Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 10 – Lycanthropy 101 and dinner with the Cullens

When I arrive at the reservation I make my way to Billy's home and knock on the door, seconds later he opens up.

"Hey, pop-pop."

"You really gonna keep doing that?"

"Until it stops being funny."

"I think that ship's sailed."

"Not for me it hasn't."

"Ugh whatever.

I came to talk about Jake, has he made a decision yet?"

"Yes he has, he's going to be the new alpha."

'Another thing that's changed. Because it was his own choice to become a werewolf, and because he has a way to learn self-control, he now sees himself as less of a monster. Making it easier to cope with the consequences of being a werewolf.

So now, instead of rejecting his birthright, he's embracing it.'

"Good, congratulations Billy."

"Thank you."

"And how  is the meditation going? Anyone achieve a partial transformation yet?"

"Yes actually, all of them. Jacob, Sam, Paul, Leah and Seth have all achieved full control."

"And how about you Billy?"

"I'm getting there, but I'm not in a hurry. I'm older and more experienced, controling my anger is easier for me."

"Good, just take your time. Normally it takes years. These kids are just a bunch of freaks for mastering it so fast."

"Haha, I'll take that as a compliment pop-pop."

Jacob appears from inside the house.

"Hey dad, didn't you want to ask him a question?"

"Yes Jake, I was just about to do so."

"Oh? What question is that Billy?"

"At the reservation school we decided to seperate the werewolves and prospective werewolves from the normal students. And provide them with a special curriculum. We were wondering if once or twice a week, you might be willing to teach them.

Well? What do you think?"

"Sounds great, I'll do it in return for one little favor."

"What's that?"

"I want you to propose to the council to turn the treaty with the Cullens into an alliance."

"Alright, I've actually been thinking about that myself since I've gotten to know Alice."

"Good, so when do I start teaching?"

"Well, if you think you might be able to come up with a subject in 2 hours, you can start right away."

"Hmm... Yeah, I might have an idea or two."

"Alright, fantastic. Mind if I sit in on the lesson? I'm very curious what you might teach."

"I don't see why not."

Two hours later, I walk into a classroom, but to my surprise every single werewolf and prospective werewolf among the Quileutes is sitting inside, waiting for me.

The youngest amongst them are about 12 years old whereas the oldest would be Harry Clearwater and Billy.

"Uhm, Billy? I thought I would just be teaching the kids."

"Yes well, when the others heard you were going to do this everyone decided to show up together."

"Very well, I suppose that's okay.

Alright everybody, welcome to Lycanthropy 101. Today's subject: empathy.

Elephants, gorillas and dolphins. These species all have something in common with wolves. Something that's incredibly rare in the animal kingdom. They educate their young, take care of their injured and live in family groups.

In us werewolves, this characteristic manifests in an ability called empathy.

When we see someone who is suffering whether physically or emotionally we have the power to ease their suffering through physical contact. This ability works on humans, werewolves, animals or even vampires...

Safe to say the first lesson was a success, an hour later I hadn't lost anyone's attention and everyone seemed even more enthusiastic about the lessons than they were, walking into the classroom, so I decided to teach classes like this twice a week. One theory lesson in a classroom and a practical lesson in the woods.

After the lesson I go home and read a few research papers on several subjects I'm interested in.

A few hours later I turn in for the night.

The next day, 5:30 pm. Alice shows up at my house.

"I didn't know you were coming to pick me up."

"That's why it's called a surprise silly.

Let's go."

"Hold on a second. Do you think Carlisle would agree to turning the treaty with the Quileute wolves into an alliance?"

"Yes, absolutely. That's what he wanted a century ago but the wolves back then didn't like the idea."

"Good, nothing is set yet, but I asked Billy if he could propose this idea to the council."

"Really?! That's fantastic news! Come, let's go tell the others."

A little while later we enter the Cullen residence through an open window, and we see that Bella and Edward have already arrived.

"Hi Bella, I'm Alice."

Alice then walks up to Bella and hugs her, then she says..

"Oh, you do smell good."

"Alice, what are you.."

"It's okay, Bella and I are gonna be great friends."

At this point there's an awkward little silence when I decide to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Fenris. Nice to meet you Bella."

"Hi Fenris, you're not a vampire like them, are you?"

"No, I'm not. How'd you guess?"

"Your eye color. Edward said a vampire's eyes are either black, gold or red, while yours are grey."

"Yes, you're right. But you're still the only human in this house."

"So, what are you then?"

"I'm a werewolf."

"That's cool. So you can turn into a wolf then?"

"Yes I can."

"Could you maybe show me?"

"If I do so now, I'd either lose my clothes or I'd have to strip naked first. And neither one is happening.

But I can show you this."

I then perform a partial transformation, except it's not like the one I use for combat. I suddenly grow a pair of wolf ears on top of my head and a tail sprouts from my tailbone.

Alice immediately starts playing with my tail since I hadn't shown her this transformation before.

'Why do I think this is about to become her new favorite pastime? I shouldn't have done this.'

I quickly put my ears and tail away.

Alice then leans into me and whispers..

"You're gonna have to show me that again later in private."

"Sure babe, whatever you want."

Then we make our way to the dinner table, where Bella and I start eating.

It's a little awkward for her, but I've gotten used to eating while Alice just watches. I do the same with Alice when we go out hunting together.

After dinner Edward takes Bella up to his room while Carlisle and I go to his office to talk.

"So what did you want to talk about Fenris?"

"I asked Billy Black to propose to the tribal council to turn the treaty into an alliance.

Now my question for you is if the terms are agreeable would you be open to this idea?"

"Of course, that's what I always wanted. Do you actually think the counsil will approve though?"

"Since they learned about my relationship with Alice, they've pretty much given her a free pass to enter the reservation. And her sunny attitude goes a long way in forging positive relationships. So yes, I think they'll go for it."

"Well that's fantastic, thank you Fenris."

"No problem, now if you'll excuse me. Alice is waiting for me."

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