Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 7 – First day of school and the Cullen residence

The next morning after preparing for school and eating breakfast, I step into my car and take off towards the town.

Along the way I notice how uncharacteristically sunny it is for a November and I realize that because of this, the Cullen siblings won't be at school today.

After a 10 minute drive I arrive at school and step out of my car, I immediately notice how everyone's attention is focused on me.

'Yep, this is definitely going to be a long day.'

Hearing everyone around me talking to eachother I listen in on a few conversations before giving up and quickly going inside.

"Wow, he's so hot."

"And look at that hair, it's so long. It looks really cool."

The classes were all very boring for me, I mean come on, I was a professor at one of the most prestigious learning institutes in the world. It's not like a local high school can teach me something new. So I spent most of the time pretending to pay attention while I was really just daydreaming about Alice.

During lunchtime, I sit alone in a corner until I notice Bella's friends sitting together, Mike, Jessica, Angela and something I did not expect. Instead of Eric, the Asian boy in the group, there's now an Asian girl instead. After listening in on their conversation, it appears her name is Erica.

'How could I be so stupid. Of course things are different than the original story. My presence has changed things, and I even asked Rob if he could 'slightly alter the world so it will fit my background story', how could I forget that?

Wait a minute... Doesn't this mean that there might still be hope for me to be with Alice?

I need to know for sure.'

I quickly stand up and walk over to the group of friends, who seem surprised at me approaching them.

"Hey guys, I'm Fenris. Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Oh no please, sit." Jessica says without even looking at the others for confirmation.

"My name is Jessica and these are my friends Mike, Erica, Angela and Tyler."

I keep trying to come up with an excuse to mention the Cullens, until I realize I don't really need one.

"Can I ask you guys about the Cullens?"

"The 6 foster kids who are all together? Well all except 2 of them. What about them?"

"Well I heard someone mentioning that they were all together despite being siblings. I just thought that was a little odd."

"Well they are not really related though. But yeah there's like six of them, Rosalie and Emmett, they are together and then there's Jasper and Edythe, which makes Edward and Alice the only singles."

At this revelation I don't show any reaction, on the outside I seem completely calm but on the inside I'm going nuts.


After spending the last 24 hours thinking I may never get to be with the girl I imprinted on, I now feel like this huge boulder has dropped off my shoulders. No, actually I can' t even put into words how relieved I am.

After lunch break I go to 3 more classes before my first day is over.

I quickly exit the school and step into my car before driving home. Along the way I pass a cop car and notice Charlie is behind the wheel and next to him I see Bella.

'I guess today is the day Bella arrived in Forks.'

As soon as I got home, I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white button down shirt and a nice black sports jacket.

Realizing I still don't know where the Cullens live exactly, I step outside of my house and pull a Dr. Dolittle and start talking to a bird sitting in a tree next to my house.

"Hey little one, do you know where else in the forest I could find a house like mine except with mostly just glass windows instead of walls?"

"Sure it's very far that wa... Hold on a second!! How did I just understand you? Are you a bird pretending to be one of those ugly two legged monsters?"

"No, I have no time for this. Show me where the house is, now." I command it to perch on my shoulder and point me in the right direction.

After a leisurely stroll that lasted for about 35 minutes, during which the bird practically talked my ear off, we finally arrive at the Cullen residence.

" Thank you little one, now go back to whatever you were doing."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I was about to fly over you and drop a dookie on your head."

"So you little fuckers do that on purpose huh? Good to know. Now fly off, and don't come back."

'Maybe I should get a dog. Yeah that would be nice.'

I walk up to the front door and knock. In seconds, Carlisle opens the door.

"Hello Fenris, I'm Carlisle. Please, come in."

"Thank you Carlisle, you have a really nice home here."

"Thank you, come, the others are waiting in the living room."

We walk to the living room together where I see 7 people waiting for us.

"Fenris, this is my family, you've met Alice and these are Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Edward, Edythe and this is my wife Esme."

"Hello everybody nice to meet you all. Alice, nice to see you again."

"Hmm, you look really handsome."

Realizing she spoke her thoughts out loud, she hangs her head down from  emberrassment and she quickly just sits down.

While she does that though, she can't see that I've got a big bright smile on my face and everyone else looks at us with a knowing smile on their faces.

"Ahem, Carlisle, yesterday Alice told me you wanted to speak with me?"

"Right, please take a seat. Anywhere is fine."

After hearing that I smile and sit right next to Alice.

When she looks up and realizes I'm sitting next to her, her whole body goes stiff and she becomes even more flustered than she already was.

Seeing her reaction the others chuckle until I start speaking.

"So what is it specifically you wanted to talk about Carlisle."

"Alright, straight to the point then. Do you hate vampires?"

Hearing Carlisle's question, Alice snaps out of it and looks at Fenris, worried about what his answer might be, knowing that 2500 years ago vampires killed 100 of his family members, specifically his children and grandchildren.

But her worry quickly turns into relief when she hears his answer.

"No, I don't. I realize you must be referring to what happened 2500 years ago with the sacrifices for my imprisonment.

But the vampires who did that are all dead because the Volturi overthrew them. All except two of them, Vladimir and Stefan, but I'll get those two eventually.

But back to your question, I'm not going to blame an entire species for the actions of a group that doesn't even exist anymore, besides you guys are living proof that not all vampires are bad. You don't even drink human blood, you have no idea how surprised I was hearing that from my descendants in the reservation.

2500 years ago, you all would have been killed by other vampires for even suggesting not drinking human blood."

"Thank you Fenris, I'm very relieved to hear this."

"So will you let me be with him now Carlisle?"

As soon as the words left her mouth Alice realized her mistake and looked around the room at everyones reactions. Esme and Carlisle have their eyes wide open, shocked from her question and the 'children' are pretty much all holding back their laughter.

Then she turns to Fenris to see his reaction.

"That's awfully presumptuous of you Ms. Cullen." I say with a knowing smile.

But wanting to end her suffering I quickly follow up..

"But seeing as how it's obvious to tell how you feel about me now, I suppose I'll just be honest with you.

I imprinted on you, the moment I saw you yesterday. So you're not getting rid of me anytime soon Alice."

As they hear this statement everyone in the room looks shocked, especially Alice.

"You did?! Really?"

"Yes Alice, I did."

"Congratulations Alice, no more lonely nights for you, you old spinster."

After Emmett's remark he recieves an elbow to his side and a stern look from Rosalie, while Alice gets really embarrassed.

The others quickly give us some privacy and clear the room.

Now that it's just us two alone, I look at her and she looks at me. We stare at each other in the eyes for a whole 5 minutes before I lean down and she reaches up until our lips meet and we share our first kiss.

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