Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 17 – Preparations and fighting the newborn army

The next day Jasper, Edward, Bella and I are on the field where the battle will be.

We're discussing our tactics.

"So if Fenris carries Bella up the mountain her scent trail ends here."

"Alright let's try it out then."

After confirming our plan will work, I go through the forest gathering enough animals to feed the Cullens and I command them to stay close to my house. This way they don't have to hunt, they can just feed in the morning, only hours before the battle starts.

I also make my own preparations, I decide to use an armor my mother enchanted for me.

(google: Leonidas Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The golden armor with red cape is his.)

Looking at the armor Alice chuckles a little.

"Why are you wearing an armor?"

"My mother enchanted it. When I transform into a full wolf, the armor disappears. And when I turn back, it reappears perfectly intact. So I don't have to walk around naked after transforming."

"That's pretty cool. Do you have other enchanted items?"

"Yes, over the last 20 years I've been tracking down and stealing historical items I know are enchanted in some way. Some of them were even created by me."

"You can enchant items?"

"Yes, it was one of the few forms of magic I could actually perform properly, even after becoming a werewolf."

"That's amazing. Did you create any items I might know about?"

"Not really, but this armor was worn by my grandson Leonidas I of Sparta."

"He was a werewolf?"

"Yes, his mother was one of my daughters."

"That's amazing."

"We're pretty much prepared for the fight tomorrow right? So let's go to the others."

When I arrived at the Cullen house in my armor, everyone looked at me with confused expressions and questioned why I was wearing it. But the confusion turned into amazement pretty quickly when I told them the armors functions.

"Your meals are prepared at my house, there should be enough animals for all of you. Tomorrow morning you all drink your fill of blood and then gather at the field."

The next day early in the morning I took Bella up the mountain and just before the battle started Seth came so I could go to the battlefield.

But what I did next startled Seth, Edward and Bella a little.

Instead of walking down the far side of the mountain and walking around towards the field. I took a short run and jumped off the mountain, straight towards the Cullens and the pack.

"Alice, when are the newborns arriving?"

"7 minutes left."

"Alright. Jacob, has Seth changed shifts with Fenris yet?"

"You could say that."

"What do you mean?"

"He'll be here in a few seconds."


I landed with a perfect superhero landing and my knees didn't even hurt.

"I meant he just jumped off the mountain."

"Yeah, we can see that Jacob."

I notice everyone staring at me with baffled expressions but instead of addressing their questions I remind them of the imminent arrival of our enemies.

"Guys, focus. We're all about to fight with our lives on the line.

Wolves, have you prepared the balloons?"

"Yes, just like you told us to."

"Good, here they come."

Moments later a group of about 60 newborn vampires came rushing at us.

'There are almost twice as many as in the book and movie. Hope everyone will be alright.'

Everyone on our side waited patiently until the army was closer and I gave the signal for the balloons to be thrown.


As soon as the balloons popped, about 8 of the vampires were covered in human blood and the others all lost focus and gathered their attention on the blood.

Using this opportunity we all rushed at them with me leading the charge, with my speed I arrived seconds before the others and started using my claws to efficiently lop off their heads left and right.

The others all started fighting the way I taught them to, but after the first few kills most of them regressed to their more familiar fighting styles.

'Well, I couldn't really expect them to perform perfectly after only one training session.'

After about 12 seconds the army regained their senses, but we used every last one of those seconds to reduce their numbers by about 30. At least 15 of them were killed by me.

The wolves haven't even entered the battle yet and we've already halved their numbers.

Now should be the right time to let the wolves enter as well. So I contact Jacob telepathically..

"Jacob now!"

As soon as the wolves enter the field, some of the vampires are shocked because they didn't even know they existed. However they quickly got their bearings and continued to fight.

The battle lasted a few minutes because with the army actually fighting back, killing them became a little harder for some on our side.

After a total of 4 minutes every vampire was taken care of and we started gathering them on one great pile and burnt them.

I then notice Carlisle and Esme have a young girl with them.

"Carlisle, who's this?"

"Her name is Bree Tanner. We offered her asylum when she surrendered."

"Alright, but the Volturi will arive any minute now. And I clearly remember them saying something like 'We do not offer second chances', don't you think it would be better if Esme takes her home right now, before they arrive?"

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Esme?"

"Sure I'll take her home. Bree, let's go."

Esme and Bree then quickly leave the battlefield.

"The wolves should also leave, the Volturi won't honor our alliance."

This is when I notice a newborn straggler still alive creeping up behind Leah so I quickly warn her telepathically..

"Leah, behind you!"

Unlike in the movie where the vampire gets the bettter of her, she defeats him easily by snapping off his arm and then going for the kill.

The wolves then all leave the battlefield as well and the remaining Cullens stay behind.

Edward and Bella arrive only moments before the Volturi.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky."

"I doubt that." Jane says. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight.

It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"If you'd arrived a half hou ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose."

"Pity. Do you know why they came, or who created them?" Jane asks.

"Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her." Edward says accusingly.

"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane." Carlisle says, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Of course.

Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane says as she looks towards Bella.

"The date is set." Edward says as he puts his arm in front of Bella protectively.

"Good, seeing as how our presence here isn't necessary, we'll take our leave now."

'Hmm, that was anticlimactic. But it won't be long now before I kill all of them.'

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