Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 6

Like all cafeterias in any school, the cafeteria of Bonyari High School was packed with students trying to get their lunch during their lunch break. 


While not every student gathered in the cafeteria for lunch, a majority that didn’t bring their own lunch from home came and participated in the battlefield. 


Most went only to buy their lunch after seeing no opened tables in the cafeteria. But for the few that were early enough and had luck on their side, they managed to get a seat there and ate their lunch with their friends. 


This morning, however, was slightly different. 


In addition to the students who came to buy lunch, there were also students who stood at the edge of the cafeteria, gathering with their friends in small groups. Most of them were female students from all three grades of Bonyari High School, and their attention was focused on a particular table at the far side of the cafeteria, where most other students who were there also focused their gaze upon. 


News of the super-hot “transfer student” had spread far and wide throughout the high school by word of mouth and by photos secretly taken by female students’ smartphones who had the luck to cross his path. By the time lunch had come, a majority of curious female students who had seen the photo brought their friends along to search and hopefully gained a glimpse of the rumored adonis to confirm the hype. 


Now that they’ve laid their eyes on him, each and every one of them believed in one single fact; the photo did not do him justice. He was… far beyond their expectations. 


He was not smiling in the photo, given it was one taken secretly. But, he was now smiling and even laughing as he talked with his friends! 


They couldn’t take their eyes off of him! They truly wished they could be the girls eating with him on the same table, even if it meant staying in such a packed cafeteria!


As the majority of the students focused their attention on him, Yuuji did his best to ignore all the stare and focus on his lunch and conversation with Raku, Shu, and the girls. 


It was… even worse than when he was in class. Going to the cafeteria was… a mistake. 


Should he perhaps request his mom to make him and his sisters lunch…? After all, if every lunch would be like this, he didn’t know if he could do it…


Mm… Let’s ask mom to make us lunch from now on…


He finally made his decision. Although he felt bad… it would be tough for him to go through this every day. 


Ah, maybe I should help her. With Accelerated Learning, I can learn how to cook from her quickly and help. Moreover…


If he helped her make their lunch… Then they would be alone early in the morning…


T-That’s not a bad idea…


Simply imagining the sight of his beautiful, elegant mother in an apron cooking side by side with him… Learning how to cook as he listened to her alluring voice the first thing after he woke up.


It was the best. No, the greatest! He would love that!!!


“Hey, Yuuji! Are you listening?!”


“E-Eh? What? I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”


Yuuji snapped out of his daze and turned towards a pouting Yotsuba who was staring at him with a frown.


“Like I said, do you want to work together on the science assignment we got just now?”


“Hm? Wasn’t it a simple assignment? We only need to make a report on a subtopic we’re interested in and explore it deeply, right? Just rely on your notes, and you’ll be fine.”


Her pout grew bigger and she began holding her head, frustrated.


“That’s the problem! I haven’t been taking notes in class!”


Because of you!!! Yotsuba added loudly in her mind. 


After all, all throughout class, she had been so distracted by Yuuji’s appearance that she took even fewer notes than usual!


So, this was Yuuji’s fault! Definitely!!!


Looking at her glare, Yuuji shook his head and let out a sigh.


“Hah… It can’t be helped. I’ll lend you my notes.”


“R-Really?! Yaaayyy!!! Thank you, Yuuji~!!!”


“Yes yes. Actually, I’ve also been writing notes for the advanced topics as well, so you can also use them for this assignment if you want.”


“Eh? Yuu-kun, you’ve written notes for the advanced topics as well?”


Yuna and Nina, as well as everyone else in the table all turned to him surprised. 


They knew how diligent he was, but even the most diligent student would only write plenty of notes. Who’d make notes for advanced chapters as well?!


“Yeah. I’ve already understood the current topic, so I thought I would go a little further and prepare in advance.”


Well, I’ve actually already understood everything there is in the textbook like the back of my hand… The effect of accelerated learning speed sure is terrifying. I understood everything in an instant.


“Hee~ That’s amazing!”


“Hehehe~ Yuu-kun is so diligent~”


“Mm. You should learn from him, nee-san.”


“G-Geez! Nina-chan, don’t say that!”


“Heeeh… That’s amazing…”


Ai looked at him surprised, along with Kosaki and Rui who were sitting on her side.


“Hee~ That’s so diligent of you. I don’t even take any notes.”


“Are you bragging, miss top-ten-ranked-student?”


“Hm? No, just the truth.”


Yuuji looked at her in disbelief, while the others sweatdropped at her comment, speechless. It was the truth... as vexing as it was. 


Though, Yuuji could probably do the same thing now. 


“Alright! Gimme your notes later! I’ll copy them during the next class!”


“...Then won’t you miss that class?”


“It’s fine! I’ll just copy your notes again for that class!”


With a proud expression, Yotsuba placed her hands on her slim waist and pushed her chest out, proud of her genius idea.


A sigh escaped his lips as Yuuji looked at his friend with a helpless smile.


“You should at least try to take your own notes...”



The final bell of the day rang throughout Bonyari high school, signaling the end of the school day. 


The moment the teacher left the class, Yotsuba jumped out of her seat and dashed towards Yuuji’s seat, surprising him in the process. 


She slammed her hands on her table and leaned forward until her face was right in front of his. 


“Yuuji! Let me bring your notes home! I’ll give it back to you tomorrow!”


After reading his notes and copying them to her notebook, she was absolutely amazed by how incredible it was. 


His notes were so detailed, yet very easy to understand. He highlighted all the important points while still keeping the small little details that will help her understand the topic of discussion better. 


Just by reading them, she could understand the topic better than she listened to the teacher!!! It’s too incredible! It’s a complete walkthrough of the subject!! 


With this, she was confident she could get a passing grade on the next test! She needed this cheat code!!!


Subjected by such an intense gaze, Yuuji flinched slightly from her sudden outburst and nodded slowly.




Immediately, a brilliant smile replaced her intense expression. 


“Thank you!!! You’re the best!! Don’t worry! I’ll definitely finish it by today and return it to you tomorrow!”


“Y-Yeah, don’t worry about it. But… Y-You’re a bit too close…”




After hearing her words, Yotsuba finally realized how close her face was to his, and her face burst into a crimson blush and pulled away.


“I-I-I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to get that close!”


“A-Ahahaha, it’s fine…”




She lowered her head and covered her redly blushing face with her hands, unable to meet his eyes. 


How could she do such a bold thing! Now, she couldn’t get his handsome face out of her mind!!!!


“Oh my~ What did you do, Yuuji? It’s not good to sexually harass a girl in class, you know~?”


Shu teased as he and Raku walked to his table with their bags slung over their shoulders.


“I’m not harassing anybody, you idiot. She just came to ask me if she could bring my notes home.”


“Ahahaha~ I see~”


“Hah… Alright, stop being stupid and let’s go home. I’ll go pick up my sisters. Do you guys wanna go ahead?”


“No, we can wait. Let’s go together.”


“Going home with such beauties is a privilege of being your friend, after all!”


“...I suddenly feel like not being your friend anymore. Let’s go before I change my mind.”


Yuuji put everything on his desk to his bag and slung it over his shoulders as well before standing up.


“Oh, Ai. Are you going home too? Or do you have swimming practice today?”


“Yes, I need to go to my club today, so you guys can go ahead.”


“I see. Then, see you tomorrow.”


“Mm. See you.”


“Oi, Chitoge. We’re going home. You coming?”

Chitoge, who was talking with her girlfriends, flinched slightly in surprise when she heard Yuuji call her name. His voice, which seemed sexier and smoother than how she remembered it to be in the past, made her heart skip a beat as she turned towards him


“E-Eh? Ah, sure! One sec!”




Yuuji then turned towards Yotsuba.


“Yotsuba, do you want to come home with us as well?”


“E-Eh? U-Uhm… I would love to, but I’ll be going home with my sisters. I have something to tell them.”


“I see. Okay, no problem. Next time then.”


“Mm. Next time.”


Yuuji raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw her reaction. Seeing Yotsuba act so meekly was a first… It was unlike her usual cheerful persona. She was just like a cute little flustered animal right now.


“Rui-chan~ Onodera-san too, would you like to go home with us~?”


“Stop saying my name with such a disgusting tone. Kosaki, what do you think?”


“M-mm, I don’t mind.”


“Alright. We’ll put up with you.”


With Kosaki and Rui joining the group as well as Chitoge, who quickly said goodbye to her visibly envious friends, they all exited the class and went to the class next door to pick up Yuna and Nina before heading home.


Meanwhile, Yotsuba quickly put all of Yuuji’s notebook and her things back into her bag and exited her class.


I need to tell them and dad about Yuuji! If he became our tutor, then we’ll definitely pass our exams!


Holding such determination in her heart, she quickly went to her sister's classroom and dragged them back home for an emergency conference.




“We’re home~!”


Yuna, Nina, and Yuuji announced their return as usual as they took off their shoes. As Yuuji took all their indoor sandals and placed them on the floor for his sisters, he noticed his aunt’s high heels were missing. 


Oh, right. She’s still in her cafe.


Rose, the cafe owned by his aunt that was only a few blocks away from their house, was a popular cafe amongst high school students as well as young adults due to its cozy atmosphere, modern and elegant decor, and the “trendy” coffee drinks that intense coffee enthusiasts may argue otherwise. 


However, that was something Aika intended from the very beginning. After all, she wasn’t a coffee enthusiast in the first place and simply enjoyed a variety of drinks with coffee. So, she made her cafe with that idea in mind and aimed it towards the younger generations of customers, and succeeded.


Now, her cafe has become one of the most popular cafes in the city with plenty of young adults, couples, college students, and high school students visiting it to relax, study, or just to buy drinks before returning home.


Because of its popularity, his aunt would be very busy at this time, even though she had already made the cafe self-running with the staff she hired. 


It may still be a few hours before she will return home, hopefully by dinner.


Just then, the beautiful figure of their mother appeared to welcome them. A light blue apron draped over the front of her body, reaching barely halfway through her milky thighs because of her enormous twin peaks. 


“Oh my~ Welcome home~ I’m currently making dinner, so you can go change first, okay~?”


“Ah, thank you, mom~ Then, we’ll be in the living room-”


“Nee-san, we still have an assignment. Let’s finish it before dinner.”


“E-Eh? B-But…”


“No buts. Yuuji, you should do your assignment as well before dinner.”


“Mm. I will after I talk to mom. You two can go ahead.”


“Eh? What do you want to talk about~?”


Yuna puffed her cheeks and looked at him with a glare that only looked cute to Yuuji, slightly upset because she had been excluded from the conversation. 


Nina also looked at him curiously, but Yuuji simply smiled at them.


“You will find out tomorrow.”


The two tilted their heads confusedly before finally relenting after Yuuji coax them for a while, leaving him and his mother behind.


“Ufufufu~ Now I’m becoming more and more curious about what you wanted to talk to me for~ Let’s go to the kitchen, Yuuji. You can tell me while I cook, okay?”




Yuuji followed after his mother as they head to the kitchen. His gaze unknowingly gravitated towards her shapely hips before snapping out and feeling the embarrassment from being hypnotized by his mom’s sexy butt on his face. 


She resumed her cooking, chopping up some vegetables and a block of tofu, presumably for the miso soup.


Near the chopping board, Yuuji can also see a plate with five fillets of salmon, seasoned with salt and pepper and a little bit of garlic, and bite-sized little blocks of chicken marinated with dark, brown liquid and visible chopped up and crushed pieces of garlic in a zip-locked bag. 


On the stove, Yuuji could see a sizeable pot on one of them, emanating a pleasant shrimp fragrance, most likely boiling the shrimp head and skin to be the base for a shrimp miso soup. While on the other was a pot of boiling oil that had just started being heated. 


Skillfully, and with grace Yuuji never noticed before, Mira quickly finished chopping up the vegetables and block of tofu into bite-sized pieces and set it aside on the chopping board before turning towards him. 


“So~? What would you like to talk about~?”


Yuuji’s attention was brought back from being mesmerized by her cooking figure and met gazes with his mother. 


“Ah, yes. Well… I have two requests for you, mom.”


“Hm? Of course, what are they?”


“Firslty, uhm… I would like for Yuna, Nina, and I to bring our own lunch to school starting tomorrow, if possible…”


Yuuji then started explaining to her the situation in his school cafeteria and how he and his sisters attracted too much attention to be comfortable eating there, especially after his appearance changed.


Mira listened quietly, staring at his handsome countenance with a slight blush on her cheeks, and nodded understandingly. 


“Ufufufu~ I see~ Okay then~ I will happily prepare lunch for the three of you~”

“Ah, can I help to make them? Although Yuna and Nina had been the center of attention since we enrolled in teh cafeteria, my recent… changes seemed to have escalated it. So, I would like to help!”


Mira looked at her son with slightly widened eyes. She didn’t expect him to suggest such a wonderful thing with such a handsome determined face!!


Cooking together with her son… Making bentos together with him the first thing in the morning while her daughters were asleep… 


She could stay close to him, watching him freely, hold his hand while he’s using a knife to make sure he doesn’t cut his precious hands, talking with him closely, and spending time with him the first thing in the morning…


What a wonderful suggestion~!


Mira snapped out of her fantasy and focused back on Yuuji. But then, she noticed a small blush on his cheeks.


I-Is he embarrassed~? Is he blushing because he thought of the same things as me~? Oh my, ufufufu~ What a naughty boy~


Her lips curled into a brilliant smile and she nodded her head. 


“Of course~ What a wonderful idea~ Ufufufu~ Don’t worry, mom will teach you everything you need to know, okay~?”


Something in the pit of his stomach tingled, like there were butterflies within it, when he heard the word everything from his mother. 


His cheeks grew even reader as she stared at the blushing countenance of his mother.


“T-Thank you, mom!”


“Mm~ Don’t forget to wake up earlier in the morning, okay~? So, what’s your second request~?”


“Yes. Uhm, for the second request…”


Mira noticed the expression on his son turned serious. The tone of his voice also became solemn as he looked at her straight in the eyes. 


“I would like to learn about how to do investment from you.”




With a feeling of weight lifted from his chest and a slight tingle in the pit of his stomach from looking forward too much for spending time alone with his mother alone tonight and tomorrow morning, Yuuji returned to his room after he finished his talk with his mother and changed his clothes. A small smile adorning his stunning countenance. 


She was very surprised when he told her he wanted to learn about investing. It was very sudden, but she accepted his request and told him to go to her office room after dinner, marking off one of his checkboxes for things he needed to do.


Then, he went to his desk and did his assignment, which he finished easily within even less than 30 minutes due to his newfound learning speed and enhanced memory. 


Tidying up his stationeries and books from his desk and putting them back into his bag, he laid down on his bed with his smartphone in hand to read what the Multiverse Group Chat had been up to. 


He spent quite a while chatting with them, including telling Aika to stop sending a selfie of herself in various sexy street clothes to him. 


She was most definitely an incredible beauty now and, hard as it was to admit for him, maybe even on par with his mother, sisters, and aunt. To see her wear a sleeveless one-piece dress that accentuated her curvaceous and beautiful bodyline would be a blessing for any guy. But, he has his principles and he felt like it would be weird for him to look at his friend he hadn’t even met in real life with lustful eyes.


Unfortunately, it seemed like she won’t be giving up soon since Tatsuya and Lelouch stopped responding to her while Suzuki begged her not to send him to prison. 


So, with a heavy sigh, he continued to entertain her whims for a while. 


Finally, after a promise to send him even more risque pictures if he send her a picture of himself topless, she stopped responding to the message and went idle. 


“Hah… I swear, this girl will be the death of me…”


Surprisingly, it was still around an hour before dinner, so Yuuji spent his time looking around his inventory for the gacha items he got. 


Hm… I want to give them the enchanted diamond accessories now, but it’d probably be a better idea to give them after I started gaining profits from my investments. 


He made a mental note to himself and then began looking around the other things he had. 


He had two luxurious and super expensive cake and strawberries as well as an antique tea set which, just like the diamond jewelry set, would probably make more sense to his family if he took it out after he got profits from his investments. 


The Scepter of Divine Sanctuary was supposed to be in this category as well. However…


...I really want to install it now. That way, I can rest assured that our home would be safe.


He brought out the Scepter of Divine Sancturay from his inventory, and a beautiful, 50cm long rod of gold with a diamond-shaped sapphire affixed by golden vines at its end appeared in mid-air in front of him and fall right into his hand.


“Wow… It’s beautiful.”


The golden surface of the scepter shined beautifully under the light in his room and the diamond glimmered like a twilight sky filled with glimmering stars. He had never seen anything as beautiful as this…


...This is bad. I don’t know how to bring this up to everyone.


Such a beautiful and eye-catching artifact would definitely catch the attention of his mother, sisters, and aunt, and he wouldn’t know how to explain how he got it!


Hiding it would also be difficult, given its size and the fact that his sisters, as well as the fact that his mother and aunt, knew his room inside out somehow. They could even find things in his room better than he could for some reason. 


He looked at the scepter once again… and then looked at his smartphone.


“...Should I just pretend it's a magical girl’s stick a friend gave me?”


After a moment of contemplation, he finally made his decision and began typing in his smartphone.


[Tsubakihara Yuuji: Aika, I need a favor.]







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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