What If… Harry Potter

13 What if Neville was the Wrong Boy Who Lived?

I've been busy and storm-ridden without the internet for a while. It's still intermittent and this should go through. There's just over 24,300 words for you.

Sirius was almost out of his mind when he arrived at the Potter Cottage and saw the destruction. He rushed inside and fell to his knees next to the dead body of his best friend. He cried manly tears and closed James' eyes with a shaky hand, then he wiped the tears away and ran up the stairs. He let out a sob at Lily's crumpled body in front of the crib and did the same for her as he did for James.

Sirius stood up in the wrecked bedroom and looked into the crib and saw baby Harry with a nasty scar on his forehead. Debris was scattered around from some kind of magical explosion, so he wiped the blood from the baby's forehead and wrapped the boy in his swaddling blanket. He tried to not let grief color his decisions because he had promised to care for Harry if anything happened to his friends.

Sirius grabbed a few things and stuffed them into a bag and then ran down the stairs. He saw Hagrid appearing down the street at the approved apparition point and he wondered how the big man knew where the cottage was. He shook his head and hopped onto his motorcycle, gunned the engine, and Hagrid just missed grabbing the man as he flew overhead.

“Sirius! Dumbledore...”

“Can suck it!” Sirius shouted and flew off into the sky. He couldn't stop thinking about Peter betraying them all to Voldemort. As he flew over Yorkshire, his hatred for the rat consumed him. He diverted his retreat to safety and landed at the Longbottom Manor. He ran to the door and banged on it, even though it was the middle of the night.

The door opened and a frazzled-looking Alice Longbottom answered it. “S-Sirius, what... what...”

“There's no time! Peter betrayed us! Lily and James are dead!” Sirius said and shoved baby Harry into Alice's arms. “I'm not letting that bastard get away with this!”

“Sirius!” Alice shouted as Sirius ran back to his motorcycle.

“You're his godmother and there's no one else in this world they would want to take care of him!” Sirius shouted and drove off up into the sky.

“Honey, what is it?” Frank Longbottom asked from behind her.

Alice turned to look at him and what Sirius just said finally hit her. She started crying and her husband went to her to hug her, only there was a baby in the way.

“No.” Frank whispered and Alice cried harder. He hugged both her and the baby at the same time.


Two days later, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastian Lestrange, along with Barty Crouch Jr., showed up at the Longottom estate looking for their missing Dark Lord. They had been told by Snape that this was where they would find out the information they would need. The four attacked the manor with several spells to gain entry.

“The Fidelus Charm failed!” Frank shouted at the smashed in front door and cast a blasting hex at the front figure. It hit the man in the shoulder and he was knocked away as Frank ran for Alice. She had the babies in the nursery and they would have to make their last stand there. It did not escape his notice that the same thing had happened to James and Lily.

“Take him!” Bellatrix shouted and three cutting hexes from her three companions sliced at Frank's arms and legs.

“GAHH!” Frank yelled and stumbled at the damage. He dropped to the floor and rolled over to return fire when Bellatrix cast a full body bind on him. She strode over to him as a maniacal grin appeared on her face.

“I am going to have so much fun making you talk.” Bellatrix said in a seductive voice and then glared at the three men with her. “Get the bitch! I know Frank will need the motivation!”

Frank couldn't scream at them to make them stop, because he was immobilized.

Alice wasn't idle, however. She had hidden both babies in the closet under some dirty laundry and silenced them, then made a fake bundle to put in Neville's crib. She only hoped the distraction would work and they wouldn't attack a baby. Her hopes were dashed when the door to the nursery blasted open and three men stood there in full Death Eater regalia.

Alice was no slouch with a wand and a fierce battle started. She knew she couldn't handle three of them for long, so she had to end it quickly. She went for blasting spells and cutting hexes, like her husband had taught her, and the three men had a difficult time with her.

Unlike her, who had been up half the night, the three men were well rested and used their spells to pin her into the corner of the room and then an oddly colored cutting curse sliced through the crib, the decoy, and the closet door.

“NOOO!” Alice yelled and tried to move. That was enough of a distraction for Barty to hit her with a bludgeoning hex to the side of her head. She dropped to the floor, unconscious.

“Nice one, Barty.” Rodolphus said and levitated the woman out of the room.

“It's a shame we lost the Longbottom heir, though.” Rabastian said at the small puddle of blood in the crib. “He could have been raised properly with his idiot parents out of the way.”

“There's nothing to be done about it now.” Rodolphus said and the three men left the nursery and a silently crying and slightly bleeding baby Neville in the closet. The cutting hex had sliced across his forehead at an angle and was quite prominent.

What followed was an hour of Cruciatus Curses on the Longbottoms and a fruitless interrogation. About hallway through, Bellatrix had stopped asking questions and the four of them took turns as they tortured the poor couple. They were just getting into the despicable act and were really enjoying breaking the two experienced Aurors, when dozens of stunning spells filled the main area of the manor.

The four Death Eaters didn't know what had hit them as they lost consciousness.

“We got them!” Someone shouted and then a dozen Aurors with Amelia Bones in the forefront came into the manor.

“Secure them and get a healer here! Search the house for Neville! Now!” Amelia spat and they scrambled to follow her orders.

Augusta Longbottom entered behind them and tears came to her eyes as she looked down at her son and his wife. They both had blank looks on their faces and were drooling, which were sure signs of overexposure to the torture curse.

“They'll be going to Azkaban for this.” Amelia said in a soft voice as the Death Eater masks were removed and they saw who was responsible.

“Yes, and they deserve to rot there forever.” Augusta said as her tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I'm sorry we couldn't get here faster.” Amelia said and lightly touched the older woman's arm.

“If I hadn't been at the lake house checking on my step-brother Algie, I would have been here and made a difference.” Augusta said and her face firmed up.

“You also could be in the same state... or dead.” Amelia whispered.

“Don't worry, I won't be making that mistake ever again.” Augusta said with steel in her voice.

“I've found them!” An auror shouted down the stairs.

“Them?” Amelia asked.

“Alice is Harry Potter's godmother.” Augusta said and Amelia's face went sad. “You better get those criminals out of here. If anything's wrong with my Neville...”

“WAAHHHH!” Neville's wail pierced the air when the silencing charm was cancelled.

Augusta ran up the stairs a lot quicker than Amelia and the Aurors ever thought the old woman could move. There was an inarticulate shout and then the crying eased off. Augusta came down the stairs a minute later with two bundled up babies in her arms. One was extremely quiet and stared at everyone and the other had flowing tears and a huge bandage across his forehead.

“Hold these for a moment, Amelia.” Augusta said and handed the two babies over to her, then she drew her wand.

“Augusta! No!” Amelia exclaimed.

“I want them to wear the same wound!” Augusta said as several Aurors stood between her and the prisoners.

“I know how angry you are and I'm sorry.” Amelia said and stepped in front of the angry woman. “You can't harm them once they are in custody.”

“Then release them and let me deal with them!” Augusta spat.

Amelia considered it and shook her head. “I think you have much more important concerns right now.”

Augusta glared at her for a moment, then she put her wand away and took the two babies back. “Give me my son's and his wife's wands.”

The Aurors looked at Amelia and she quickly told them to check the spells cast from them, to record them for evidence, and to hand the wands over.

Augusta nodded when Amelia held them out to her and she took one in each hand as she hugged both boys. She had plans to make and those wands would be needed.


Albus Dumbledore was stumped. He had arranged things and set them up for the prophecy to come to fruition. The problem he now had was that both the Potters and the Longbottoms had been attacked within days of each other. He had discreetly checked on the two babies and he was shocked to see that both were suffering from cursed scars.

Harry's was only a small scratch in comparison to Neville's that was across his entire forehead. It also gave off more of an evil feel when you looked at it, which meant he was clearly marked more than Harry was. Unfortunately, Albus hadn't witnessed either attack and couldn't be sure which had involved Voldemort directly.

Albus sighed and sat back in his office chair and thought about the things that had happened. Sirius Black was in prison now for killing Peter Pettegrew and all those muggles. He had always suspected that Sirius would revert to his family's evil ways when given the chance. It was just too bad it took the deaths of his friends to make him show his true colors.

Even though Albus knew that Peter was the secret keeper for the Potters, killing was wrong and Sirius needed to pay for taking lives, especially innocent ones like the muggles.

Albus also had the problem about where to put Harry. With his godmother Alice currently indisposed, he felt that it was up to him to handle where the boy would be placed. He also thought about Neville's plight and having only his grandmother to take care of him.

If he really was the Boy-Who-Lived from the prophecy, then Albus would need to keep a very close eye on him. He would also have to start spreading the word about Voldemort's defeat and praising Neville's survival at the hands of both Voldemort and his most vicious Death Eaters.


Two days later, Albus Dumbledore was shocked at his failed attempts to gain magical guardianship over Harry and Neville. Augusta had somehow gone behind his back and secured the children into her custody, both legally and magically. Even the goblins refused to supersede the Ministry of Magic's decision, because they didn't care about wizards and their internal family affairs.

Albus had some serious thinking to do about the whole thing and was glad that the rumor mill was spreading his version of the attacks as gospel and everyone was starting to say Neville's name with awe and reverence. The several books someone was writing, at his subtle suggestion and share of the profits, would cement Neville's position into the modern section of the history books.

Plans would need to be made to capitalize on Neville's future fame. Even if he wasn't the actual child of the prophecy, everyone would believe he was, which would make it him by default. Belief was a powerful thing.


Six months later, Albus took a stroll through the Hall of Prophecy and stopped at row 97 near the end. It gave the same description as the last time he had been there, SPT to APWBD about the Dark Lord & ?, only now it had 'Neville Longbottom' written below it.

Albus smiled at his plans coming together and walked on.


Augusta Longbottom stared in disgust at the books that Amelia had delivered to her. They were pure fantasy and painted her grandson Neville in the worst possible light. He wasn't a pampered prince and he didn't save damsels in distress from griffins, inferi (zombies), or dragons. He also didn't go on adventures every week and he certainly wasn't alone.

The old woman looked over to where her two charges were currently practising the wand movements for the stunning spell. They were much too young to cast anything; but, that didn't mean they couldn't practice as much as possible between studying and chores. Her two boys were going to be the best wizards to ever exist, or she wasn't Augusta Longbottom.

Augusta nodded at their progress and looked back at the books. “I'll have to get Algie on this, or maybe I'll contact cousin Cassiopeia. She was always good for handling things like this. She knows a lot of people.”


By the end of the year, Augusta owned the publishing company and the stories changed to have a more realistic feel and also added disclaimers that they were just stories. She also stopped Albus Dumbledore from getting any of the profits. Her belief that he was a meddling old fool was also quickly disseminated among the wizarding world.

Augusta's story about what happened to her son and his wife was one of the best proofs of the man's incompetence, along with the story of the Potters. She had both well written and then published. They quickly became best sellers and Albus had a lot of egg on his face, as the old saying goes.


Ten year old Harry Longbottom loved his life. His grandmother was strict; but, she loved him and he couldn't have asked for anything more than that. He also had a brother that was just as happy as he was. Or so he thought. When the newspapers would print more lies or would mention Neville's parents, Neville would always go quiet and wouldn't speak for hours.

Harry tried to reassure him that he still had parents, unlike him, and it didn't make much difference. He also tried to keep Neville cheered up about still having someone to take care of them. They also weren't in an orphanage or out on the streets like the bums they had seen in London during their seasonal trips for clothing.

“That doesn't make me any happier, Harry.” Neville said with a sigh.

“Why not? We could be dirty and living on scraps!” Harry responded. “Instead, we live in a mansion, we have big meals every day, and the house elves keep everything clean for us!”

Neville gave him a sad smile and didn't bother responding.

“Why are you like this, Neville? Why can't you be happy about everything?” Harry asked, confused.

“Because, I'm the Boy-Who-Lived. I'm the savior of the wizarding world and ended an evil wizard.” Neville said. “I'm famous for having my parents tortured.”

Harry sighed this time. “Neville, you're not famous for that. You're famous because of that.” He pointed to the scar across his brother's forehead. “You survived a curse that should have taken your whole head off.”

Neville gave him another sad smile. “I sometimes wish it had.”

Harry wasn't sure what to say, so he sat beside his brother and hugged him. Neville's tears flowed and he held onto his brother in all but blood.


September first rolled around and Augusta brought her two charges to the right platform. Before they entered it, she brought them to a stop to give them advice.

“Remember to always stand up for yourselves. You are Longbottoms and proud of it.” Augusta said.

“Yes, Gran.” Both boys said as one.

Augusta lost her normally stern look as she took them into a hug. “You have fun and don't kiss any girls until you're fourteen.”

“EWW!” Both boys yelled and she let them go.

“When we go through the barrier, go right over to the train and I'll keep the reporters at bay.”

“Yes, Gran.” Both boys said.

“Let's get this over with.” Augusta said and the two boys pushed their trolleys behind her as she strode through the barrier with all of the grace and authority that being the matriarch of the Longbottom Family granted her. As promised, she headed off the group of reporters and the two boys climbed onto the train and dragged their trunks on after themselves.

Harry found an empty compartment halfway up the train and had fended off several lookie-loos that had tried to get Neville's attention. “Lock the door while I go back and hug Gran.”

Neville nodded and did that as Harry ran off of the train and went over to Augusta. He stood behind her as she expertly answered questions and evaded the insinuations that her son was hiding.

“He's been training, of course.” Augusta said. “What else would he be doing?”

The reporters didn't have an answer for that, so they soon ended their interrogations and split up to talk to other students and their parents.

“You did great, Gran!” Harry said.

August jumped slightly and turned to him. “I thought I told you...”

“I did go to the train. Neville's locked the compartment for me, too.” Harry said and then hugged her waist. “This is a hug from both of us. We love you, Gran.”

Augusta smiled and hugged him back. “I love you both as well.”

The two stayed there for several moments and then Augusta pat his back.

“Go on, you can't leave Neville alone for too long. You know how he is.” Augusta said.

“Okay! Bye, Gran!” Harry said and ran back towards the train.

To Augusta's surprise, the reporters completely ignored the boy, even though they had seen the two boys together. Maybe because he's so nondescript? With his unruly hair slicked down, he looks completely average.

Harry went to the compartment and found a redhead trying to enter. “Hey! Get away from there!”

The redheaded boy turned to look at him. “Why's the door locked? I can't get in to hang out with my best mate! Everywhere else is full.”

Harry's fist slammed into the boy's face and knocked him to the floor. “That's why it's locked. You're NOT my brother's best mate! I am!” He said and looked over the boy. “Gran warned us about people like you, Weasley.”

“Wh-wh-what?” Ron responded.

“I know you're lying, because you don't have your trunk with you.” Harry said and shook his fist at him. “Now get lost or you'll be tasting my fist again.”

“I... left my trunk... with my brothers.” Ron said and stood up as he rubbed his cheek.

“Well, go right back to them and tell them everywhere else is full.” Harry said and motioned up the train car. “Go on! Hurry up and get!”

Ron frowned at him and thought about punching the mean boy back, then he thought better of it. The boy looked ready for it and he reluctantly walked away. His brother Percy was going to hear about this.

“And stay away!” Harry said when the redhead left the train car. “Okay, Neville. Open up.”

The door unlocked and Harry stepped in and then closed the door.

“Thanks, Harry. He's been trying to get it since you left.” Neville said as they sat down together.

“That's why I said to lock the door. They're vultures, just like Gran warned us.” Harry said and put an arm over Neville's shoulders. “Don't worry, I've got your back. Only genuine friends are allowed near my brother!”

Neville smiled and looked down at his hands. He held his father's wand and it was just as reluctant as it always was. He could feel it fighting against him and he wished with all his might that he had his own wand. Gran wouldn't let him buy one, though. He had to live up to his father's Auror image and that was that.

Harry knew what he was thinking, so he gave his shoulders a squeeze. “You just have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.”

Neville took a breath and let it out. “I don't think I can ever look at things like you do, Harry.”

Harry sighed. “It's okay to be sad sometimes. I'm sad when I think about the stories Gran tells us about our moms being best friends in school. The pictures even make me cry sometimes.”

“Me, too.” Neville said. “She was so alive back then.”

“Yeah.” Harry said and he felt bad for several minutes. “They wouldn't want us to stay sad about it, though. If they were here, they would be mad at us for not looking at the bright side.”

“There's a bright side to not having parents?”

“Like I keep telling you, we could have been without Gran. Then where would we be?”

“At Uncle Algie's.” Neville responded.

“And if we didn't have him?” Harry asked.

“Grand Aunt Cassiopeia.” Neville said.

“And if we didn't have her?” Harry prompted with a smile.

Neville couldn't stop his own smile. “We have a lot of distant family that we meet up with every year in the summer during the reunions.”

“Exactly! We have a huge family to rely on!” Harry said, happily. “Even me, because my great grandmother is Cassiopeia's aunt!”

Neville nodded. If you went back far enough, most of the pureblood families were all distantly related.

“Hey! I turned your frown upside down!” Harry said and poked Neville's cheek.

Neville laughed and pushed his hand away. “Get off!”

Harry laughed as well and took his arm off of his brother's shoulders. “Do you want the first year's spell book or the Herbology book?”

“Do you need to ask?” Neville responded and Harry punched his shoulder.

“Only to tease you.” Harry said and opened his trunk and handed Neville the thick book. “Potions class is going to be pretty easy for you.”

Neville thought about that and shrugged.

“Don't sell yourself short. You've grown most of the ingredients in the book.” Harry said and took out the Defense Against the Dark Arts spellbook. “We didn't even have to buy the standard potions kit for first years because we harvested them from the greenhouses.”

“We did, didn't we?” Neville asked and Harry nodded.

“Thanks to Gran teaching us the basics, we're gonna kick ass.” Harry said and sat down on the other bench seat in the compartment. “I just hope the rumors about the potions professor that took over after Slughorn are wrong.”

Neville sighed and opened the book on his lap. “Gran's never lied about things like that.”

“No, she hasn't.” Harry said and opened his own book. “I'll take the heat if he does try to pick on you.”

Neville gave him a questioning look. “She said he was going to target you because of your dad.”

“Yep! I'm going to make sure he focuses on me and not you. You get enough attention as it is. You don't need some git of a teacher having a go at you, too.”

Neville smiled. “Thanks, Harry. Thanks a lot.”

“Hey, that's what brothers are for.” Harry said and settled back against the seat.

The two fell into companionable silence as they studied their favorite subjects. It was interrupted half an hour later when the door rattled and they looked up to see a slicked back blond headed boy with two larger boys behind him.

“I've got it.” Neville said. His Gran had warned him about this encounter and he put the book down.

“Are you sure? My fists are already warmed up.” Harry joked and put his book down as well.

Neville smiled, which was exactly the face he needed as he unlocked the door. “Heir Malfoy.” He said and nodded his head.

“Heir Longbottom.” Draco said and nodded back. “A moment of your time, if you please.”

“Of course.” Neville stepped back and only Draco entered.

“Longbottom.” Draco said and nodded at Harry.

“Heir Malfoy.” Harry said and nodded back.

“My father informed me that I should greet you and extend the hand of friendship.” Draco said and gave Neville a pointed look. “Should I offer or should we part amicably?”

Neville remembered what Gran had told him about it. “Heir Malfoy, we could start a new era if we could put our family differences aside.”

Draco gave him a calculating look. “What house are you going to enter?”

Neville gave Harry a brief look and then sighed. “My Gran has dictated that I go into the house of the brave and the bold like my father before me instead of my preferred house of the loyal and friendly.”

Draco squinted his eyes for a moment, then he sighed as well. “Then neither of us can accept a change so fundamental as two opposing houses being friendly with each other.”

“Unfortunately, it would cause more friction than is necessary.” Neville said. “However, I would have accepted if I was in charge of my choices.”

Draco gave him a respectful look and nodded. “Then I will take my leave.”

Neville nodded back. “Good day, Heir Malfoy.”

“Good day, Heir Longbottom.” Draco said and nodded at Harry. “Longbottom.”

“Heir Malfoy.” Harry said and Draco left without insulting or threatening them.

Neville shut and locked the door before he sat down with a huge exhale of breath.

“That was tense.” Harry said and reached across the compartment to pat Neville's shoulder. “You said it perfectly, though. He wasn't pissed off at the rebuke, which was great.”

Neville nodded. “Those eloquence lessons really helped.”

“You hated those lessons.” Harry said with a chuckle.

“So did you.” Neville said and smiled.

“That's because it's usually subtle backhanded insults while speaking properly and complimenting people. I'd rather just tell them off if they're on my bad side.” Harry said.

Neville chuckled. “Gran would brain you if you did that!”

“Yeah.” Harry said and picked up his book again. “I won't disappoint her, just like you won't.”

Neville nodded. They both knew that they were to take over for Neville's parents and they were to bring honor to the Longbottom name once more. Him in his father's name and Harry in his godmother's name.

“We'll do them proud, Neville.” Harry said and went back to studying.


Harry blocked the redhead again when the train came to a stop and they were leaving the compartment. He had showed up with his older brother that was a prefect and Harry stood in front of Neville after they introduced themselves as Ron and Percy.

“What do you want now, you liar?” Harry asked Ron.

“He wasn't a liar.” Percy said.

“Everywhere else was full? Who would believe that? The train is huge.” Harry said. “He also didn't have his trunk with him, which means wherever he left it had plenty of room for him.”

“Fred and George didn't want a first year in their compartment.” Percy said.

“That's not Neville's problem, is it? It's his.” Harry said and pointed at Ron. “So, what do you want?”

“You were fighting with another student.” Percy said.

“There's no rules against it. I checked.” Harry said with a smile as Percy frowned. “I didn't use a wand, so you have no authority to punish me for something that's not covered in the rules.”

“I'll be taking this oversight up with my Head of House.” Percy said.

“You can't change decades of rules whenever you want to suit your personal needs.” Harry said and tapped the prefect badge. “I know exactly what you're allowed to do and not allowed to do. You better not abuse it where I can see it, or you're not going to have the badge for much longer.”

“How dare you...”

“How dare you come here and try to force my brother to be friends with your prat of a brother.” Harry said and both Weasleys had their faces turn red with embarrassment.

“Hey!” Ron spat.

“Neville can be friends with whomever he wants and he does NOT want to be friends with you.” Harry said and looked at Percy. “Now get out of the way. You're blocking the hallway and stopping us from leaving the train.”

Percy opened his mouth and then his eyes went to the group of people waiting behind Harry and Neville. He made a kind of grunt sound and grabbed Ron's shoulder as he turned and walked away.

“Wow, Harry.” Neville whispered as they walked behind the two redheads.

“I told you, Neville. I'll stop the idiots that only want to be friends with you because of what you did as a baby.” Harry said and a few people behind them talked in whispers. “Only people that want to get to know you for who you are will be allowed to get near you.”

“Thanks, Harry.” Neville said.

“You're my brother. I'm going to do my best to protect you.” Harry said.

“You do know that's supposed to be the older brother's job.” A girl's voice said as they left the train.

“First years! This way! First Years!” Hagrid said as Harry turned his head and saw a bushy-haired girl with large front teeth.

“Neville's only a day older and we have our birthdays together.” Harry said with a smile and they gathered with the other first years. “I've always been taking care of him since we were kids.”

“You're still kids.” She responded.

“Naw, we're at school now. We're officially wizards in training!” Harry said with a big grin. “I'm Harry, by the way. He's Neville.”

“I'm Hermione.” She said and caught her breath when Neville turned his head to nod at her and the wind moved his hair to show off the angled scar across his forehead. “Blimey! You're the Boy-Who-Lived!”

That got a lot of the students around them talking loudly and most of them were pointing at them as they walked down to the lake.

“Thanks a lot, Hermione.” Harry said with a bit of a glare.

Hermione blushed and ducked her head slightly. “S-sorry, I... I didn't mean to say it like that.”

“It's all right. They were going to notice me soon anyway.” Neville said as they approached the boats. “It's not like I'm hiding in disguise or anything.”

“Why didn't I think of that?” Harry asked as he slapped himself on the forehead, which made both Neville and Hermione laugh.

“No more than four to a boat!” Hagrid said.

The three of them piled into one boat together and Neville helped Hermione in with a steadying hand. Ron tried to climb in with them and Harry held a fist up at him. He backed off and went to another boat. A girl with shoulder-length curly blonde hair came over and Harry smiled at her and held a hand out to her.

“Thanks.” She said and took his hand to climb into the boat safely.

“I'm Harry, that's Neville, and that's Hermione.” Harry said.

“Lavender.” The girl said and looked at the hand Harry still held. She shook it and smiled. “It's nice to meet you.”

Harry laughed and let her hand go. “I like you. I bet you're sorted into Griffindor.”

“How do you know that?” Lavender asked.

“You didn't blush when I didn't let go of your hand and you changed it to a handshake. That means you're brave and bold, the classic traits of the house.” Harry said and she blushed a little.

“Harry, don't tease her.” Neville said.

“I'd never do that. I was just saying the truth.” Harry said as the boat started to go across the lake. “I think we just found our first two friends.”

Neville gave the two girls a glance and saw them both blushing. He didn't say no, because he knew Harry wouldn't say something like that without a reason. He nodded instead and both girls looked happy about it, which made him happy in return.


“Longbottom, Neville.” Minerva McGonagall read off of the new student list. To her surprise, two hands went right up into the air in the first years as the whole Great Hall chatted about the Boy-Who-Lived being at Hogwarts. “What is it?”

“My name should have been called first.” Harry said and Neville nodded. “I've been a Longbottom since I was adopted as a baby.”

Minerva looked a little put out about that. “There's only one Longbottom on the list.”

“Is it a magical list or did you write it up?” Harry asked.

“I wrote it up.” Minerva said.

“Then your information was wrong.” Harry said and a few of the students gasped. “You've probably still got me under my old family name of Potter, despite my letter saying Longbottom and being delivered to Longbottom Manor.”

Minerva looked perturbed as she looked forward and saw that there was a Harry Potter there. She sighed and scratched it out and wrote Harry Longbottom in the right spot and then spoke.

“Longbottom, Harry.”

Harry walked over proudly. “Thank you, professor.”

Minerva nodded as he put on the hat.

Ah, Mister Potter or Mister Longbottom. The hat thought to him. You might want to hyphenate your name when you're older and save some confusion.

That's a great idea! I'll ask Gran about it in my letter to her tonight. Harry thought, happily.

I don't even need to rummage around to know where you're going. The hat thought with a chuckle. Keeping your brother protected has made you just as bold as Alice was. You're making her and your own parents very proud.

Harry's face flushed red. Th-thanks, Hat.

You can call me Francis. The hat thought. I suppose I better make this official, shall I? It asked and then spoke out loud. “It better be... Griffindor!”

The Griffindor table cheered, especially his two new friends, Lavender Brown and Hermione Granger.

“Longbottom, Neville.” Minerva called as Harry joined her House table.

Neville sat there for about the same length of time as Harry, blushed a little as well, and was then sorted into Griffindor. The table exploded with cheers, claps, and chanting his name. He walked over to sit beside Harry, who protected him from most of the pats and shouts. Both Lavender and Hermione gave him quick hugs, which made him blush even more.


Albus Dumbledore sat at the head table and watched as the students ate. His plans were progressing just as he had hoped. His chosen had been sorted into Griffindor as he had asked the hat to do for him. With Ron Weasley as a friend, he could keep Neville from overachieving and from looking too closely into everything that he shouldn't be looking into.

Albus glanced at Severus and saw the scowl on his face. He had changed the Potter name on purpose to distract the angry man from picking on Neville too much. As the Boy-Who-Lived, he was responsible for removing Voldemort and making Severus become a spy. He couldn't have him tormenting the boy constantly and had given him another convenient target.


Severus Snape was a vindictive man. His unrequited hate for his schoolyard bullies had consumed him years ago and he was going to use every chance he had to make the child pay for the sins of the father. His eyes went to the Potter boy trying to hide in Longbottom's shadow and he couldn't quite see his old enemy's face.

The glasses were different, as was the haircut, and he looked well fed and pampered, just like his father. Severus was going to have a lot of fun cutting him down to size and to humble the boy before he let his upbringing make him into the bully his father was. He didn't try to read the boy's thoughts, because he didn't want to sully himself with them.

Snape looked at the Boy-Who-Lived and he didn't know what to think of him. He took the headmaster's advice and tried to read Neville's thoughts. He hit a bit of a wall and didn't notice that both Neville and Harry let out hissing sounds and rubbed their foreheads. He quickly averted his eyes to his plate and continued to eat. He would let Albus know what happened when he attempted to read the boy.


“Are you both all right?” Lavender asked and rubbed Harry's back, since he was closer.

“Just a headache.” Harry and Neville said at the same time and then they looked at each other.

“Maybe you should leave early and go to bed?” Hermione asked.

“No, it's almost over anyway.” Harry said and knew that he and Neville would have something interesting to send to their Gran.

The meal ended and the headmaster stood to give the start of term notices, which included the warning about the third floor corridor on the right-hand side that was out of bounds, unless they wanted a painful death. Harry and Neville exchanged looks again and nodded slightly. They were definitely including that in their letters.


Monday morning had Augusta Longbottom, the school board, and a bunch of Aurors in the castle. It was a huge scandal, especially when the large Cerberus on the third floor tried to eat one of the Aurors. It was quickly slaughtered and then the Aurors went down the trap door and through the gauntlet of traps and puzzles.

Everything was written down and recorded. When they reached the final room, nothing was there. They knew something should have been there, as it was too blatant of a trap room for nothing to be there. So, the man in charge named Rufus Scrimgeor ordered them to search the castle from top to bottom.

Albus and Minerva tried to divert them from their tasks and were told to stay out of the way or they would be charged for obstruction. Both sighed as classes were cancelled and the castle was searched from top to bottom. The Mirror of Erised was quickly found and added to the long list of dangerous items and rooms in the castle.

By the end of the day, Albus Dumbledore was arrested for child endangerment with a Class Four dangerous creature, Professor Quirrell and Professor Snape were arrested for possession of dark artifacts and illegal potions, and Minerva was warned that if she allowed anything else to happen in the school, she would be arrested as well.

The entire population of the school was stunned to hear about it all and that classes were cancelled for the rest of the week. They were down two professors because of the arrests and Minerva was too busy to teach her own classes, now that she had to run the entire school.


A week later, Albus was released on his own recognizance. Severus Snape was given six months in prison for the potions and dark artifacts. His dark mark had been revealed when he changed clothes to go to prison and he was thoroughly investigated. Twenty years had been added to his sentence when he had been given viritaserum and his wand was checked for the Unforgivable Curses.

Quirinus Quirrell had tried to escape before his trial and was quickly taken down by a squad of Aurors. The ghostly form of Voldemort abandoned the dying body and that shocked everyone. It set the entire Ministry on alert and they all remembered the legend of the Boy-Who-Lived. Amelia Bones was sent as an envoy and she met with Neville, Augusta, and Harry in an old classroom.

When the situation was explained, plans were quickly made. Neville would receive special training and he wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone about it. When Harry tried to be included, he was politely and firmly refused.

“But, we've always been together!” Harry exclaimed. “How can I keep protecting him if he's going off by himself?”

Amelia sighed and gave a pleading look to Augusta. She had known there would be friction because of this and she didn't have the budget to train two students. She also knew she couldn't have them pay for it privately, either. The minister would never approve of it and it would also open the floodgates for everyone trying to buy their way into getting better training that the Boy-Who-Lived was going to get.

“Harry, Neville's the one. He's the one that has to face Voldemort when he returns.” Augusta said.

“No! You can't say that! You said... you said...” Harry felt tears come to his eyes and he wiped at them.

“Harry, this has to be done. You know I can't let Neville stay unprotected.” Augusta said.

“He never has been! I've always been there!” Harry exclaimed.

Augusta sighed and touched his shoulder. “I'm sorry, Harry. You... you're not enough. You're just a child and... and you might never be enough to protect my Neville.”

Harry felt something break in his heart. His tears flowed freely and Augusta tried to wipe off his face. He jumped back from her and she looked really sad. “Don't touch me!”

“Harry, Neville needs to learn how to fight and...” Augusta started to say.

“NO! It's me! I'm the strong one! I'm the one he cries on! I'm the one that protects him! ME!” Harry said and saw the sad looks on the two women's faces. He looked at Neville's face and saw the same sad look. “I'm the one that needs to learn how to fight! MEEE!”

“I'm sorry, Harry.” Augusta said and tried to reach for him, only for the boy to dodge her hand once more. “I think you need to go back to your common room.”

Harry looked at Neville's face again and he finally realized that Neville wasn't going to say anything. After everything the two boys had been through growing up, all of the studying, all of the practising, all of the late nights and the crying, Neville wasn't going to speak up and say that he needed Harry's help or wanted him to be there to support him.

Harry gave the three of them his best glare, which actually looked cute on the eleven year old, then he walked out of the empty classroom and slammed the door behind him.

“I'm sure once he calms down, you can talk some sense into him.” Augusta said to Neville.

Neville didn't speak and only looked at the slammed door. He had never seen that look on Harry's face aimed at him before. Not once. He knew he should have said something; but, he was a bit too stunned about the whole thing. Special training? Secret meetings? After school lessons? It was all too much.

“Let's sit down and work out all the details.” Amelia said and the two women talked while Neville sat there and wondered what he was going to say to Harry when he went back to the Griffindor Tower.

Two hours later, Neville had his revised class schedule that pretty much changed it completely from what the rest of the students were taking. He looked at Harry's small four poster bed and all of the curtains were drawn closed. He wanted to go over to him and explain like his Gran had ordered him to, only he was too nervous about possibly seeing that angry glare again.

Neville went to bed instead of speaking to his brother and huddled up into a ball as he thought about the mess he was in. Little did he know that Harry was in the same ball position and his mind was doing the same thing. The difference was that Harry's broken heart was not helping him think matters through properly. All he was focused on was that the Gran he loved for ten years had pushed him aside like he didn't matter and his brother hadn't said a single word about it.

In Harry's mind, the only thing worse than not having a family, was having one that you thought cared about you and then discarded you. It was the worst feeling in the world. He cried silently, because letting anyone know he felt so weak, wasn't something that a brave Griffindor would do.

Harry clutched Alice's wand in his hands and cried over the family he could have had with his birth parents... and should have had with the Longbottoms... if only that stupid evil wizard hadn't ruined it all. Now just the spirit of him had done it again.


Neville didn't see Harry all week, not even at meals. Their schedules were quite different and they only shared one class, Potions. It was a double class on Friday mornings and Neville dreaded seeing him after so long. He knew he had made a mistake at that meeting with Amelia Bones when he hadn't spoken, then again that night when he had the best chance.

Harry walked into the potions classroom and his hair was a stuck up mess like it had been when he was younger. Neville knew this was a bad thing, because it was against his Gran's direct order to be an example for the other students. Longbottoms had a reputation to uphold and Harry's messy hair was not an example their Gran was going to like.

Neville wasn't a Griffindor for nothing, however. He stood up and turned to his brother. “Harry, we need to talk.”

“No, we don't.” Harry said and sat at the desk across the aisle. A couple of the other Griffindors gasped and the Slytherins caught their breath, because that was the Slytherin side of the classroom.

“Harry...” Neville tried again.

“You go have fun at your secret training that the Aurors are paying for and leave me alone.” Harry said.

Neville looked around the classroom and saw the startled faces of the other students.

“Harry, you weren't supposed to say...”

“I'm not involved with that, remember? Why would I keep it a secret?” Harry said and turned to glare at him. It was a lot meaner and wasn't so cute anymore. “I'm going to surpass you, even with that stupid training. I'm going to be better, stronger, and faster than you.”

Complete silence fell in the classroom.

“I'm already better than you at almost everything, so I'm going to do my best to prove it to everyone else that I'm better than the Boy-Who-Lived.” Harry said and turned to face the front of the classroom.

Neville gave him a pleading look. “Harry, you're my brother...”

“...that both you and Gran shoved out of the way as soon as you were offered special training!” Harry nearly shouted. “How do you think that made me feel? Like I'm nothing! I'm not worth having around anymore, now that you don't need me anymore!”

“Harry!” Neville gasped.

“All right, settle down.” A gruff man said as he entered the classroom. “I'm Auror Briggs and there will be no horsing around in my classroom.” He said and waved his wand at the wall sconces. The torches increased in illumination to a bright level and lit up the classroom, which made the students blink their eyes as they adjusted from the dimness. “Longbottom, sit down. You're disrupting the class.”

Neville looked at Harry once more and then sat down.

“All right, since this is your first class of the year, I'll be going over your tools and proper ingredient preparation.” The gruff man said and taught the long double class for the entire morning.

When it was over, Neville tried to block Harry's way and speak to him. Harry's fist slammed into his face and Neville fell to the floor with a hand on his cheek and a shocked look on his face.

“Hey, now. What's going on here?” Auror Briggs asked as he strode over to them.

“Just a brotherly quarrel, sir.” Harry said and glared at Neville. “You better leave me alone, Neville.”

“Harry...” Neville tried once more.

“I've done everything I could for you and you didn't say one word when Gran pushed me away. Not one word.” Harry said as tears came to his eyes. He wiped at them and glared again. “I know when I'm not wanted, so I hope you're happy now, Boy-Who-Lived.”

A lot of the students made startled sounds and Harry walked away with his head held high.

Hermione helped Neville to his feet. “Harry's just hurting, Neville. He'll smarten up soon.”

Neville thanked her for the help and didn't agree with her opinion at all. He knew Harry really well and if there was one thing Harry never did, it was lie or boast. He would do exactly what he said.

The downside of all of that was that Neville was lonely and Ron was still there trying to be his friend. With no Harry to blunt the pushy boy's attempts, Ron started hanging out with Neville and the headmaster's plan was starting to come together once more.


Albus was the headmaster once more and was a little concerned about Neville getting special lessons and having tutors brought into the school for training. He also hated that his little series of traps had been dismantled and he had been censured for child endangerment. He made that easily go away with all the favors people owed him.

The difficult part was trying to train Neville into becoming an investigator without letting him or anyone else know. It was supposed to be gradual and he would have fed him little bits and clues, mostly through intermediaries of course, and it would set the boy up for the future encounters that were going to happen.

Albus sighed at losing his best opportunity with Quirrell. He had known the shade of Voldemort was possessing the professor and he was going to have him soften Neville up a bit before their inevitable confrontation. The prophecy said it was going to happen, so he just had to be patient and try to manufacture another chance meeting when Voldemort showed up again.


At Christmas, Harry had refused to sign up to go home, so Neville chose to stay as well. Since they weren't speaking, Harry only found out about his staying when their Gran sent him a letter for being so petty and making Neville stay away from home with him. Harry burned the letter in the fireplace and ignored his brother completely. In fact, he wouldn't even look at him when in the same room.

As far as Harry was concerned, Neville didn't exist.

Neville received a plain wrapped present on Christmas morning and read the card. “Your godmother's family owned this, so I figured it was time to give it to you. Use it well.”

Neville was confused, because Lily Potter was his godmother. He opened the package and stared at the thin black cloak with the silvery lining. He knew what the thing was and he quickly wrapped it back up. He wrote out another card and attached it, then he wondered how he was going to give it to Harry.

His brother was already up and gone and he went over to Harry's bed. Two wrapped presents had been discarded in the trash can and Neville wasn't surprised that they were the ones from him and their Gran. He wasn't sure what to do about that, though. It wasn't like he could force Harry to accept the gifts.

Neville sighed and tossed the brown paper wrapped present onto Harry's bed and took the two from the trashcan and put them in his trunk. He would keep them for now and when Harry smartened up, like Hermione kept promising he would, Neville would give them to him.


Harry returned to the tower after breakfast and found the new present. He recognized Neville's writing on the card and thought about putting it in the trash, only the two presents he had already tossed there were gone. Since Neville was the only one in the tower and must have taken them, Harry had a different idea. He left the bedroom and went downstairs to the roaring fireplace in the common room.


Four months later in the Auror's special training classes, the Aurors didn't know why Neville was struggling so much in the practicals of spell casting. He had the theory down pat, even if he did slack off a bit, and he did great in the non-wand aspects of magic; but, his execution of his knowledge was severely lacking.

It took them two more months, which was the rest of the school year, to figure out that Neville was using his father's wand. If they hadn't heard Neville's offhand comment about making his father proud, they might never had figured it out.

Unfortunately, they were off for the summer and couldn't correct the humongous mistake that was. They also knew to not bring it up with the matriarch of the Longbottom family, because she would berate them for saying her grandson wasn't performing well, despite him not actually doing well.

The train ride back to London was an odd one, considering Neville and Harry weren't speaking and they had the same friends. Or so Neville thought. He had gone to use the bathroom at one point and saw Harry in a compartment and he was talking animatedly with the Slytherins that he had sat with during their potions classes.

Neville didn't know that Harry had sat with them for nearly every class they had together and not just for Potions classes. He wasn't sure what to do about that, though. It wasn't like he had the right to tell Harry who he could be friends with.

That thought made Neville laugh under his breath, because Harry used to do that for Neville all the time. He went back to the compartment with the other Griffindors and forgot about it for a while.

Both boys disembarked from the train with their trunks, from different exits, and easily found Augusta's stuffed vulture hat in the crowd of waiting parents. The woman held in her sigh at them not sitting together.

“How are my two boys?” Augusta asked.

“Fine.” Neville said and Harry stayed quiet.

Augusta gave a bit of a glare to Harry. “I didn't hear you, young man.”

“Can we go? The press are coming.” Harry said instead.

Augusta sighed and led the two boys to the barrier and they left the platform.


It was one of the worst summers Neville had ever had.

Harry wouldn't speak to either him or Gran and he wouldn't go anywhere with them. He wouldn't do his assigned chores, he never helped in the greenhouses, and he never ate meals with them. He also didn't help Neville with his summer homework or even left his room, except for baths.

Augusta had tried to starve him out and the house elves refused to let the young master starve. She also tried to threaten to kick him out. Harry informed her that she already had and that he was only living there until he was old enough to leave on his own, since he didn't have anywhere else to go until Cassiopeia wrote him back.

That had shocked both Augusta and Neville, because it had come out of the blue, according to them. To Harry, he knew exactly what was going on. He would have to make his own way with a different part of the family and he had asked the one he was related the closest to. His impassioned plea was answered on the day of their shared birthday.

It ended up a very subdued affair, because Cassiopeia had stormed in and yelled her head off at Augusta and Neville for being so stupid as to discard a valued family member, which shocked all of the other family and guests when they heard about what happened, then Cassiopeia stormed right back out with a happy Harry and all of his personal things.


September first brought a very different looking Harry Potter to Hogwarts with a much older woman on his arm. He was several inches taller, had his hair cut in a popular style, and he wasn't wearing his wire-rimmed glasses anymore. He also had a prominent lightning bolt scar on his forehead and was dressed in a nice suit that matched the woman's elegant dress.

Everyone stared at them and Harry took the attention with grace and composure. He would say hello, greet people, and nod respectfully as he passed them. The much older woman on his arm kept a smile on her face and didn't react at all until they neared the train and stopped walking to face each other.

“Remember, you are the Black Family Lord. No one else is above you in either social status or ability.” Cassiopeia said and pet his lapels as if to straighten them, then she bent down to lightly kiss him on the lips. “Go forth and conquer, Harry Black.”

“Thank you, Madam Black.” Harry said and took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I look forward to seeing you at Yule.”

Cassiopeia smiled warmly. “I just hope I can wait that long. It's been so nice to have you at the house.”

“It's been great.” Harry smiled warmly back. “You've been great and I can't thank you enough, Cass.”

Cassiopeia gave him another quick peck on the lips. “I was more than happy to make up for the mistakes you've had to suffer through.” She said and then waved at the train. “Go on and find your friends. I bet they are going to be just as surprised by the changes in you as you were.”

Harry chuckled. “I barely look like myself anymore.”

“Try to not rub their faces in it too much, Harry. Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis are to be treated with the same respect you give me.”

“I know, Cass. I'll be good.” Harry promised.

“Well, not too good. You are a Black, after all.” Cassiopeia said with a soft laugh.

Harry laughed as well before he stepped onto the train and went to find his friends.

Augusta and Neville had stood off to the side on the platform and had witnessed the entire scene. They couldn't believe the changes that the boy had gone through in so short a time.

“Hello, Cassiopeia.” Augusta said and the other woman turned to look at her.

“Oh, hello.” Cassiopeia said, disinterestedly. “I see Neville's still has his baby fat.”

“Cass!” Augusta gasped and Neville blushed.

“What? He's been in special training for nearly a year. He should be fit as a fiddle.” Cassiopeia said with a shrug. “If you will excuse me, I must be off. Things to do. Money to make.”

Augusta was too surprised by the abrupt departure to ask what the woman had done to little Harry.

“I should get on the train, too.” Neville said and Augusta helped him put his trunk onto the train. “See you later, Gran.”

“Goodbye, Neville.” Augusta said and she didn't remind him to try and talk to Harry again. If they didn't make up, she wasn't sure what her Neville was going to do. He had been depressed since Harry left and now that Harry had changed and he hadn't, it seemed that they were even further apart than a simple apology was going to fix.


“Oh, my god.” Lavender whispered as a distinguished Harry walked into the Great Hall with Daphne Greengrass on his arm and a fairly happy Tracey Davis on his other side.

“What is... oh, bloody hell!” Ron spat. “Look at that traitor!”

That caught everyone's attention and everyone turned to look just in time to see Harry kiss the back of Daphne's hand and she blushed. She nodded to him and Harry did the same to Tracey before both girls walked off to the Slytherin table. Harry walked over to the Griffindor one.

“You can't attend the welcoming feast without robes.” Hermione said.

“Why hello to you too, Miss Granger.” Harry said and reached into his pocket. He smiled slightly at her blush and he pulled out a small folded bundle, flicked his wand at it, and the bundle unfolded and grew into a set of Griffindor outer robes. He slipped them on and tapped his tie to change the colors before he sat down like he had practised it a dozen times.

“That was pretty smooth.” Angelina said with appreciation in her voice.

Harry beamed a smile at her. “I've just been complimented by the lead Griffindor Flying Fox! Thank you very much, Miss Johnson. I appreciate it.”

Angelina had dark skin, and yet, everyone around her could see her blush. “Longbottom...”

“It's Black now. Lord Black.” Harry said.

Several of the girls made surprised sounds and Angelina did, too. Neville sighed under his breath and only Ron heard him.

“Why are you all talking to the snake lover?” Ron asked, angrily.

“Just because you're a bigoted jerk, it doesn't mean everyone else is, too.” Harry said and Ron stood up.

“What did you just say to me?” Ron asked.

“I said you're a jerk and everyone knows it. No one says anything, because you stick to Neville's ass like glue and they're all grateful that they don't have to deal with you on a regular basis.”

Ron dug into his robes to grab his wand and Neville caught his hand.

“You don't want to get detention on the first night back, do you?” Neville asked.

Ron glared at Harry. “It would be worth it.”

“I don't think a detention is worth having you spending a whole week in the hospital wing.” Harry said and everyone looked at him. “What? Is there something on my face?”

“Yes, an ugly scar!” Ron said with satisfaction and the girls gasped and the guys groaned, even his older brothers.

“Wow, you really are an idiot.” Harry said and pointed at Neville. “You just insulted your best mate in front of everyone in the whole school.”

Ron's face drained of color as he looked around at everyone's staring faces and then he looked down at Neville. “Nev, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...”

“Just sit down and stop embarrassing yourself.” Neville said.

Ron did so and then glared at Harry. “You'll pay for that.”

Harry laughed loudly. “You did it to yourself. If you come after me for your own mistakes, I won't be held responsible for what happens to you.”

“What's that mean?” Ron asked.

“It means if you come looking for trouble, I am going to give it to you.” Harry said in a flat voice.

“That's enough of that.” Percy said.

“What are you going to do? Go to the Head of House and report me? Go ahead. I'd love to see what she says about Ron's calling me a snake lover and his obvious hatred for all things Slytherin, not to mention threatening me with magic over calling him a jerk.”

Percy glared at him and closed his mouth.

“Yeah, I didn't think so.” Harry said and looked at Lavender. “How was your summer?”

“It was great! I spent a good part of it at the beach and...” Lavender went on as the new first years passed between the tables. She stopped talking when the sorting ceremony started at the front of the Great Hall and then the food was served.

Neville looked upset that Ron's little sister had pretty much latched onto him and Harry couldn't stop his smile. He knew if he had been there, Neville would have been spared from the fanboy and his fangirl little sister. In the back of his mind he regretted that he wasn't needed anymore and the front of his mind felt satisfaction at seeing the clear need right before his eyes.

Neville looked over at Harry and saw the happy smile and knew that he wasn't going to get his brother back. Or his best mate back. Both he severely regretted, especially because of Ron's constant badgering to slack off and play chess. With Ginny at school this year, his personal time was going to completely evaporate. He glanced at Hermione and saw a similar look on her face.

The two of them locked gazes and they both smiled sadly. Neville wasn't the only one that was going to lose time with his other friend this year.


Surprisingly, their potions professor had switched jobs and now taught Defense Against the Dark Arts and an old teacher names Horace Slughorn had returned from retirement to take over potions. He was soft-spoken and wasn't anywhere near as harsh as Auror Briggs. Some students actually preferred the way Briggs taught and missed him.

Neville's wand was replaced during the first week of term with a wand that actually worked and matched him much better than his father's wand. It wasn't the best; but, it would do. It was reported to Amelia what wand it was and she had no idea that a similar report had gone straight to Albus Dumbledore.

The headmaster was pleased that the holly and phoenix feather wand that he had arranged for Neville to have, was working for him, because it proved his guess about Neville being the Boy-Who-Lived was spot on. Now he just had to manipulate a few things to get the boy to start investigating the little things that would soon be happening around the castle.


Harry Black was not a part of Neville's little group of friends, despite being friends with some of them, so he saw the things that Neville and the others didn't. He noticed Ginny's odd behaviour, her coming and going from the tower at different times and after curfew, and her glassy-eyed look when she stared at Neville nearly every time she was near him. Sometimes it was a lot more than just a fangirl look, so he started following her.

It was pretty easy to do, even though she was diligent in looking for people following her, which by itself implied that she was up to no good. It wasn't until she went into the girl's unused bathroom and Moaning Myrtle would scream and disappear, that things got weird. Harry heard her ask for something to open and for stairs to appear, then the sound of stone and ceramic rubbing together was heard.

Harry couldn't resist and looked inside to see Ginny walking into an opening in the wall. His mouth dropped open in shock and he stood there for several minutes before he realized he was standing in the school hallway and staring into a girl's bathroom. He had two choices to make at the moment and neither looked promising. He could close the door and wait for Ginny to come back or follow the girl down into the hole in the wall.

Harry wasn't a Griffindor for nothing, so he entered the morally forbidden girl's bathroom and went down the stairs. It was surprisingly well lit for a large sewage pipe and he quickly reached the bottom of the stairs. The piles of creature bones were a bad sign and he knew there was going to be trouble. Since he was already there, he had to go forward.

The giant snake skin was a dead giveaway about what he was going to face next, assuming Ginny hadn't faced it already, and he stopped to consider his options. After spending the end of the summer with Cassiopeia and learning all about the Black Family Legacy and how they were the epitome of highborn society, he decided he had to face whatever was in the next chamber.

The door was open, so Harry entered sneakily and crept along the wall as far as he could. The funny thing was, Ginny was chanting in an odd language and she had set up something like a pentagram with candles and blood. Oh, and feathers. Lots of feathers. And a dead rooster.

Harry walked over to her and saw her bent over an old journal that was writing out what she had to say. By itself. That was not normal by any stretch of the imagination. Unfortunately, he was a little too late to stop Ginny and she said a weird phrase about Salazar Slytherin. There was a sound of stone moving on stone and it was quite loud in the mostly silent chamber.

When Harry looked up to see where the sound was coming from, the large stone face of some guy started to open up at the mouth part and revealed a round cave. Harry knew what that meant, the snake was loose, so he did what he always did. He relied on his fists and he lunged forward as he punched Ginny in the back of the head to knock her out.

Ginny was shoved forward and hit her head hard on the stone floor. The book wrote out a question that asked if the awakening ritual worked and Harry ignored it. He dragged Ginny off to the side of the room and into another large pipe that was out of sight of the statue.

Harry slowed his breathing down and waited for the giant snake to appear. If he was lucky, he could sneak back over to the chamber door and get away before the thing could catch him.

“Massster? Massster? Where are you?” An eerie voice asked.

Oh, crap. Harry thought.

“I can sssmell sssomething. It'sss not you, is it Massster?”

A large snake head started to go past the pipe he was in and then it stopped.

Busted. Harry thought. What do I do? What do I... I got it! “Yes, it's me.” He said and almost pissed himself when the giant snake's head whipped around and stared at him.

“You do look like Massster.” The snake said.

Oh, thank Merlin! Harry thought. “It's been a while since I've seen you last.”

The snake gave him a look and then its tongue flicked out and licked his forehead. “You taste like Massster.”

Okay, wow. Harry thought.

“You are not alone.” The snake said.

“No, I... I found this girl trying to find you.” Harry said.

“Can I eat her? I am ssso very hungry.”

Harry was stunned to hear this, then he actually thought about it. It would get rid of a problem that he didn't know how to handle and it would also save Neville some headaches. That made his decision for him.

“No, she's just a small morsel. Barely a snack. I'll bring you something better later.” Harry said.

The giant snake sighed with disappointment.

“Why don't you go lay down for a while and I'll get her out of your way.”

“Yesss, Massster. I am tired.” The snake said and slithered off.

Harry walked out of the side pipe and watched as the giant snake that was at least 60 feet long, slithered back into the statue's mouth. The statue closed up and Harry sighed with relief. He went over to the pentagram and thought about wrecking it all, then shrugged. It had already been used, so destroying it now made no sense.

Harry picked up the journal and tucked it into his robes and went back to the side pipe to get Ginny. She had a nasty bump on her forehead where she had hit the stone floor and he smiled at the perfect excuse for bringing her back so late after curfew. He just had to get her out of the second floor bathroom without anyone seeing him.


“Harry!” A pair of identical voices exclaimed the next day at lunch.

Harry felt two pats on his back and looked up from his plate to see the Weasley Twins grinning at him. “Can I help you?”

“You already did! You saved Ginny last night from a severe bout of sleepwalking.” Fred said.

“We can't thank you enough for bringing her right to the hospital wing when you found her.” George said.

“It was nothing, really.” Harry said.

“Nonsense! She had a huge goose egg on her forehead, which meant she had a nasty fall.” Fred said.

“Merlin knows what could have happened to her if you hadn't come across her when you did.” George said.

“I'm sure anyone would have done the same thing.” Harry said.

“Yeah, but it wasn't anyone. It was you and we owe you for it.” Fred said.

“Can you get Ron to shut up and stop calling me a snake lover, just because I'm friends with a couple of Slytherins? It's not like I'm spending all of my spare time with them or anything. We just study together.”

The twins exchanged looks. “We doubt we can do that big of a favor.”

Harry chuckled. “Thanks anyway.”

“If you think of anything more reasonable...” Fred started.

“...let us know and we'll hook you up.” George finished.

Harry nodded and the pair walked off.

“What was that about you saving Ginny?” Lavender asked.

Harry turned and held in his sigh at the intense looks from Neville and Ron, who sat several seats down. He had forgotten they were there, because he was so used to completely ignoring them.

“I found her in a hallway last night on my way back to the tower. She had a bump on her head and was unconscious, so I took her right to Madam Pomfrey. I didn't get back to the tower until late.”

“Why so late?” Hermione prompted.

“I had to make sure she was all right.” Harry said with a shrug. “Madam Pomfrey fed her a couple of potions and then said she would be fine by the morning.”

No one said anything else and Harry finished his meal.

“I have something to do, so I'll see you later.” Harry said and left the table and the others remained silent until he was out of sight.

“I think he attacked her!” Ron said right away.

“RON!” Hermione and Lavender exclaimed at the same time.

Neville shook his head. He knew Ron hated Harry and this was just the latest thing for him to complain about.

“It fits, doesn't it? He was out last night while Ginny was sleepwalking? How did that happen?” Ron asked. “Where was he coming from to find her like he did? It all sounds fishy if you ask me.”

“Just drop it.” Neville said and stood. “I'm going to go check on her.”

“Good idea! I'm coming, too!” Ron said and jumped to his feet. “We can get the real story from her!”

Neville, Hermione, and Lavender sighed.


“I don't know what this thing is.” Daphne Greengrass said as she cast several spells on the journal in an empty classroom. “As far as my detection spells can tell, it's nothing special.”

Harry sighed and put the journal back into his robes. “It was writing by itself and asking questions.”

“It could be a joke gift.” Tracey Davis suggested.

Harry couldn't tell them what it was doing at the time, not without revealing where it was and how he got the thing. That was not information that just anyone should know.

“Look, if it makes you nervous, show it to one of the teachers.” Daphne said. “Auror Briggs...”

“Damn!” Harry exclaimed and dropped his head to the desk. “Why didn't I think of that?”

Tracey laughed and pet his styled hair several times. “It's okay, Harry. We know you're not as cerebral as someone else that I won't mention that has pretty blonde hair and likes you.”

“Tracey!” Daphne gasped.

“You just gave yourself away! Ha ha!” Tracey said with an evil grin. “I meant Lavender.”

Harry sat up with a slight blush and it wasn't because Tracey kept petting his head. “I better go find Briggs and see what he makes of it.”

“Good luck.” Daphne said and glared at Tracey as Harry left the classroom. “What the hell, Tracey!”

Tracey laughed and hugged her. “Now he knows, so it's up to you from now on.”

“We're twelve!” Daphne exclaimed.

“So? I kissed a boy a year ago. Now it's your turn.” Tracey said, confidently.

“Who?” Daphne asked.

Tracey smirked. “He was a Ravenclaw and he needed a lesson on what kissing a girl was like.”

Daphne's mouth dropped open and Tracey laughed.


Amelia Bones was about to leave her office at the end of her shift when the man she had planted at Hogwarts last year stormed into her office and dropped a journal onto her desk.

“We have a problem. A huge problem.” Auror Briggs said.


Neville's training suddenly picked up for no reason and the special tutors were running him ragged. He regretted slacking off so much previously, because now they expected a certain level of performance from him and he wasn't quite up to the task. He kept falling behind, bit by bit, and the near constant frowns on his instructor's faces was unnerving him.

By Christmas break, Neville was exhausted nearly all of the time. His normal classes were suffering and he didn't have a lot of time for any of his friends, let alone Ron and his constant Harry badgering. He was so glad to be going home to have a nice break from everything.

It was just too bad that his Gran had a much different idea for the holidays. Nutrient potions, extended physical training regimens, and constant spell casting to get his magic up to snuff. He had a dark lord to fight and he needed to be ready. She didn't tell him that Amelia had been by and told her about the journal and what it actually meant.

The Dark Lord could come back at any time because he had horcruxes.


Harry had a great Christmas. He spent it with a woman that genuinely enjoyed his company and wanted him there. The presents from his real friends were the icing on the cake. He even had fun going to Azkaban and visiting his godfather. Their attempts at getting him a trial had failed, even though he was innocent and hadn't had a trial yet.

It has been Sirius' idea to transfer the family leadership over to Harry, which was how Harry had become the Lord of the Black Family. With the title back in play, it carried a lot more weight than it had with the previous Lord in prison. It still wasn't enough to get anyone to look into the trial officially, though.

Harry and Cassiopeia made a special trip to St. Mungo's and the long term care ward. They made sure it wasn't on the same day as when Augusta and Neville would visit, without realizing they hadn't gone at all this year because of Neville's extra training.

Harry greeted his godmother with a kiss on her cheek and she gave him a blank look. “I'm sorry I have to do this.” He said and placed her wand in her hand.

Alice took in a sharp breath as her short hair fluttered around her a little.

“Give me that!” Harry spat and snatched it from her grasping hand. It felt ten times better than it had previously and Harry let several tears out of his eyes as he hugged her. “I promise that when you feel better, I'll let you do the same thing to get it back.”

Alice only gave him a blank look in return.

“I love you, Godmother.” Harry said and kissed her cheek.

Alice slowly picked up a discarded candy wrapper and handed it to him.

“Th-thank you. I'll treasure this always.” Harry said and gave her cheek another kiss, then he and Cassiopeia left before anyone noticed they were there.


Albus Dumbledore was stumped. He had known about the journal, and about the youngest Weasley being used like a puppet. What he didn't know was why there weren't any petrifications. He had set several scenarios up for particular students to be caught out and turned to stone; but, none of them had happened.

After a few discreet inquiries that he disguised as grandfatherly concern, he learned that Ginny had been in the hospital wing after falling down and banged her head hard. He couldn't tell the girl that she had a pivotal role to play in his scheme, so he had sent a house elf to search through her things for the girl's diary. It was gone.

Albus paced his office several times as he considered the consequences of someone else writing in the journal after it had already made a connection to the Weasley girl. He couldn't have the house elves search everyone's things, since most were gone home and could have them with them. He laughed at himself for being so stupid.

Of course the girl had the journal on her. She wouldn't let it out of her sight after writing in it since the summer. Albus would have to wait until she was back in the castle before he looked for it again. He would set up a few more chance encounters for her and see if he could draw her out a bit more and then use the Granger girl to point Neville in the right direction.

A basilisk was a dangerous creature and Albus couldn't let it get too out of hand.


The school year resumed and Neville was starting to hate it. He was being pushed and pushed to do better, even though he was trying as hard as he could. Hermione was helping even more than she normally would, because he really needed the help with all of the extra work. She never complained once, unlike Ron, who wouldn't shut up about not getting to hang out with his best mate as much as he wanted.

Lavender saw the Griffindor Golden Trio starting to fracture and she didn't know what to do about it. She was friends with them all and had privately tried to tell Ron to ease off with the complaining. His responding yell and anger at her for butting in, made her give up on that right away.

A week later, Lavender sat down in the common room with her friend Parvati and they talked about the upcoming classes while she thought about how to help Neville and Hermione. Her eyes went to Harry, who was writing something at one of the nearby tables and she let a dreamy smile spread across her face.

“You should tell him.” Parvati whispered.

“Huh? What?” Lavender blinked her eyes and looked at her dark-skinned friend.

“Tell Harry you like him.” Parvati said. “He might even kiss you and ask you out.”

Lavender's instant blush was fire-alarm red and Parvati giggled.

“Do you want me to...” Parvati started to say and Lavender slapped a hand over her mouth.

“Don't joke about that! I really like him and I don't want your big mouth ruining it!” Lavender said and saw Parvati's wide eyes. “What is it?”

Parvati's eyes went up and over her friend's head.

“He's standing right behind me, isn't he?” Lavender asked.

“I am.” Harry said. “I like you, too.”

Lavender let out an 'eep' sound and whipped her head around to stare up at him.

“I don't have a lot of free time with how much I'm studying; but, we can go for a walk or something after lunch.” Harry offered.

“O-o-okay.” Lavender whispered and then she smiled. “Thanks, Harry.”

“See you then.” Harry said and nodded at Parvati before he went up the stairs to the boy's dorm.

“I can't believe he actually did it.” Parvati said.

“It... it... it's just a walk.” Lavender whispered.

“Are you going to tell him that?” Parvati asked her with a smirk on her face.

“NO!” Lavender shouted loudly and her blush returned in full force. “I need to go get ready!”

“Lunch isn't for another hour.” Parvati said.

“I know! It might not be enough time!” Lavender exclaimed and ran up the stairs of the girl's dorm. “I have nothing to wear! Nothing!”

Parvati laughed and followed her friend up the stairs. She would let her suffer for a bit before reminding her that they could be going outside in the cold and would be bundling up. What she wore wouldn't be as important as she thought. She also didn't remind her that they were only twelve. She wasn't that stupid.


“Are you ready to go?” Harry asked Lavender when lunch was over. He held a hand out to her and she blushed as she accepted it and stood up.

“Hey! What are you doing with that snake lover?” Ron asked.

Harry's hand shot out faster than most of the kids at the table could see and whacked Ron on the back of the head.

“OW! What hit me?” Ron asked and looked around as he rubbed the sore spot.

Harry didn't say anything and led Lavender out of the Great Hall.

“Hey, Daphne. It looks like you're too late.” Tracey joked.

Daphne didn't need the verbal prod. “My answer is still the same. We're twelve.”

“My answer's the same, too. So?” Tracey asked.

“Nothing's going to happen.” Daphne said. “It's also really cold outside today.”

Tracey thought about teasing her about how they would have to huddle together for warmth and changed her mind. Unlike Daphne, she knew that starting things early was better than trying to come in later and hoping for the best.

Tracey's eyes went to the Ravenclaw table and caught the eyes of the boy she had kissed last year. His face went a little red as he smiled at her. She smiled right back and thought that a visit to a nearby broom closet with the cute boy wouldn't be a waste of her time.


After a short walk, Harry quickly built a half-dome of snow and then walls around the front of it, so they could look out at the lake. Lavender had been impressed by the speed it was built and by the design. It would block most of the snow and wind and also leave them space to look out.

Lavender accepted his gloved hand and stepped in over the waist-high wall, then the two of them sat down on the snow bench Harry had made. “This is nice.”

“It will be.” Harry said and took out several small sticks of wood from his winter coat pocket and placed them on the ground. “Engorgio. Incendio.”

Lavender gasped at the magic and gave him a pointed look.

“I do a lot more than study in the library when I sneak off to be away from the Griffindor Trio.” Harry admitted.

Lavender sighed and looked at the fire. “You've seen it, too? How they're not acting right?”

Harry put his arm behind her back and Lavender leaned into him. “All the special treatment and all the extra work is getting to them all. Neville's never looked so tired, Hermione's almost frantic with doing most of the course work for the three of them, and Ron... well, he's Ron.”

Lavender nodded. “I tried talking to him...”

“You shouldn't have.” Harry interrupted and she looked surprised. “He's too possessive of the Boy-Who-Lived to listen to anyone telling him to back off. It'll never happen.”

“But... how do I stop...” Lavender started to ask.

“You can't. All you can do is watch and see if Neville smartens up.” Harry said.


“I know it seems cruel to not try and stop the train wreck before it happens.” Harry said and she nodded. “It's been coming for a while and it's going to happen. How bad the wreck will be all depends on when Neville cracks under all the pressure.”

“Harry, why... why don't you help?” Lavender asked.

“I tried. I did my best the whole time I was growing up with him to make everything easier for Neville. He's softhearted and he can't take much before he breaks down. I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for him to get to this point.”

“Then step in and take over.” Lavender said. “He needs you.”

Harry sighed and stared at the fire. “Even if I wanted to, I can't. I'm forbidden to interfere by both Gran and Madam Bones, the head of the DMLE. I'm not even supposed to talk about it.”

“Why... why would they do that?” Lavender asked as she turned slightly towards him and hugged him.

“They don't want anyone distracting the Boy-Who-Lived. He has a job to do and they are going to make sure he's ready for it.” Harry said and turned slightly towards her and looked into her eyes.

Lavender huffed. “They are completely ignoring Ron, then?”

“I warned Neville a long time ago about him and then his little sister came to school this year.”

“Ginny's almost as bad.” Lavender said. “She's always hanging around them and making googly-eyes at Neville.”

“Well, she used to.” Harry said. “Since her sleepwalking incident, she's kept to herself a lot more.”

“I think you're right.” Lavender said as she thought about it. “She doesn't seem as attached.”

“On the plus side, she hasn't attached herself to me.” Harry joked.

Lavender blushed a little and started to let him go.

“I didn't mean like this.” Harry said and put his other arm around her to pull her in close again. “This is different.”

“Why?” Lavender asked and slowly put her arms back around him.

“Because you're here because you like me and not because I'm some guy that saved you from a possibly horrible fate.”

Lavender couldn't stop her smile. “What horrible fate could you save me from?”

“You could be on a date with Ron.” Harry said with a grin.

Lavender laughed and laughed for several moments, then she gave him a happy smile and a kiss on the lips. “My hero!”

Harry's heart beat at double its normal rate at the kiss and his lips seemed to tingle. “Lavender...”

Lavender seemed to realize what she just did and her heartbeat doubled as well. “H-Harry, I... I...”

Harry wasn't stupid and knew what he had to do to stop her from freaking out, so he leaned in and gave her a kiss back. Lavender gripped him tightly and moved her lips like she had seen some of the older year girls do. Harry was no slouch and quickly copied her.

They stayed there in each other's arms with their lips locked together for quite some time as the fire crackled. It was like they were in their own little world and nothing else mattered. When they eventually broke the kiss, they both had to take several deep breaths and they stared into each other's eyes.

“Wow.” Lavender whispered. That was better than I ever imagined! My first kiss with a boy!

“Yeah.” Harry whispered back. That was my first real kiss with a girl! It was awesome!

They were both quiet for several seconds.

“Maybe we should...” Harry started to say that they should go back to the castle.

“...make sure that wasn't a fluke?” Lavender asked with hope on her face.

Harry blinked his eyes for a moment, then he smiled. Lavender smiled back and they locked lips once more. Even if they were only twelve, that first kiss had been a great starting point and they both knew it was only going to get better from there.


Several months later on April first, Neville sat down to eat at the Griffindor table and was caught in the prank that was intended for Ron. It was then that he had reached his final breaking point.

“THAT'S IT! I'M DONE! I QUIT!” Neville yelled across the Great Hall and jumped to his feet as green slime slid down his face and his robes.

“Nev! It was just a joke!” Ron said, his amusement clear on his face.

“Shut your mouth, you idiot!” Neville shouted and several people gasped. “I'm sick and tired of you complaining all the time!”

“Neville, calm down.” Hermione said and reached for his hand, then stopped because there was slime on it.

“NO!” Neville yelled and looked at her. “Hermione, I love you; but, you're too pushy and demanding! I can't take it anymore!”

“You... you... love me?” Hermione squeaked.

“Yes! Since first year!” Neville exclaimed. “Everyone but you knows that! You've been too focused on berating me to work harder to notice how much I like you!”

Hermione blushed and ducked he head. She wasn't sure how to handle being confessed to and also yelled at. It was very confusing.

Neville looked around at everyone's shocked faces and blushed with embarrassment. He didn't say anything else and left the mostly silent Great Hall as quickly as he could.

“That took a lot longer to happen than I thought it would.” Harry commented into the silence.

“Why didn't you do anything to stop it if you knew it was coming?” Dean from the Griffindor boy's dorm asked.

“I wasn't allowed to interfere.” Harry said and both Hermione and Ron gave him pointed looks. “It doesn't matter if you believe me. It's the truth.”

“Harry, can you go to him now?” Lavender asked.

“No, he made his decision. All I can do is watch and see what happens next.”

“You know, you're a real ass!” Ron spat.

“Says the guy who complains that his best mate is working too hard and wants him to slack off even more to play games with him.” Harry countered.

“Hey!” Ron exclaimed.

“The best part is that you do it at the exact same time that his other best friend is telling him he's not working hard enough. Isn't that funny? I think it's funny.” Harry said and everyone stared at him. “What? He's got two friends with exactly the opposite opinions that they are constantly telling him, and they are both wrong. How is that not funny?”

“Hey!” Hermione and Ron exclaimed at the same time.

“I think it's hilarious.” Harry said and leaned against Lavender as he put his arm around her. “Not once has anyone asked Neville what he wants to do. They all just assume they know what's best for him and he has to listen to them.”

Lavender blushed a little at Harry hugging her in the Great Hall, even if it was with just one arm. “He's been under a lot of pressure from everything and no one tried to help him.”

“Except you, Lavender. His actual friend cared so much to go to a redheaded idiot to ask him to stop complaining. He didn't listen, did he? No, he didn't. He yelled at you and made you feel bad for trying to help.” Harry said and she nodded as he looked at Ron. “So, like I said, even if I wanted to help, there was nothing I could do. If you weren't going to listen to Lavender, you were never going to listen to me.”

Ron's face was angry and red, probably from embarrassment. He couldn't counter what was said, either.

“I would have listened.” Hermione whispered.

Harry gave her a sad look. “It's all right, Hermione. Now that he's blown up and embarrassed himself in front of the whole school, you can go and comfort him.”

Hermione blushed and looked down.

“Grab some of his favorite foods and go find him.” Harry suggested and Hermione gave him a surprised look. “You might catch him if you hurry. Use the Scourgify spell if you know it.”

Hermione nodded and quickly gathered up enough food for two people to eat and ran off after Neville. Lavender felt bold and kissed Harry's cheek to thank him for what he just did. She never expected for him to turn his head to return the kiss right on the lips. Neither of them said anything else and ate their meal. Ron sat there and sulked as he ate.


For the first time in his life, Neville had made a decision and he stuck to it. He refused to go to the special lessons and refused to do the extra assignments. He even refused to participate in class or write the tests. He ignored the daily corrective lectures he received from his tutors, too. Needless to say, his average marks dropped considerably. Neville didn't care, though.

Unlike a lot of the other students, he knew that only the OWL results mattered in fifth year. He didn't want to be held back and repeat a year, though. So, when the year end exams came around, he passed them with Exceeds Expectations, much to Hermione's happiness. She had helped him review for a month to prepare for them.


Harry had another great summer and even visited Lavender for a weekend to meet her parents. They got along well and gave their approval for their relationship, which surprised Lavender and made her mother very happy.

Near the end of summer, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban Prison. Despite what the authorities and the general public thought, he had somewhere to go and wasn't on the run. He went right to the home of Lord Harry Black and began his recovery as he told them why he escaped. The man he thought long dead was alive and well... and living as Ron Wesley's rat.


Neville sighed when the compartment door on the train opened and two Aurors stood there. “Look, I told you. I'm done with all the Boy-Who-Lived crap. You can tell Madam Bones...”

“I'm not here for you.” Amelia interrupted and the two Aurors stepped aside for her. She took out her wand and pointed it right at Ron Weasley. He let out a girly squeak before Amelia stunned him and then shot his pocket with another stunner. She dug into the pocket and pulled out the stunned rat named Scabbers.

“What's going on?” Hermione asked.

“A lot more than I can tell a third year student.” Amelia said and looked at Neville. “I hope Augusta didn't berate you too much this summer for being such a disappointment.”

Neville sighed again and didn't respond. Hermione took his hand and squeezed it as she held it tightly.

“Perhaps when things get worse, you'll reconsider your opinion on leaving the wizarding world to burn under Voldemort's reign of terror once more.” Amelia said and Hermione glared at her. “Yes, Miss Granger, I know he's told you all about the things he shouldn't have.”

“I can't help him if I'm kept in the dark.” Hermione said.

Amelia gave them both a pointed look and left without further comment.

Neville closed his eyes and unconsciously pulled Hermione in for a hug, which made her blush. A moment later, a note seemed to appear on Neville's lap. They both looked down at it.

Hermone picked it up and read it out loud. “Perhaps if someone hadn't been so harsh on another certain someone, none of this would have come about.”

Neville couldn't stop his tears. “He's right, you know. It's all my fault.”

“No, Neville. It's Harry's. He knew what leaving you alone would do to you and he did it anyway.” Hermione said confidently.

“I left him first.” Neville said and wiped at his face. “I didn't support him during the only time that he needed me to.”

“Neville.” Hermione cuddled into him. “You can't keep blaming yourself for that. You just had the whole weight of the world dropped on your shoulders.”

“No, I had it the whole time and Harry kept it off of my shoulders. He shared that burden. The difference that time was that Harry wanted to keep helping and we didn't let him, even though he had every right to do so.”

“No, Neville. Your Gran was right. He can't protect you against your destiny. You're the Boy-Who-Lived. You're the one that has to face him at some distant time in the future. Not Harry. You.” Hermione said. “You're a great wizard, Neville.”

“Not as great as you.” Neville said and kissed her cheek to make her blush.

“Me? Books and cleverness?” Hermione said and turned her face to look at him. “There are more important things, like friendship... and being there for the ones you care for.”

Neville pet her hair a little while being careful to not get his fingers tangled in her bushy hair. “Does that mean you decided?”

Hermione blushed a little as she leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. It was her very first kiss and she felt her face burn with a deep blush. She broke the basic kiss only a moment later and saw Neville's matching blush and his happy smile. She smiled as well and the pair hugged each other tightly.

They had no clue that Harry was in the very next compartment and he was snogging Lavender expertly. They had both heard everything and Lavender finally understood how much Neville had hurt Harry. It touched her heart that in his own way, Harry was still protecting Neville. He strove to be better than Neville and would do his best to handle things before Neville had to.

Ron stayed stunned on the bench seat for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts.


Two months later, Sirius Black had a full pardon and was repatriated as a British citizen in good standing. The settlement for his illegal incarceration was substantial; but, it was his compensation for becoming sterile that nearly broke the Ministry's coffers. They had to start a payment program for causing the end a family line, which made nearly every witch and wizard in Britain wince when it was revealed in the papers.


Harry studied and crammed as much book learning into his head that he could during third year. It was hard work, mainly because he was doing fourth, fifth, and sixth year spells. If it hadn't been for the mental exercises Cassiopeia had taught him for memorization and recall, he wouldn't have progressed as much as he had.

He only rested when he had to and he made sure to treat Lavender like his great aunt Cassiopeia had taught him to treat a proper lady. He always made time for her and never let her think that he was ignoring her. Lavender had never felt so wanted and needed before and she fell even more in love with him.

In fact, Harry even included her in his studies. Lavender was a little reluctant at first, until she saw that he had already gone through the course materials for their current year. Harry coached her through the same mental exercises to give her an advantage and they blew through their homework and doing the spells properly. It just so happened to be a great way for Harry to review the information for their year end exams.

To Hermione's, Neville's, and Ron's embarrassment, both Lavender and Harry beat their scores by a significant margin. It surprised everyone in the school, because Harry posted it in the common rooms and in the Entrance Hall for everyone to see.

Harry had said he was going to prove that he was better than the Boy-Who-Lived and this was the proof. That he had brought Lavender along as well, let him rub it in Neville's face even more. The smug look on Harry's face every time he passed the Griffindor's Golden Trio, was grating on the trio's nerves.


Summer was once again a great one for Harry. Even with his self-imposed study schedule, he managed to spend two whole weeks vacationing with Lavender and her family. Of course, he got to see Lavender in a bathing suit that left very little to the imagination, which was a dream come true for Harry. When he told Lavender that it was a wonderful birthday present, she had a near full body blush.

Lavender was almost fifteen now and had smashed through puberty with a sledgehammer, so her body had developed significantly. She now matched Harry's forced puberty that he had achieved through a Black Family ritual. Both teens were grateful for it, because there was a lot of petting and mutual touching that had both teens quite charged up and very happy.

On the other hand, it was a horrible summer for Neville. He had been grounded until he changed his mind about training for his eventual fight with Voldemort and he still said no. His grandmother Augusta refused to accept his claim to only want to be a normal boy for once. Her counter-argument of him never being a normal boy, only made Neville more depressed than he already was.

If Harry had been there, he would have reminded Neville he wasn't normal because he was meant for something greater than being normal. Since Neville and his Gran had turned their backs on Harry that day, his words of encouragement would never be heard again.


“The Quiddich World Cup was a disaster.” Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody growled as he sat down in the Head of the DMLE's office. “Someone leaked the patrol schedule and the Death Eaters took full advantage of it.”

Amelia sighed and rubbed her face in frustration. “I suppose there's no leads on that?”

“Not a one. They covered their tracks too well.” Moody said.

Amelia sighed again and dropped her hands to her desk. “Thanks for coming in to check, even though you're retired.”

Moody huffed. “Just because I'm able to see a few different things with my magic eye, doesn't mean I'll see everything there is to see.”

Amelia nodded. “Are you going to accept the old fool's offer?”

“He really wants your pet Auror out of the castle for the upcoming event.” Moody said.

“Yes, according to Dumbledore, the less official presence the Ministry has on hand at the school, the better.” Amelia groused.

“Idiot.” Moody said. “What do you think?”

“I want you to refuse. The supposed curse on the Dark Arts position should have had my plant out of there after the first year and this will be his third year teaching.” Amelia said.

“Old Briggs is enjoying it, isn't he?” Moody asked with a crooked smile.

“Like a pig wallowing in his pen.” Amelia said with a matching crooked smile.

“HA!” Moody said. “Good on him. I knew he would enjoy unofficial retirement while still teaching what he knew to new recruits.”

“We have gotten a lot of inquiries from the sixth and seventh years wanting more information of what becoming an Auror would get them.” Amelia said. “Recruitment is up almost 60% since he started working at Hogwarts.”

Moody nodded. “He's a realist, so if they're signing up while knowing what being an Auror is really like and not the glorified crap the Ministry tries to sell to everyone, then they're worth giving a good once-over to bring them into the Auror training program.”

“If you keep making sense like that, you'll ruin your image of a crazy dark wizard hunter.” Amelia said with a laugh.

Moody laughed, too. “Best cover ever.”

Amelia nodded and looked thoughtful. “I wouldn't mind you giving Briggs some back-up, though.”

Moody sat there for several minutes as he thought about it. “What if we compromise with Albus?”

“How so?” Amelia asked.

“I can approach it as not being able to handle teaching all of the years by myself. I am an old and grumpy man that's easily irritated.” Moody said and Amelia barked a laugh. “Hush, you youngin'!”

Amelia laughed fully. “You want to try splitting the years or something?”

“Briggs has a solid teaching plan and his books haven't changed since he started working as the Defense professor. It makes for a nice stable environment for someone else to slip in and give personal lectures on some of the materials, say once a week.”

Amelia sat back in her chair and smiled. “That's an excellent idea, Alastor.”

“I do have my moments.” Moody said.

“All right. Send word to the headmaster and give him the same song and dance. If he refuses and wants you full time, tell him to shove off. If he bites, then you have my full support and I'll talk to Briggs myself about it.”

Moody nodded. “Make sure the countermeasures are in place, too. We can't be too careful.”

“Don't worry, old friend. We won't let any of your tricks and tips go to waste.” Amelia said and the old Auror nodded again.


Lavender entered the train compartment and saw a depressed Neville huddled together with a sad-looking Hermione on a bench seat. Ron was munching away on something while he sat on the other bench seat.

“I was asked to give you this.” Lavender said and tried to hand Neville a letter.

“What is it?” Hermione asked and plucked it from her hand.

“It's something that the Boy-Who-Lived needs to read.” Lavender said.

Neville frowned. “Tear it up, Hermione.”

“But, Neville...” Hermione started to object.

“I'm keeping my word. No more Boy-Who-Lived crap...” Neville looked at Lavender's face. “...no matter where it comes from.”

Lavender shrugged. “I was just asked to deliver it.”

“Hermione.” Neville said, sternly.

Hermione looked down at the thick letter for several seconds. She knew there was important information in the letter, considering it was for the Boy-Who-Lived and not Neville, and she desperately wanted to know what it was. She also didn't want to disappoint her boyfriend.

After a couple of moments, Hermione sighed and tore it in half and then half again. She tried to hand it back to Lavender and the parchment started to go afire. Hermione squeaked and let it go to drop to the floor of the compartment. It was barely ash by the time it hit the floor.

“What the hell was that?” Ron exclaimed.

“It was to make sure no one else read it if Neville didn't.” Hermione whispered.

Lavender nodded. “It was a test and you both failed.”

“Huh?” “What?” “Excuse me?” Ron, Neville, and Hermione said at the same time.

“Someone special was trying to warn you about something that's really important, and you're too pig-headed to listen.” Lavender said with a shake of her head and disappointment on her face. “I'm glad I convinced him to send a letter and not have you meet face-to-face.”

Neville looked a little sick, Hermione looked sad, and Ron looked angry.

“I knew he was a coward!” Ron nearly shouted.

Lavender's hand swung out and slapped Ron across the face, which rocked the boy's head back and it hit against the top of the bench seat with a dull thud. She looked like she was going to shout at him, then she stood up straight and glared at him instead. She turned around and left the compartment with a huff.

“What did she do that for?” Ron asked and rubbed his face, because Lavender's red hand print stood out against his pale skin. Neither Neville nor Hermione said anything in response. If Ron couldn't figure it out on his own, they weren't going to enlighten him.


“I bid welcome to all the new students and welcome back to all the returning ones.” Albus said, magnanimously. “I'm sure you will all be delighted by what this year has in store for you all, as it is a momentous occasion that hasn't been seen in centuries.”

Hermione and Neville exchanged startled looks and mouthed the words 'the letter'. The pair sat there in stunned silence as the headmaster told them about the Tri-Wizard Tournament and about two other schools arriving next month for the champion choosing ceremony.

The welcoming feast was full of chatter about the changes that would happen in the school over the year during the tournament and having so many foreign students at the school. Hermione and Neville were the only ones that looked sad and pensive about the whole thing. The contents of the letter weighed heavily on their minds and they avoided looking at the source of the letter.

Harry Black gave his girlfriend Lavender a deep kiss and the pair left the feast early. More than a few sets of eyes followed them and some for different reasons. Most because Harry was a handsome boy and Lavender was a pretty girl. The rest wondered why the pair didn't talk about the tournament like everyone else was.


At the end of October, the other two schools arrived in style. Like most foreign wizards, they couldn't help showing off when they gathered together. The Beauxbatons students arrived in a flying carriage and the Durmstrang students arrived on an old Pirate Galleon Ship in the Black Lake.

When the French students walked by the gathered school population, most of the boys were enamoured and couldn't take their eyes off of one particular student with silver-blonde hair. Hermione actually had to slap Neville's arm to snap him out of it. When she heard a light chuckle, she looked down the table and was shocked to see Harry was staring at Lavender and the girl's bright blush.

“I told you she couldn't distract me from you.” Harry said and several gasps came from the girls around them, especially the French students passing by.

The Beauxbatons students sat at the Ravenclaw table and the girl everyone else stared at, looked like she was upset about something. Hermione followed her gaze and it went right to Harry. The Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin table and they all looked pleased by the arrangement.

Albus Dumbledore stood and gave a welcoming speech to both schools and then introduced the all-important impartial judge that would choose the champions for the tournament. The Goblet of Fire.

Nearly everyone were awed as it was brought out and revealed, the bright blue fire ignited and lots of students made 'ooo' sounds. The rules were quickly explained about only 'of age' students could enter their name into the goblet and then compete if they were chosen. A lot of students protested that rule and they were quickly silenced by Dumbledore.

The second welcoming feast of the year began and everyone chatted animatedly about the tournament. Only three people weren't engaged in the conversations, Hermione, Neville, and the French student named Fleur Delacour. All three of them stared at Harry and ate in silence. At one point, Fleur stood and went over to the Griffindor table.

“Excuse-moi.” Fleur said to Harry and beamed a smile at him as she poured her Enticement Aura over him. “Are you finished wiz the Bouillabaisse?”

“It's a little salty and nowhere near as good as they serve in your home country or what I can make myself.” Harry said and handed her the large bowl, completely unaffected by her Allure. “It's passable, though. Enjoy.”

Fleur took the bowl and frowned at him as he turned away from her.

“Mom's was better, too.” Lavender said. “I wonder if we stopped by the kitchens later, would they let us help them fix the recipe?”

“It's possible. Fred and George did say they liked having more work to do.” Harry said and then chuckled. “Is practising making French soup enough work, though?”

Lavender lightly slapped his hand. “You are not giving them a cooking lesson, Mr. Black!”

Harry grinned at her and jumped to his feet. “You'll have to catch me to stop me!”

Lavender laughed as he ran out of the Great Hall and then she ran after him.

Fleur stood there holding the bowl of soup and couldn't understand why the boy was completely unaffected when three of the boys near him stared at her and drooled. Even boys in love were swayed by her power, which was why she usually kept it restrained.


On Halloween Night, the entire school had gathered to watch the choosing of the champions. It was a spectacle that hadn't happened in hundreds of years, so history was being made that night. Albus gave a little speech and then approached the Goblet of Fire when the blue flames changed to orange and yellow.

The goblet spat out a piece of parchment and Albus caught it.

“The first champion is... Victor Krum from Durmstrang!” Albus said loudly and only about half of the gathered students clapped as Victor made is way across the hall and entered the small gathering room. The young man was seventeen and a professional seeker on the Bulgarian team, so it was obvious that he would be chosen.

The goblet spat out another piece of parchment.

Albus caught it and read it. “The second champion is... Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons!”

There was only a smattering of applause as she followed Victor into the other room.

The goblet spat out a third piece of parchment and Albus caught it.

“The third champion is... Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts!”

The entire school erupted with cheers and applause for the well-liked young man from Hufflepuff. He waved and greeted people as he walked across the hall to the gathering room that the other two champions had entered.

Albus clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. “Well done to the three champions! We can all look forward to...” He stopped talking when the goblet's flames grew slightly.

“Oh, no!” Hermione gasped and gripped Neville's arm.

The goblet spat out another piece of parchment and Albus automatically reached out and caught it. When he read it, his face paled, because he now knew that all of his manipulations the last few years had been a huge mistake.

“Albus? What is it?” Minerva McGonagall asked as the entire hall fell silent.

Albus ignored her and turned to the waiting students. “Harry Potter.”

“NO!” Several people yelled, with Lavender's, Hermione's, and Neville's voices being the loudest.

“Harry Potter.” Albus said a bit loudly and his voice was full of disappointment. Not for the boy, though. It was for himself and all the time he had wasted on the wrong boy.

“No.” Harry said without standing up.

“Harry! You have to go!” Hermione urged.

“No, it's wrong. It's a mistake.” Lavender whispered and started to cry. Harry put an arm around her and comforted her.

“I knew you were an attention seeking cheater!” Ron spat and a few people, especially from Hufflepuff, agreed with him. “Ever since first year...”

Harry let Lavender go and jumped to his feet as his fist slammed into the side of Ron's face. The crack of the redhead's broken cheek was very loud in the silence as Ron tumbled from his seat and onto the stone floor.

“Shut your mouth! I'm sick of your jealousy and your constant complaining!” Harry said and Lavender grabbed his hand. “It's people like you that makes me hate this place!”

A bunch of people made surprised noises at that.

“You think I don't hear you talking about Neville behind his back? How you're jealous that he's the Boy-Who-Lived and gets all the attention instead of you?” Harry asked Ron's angry face and then he turned to the Hufflepuffs. “As for you idiots, do you really think I could put my name in the goblet? Did anyone even see me anywhere near the damn thing? I've been with Lavender constantly since it was brought out!”

“You could easily have someone else put your name in.” The head girl said. “You've always said you wanted to prove you were better than the Boy-Who-Lived.”

“YEAH!” Most of the school responded.

Albus walked over to him. “Harry, you need to go in the back to...”

“No, I don't.” Harry said and glared at the man. “You can take this tournament and shove it.”

Gasps and sharp breaths came from nearly everyone.

“Your name came out of the goblet and you must compete.” A stern man from the Ministry of Magic said. His name was Barty Crouch Sr. and one of the judges.

“Then you can doubly screw off, because my name is Harry James Orion Black, recognized by both the Ministry and the goblins. Whoever put that name in the goblet had no idea what my real name was and entered that one instead.” Harry said plucked the paper from Dumbledore's hand. “Yeah, you see? That's not even my handwriting, because I've NEVER signed that name on anything! Ever!”

Dumbledore sighed. “It doesn't matter. Your name came out of the goblet and that's that. You have to compete.”

“It doesn't even have a school written on it, you old fool!” Harry spat and threw the paper at him. “Who am I competing for? Myself?”

“You attend Hogwarts, so you will be a Hogwarts champion.” Albus said.

“Screw that!” Harry spat. “I quit!”

“You can't quit. You've already spent three years here and now you're a Tri-Wizard champion. Magic itself has bound you.”

“Oh? And what's the consequences of refusing?” Harry asked.

“Your magic will be forfeited.” Barty Crouch Sr. said.

Harry glared at the man and squinted his eyes as he thought about it. “Hold on. You said only students of age could compete, right?”

“Yes.” He responded.

“So, in order for my supposed name to come out of the goblet, I'm considered 'of age', correct?” Harry asked and the man clamped his mouth closed. “Look, either I'm still a child and you're forcing me to compete in the tournament, which is against the law, or I'm of age and you're forcing me to compete in the tournament. There's no other choice.”

No one said anything and the judges looked uncomfortable.

“Which is it?” Harry asked. “Either tell me right now or I walk.”

“I told you, Harry. You can't leave.” Albus said.

“I want the judges decision immediately.” Harry prompted. “Am I child you're recklessly endangering or I'm an adult you're recklessly endangering. Which way is going to make you idiots look better in the papers?”

Albus sighed and walked over to the head table. He and the others talked about it for several minutes before he turned back to the hall. “By a split decision, Harry Black is considered an adult.”

“Thank you.” Harry said and turned to Lavender. “I'm sorry, sweetheart. I never thought I would leave you alone here. Not this soon, anyway.”

Lavender hopped out of her seat to hug him tightly and kissed him soundly. “It's okay, Harry. We'll just use the plan you had for Neville for you.”

Harry smiled and gave her another kiss. “Good idea. I'll write every week and we can meet during the holidays and summer break.”

“Okay. I'll see you at Christmas.” Lavender said and let him out of the hug. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” Harry said and walked towards the doors of the Great Hall.

“Harry! Where are you going?” Albus asked and waved his wand at the large doors to close them. He could't let the child of prophecy leave.

“I'm an adult now, so I'm leaving.” Harry said without stopping.

“You have to compete in the tournament.” Albus ordered, because he needed him for his plans.

Harry reached the doors and they were locked. “As a fully recognized adult and Lord Black...” He said to the doors. “...I formally submit my resignation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

“NO!” Albus exclaimed as the magic he just used to seal the doors snapped and faded away.

Harry easily pushed the doors open and turned back to see a lot of angry faces. “So much for me cheating to enter, huh? As Lord Black, I can formally tell you all to suck it!”

Nearly everyone gasped as Harry made a chopping motion to his crotch.

“How's that for being better than the Boy-Who-Lived? I just told you all off!” Harry said with a laugh and walked out of the school. He left behind a lot of shocked people and one giggling girlfriend.

“You have to admit he's got style.” Tracey Davis said to Daphne when everyone started talking.

“I hate admitting you were right.” Daphne said. “I should have gone after him years ago.”

“Being older and wiser gives me the advantage.” Tracey said with a smirk.

Daphne smacked her arm and stayed quiet, because she couldn't disagree with her. Only being friends with Harry was now looking to be a detriment, because his name was going to be all over every wizarding newspaper in the country. Maybe even the world.

It was.


“Good morning, my cute little Lord Black.” Cassiopeia whispered as she hugged Harry and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Everyone is talking about you.”

Harry sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the stacks of newspapers that had gathered over the week since he had left Hogwarts. “I knew my declaration would get some attention.”

Cassiopeia laughed and sat across from him. “Some? You're on everyone's lips, Harry!”

Harry gave her an odd look and she reached across the table to take his hand.

“We could sneak you out to see her for the next Hogsmeade weekend.” Cassiopeia offered.

Harry pushed a couple of the papers aside and pointed to a bold headline. “I don't think so.”

Cassiopeia nodded and let his hand go to wave at the waiting house elf to serve breakfast. “The Minister himself wants you apprehended and questioned about it.”

“More like he'll have me detained until the first task and then throw me into whatever arena they set up for the thing.” Harry said with a sigh and dug into his eggs.

“That would qualify as participation and seal the magical contract.” Cassiopeia said. “You can relax, dear. They can't touch us behind the wards.”

“They know where we live, though.” Harry said.

“Do they?” Cassiopeia asked with a knowing smile as she sipped her tea.

“I'm not going to ask.” Harry said.

Cassiopeia laughed and ate a piece of toast after she dipped it into her sunny-side-up eggs. “Your safety is my highest priority, Harry. Whoever tried to trick you into participating won't get their grubby little hands on you. I promise.”

Harry nodded and didn't speak again until they were done of breakfast. “I don't know why Neville's name didn't come out of the goblet like we thought.”

“I suspect old Albus let someone else put the name in instead of doing it himself.” Cassiopeia said with a shrug. “I was sure he would want the Boy-Who-Lived involved in such a huge event, even if he is underage.”

Harry nodded. “Lavender was right, though. Our plan will work for me just as well as it would for Neville.”

Cassiopeia stood and walked around the table to bend down and hugged him from behind. “I'm glad you're still looking out for family, even after everything that's happened.”

“I still hate them for tossing me aside.” Harry said with anger on his face.

Cassiopeia kissed his cheek. “I do, too. They hurt you and that can never be forgiven. All we can do is all we can do. You don't have to feel guilty about anything.”

“I... all right. I'll try.” Harry said and turned his head to look at her. “Did you set up the appointment at the education department so I can take my OWLs?”

“Of course I did. I even scheduled it for the week of the first tournament event while most of the Ministry are off.”

Harry chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “You're the best, Cass.”

Cassiopeia beamed a smile at him and hugged him tightly. “Only for you, Harry. Only for you... and Lavender. I need you to hurry up and marry her because want to become a great-grand aunt before I'm sixty.”

“CASS!” Harry gasped and she laughed and laughed.


Lavender Brown sat in the stands for the first task with a huge smile on her face. She was only a short distance away from Hermione, Neville, Ron, and Parvati. Their friendships had pretty much fractured after Harry's dramatic exit from school and they all believed he had cheated to enter and to get attention, even though he had quit and left.

“Why are you so happy?” Hermione asked her.

“Harry just sent me his OWL results and he passed everything with Outstandings!” Lavender gushed.

“WHAT?!?” Hermione, Neville, Ron, and a few other people that were listening in, yelled out.

“He's been writing them all week and just finished last night. Cassiopeia and I are so proud of him!” Lavender exclaimed. “They've already made an appointment for him to take his NEWTs in six months.”

They stared at her and word quickly spread through the spectators as the cannon went off. Fleur was first and she used her Aura, luring spells, and soft music to put her opposing dragon to sleep. She got away without injury and claimed her egg.

Cedric went next and several well placed transfiguration spells distracted his dragon. He got his egg without injury as well and joined Fleur in the waiting area. Victor went third and he blinded the poor dragon by cursing its eyes and it stomped around in pain. It crushed several of its eggs and the handlers rushed into the arena to calm and subdue the irate creature.

The loss of the eggs was detrimental to the future of the species and Victor lost half of his points for it. He couldn't be criminally charged for it or held accountable, because the tournament organizers had been stupid to use real eggs for the nesting dragons.

When the canon went off again, no one else appeared. Everyone waited for half an hour, the regulation time for the task, and the canon went off again.

“Well, it seems Mister Potter has failed to participate in...” Ludo Bagman started to say when several people cried out in excruciating pain. Alastor Moody, Barty Crouch Sr., and Albus Dumbledore.

Alastor shivered and shook as the polyjuice potion failed. His fake leg dropped off and his magical eye popped out of his head as he changed to become Barty Crouch Jr. and fell to the ground.

Barty Crouch Sr saw his son's face as the Imperius Curse he was under failed. He knew that no matter what happened, he would be going to prison, so he took out his want and tried to cast a blasting hex at his own head. He gasped when it didn't work.

Albus clutched at his old heart as his magic was taken from him and he was left breathless and unable to speak. He was well over a hundred years old and his magically sustained body immediately started to fail. Without magic, he was far passed a normal lifespan and his body was letting him know exactly how far passed as his organs gave out.

Madam Pomfrey rushed to his side from the medical tent and did her best as she worked on him. The problem was that the old man didn't have magic for her spells to assist with. She changed the spells she normally used to those that were more effective when used on a muggle and Albus lasted another ten minutes before catastrophic failure occurred and his heart gave out.

Since Albus was died and he hadn't told anyone the truth, no one would ever know that Harry was really the Boy-Who-Lived.

“I can't wait to tell Harry who really put his birth name into the Goblet of Fire!” Lavender shouted and quickly left her old friends in the stands as she ran for the owlery.

“He didn't cheat.” Neville whispered and held his girlfriend's hand.

“Apparently not.” Hermione whispered back.

Neither of them looked at Ron, whom had a red face. Parvati looked embarrassed, as did several older girls from the Griffindor Quiddich team. They had all thought Harry wanted the attention and had hated him for it. All of the Hufflepuffs looked very guilty, because Harry had stolen the spotlight from their champion and they all hated him for it, too.

Neville stared as Albus Dumbledore's body was taken away and he couldn't help but think that if he had just done what was expected of him, none of this would have happened. He gave Hermione a pointed look and she nodded. With that agreement, they were both going to devote themselves to his training. He had a dark lord to fight and the good guys needed someone to follow.

Amelia Bones ordered both Barty Crouches to be arrested and taken into custody. She glanced up into the stands and saw her daughter's guilty face. Unfortunately, her own face looked just as guilty. She had believed it as well, especially after the way she had remembered a much younger Harry reacting to her favoring young Neville as the Boy-Who-Lived.


In an old muggle mansion in Little Hangleton, the tiny homunculus body that Voldemort had Barty Crouch Jr. make for him, shivered as Voldemort's magic was stripped from him. He cried out in pain as his soul was shredded and the magic binding him to the construct disappeared. The little body stopped moving and started to crumble as a black mist floated out of it. An unholy scream echoed as the spirit of Voldemort slowly faded away.


“AHHH!” Harry yelled in pain as his scar burst open with a little spray of blood and he fell to the floor of the study room as he convulsed and shook. A house elf popped in and quickly popped away.

A moment later, Cassiopeia ran into the room and quickly cast a full body bind on him. “It's okay, Harry. I'm here. Cass is here for you.” She said and pulled his head into her lap after she knelt on the floor. His eyes stared up at her and she smiled at him. “I'll lift the spell after I cast some...”

A puff of black smoke came out of Harry's scar and Cassiopeia let out a startled sound as a small scream came from it and it disappeared. The older woman knew to not ask what that was, which would let Harry know that she had no clue what it was, and she started to cast some charms on Harry. She checked his forehead first and almost sighed with relief that it was just a normal scar.

“I think you're going to be fine, my little Lord Black. Just fine.” Cassiopeia said.


Across Britain in certain places, the remaining horcruxes split open as the magic was drained from them. The pieces of Voldemort's soul poured out of them with a little scream and then disappeared.


Lavender went home for the Christmas break and had a nice time with her family, then she was surprised when Harry asked if he could claim all of her time in the afternoon and evening of Christmas Day. She loved him, so she agreed and her parents wished them well and to have fun. She was confused about it, until they reached Cassiopeia's mansion and she was whisked away to get made-up and dressed.

“This is a bit much for a fancy date.” Lavender said as Cass helped her.

“Trust me. It's worth it.” Cassiopeia said with a knowing smile and led the girl out to the hallway. “He's waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs.”

Lavender nodded and walked over to the stairs and gasped at the superbly dressed young man at the bottom of the sweeping stairway. She walked down the stairs, almost in a daze, and stared at the handsome boy that stared right back at her.

“You look so beautiful Lavender.” Harry said and gave her a quick kiss without ruining her lipstick.

Lavender blushed deeply. “H-Harry...”

“May I escort you into the Mini-Great Hall?” Harry asked and held an elbow out to her.

Lavender looked stunned as she took his elbow. Harry led her over to the ballroom that all older mansions had and Lavender gasped when she saw what was inside.

“Cass really outdid herself.” Harry said and brought Lavender into a smaller version of the Yule Ball being held at Hogwarts for the tournament.

“Sh-she did. She really did.” Lavender whispered.

Cassiopeia slipped inside the room and went over to the phonograph to start it. Classical music filled the ballroom and Harry led Lavender to the middle of the room. The two teens started to dance and Lavender's face never lost the blush as she shared the very first dance with the boy that had captured her heart so easily.

Cassiopeia slipped right back out and changed for the event herself with help from a house elf. She hadn't dressed before because she didn't want to give the surprise away. When she was ready, she went down into the ballroom and sat at the side of the room at the small table that had snacks and refreshments.

Harry danced with Lavender for four songs and brought her over to the table. “Thank you very much, my lady.”

“You're welcome.” Lavender said, her blush still evident.

“Aunt Cass, may I have the honor of this dance?” Harry asked and held a hand out to the older woman.

“Hmm, I don't know. My dance card is particularly full with other suitors.” Cass said and Lavender giggled. Cass took Harry's hand and stood. “I suppose I can make the others wait.”

Harry smiled at her and led her to the dance floor. He had to let her lead, because she was a bit taller than him and her legs were longer.

Lavender kept laughing at the side of the room as Harry was led around the dance floor. “Dip him!”

Cassiopeia did just that and laughed at Harry's surprised expression. She gave him a quick peck on the lips to make him blush and then she stood him up straight.

Lavender was still laughing as Cassiopeia delivered her boyfriend back to her. “Now do me!”

“O-okay.” Harry said and took his girlfriend out to the dance floor and led her around for a dance and then did his best to dip her without dropping her, then he kissed her. It wasn't a peck, though. Lavender wasn't going to let his aunt get the better kiss from her boyfriend.

Cassiopeia looked amused and then whispered to herself. “If only I was forty years younger.”

The night went on and the three of them had a great time. Lavender received the majority of the dances and she was delighted that she got to attend the Yule Ball with her boyfriend. The downside was that she couldn't show him off to everyone. When she mentioned it, Cassiopeia nodded at the other side of the room.

“Hippy has been taking pictures all night!” The happy house elf said and held up the camera.

“Please tell me you got Harry's first Dip!” Lavender said and the house elf nodded. The ecstatic girl squealed with happiness and completely missed Harry's groan of embarrassment.


The rest of the tournament went off without a hitch, now that the main people involved in messing everything up were gone. Two new judges had been chosen and they gave fair points to the three real competitors. Cedric Diggory won in two ways, by reaching the cup first and also by default.

Victor Krum had used an Unforgivable Curse on Fleur to get her out of the competition and was disqualified for cheating. Once he was no longer a champion, he was arrested and charged. Using viritaserum on him let everyone know exactly how bad of a person he really was.

Harry wrote his NEWTs when Lavender wrote her fourth year exams at the end of the year. Both passed with Outstandings and Lavender shocked everyone by being the top student once more. No matter how much Hermione bugged her, she wouldn't reveal the secret. She had promised Harry and Cass that only those they trusted could learn it.


The summer was difficult for Neville, because he wanted to get back into fighting shape and he went over all of his previous training materials and studied hard. Hermione visited a lot and she helped him as much as she could. If only she had gotten that secret from Lavender, she could have helped Neville that much more.

Harry on the other hand, had a wonderful summer. He and Cass went on vacation with Lavender and her family, and Cass made the suggestion about a betrothal contract. Surprisingly, Lavender's parents weren't against the idea and discussed it properly.

When Cassiopeia brought out a standard contract and another with specialty clauses, the Brown parents were delighted. The bride price, or 'dowery' paid to her family for giving up their daughter, was so high that Mr. Brown yelled with happiness, Mrs. Brown fainted, and Lavender blushed hard. She never knew that Harry valued her that much.

“Harry's considered an adult by wizarding law, so he was allowed to write his OWLs and NEWTs outside of the normal school rules.” Cassiopeia explained. “Lavender has to at least stay in school for another year to write her OWLs and then she can quit and wait for her seventeenth birthday to take her NEWTs.”

“With this much money, none of will ever have to work.” Mr. Brown said as he woke up his wife.

“By law, we're not allowed to give you more than that for the hand of your daughter.” Harry said and took Lavender's hand.

Lavender's red face went to an even deeper red and she ducked her head. “H-Harry...”

“I love you.” Harry said and Lavender sucked in a sharp breath. “I want to marry you and I'm not letting you get away from me, not after you've stuck by me all this time.”

“I love you, too!” Lavender exclaimed and lunged at him to hug and kiss him. She didn't care at all that her parents were right there as she made out with her boyfriend turned fiance.

“I think that means we have an agreement.” Mr. Brown said with a laugh and Cassiopeia nodded.


Neville trained had and he learned how to fight, how to investigate, and how to deal with every kind of situation that he would ever have to deal with. By the time he was done three years later, he had passed his OWLs and NEWTs, graduating from Hogwarts near the top of the academic scores. He was also considered near the top graduate of the Auror Training Course, even though he had never officially taken it.

Neville was quite proud of himself and his fame as the Boy-Who-Lived let him enter the Ministry's service under Amelia Bones without having to earn seniority first. He started dealing with cases officially and solved many of them. His Gran was also quite proud of him for surpassing his father, Frank.

Their only regret was that they hadn't been invited to a wedding.


Harry and Lavender were wed in a lavish ceremony with friends and family. Lavender had always wanted a large wedding and to show off her boyfriend turned fiance turned husband, and now she had. It was the best day of her life as she stood in front of everyone and stared into the bright green eyes of the man she deeply loved.

“I do.” Lavender said and Harry waited for the officiator to pronounce them husband and wife. Instead of the chaste kiss he was told to do, he pulled his beautiful wife in close and snogged the hell out of her for several minutes.

The cheers and claps went on for as long as they made out. Everyone wished them well when the kiss finally ended and Harry and Lavender ran through the shower of flower petals and hopped onto Sirius' motorcycle.

“Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!” A blonde dwarf said and waved.

“So, everything.” Harry said with a laugh and started the motorcycle up. Lavender sat behind him and hugged him, because the sidecar was filled with their luggage.

“Exactly!” The dwarf said and watched as the motorcycle drove away.

“You do realize that you haven't had to hide in public for years, don't you?” Cassiopeia asked him.

“Where's the fun in that?” The dwarf asked and took a drink from a flask.

“He's just using up his stored polyjuice potions.” Remus said and pat the dwarf on the shoulder. “Come on, Sirius. We can't keep our dates waiting.”

“Remus! You weren't supposed to give me away!” Sirius the dwarf exclaimed. “What's my date going to say?”

“That depends on if you're any bigger in your normal form.” His date said as she walked over. She was a pretty dwarf with long black hair and she gave him a searching look.

“I'm about a foot and a half taller.” Sirius said.

She slid close to him and smiled. “That wasn't what I meant.”

“It wasn't?” Sirius asked and felt her hand grab his crotch. “Oh. I get it. Bye, Remus!”

“What?” Remus looked down to see Sirius and his date running off towards the broom storage.

“I'm skipping the reception like Harry did! I've got a much more important thing to do!” Sirius said and grabbed his broom, pulled the laughing pretty dwarf onto his lap, and took off into the air.

“Same old Sirius.” Cassiopeia said with a laugh and walked back over to the guests.


Neville worked hard for the rest of his life and tracked down hundreds of evil men. Not once did he come across anything even remotely tied to Voldemort after the last of the Death Eaters had been sent to prison. He died of old age while still believing that Voldemort would return for the Boy-Who-Lived.

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