.”


“My name is Nakano Itsuki. Pleased to meet you.”


Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki… I see. That makes it easy to remember.


Yuuji smiled, surprising the four girls, and began opening his lunch. 


“Well then, before we talk, let’s have our lunch first. It'd be better if we could talk with a full stomach, wouldn’t it?”


“Alright~! I’m also very hungry~! Thank you for the food~!”


With Yotsuba leading by example, the girls also begin to eat one by one, starting from Itsuki. 


It seems like she has been holding back all this time.


Despite her clear apprehension towards him, she seemed like a well-mannered girl with an adorable gap-moe. 


“Hey, Yuuji-kun~ Did you really make your own lunch~? It seems very well done~”


Ichika leaned over towards him with a teasing smile while purposefully or accidentally flashing her deep valley from the opened buttons of her uniform. 


“I do, though my mother also helped me quite a bit. I just learned how to cook a few days ago.”


“Really~? Just a few days ago? That’s amazing~”


“Thank you. Would you like to have a try?”


The moment those words left his mouth, all four girls immediately turned to him with a piercing gaze. 


Similarly surprised, Ichika blinked a few times before her lips curled even more into a teasing grin, accompanied by a light blush on her cheeks. 


“Oh my~ I thought you were aiming for Yotsuba~ But could you perhaps be aiming for me instead~?”


She was clearly trying to tease him. But as someone who has been teased by his mother and aunt for years, he wasn’t some regular boy who would become flustered by this level of teasing, even if it is from a beautiful girl. 


“I was simply being polite. If you do not want to try any, then it can’t be helped.”


Yuuji replied calmly with a soft smile and began to eat.


But before he could take a bite, Yotsuba suddenly grabbed his shoulders and looked at him with sparkling eyes. 


“Yuuji-kun! I want to try!! Please!!!!”


“Of course. Which one do you want?”


“Really~? Yay~!!! Then~ I shall take this rolled omelet graciously.”


Yuuji held out his lunch box and let her pick up the omelet with her own wooden chopsticks, the disposable ones she got from the cafeteria. 


She put the entire thing into her mouth at once and began chewing. 


“Uhmmmmmm~!!!! It’s so fluffy and delicious~!!! How could a simple rolled omelet be so flavorful~! The juices are bursting from every bite~!”


Yotsuba held her cheeks with both hands and ascended to heaven as she enjoyed the rolled omelet from Yuuji. 


How cute.


Even if she was overreacting, Yuuji couldn’t help but smile softly as she blissfully ate the food he made. She looked absolutely adorable, and her green ribbon headband made it seem like she was a little animal. He could easily imagine it beginning to twitch just like a real animal’s ears. 


Satisfied by her adorableness, Yuuji took his gaze off Yotsuba and decided to start eating. But he noticed the other four sisters looking towards him, this time at his lunch boxes. 


With a helpless smile, Yuuji raised his lunch box towards them.


“Would you like to try some as well?”


“Oh my~ Really~ Thank you~ I couldn’t not try one after seeing Yotsuba’s reaction~ Thank you for the food~!”


“...Hmph! T-Then I guess I’ll have one, only because you’re offering it!”


“...I’ll take a chicken karaage. Thank you very much.”


“T-Thank you. T-Then, I shall take an omelet as well. Thank you for the food.”


One by one, with varying levels of reaction and expression, the girls picked their food item of choice and ate it. 


And just like Yotsuba, an expression of amazement, shock, and blissfulness appeared on their faces. 


“This is amazing~ I never thought an omelet could taste like this!!”

“I-I-Is this real…? How could a simple chicken karaage taste like this…?!”


“...It’s very delicious. This is the best chicken karaage I’ve ever had.


“This is amazing. Yuuji-kun, you’re very skilled at cooking! I never thought an omelet could be so flavorful and perfect!”


“Thank you very much for your praise. My mother taught me very well. She is a great cook herself.”


Or rather, she is the best cook in the entire world for me.


Yuuji thought proudly to himself. Even if there are other chefs who are objectively better, for him, his mother would always be number 1. Nothing could beat the taste of home and a mother’s love. 


Yuuji then began enjoying his lunch and chatting with Yotsuba and Ichika once in a while as they ate, while Nino, Miku, and Itsuki observed them from the sidelines, only joining the conversation when they were mentioned. 




Upon finishing their lunch, Nino immediately began by bringing up the main topic of their meeting. 


“So? Are you really going to be our tutor? Not to offend you or anything, but I don’t think I see your name in the top 10 for our entrance exam. Can you really manage your own studies on top of teaching us?”


Her tone was rude and perhaps a bit haughty, but her questions were reasonable. After all, he was just recommended by her sister with the only evidence being his slightly more neat notes. Compared to a real tutor their father had planned for them, it’s understandable why they would question his abilities. 


Yotsuba looked a bit worried upon hearing her sister’s words and glanced toward Yuuji to see his reaction, but he didn’t mind it. Perhaps because he “recalled” various knowledge from his previous life that he felt quite calm in this situation. 


“I understand your concern. It is understandable for you to not believe in my abilities just from Yotsuba’s words alone. However, I am confident in my abilities to teach you while not neglecting my own studies, so please do not worry. If you still find my abilities questionable, then perhaps you can see Yotsuba’s notes first before deciding.”


Nino’s eyes continue to pierce through him, glaring at him with a small frown. 


She didn’t like it. Yuuji still seemed like a playboy trying to impress her and her sisters without any actual ability to back it up. 


The only thing holding her back from rejecting him right away was because of Yotsuba and the fact that he confidently presented the evidence that would be his downfall if false. 


Tch, if I knew she’ll actually bring this guy here, I would’ve looked at the notes yesterday and judged for myself!


Yotsuba had tried showing the notes she copied from Yuuji to her sisters when she was suggesting this to them yesterday. But Ichika and Nino didn’t care enough to give it a glance. Only Miku, who was already there and was pestered by Yotsuba to see it, and Itsuki, whose curiosity got the better of her, saw it. 


“Hey~ Are you really intent on teaching us~? Are you sure it’s not just to get close to Yotsuba~?”


“W-Wha-?! Ichika! What are you saying! How can you be so rude to Yuuji-kun!”


Ichika kept her eyes on Yuuji despite her sister’s words. Her lips were smiling, but he could see the seriousness in her eyes. 


I see. She truly is the eldest sister, both in name and reality. 


She prioritizes his intentions more than his abilities to teach them. Meaning that even if he was truly capable of teaching them, she won’t accept him if he’s simply doing it with an ulterior motive to get closer to Yotsuba. And perhaps due to his appearance, he has been labeled as a playboy by most of the Nakano sisters. 


“I am doing this out of my pure intention to help Yotsuba. She requested me to help teach her sisters, and I am here today because I am willing to be of help.”


Yuuji continued as the Nakano sisters all gazed at him with attention.


“And if it makes you feel more comfortable, I may not be able to tutor you every day because I have my own business to take care of as well. But if you have any questions or would like to hold a study session, I will gladly help you as long as I have the time. I will also do my best to help you during examination periods.”


Having laid everything bare in front of them, Yuuji waited for them to deliberate on their own. He had made it clear to them that he didn’t come here to meet them for any nefarious intentions such as seducing Yotsuba or any one of them. He was only here because Yotsuba asked him. 


If they still find it difficult to trust him, then he could simply help Yotsuba alone whenever she asked him to teach her. It wouldn’t hurt him either way. 


After a while, a soft voice broke the silence that had been growing as the Nakano sisters deliberated.


“...I’m fine with it. It wouldn’t hurt to have someone to help us with our studies. I’ve also seen his notes. It’s clear and easy to understand.”


Miku said quietly as she looked down at her drink before glancing at Yuuji. 


“...I agree as well. Tsubakihara-san’s notes were very clean, easily understandable, and detailed. He also underlines the important things to note, displaying his clear understanding of the subject. I believe he will be able to help us with our studies.”


Itsuki agreed, glancing between her sisters. She was actually here just to see what kind of person Yuuji was. There have been plenty of rumors about Yuuji being a perfect prince with a ridiculously handsome face, a perfect figure, and a kind-hearted personality. But she couldn’t just believe it. After all, no one should be that perfect. And if someone appears that way, then they must be hiding their dark side to appear perfect. 


But after listening to his words, she didn’t sense any malicious intentions within him. Or rather, he has been genuine and patient with them all this time, even after Nino’s rude attitude. 


It might be a good choice to at least give him a chance. 


Ichika still had her gaze fixed on Yuuji, before a wider smile appeared on her beautiful face that seemed to have brightened along with it. 


“I agree to~ Let’s see if he could really teach us~ If not, we can simply find another tutor, right~?”


“I am fine with that arrangement.”


Yotsuba’s face brightened at Miku, Itsuki, and Ichika’s agreement and she immediately turned towards Nino, looking at her in anticipation. 


Seeing her sparkling eyes, Nino’s face scrunched up before finally giving up. 


“Ugh… Fine! I’ll accept you being our tutor! We’ll start next week. But if you dare do anything to any one of us, I’ll make sure you regret it! Understand!


“Of course.”




Even though he will formally start becoming their tutor next week, Yuuji told them that he’ll be lending all of his notebooks to Yotsuba by the end of the day. They could copy it and try to understand it as much as possible before returning it the day after.


He had made his notes as instructive and educative as possible, and Yotsuba was capable of finishing her assignment with the help of his notes. So with this, Yuuji hoped they could at least catch up with the lessons up until now by simply reading his notes. 


Upon returning home, doing his assignments, and having dinner with his family, a DM notification caught Yuuji’s attention while he was on his desk with his laptop and a chart of the stocks he was tracking. 


Kiryuu Aika: “I need help! Please! It’s urgent!”

Quickly opening the Multiverse Chat Group app, Yuuji hurriedly replied to her.


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “What’s wrong?! Are you okay?! What happened?!”


Knowing her world wasn’t a peaceful one with many dangers hidden in the dark, especially for humans, Yuuji couldn’t help but become anxious. 


Did the devils already get to her? Or did she get targeted by fallen just like Issei in the story? Dammit!


Yuuji stared at his phone, waiting anxiously for a reply until another message popped up.


Kiryuu Aika: “I need your selfie! Please! I need it now! Or else I’ll be in really big trouble tomorrow!!!”


Every single muscle in his body froze for a moment. His mind blanked the moment he read her message.


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “....What?”


Kiryuu Aika: “Like I said! I need your selfie! I need to show these guys that I have a boyfriend so I can regain my peaceful high school life!

Yuuji’s eyes twitched in annoyance. He couldn’t believe he seriously panicked because of this stupid reason. 


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Why did you message me like you were in such big trouble?! I thought you were being abducted by a fallen angel or captured by a devil!!!! Can you not be misleading?!”


Kiryuu Aika: “Hey! This is a big problem too, you know?! I can’t even have my lunch today because I’ve been rejecting confessions left and right!!! I’ve been surrounded by guys all day today! I can’t even talk to my friends!!!”




Yuuji couldn’t be mad at her any longer because he experienced the same thing as well. He was fortunate enough to have close friends that helped him deter girls from approaching him too closely. He’s also spending most of his time during breaks with his sisters or close friends, so he was safe during that time period as well. 


Moreover, perhaps due to seeing how females close to him behaved when it comes to romance, he believed that women tend to try and find out the personality of their subject of interest first before confessing their feelings to him. 


Of course, some of the more “confident” ones who never even talked to him before Yuuji’s change in appearance did confess their love for him, which he rejected. But there wasn’t a lot. In the near future, perhaps he might begin receiving more and more confessions. 


In contrast, men might be more spontaneous and assertive in their courting strategy. In the first few weeks of their high school life, his sisters, Yuna and Nina, had received many confessions from male students they’d never even talked to. And many only confessed because they “fell in love at first sight”. 


Yuuji didn’t mind the concept of falling in love at first sight. After all, he himself fell in love with his mother at first sight. But confessing right after they “fell in love at first sight” seemed to him that they only fell in love with their outer appearances, not the heart. 


With such a shallow reason, men who are spontaneous, confident, horny, or all of the above would confess immediately to a beautiful girl who caught their attention. And high school boys often tick all those checkboxes, especially ones in a high school that was just recently changed from a girl’s only high school to a Co-Ed. 


It wasn’t that surprising that Aika, who had suddenly become beautiful enough to be on par, or perhaps even surpass, the two great beauties of Kuoh Academy, received that many confessions. 


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “...I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight. I was panicking when you sent those messages, thinking you’re in an emergency.”


Kiryuu Aika: “...I see. Then that’s fine~ Hehe~ I’m happy that you’re worried about me~ Worry about me more~”

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “I’m sorry. I’ve had enough of worrying today. Please come back tomorrow.”


Kiryuu Aika: “Wait! I still need your selfie!!!”


Yuuji thought for a moment. Knowing that she’s in an even more troublesome situation than him, Yuuji truly wanted to help her. But if he sent his selfie, then he’ll be recognized as Aika’s boyfriend in her school.


Even though they get along very well while chatting with each other and they knew about each other from their story, the fact that they’ve never actually met before still stands. No matter how close they are now, Yuuji couldn’t think of her as his girlfriend at this point in their relationship. 


Moreover, he might need to go to her world in the future for their quest. It would be very difficult and awkward for the both of them if he had to act as her boyfriend after the fact. 


But still… She asked this of me because I am the only one she could ask.


Satoru would look too old for her to convince her admirers and friends that they were dating, while Tatsuya and Lelouch weren’t as close to her as Yuuji. 


He was the only one she was comfortable with asking this for. And considering how close they are now…


Yuuji felt his cheeks blushing for a moment and his heart starting to thump a beat quicker, and quickly shake his head. 


No no, calm down… Aika and I becoming a couple is still too far-fetched. We’re just friends right now.


Yuuji closed his eyes and thought deeply about her request while trying to calm his quickly beating heart. 


In the end…


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Fine. I’ll help you out. I still need to thank you for your pictures before, and I also understand how annoying it must be with all those confessions. I’ll give you a selfie.”


Kiryuu Aika: “Really~?! Yaaaayyy~! Thank you so much~!!!! I swear I won’t use it as a “side-dish” too frequently! I also won’t share this picture with anyone else!!!”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Wait a second. What is that second part supposed to mean?!”


Kiryuu Aika: “Hehe~ It’s nothing~ Come on! Hurry up and take it! Make sure to look as handsome as possible, okay~?”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “...Alright.”


Yuuji sighed and set the camera on his smartphone to his front camera. This was the first time he had ever taken a selfie, but he managed to let out a small, genuine smile that seemed natural. 


He could feel his cheeks burning from sending his own selfie to his female friend. After a few moments of preparing his heart, he sent it and waited for her reply. 


Kiryuu Aika: “Eeeeehh~? Is that it~? How boring~ Wear something better please~ Like a collared shirt so you look more mature! Also, change the settings of your camera so it’ll look better! And pose better! Be more attractive!”

T-This girl…


Yuuji could easily imagine Aika blabbering all these orders with a stupid grin on her face, which somehow made him want to squish her cheeks and make her pay. But in the end, he acquiesced and listened to her each and every request. 


He wore various clothes and took selfies according to the pose she asked for. In the end, he had sent much more than he first expected and was completely drained mentally by the end of it. 


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “...Happy?”


Kiryuu Aika: “Uhn~! They’re all amazing~! With this, no one would be brave enough to confess to me anymore~!!! Thank you, Yuuji~! I love you~! You’re the best~!


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “You’re welcome…”  


Kiryuu Aika: “Hehe~ Now then, let’s chat~”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “...What?” 



Aika hummed a cheerful anime song with her beautiful voice on her way to school the next morning, ignoring all the gazes she received, perverted or not, from the male students who were on their way to school as well. 


Everything that happened last night kept replaying in her mind, and every time she thought about it, she became happier and happier. 


She thought she’d only get one selfie from him after much convincing. But to her great surprise, Yuuji agreed to all of her requests and send all of the selfies he took!!! She can’t believe it!!!


In truth, the first one he sent was already perfect. With just his face and that beautiful natural smile he gave, it was already more than enough to convince her friends and admirers that she has a boyfriend. But she coudln’t help it. 


Yuuji was just too handsome. His appearance is practically the embodiment of everything she likes in a man. So in the end, she lost to her desires and tried asking him to try out various clothes and take a selfie in various poses. 


She never though he’d agree that easily. 


Geez… Is he trying to make me fall for him~?


It wasn’t only this instance. Ever since knowing him and talking to him through the multiverse group chat, she has been noticing things about him that she couldn’t help but love. 


He’s funny, understanding, kind, smart, considerate, and cares about his friends and family very much. Chatting with him was always fun, even when they were chatting about the most mundane stuff. 


Before she knew it, she felt like she was slowly falling in love with him even though it has just been a few days since she knew him. 


She wants to know more about him. She wants to meet him in person. She wants to talk with him in person. She wants to see him wearing these clothes in person. She wants to have fun with him in person!


And perhaps by then, she might fall in love with him completely. 


Honestly~ What a sinful guy~


Aika looked down at her smartphone and giggled softly. She had already changed her lock screen and her wallpaper to Yuuji’s selfies he sent last night, and she has been staring at all of his photos while chatting with him all night. 


If she wasn’t a high human, she would’ve had dark circles under her eyes and looked completely exhausted after not getting a single wink of sleep.


Before she knew it, Aika arrived at her school where a lot more students noticed her cheery mood, and a lot more boys became entranced by her smile. 


At first, Kiryuu Aika was only known for her pervertedness that rivaled even the three greatest perverts in the entire academy by her classmates. 


But now, she was known as the third great beauty of Kuoh Academy in the entire academy with her appearance rivaling, and in terms of sexiness even surpassing Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno. 


Countless males students have fallen for her and even tried confessing to her. Compared to the other two great beauties of Kuoh, Aika was much friendlier and was in her first year of high school, making them more confident in getting accepted. 


But even after two days of an endless stream of confessions, she never accepted a single one of them. Some were heartbroken from being rejected instantly, while some who knew of her “perverted nature” tried to force themselves on her, only to be thrown to the ground before they know it. 


Even the second-year and third-year sports club members who tried to force themselves on her were thrown to the ground just like any other despite their much larger build and strength. And after she embarrassed the Judo Captain by flipping him over with one hand and walking away, no one was brave enough to try forcing themselves on her. 


In exchange, the number of confessions from the still optimistic male increased instead. Even this early in the morning, there are already many male students standing around the halls leading to her class with their hearts beating in anticipation. 


And the moment she appeared, all eyes turned to her. But unlike the other few days, they were all frozen in their place.


Aika would normally quicken her steps and hurry inside her class. All of them were ready to at least get her attention or stop her in her path. 


But now, they were all completely entranced by her soft, beautiful smile as she walked past them while looking at her smartphone. 


One by one, Aika passed by her admirers while they were frozen in shock. But when she was about to reach her class, a first-year student from another class suddenly jumped out and stepped in front of her, catching her attention. 


“U-U-Uhm!!! E-E-Excuse me! M-My name is I-Ichika! Sato Ichika! U-Uhm! I-I’ve become entranced by your beauty and elegance ever since I first laid my eyes on you! A-A-And I-I’ve fallen in love! W-W-Will you please be my girlfriend!!!”


The decent looking young boy with messy black hair shouted with his cracked voice as he bowed his body, almost to a 90-degree angle, and raised her hand towards her. 


He was completely stiff and extremely nervous, so much so that she couldn’t bear to raise his face towards her and meet her eyes. 


Some of his friends who had confessed to her told him their tale of being slapped by words of rejection before they could even finish their confessions. So he had readied his heart for such a thing. Even though he was quite confident with his looks, the girl he’s confessing to was too far beyond his league. He understood that fact completely and knew that his chances of success were low. In fact, he even expected to be treated like his other friends. 


But even after waiting for so long, an answer never came.


Feeling hopeful, he slowly opened his eyes and raised his head slightly, just enough to see her face. And there she was looking at him, no, observing him with those bewitching golden eyes. 


He instantly felt optimistic. This had never happened before. Even the guys who were watching this from the sidelines felt their hearts sank. 


After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Aika let out a beautiful smile.


Even Sato Ichika, who was known for his adorableness and shota attribute, look so plain… Hehe~ You really have to take responsibility for ruining my sense of beauty, Yuuji~


“I’m very sorry, but I am already in love with someone else~!”




All the boys immediately froze in place. Their faces paled as their eyes widened in disbelief. 


And before any of them could react, a girl’s voice from within the class was the one to break the silence.


“Eh?! Seriously?! Aika you got someone you love?!?!?!”


“I do~ I’ve actually been in love with him for quite a while and we finally started dating officially a few days ago~”


“Eh?!?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”


“Well~ He’s too handsome, you see~ So I needed to keep him a secret until I can improve myself to be on the same level as him~ And now that I am, I can finally let it be known to the world~!!”


“Too handsome? Do you have his picture?”




Aika gave her smartphone to her friend, and the moment she saw the photo of Yuuji laying his head on his arm on the table while looking at the camera with a soft, gentle smile, her face turned instantly red.


She began sliding through the images, all of which were that of an insanely handsome young man’s selfie.


Seeing her reaction, the other girls also became extremely curious and crowded around her. And they all turn completely red as well. 


“I-I-Is this real…?!”


“It’s real~ If you still don’t believe me, why don’t you check my chat logs with him~? We chatted the entire night last night~”


Immediately, they opened up her chat and looked at the content.


At first glance, it only seemed like a chat between extremely close friends. But then, they started talking about going for a trip to an extremely luxurious ryokan in Kyoto. Alone! Just the two of them! 


It was unmistakably a conversation between lovers!!!


“I-I-It’s real…”




At that moment, all the boys burst into tears of sadness and despair. But their cries were quickly drowned out by the girls’ gasps and shrieks of excitement as they looked at each and every one of Yuuji’s selfies on Aika’s phone. 




AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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