What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 634 - Just 1 foot away

“Mr. Evans, do you know that after adding me, you can convince the senior management of your company to choose Mr. Ridley Scott?”

“I don’t dare to say 100%, but I’m sure of it!”

Evans did not dare to fully guarantee it, but in his vision, as long as the director candidate proposed by the young man in front of him, those senior management of the company must definitely consider it carefully. This is exactly the brilliant man who signed the cooperation agreement place.

Assuming that if the “Lord of the Rings” series becomes a global hit, Universal Pictures will have to carefully handle the partnership between itself and Li Chungang from now on, because in addition to the “Lord of the Rings” film copyright and peripheral business authorization, The remaining series of derivative copyrights are still in the hands of the other party.

In other words, if Universal wants to further upgrade the series of classic movies into a certain movie universe, the key to opening this door is in the hands of the author, Li Chungang!

That’s why Evans dared to have the certainty that he was “sure”, that after the company had selected three director candidates, he still tried to attract the other party to join him and wanted to choose a director who was more suitable in his opinion – Ridley S. Mr. Kurt.

knock —

There was a knock on the door, and then the door of Evans’ office was pushed open from the outside in. A blond little girl held a stack of documents on her chest and leaned out halfway to remind:

“Mr. Evans, President Ashley asked me to inform you that Alfonso Cuaron and his agent have arrived at the company. I hope you can visit as soon as possible.”

Li Chungang, who was rummaging through his memory about his evaluation of Ridley Scott, felt that someone was shaking his body, so he had to pause for a while to talk about it. As long as there is a book about “Ridley Scott”, he can unlock it again, including but not limited to personal autobiography, other people’s evaluations, etc…

Anyway, books like this kind of slightly low literary value can’t be used for a lot of money to unlock.

The more ones are in the early 100s, and the few are even 6,000 or 7,000. That is, the 6,000 books may have only a few dozen sentences of evaluation, and the effect is better than nothing!

The reason why it took so much time is mainly to extract useful information from a pile of disorganized content.

No matter how top literary writers are, as long as it involves the income of royalties, there will be a phenomenon of water word count more or less. It’s just that clever writers can make no traces of water, and readers with poor skills can see through it at a glance.

No, as far as the content he’s seeing now is serious, he can read it in a few minutes, but now he’s wasted more than ten minutes and hasn’t finished it yet.

Fortunately, the “information” collected so far is enough to make a judgment.

Li Chungang opened his eyes and said with a smile, “Is Director Alfonso Cuaron here? It just so happens that we can get in touch with each other to hear his thoughts, but what do we need to do now?”

“It’s simple, meet them and hear what they have to say. As far as I know, Alfonso doesn’t really want to take on the Lord of the Rings project. forced to come.”

During the conversation, another staff member knocked on the door to remind them that they could go to the conference room.

Now Li Chungang is very accurate in his positioning, that is, the melon eaters who come to watch the excitement, Universal is definitely not willing to reach out and take over, even if Evans now wants to use his name to influence the high-level.

In the conference room, the Oscar-best director looked a little fatter and more peaceful than the photos on the Internet. His gray hair made him look a little vicissitudes of life. In terms of shape, it deliberately pursues the rudeness of the artist.

“Good morning, gentlemen!” After shaking hands with Alfonso Cuaron and others, Evans pointed at Li Chungang and said, “You two, let me introduce you to this solemnly, this is The Lord of the Rings. The author of the book, Mr. Li Chungang, who is also one of the producers of our film, will participate in our project discussion together today.”

Li Chungang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Alfonso and his agent Tony Jackson and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m not afraid of your jokes. I’m still a fan of director Alfonso.”

The sedan chairs are carried by everyone, and they wear a lot of clothes and flattery. No matter whether Alfonso shoots the Lord of the Rings in the end, it will never hurt to be polite to the other party.

“This is an amazing work. I don’t think Middle-earth is a fantasy at all. It gives me the feeling that you have watched the entire journey of the Fellowship of the Ring from the perspective of God.” Alfonso praised, ” Just imagining it in my head is very shocking.”

In the face of Oscar director’s praise, Li Chungang will not be inflated by a few praises, because only he knows best that these praises are actually said to Tolkien from another plane, and cannot be attributed to him, he died. At most a “porter”.

Tony Jackson doesn’t look very good over there, this is not against Li Chungang, it is purely because of the director.

After winning the Oscar for best director, of course, countless projects will come to the door, which will inevitably pick and choose.

Fortunately, at this time, Universal Pictures is secretly soliciting directors for the “Lord of the Rings” series of films. It is said to be a secret, but it is actually well known in the industry!

The agent considers the ability to make money. Shooting a literary film may be a maximum of three to five million dollars, but if you direct a commercial blockbuster, ten million dollars is just the starting price, and there must be an additional global box office bonus clause.

Finally, the competition here came to an end, but Alfonso Cuaron had another idea at the last minute.

Fengguangguang won the Oscar for best director, of course, he has to return home!

So after 20 years in Hollywood, I decided to go back to my hometown of Mexico to make a movie, like a personal memoir.

Tony couldn’t stop him at all, but he had already talked to Universal Pictures about the final stage. Even if he wanted to give up, he had to come face-to-face, so that the entire brokerage company would be blocked by Universal Pictures, and the impact would be too bad. !

When Alfonso Cuaron personally told Evans about the situation, there was silence in the conference room, and everyone was frightened by this rude operation. The reason was rather strange, but it gave enough face.

After all, it was a top-level director who came to apologize in person, not just an email or a phone call.

The previous greeting to Li Chungang was almost taken seriously, but as a result, people were simply polite, and it is estimated that they did not even want to shoot the “Lord of the Rings” movie!

It is true that all directors know that as long as the filming of “The Lord of the Rings” is not made by the producers themselves, box office making money is inseparable. The only remaining suspense is the question of how much to earn, but not all Most directors pursue money first, and many people want to pursue ideals and art.

And Alfonso Cuaron is one of the latter. He has already made a name for himself. He dares to say that he will not be short of money for the rest of his life. The last is the pursuit of ideals and art.

“It’s a good one, and it directly helps us reduce the obstacles by a third, so that we have a reason to add Ridley Scott to the shortlist of directors.”

Evans didn’t know what to say. He shook his head and said, “It can only be said that everyone has their own aspirations, and no one can guess what an artist thinks.”

“Maybe our movie can also be in the Olympics, and we can also operate it at that time.”

“The Lord of the Rings” on another plane is a frequent visitor to the Oscars, especially “The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King” is exaggeratedly crushed by 11 nominations for 11 awards, and all awards are won!

Now Evans is quite surprised by Li Chungang’s self-confidence. The difficulty of Oscar is extraordinary, especially in the form of commercial film winning the Oscar is even more difficult, even if there is at best visual or editing, sound effects, soundtrack and other technologies Prizes have a chance.

The door is not open, which is not a good sign.

Now that everyone has come to the conference room, everyone has no idea of ​​moving back to the office. Anyway, the two directors who have not yet met and communicated are still coming over, so let’s take this opportunity to talk about the rest of Reid. After reading Leigh Scott’s comments, you will be able to have a more intuitive understanding of Ridley Scott.

At the same time, Li Chungang had just found an opportunity to quietly send a message to Lin Meng on WeChat. The content is roughly to let the other party collect all the information about “Ridley Scott” in the shortest time. It is still bad, so the evaluation between the two planes will be more foolproof.

The difference between “The Lord of the Rings” and the other’s “Gladiator” movie is still very big, and they cannot be completely confused, but from some of them, you can still see the strength and foundation of Lei Lao.

There is no doubt that “Gladiator” is a magnificent epic film, very well made, almost a reproduction of the glory days of the Roman Empire, it does not get too involved in historical details and religious topics.

The majestic arena, the majestic war, and the heroic characters who are brave and good at fighting all have a different charm and sense of heaviness under his lens.

In the movie, whether it is the battle of the army in the forest or the fierce gladiatorial scene, it is very realistic.

When there was a war between the Germanic tribes and the Roman legions, the roaring Roman cavalry, the black armored infantry, the rockets shot from the bows and arrows, and the burning forest, these pictures were very visually striking!

If it is applied to the epic battle between the major races in “The Lord of the Rings”, it is actually similar, but the two sides need to be turned into fantasy races, which are also cold weapon war scenes.

If Li Chungang is a big touch on video website editing, then the two movies can be edited together without too much sense of inconsistency!

Ridley Scott is also very strong in action scenes, and all aspects of the cold weapon war are presented in the form of light and shadow.

It is precisely because of these various factors that Li Chungang decides to give up Peter Jackson and choose to support Lei Lao. Maybe when this series of movies ends, he can also help him realize his Oscar dream and win the little gold of best director. people.

“If this project is launched, it is estimated that Lei Lao has no time to do other projects in the past few years. His films are really one less one to watch, and must be cherished!”

Evans didn’t know that Li Chungang’s personal tendencies had changed so much in such a short period of time. If he really knew, it is estimated that at this time, he would not need to frantically think about how to open his mouth and continue to persuade Li Chungang to agree with his plan.

Maybe it’s “heroes see the same thing”…

The reason why Evans is so interested in Ridley Scott being the director of the “Lord of the Rings” series of movies is also because of the “Gladiator” movie.

Because as long as you see the movie “Gladiator” and the book “The Lord of the Rings” at the same time, you will be able to find many similar “Chinese points”.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is a problem with the ideas of the executives of Universal Pictures, because their starting point is “stability” and “prudence”. On the premise of making a steady profit without losing money, they are not willing to have any extra branches. In case of shooting On the way, if Ridley Scott had something about winter melon and tofu that could not continue to be filmed, the loss caused was not a single star, which undoubtedly increased the investment cost of the entire project.


Next in this conference room.

Li Chungang and Evans successively met the remaining two famous Hollywood directors Zach Snyder and Lin Yibin on the shortlist.

Generally speaking, the communication with the two major directors can be described as “very pleasant talk”~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is naturally not a waste for the two to achieve such achievements and reputation in Hollywood. After sitting down, they all put forward their own unique opinions on the shooting of the “Lord of the Rings” series of movies.

It’s just that these shooting opinions sounded to Li Chungang to be okay, but a fly in the ointment.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing special that can impress them, and more of them are books on shooting techniques and techniques, but the content of this aspect does not need to be explained by the director himself, from the film works they filmed before. It can be seen roughly.

Maybe it was influenced by Ridley Scott Pearl before…

After meeting the three directors on the shortlist, except for Alfonso who made it clear that he would not shoot the “Lord of the Rings” movie, the other two were quite satisfactory, but it made him more determined to let Lei Lao come out and shoot in person. determination.

It’s just that this determination is still missing the final step.

And this final kick may have to meet Lei Lao in person, and have a real conversation with the other party before he can kick it out completely!

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